Wake Forest Man Jailed As Bullet In Neek Kills 24-Yr.-01d Woman Kidnaping Trial Opens I THE C ARC) LIN IAN | North Carolina *s Leading Weekly VOL. 11 NO. 16 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1964 PRICE Isc Raleigh Student Attacked MRS. KECK “WOMAN OF YEAR” Cops Seek Assailant Os 17 Mi*vChrol Aim Adairs, n +t 900 Radley Road, vu assaulted cm the grounds of the J. W. Lag on Junior* Senior High School here about 3:45 pm. Monday aa rim was Changing clam—. The young Ligon junior vm unharmed by her assailant, however. At 3:05 pjn. Monday, George Len ar ood Foxwell, assistant principal, at the school, told Detective Sgt. Jeter H. Bowers of the incident. Mias Adams described her as sailant as being about 5-8 tall and weighing about 180 pounds, •he said be had a black ker chief an bb face and a hat an lap es It, bet could give ne farther description es his cloth ing. Second Man With Him A second man with the assailant did not touch her, Miss Adams stated but pulled the attacker away and left the campus with him. She described the second man as being 6 feet tall and weighing 185 to 200 (CONTINUED ON PAG! t) •. 1 1 ATTORNEY AN.wfc U. K^.s.VEDY Mrs. Kennedy Accepts Post With State Governor Terry Sanford Monday appointed Mrs. Annie Brown Ken mdy. Winston-Salem attorney, to the Commission on the Status of Women. Attorney Kennedy, who will serve an indefinite term, was born October 13. 1324, in Atlanta, the daughter of Mancy and Mar; Lou isr Brown. She attended public schools in Atlanta and earned her undergraduate degree at Spelman College in IMS. She earned her law decree at Howard University in Mrs. Kennedy is a member of the Board of the Forsyth Tutnrcu toais Ass n, and a member of the Forsyth County Bar Assn. She is married to Harold L. Ken nedy and they are the parents of RECEIVES “WOMAN OF THE YEAR ” PLAQUE Mrt. Thelma Mitchell Keck, left, well-known Raleigh civic and religi ous leader, is shown receiving the 1963 “Woman of the Year” pla que from Mre. Ida Evane Washington, during a ceremony Sunday at St. Paul AME Church here. Thit wae a part of "Finer Wom anhood Week,” sponsored by the Omicron Zeta chapter of the Ze ta Phi Beta Sorority. (See story). College Registrar Interviewed: Guilt Os Accused Bandit is Doubted In His Home City Roosevelt Ruben Wright Jr., 20- year-oM student teacher at the J. W. Ligon Jr.-Sr. High School, was released from the Wake County Jail this week after being booked on a charge of robbery and shoot f»T n v %. ... * ‘9 'W~?r * f ’ j- IF ’ w - w A;f. 4 bSEX m t aim ’ a BHIIHSk EMPLOYMENT BREAKTHROUGH Loris E. Camp bell. Brooklyn, N. Yleft, a recent graduate in photography at j A&r College, is one example ci changing patterns in Greensboro. He is a salesman for technical equipment at a leading doemtoam ! photography firm (Carolina Camara Canter ). ing at the Lincoln Theatre last week. HU bond was $1,900. Wright, who Uvea at <l9 S. East Street to believed bock at I bis student-teaching duties la (CONTINUED ON PAGE t> Cited For CummuMiy Services « rimterito Mb ChafObr of *S*r~ Zeta Mi Beta Sorority presented Mrs. Thelma Mitchell Keck as the “188 Woman of the year" Sunday at St Paul AME Church. Mrs. Keck's contributions to the Raleigh Community are many and varied. Beside* being a busy wife and mother of two teenage chil dren, one attending college and the other a student in high school. she l* active in the following commu nity activities: She is an active member and officer of the Davie Street Presby terian Church; a member of the Board of Director* of the Raleigh Day Nursery, Corresponding Sec retary and reporter of the Raleigh Citiaen* Association. Recording Sec retary for the Executive Board of fha Auxiliary to Wake Memorial Hospital of Wake County, and only Negro officer of the Executive Committee; financial aecretary for the National Association of College Women; publicity director at Shaw University. An active member of the NAACP, she has worked with white group* in encouraging white citizens to participate in the local freedom marches as well as partici pating in the demonstrations her self. Mrs. Keck is nations! editor of Up the HIU". a publication of Jack and Jill of America. Inc. and re ceived a certificate of recognition for outstanding contributions to the growth and development of the program for 5.000 mothers. 13.000 children representing 110 chapter* from coast to coast. She is also a licensed real estate broker. Her most recent act of charity, (CONTINUED ON PAGE « . CAROLINIAN [advertisers I Bin FROM THEM PAGE S Barton's Cash tear* PAGE J Wtee-DDd* Raleigh SvSmm Ceile«a PAGE S BoS sea-balk—CftrS * State Off Ire Eeulpmeet Ce. g. W Wtotefs A Ca Meehan!'* * Panears Raah White Ob Ce.. tat. Was#: »-lSe Star* laai Sana Draw She* PAGE * CblmhHl Itorti Casual reel oil 'ce * Coal Cs. E E. Qelaa PernUar* Ca. Hunt General Tire ce. PAGE J AAP Stare* Uata* OH Ca. Batata* RellSthi Ca.. tec. Wreaa Oaetrfcal Ca. Naiaaa*t WsysM* PreeMart PAGE t Ctivttu ttMcn, lac. EgT.ST'oSES! ~ Carat lea Fewer A light Ca. Thee A Ceeetry Pure Hera Bargain Center AraCe La angry A Clean* rv to PAGE U OTisal Mater, tee. Wearer Bras. EaasMer, toe. At Ssatto hates O BaratFS“~ Balstoh seafses Ca PAORU Eh a*as Parntter* Ca. Wctim Was Visitor At Local Home ■9 CHARLES R. WNN Mrt Alma Maria Upchurch Snoll ings. 34. of Holly Springs, appar ently never knew what hit her | when she was shot at close range here Tuesday afternoon at 730 S. Woodworth Street. James Jefferies (Ike) Davis. 43. of Wake Forest. Route 3. her alleged bey friend, confessed to Dm murder of Mrs. Snelllng* shortly arter he was picked up by police, a few minutes after the fatal deed. Mrs. Sneliings, pronounced dead on arrival at Wake Memorial Hos pital. had reportedly been meeting Davis at the address on Bloodworth Street for about one month, some times twice a day. according to aworn statements from witnesses. The house is owned or rented by Judge Upchurch. Police officials were first made aware of the shooting when Mrs. Clara Gunter called headquarters at 2:03 p.m. Tuesday. When officers arrived, an am bulance was taking Mrs. Snell tngs to the boepital. She had been shot once In the lower part of her neck. Mrs. Gunter and Mrs. Doro thy Loo Hodge are believed to have boon eye-witnesses to the crime, which they 'said started when Davis Insisted that Mrs. Sneliings leave with Mm and she refused. He is th*r> alleged to have pulled , ■* - V - *•** •*****■ *■'**'■*• I into um Uoor. Mrs, Sneliings still told him' ihe was not leaving, and that is when the fatal shot was fir ed, the witnesses agreed. In hit statement to police, Davis said Mrt. Sneliings accused him of having another woman in his auto mobile. Davis declared the only person in his <gpr at the time was prgnk B. Simpson, his boss, with -wobsJAfc he took refug* after shoal. inf Mrs. Snollings He has no pre vious record with the city-county records and identifications bureau. (Continued on page »> Ask Weaver To Halt Va. Project Now NORFOLK. Va. (ANP)—A Nor folk attorney, who charges the Nor folk School Board and the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Au thority with a joint program to foster racial segregation in Norfolk has asked the Housing and Home Finance Agency to investigate the matter. In a letter last week Atty. Jo seph A. Jordan Jr, requested Dr. Robert C. Weaver, HHFA administrator In Washington, to invalidate the housing author ity's certification and to with hold further federal funds un til bis charge has been investi gated and corrections made. Jordan referred in his letter to recent protests by the Roeemont Junior High School PTA and Oak wood-Rosemont Civic League that the school boards plan to build a new high school in the area would avoid integration. School Board Chairman Francis N. Crenshaw said last month the new school was being built because nearby Nomew High School (CONTINUED ON PAGE II totenuttonal Mortgage A.kk uu« I Smith Coal * Oil Co . Abram'* Untied Rant-All* I ollege Paint Shop !PAGE U Halil*- la via* Taylor Radio A Electrical Ca. Womble. tor. Price I* Might Oracery i Plrriteae Store* Security Meat Market PAGE 14 Raleigh Puaeral lon* Acme Really Ca. ! lame* Sander* Til* Ca !M> Laurtn Parking Company i Medlln-Davl* The RrtU Campaay Amburo Pontiac, Inc. Branch Banking A Trn*t Ca PAGE IS V. T. Grant * Browning'* Barber Shop Poole'* Pta Shop Buffalo A Company Ballder* lac. Capital Bargain Store shoe Mart Thlem* Record Shop R. B. Stake* Penney'* PAGE IS linreln Theatre Ambassador Thaelre PAGE IJ Buffalo Battery Shop C. A M. Promotion* Supreme Brake A .M.gnmenf Service page is Sander* Malar Ca , Bonn * law Service ' Carroll Coal Ca. DEFENDANTS tN MONROE KIDNAPING —Shown are she four defendants in the Mon roe kidnaping: John Lowry, 22, {left), a freedom rider from New York; Harold Reape, 19, (can fur) J and Richard Crowder, 21, both of whom were leaders of the Monroe Non-violent Action Com mittee. After 2 and one-half years under indictment, they went on trial Feb. 17 along with a 4th de fendant, Mre. Willie Mae Mallory, right. (Sea story). Begin Selecting Ju ro rs In Monroe Kidnaping Case MONROE—In the most celebrat ed kidnaping case in recent his tory. tour persons, including a white youth, went on trial for a crime they elaim never happened at all. Th# only woman charged. Mrs. Willie Mae Mallory of New York, entered Superior Court Tuesday wearing a red beret Mom Throws Infant In Trash Can; Is Freed JACKSONVILLE. Fla. (ANP) i The 24-year-old mother who plac- 1 cd her new-born baby in a trash ! can here last September 23, in an 1 effort to dispose of ft was given 1 five years probation here recently by Crmiinal Judge Hans G. Tanzler. The young mother, Mias Ad lee Williams, had been examin ed by a court-appointed payrbt »- >• < *■’ ’• * - . | iuunu uer io he sane but naive and Illiterate.” She wbs represented by Assistant Public Defendant Everett Richard- | Rocky Mt. Cleric Ordered BackToChttrch By Judge (Special To Th* CAROLINIAN) ROCKY MOUNT The Rev George W. Dudley, prominent local minister, who was restrained by an Injunction from going on the grounds of the Rocky Mount church where ha has Restored since 1998, wa* dissolved last week in Edge combe County Superior Court. He was permitted to return to the pulpit of the Mount Zion Baptist Church when Judge Walter Bene dissolved the in junction issued late In January by Judge Jasepb Parker. The Injunction granted the re quest of 14 members of the church, restrained the embattled minister from even going on the grounds of the edifice. The Rev. Dudley is president of the Rocky Mount Voter* and Im provement League, a Negro organi zation. and a membe rof the gen eral board of the Baptist Conven tion of N. C. The complaint lodged by the 14 male members contend ed that they had fired Rev. Dudley as minister la Septem ber of 1982 because ho had usurped the power of the board* of deacons and trustees, condemned some members from the pulpit, presided over meet ings in a dictatorial manner, waa spending church money without authorization, and oth er charge*. In the Civil Court action Mon ft ftftZft ITLdftfe, .: ■ ft. yft. I^F ft ft ft . .' fl i I Hr JVO BOYCOTTING FOR DIANNE School worker Mrs. Mary Davis angrily pulls bar 14* year-old daughter, Dianne, up the steps ot the Showalter Junior High School in Cheater, Pa., W» gpr discovering the girl in a picket line, boycotting the school last Thursday. Sir Chester school* were boycotted by several hundred Civil Rights pickets. (UPI PHOTO}. The four are charged with kid naping a white couple in the after > math of a racial incident here in ( 1961. The twe ether Negroes en tered innocent pleas Tuesday as did Mr*. Mallory, hut the lawyer far the white defendant received permission from Judge son. who said the mother remem bered nothing from the time of the birth of the child until she went looking for a taxi to take her to a hospital. In reconstructing the defen dant’s statement that she was unaware of being pregnant. Dr. Rdwali mid It waa "passible and unprecedented.” in, ju Use i*«t- pf thr young mother’s otherwise clean past record whtl* admonishing her concerning her conduct white bn probation. day, tha 14 plaintiff* former mem ber* of the bnprd of demons and buqrd of truataua, offered gome 13$ affidavits purportedly sighed by members of the church. Dudley, in his successful effort t* get the restraining ordAr dis solved, offered 22 9affidavit*\ pur portedly signed by members of the solved, offered 229 affidavits pur portedly signed by members of the church, as well as affidavits signed by the clerk of the church, the cur rent board of deacons and board of trustees, the treasurer of the church and assistant pastor. (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) Winners Os | Silver S $ Announced Die following persons were win ners in The CAROLINIAN'S Silver Dollar Contest tor the past week: Mrs E. M. Trice. 107 Center St., receipts from Security Meat Mar ket snd Shoe Mart; Mr. Albert Pur cell, 11)4 1-2 F, Morgan St , Wood's (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I) One of the plaintiffs later refer ((ONTtNUBD ON PAGE I) ’ Walter Brack to enter Mb plan Wednesday. Len Holt, an attorney from Wash ington. D. C.. reportedly withdrew from the case, according f&ona of the defendants, Richard Crow der. 22. However. Mrs. Mallory said that her attorney. Walter 5. Haffner. of Cleveland, Ohio, was flying td Mon roe and expected to arrive yester day, Mrs. Mallory, the most well known of the defendants, is g na tive of Macon, G*., who was prrest cd irf Cleveland where she haid fled •‘for safety," tried to avoid extra diction for two years. Robert Williams, former presi dent of the local NAACP chapter, took refuge in Castro's Cuba, whor* he still Is with his wife and Chil dren. I*. The choosing of a jury wae ex pected to start on Wednesday. The defendant* are charged with waylaying Mr and Mrs. re Bruce (Retail uha were in ike Jr ... .1 when <Mr trip ie*b them I through the Negr* see lie*. P*- Vtmdb * Howeveft It wae cUfjSbd b f till defendants that the. White e*<(p»* entered JnUiama* heme voluhjirily escape the riot** element* out- S&4 Begins Drive For Members Under the leadership Os Mrs. Au gusta Turner, the Raleigh Citisens Assocaltion has launched its annual membership drive. This effort is aimed at bringing all area individ uals and organizations interested in educational, economic, political and cultural growth Into the Asso ciation's membership. Contact with prospective members Is being made through letters snd personal contact. The Association, a federation of Individuals and organisation*, believes that an increased mem bership ran give strength to Us social action; that, as H grows and attracts more of a cram section of the community’* eltt tenry, Its voice will b* beard. A matter of extreme urgency be fore the group now Is this matter of elections on both the state and national levels. The Association, es pecially through its political action committee, is doing research' wlih the hopes of setting before the public the qualifications of eacn candidate for public office. (lONTINUBD OK CACiS (l

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