CLAY RIGHT: WINS THE FIGHT * • * ' » * '\ * ; ''• -JM-' , BEGINNING OF THE END Cassius Clay, Jr., the poetry-spouting “Louisville Lip,” jabs deposed heavyweight boxing champion Charles (Sonny) Liston in the left shoulder, which reported caused Liston's downfall at Miami Beach, Fla., Tuesday night. Clay became the new champion on a technical knockout at the beginning of theseventh round when Liston failed to answer the bell. (UPI PHOTO). Cassius Clay Fixed And Sonny Liston Is Nixed nr iuouNMi imms CONVENTION SAIL. Miami iot to grlhe wegr the dopezters tnd the creeter number et the fans shink siwuM go. Dm Clay-Lis ton fisticuff, held here tonight (Tuesday) was no exception. Aa soon u poetry-spouting Cas liu* Miarsellus day. Jr., realized that Charles (Sonny) Liston was not able to continue the melee, in the seventh round, he began bouncing around in the ring and yelling like a wild man. Many of the few fans (8,000), who were Broughton’s Curriculum Geared To Meet Need Os Student; Ligon’s Is Not: Rev. J. W. Fleming “Where Are We Now In Race Re lations in Raleigh?” was the ques tion posed by the Reverend John W. Fleming, acting chairman. Chap el and Religious Life at Shaw Uni versity, to students and faculty members on Monday, Feb. 34. The Reverend Mr. Fleming re viewed the progress made toward tchieving equal rights since June 1963, and quoted various news me dia which implied that greet strides were made during the past year. However, he stated, that people YMCA’s Funds Drive Plans Nearly Complete Plan! for the Bloodworth Street YMCA Capital Fund* Campaign are nearing completion, according to an announcement by C. A. Hay wood. Sr„ chairman of the Board of Management. Fred J. Carnage, Raleigh's well known attorney-at-law. and veter an member of the Board of Edu cation, for whom a public school was recently named, will serve as general chairman. A. E. Brown, re tired district manager of N. C. Mu tual Life Insurance Company and veteran community leader, and J. W. Eaton, principal of the Washing ton Junior High School, will serve ss co-chat-men. (IDNTWtID ON PACK J) V/ake Forest Seeks Negro Grid Stars WINSTON-SALEM <ANP) Wake Forest College last week made a strong bid to become the second school in the Atlantic Coa»t Conference to use Negro athletes, when its head coach declared he was battling the University of Min nesota for two youths who are both standouts at Dudley High school here. \ Bill Tate, a former assistant coach at the University of Illinois, took over the coaching reins at Wake Forest from Billy Hildebrand re cently. Tate is trying to reverse twi«ia OWPACK Q here, could not reaHy understand what had haopennd. It wag also misunderstandaWe why Clay. yeU cC, "It was not fAed." * / Another conjecture nade' tt r more complicated when It was announced that Liston's pane was being held up. Listen was reported as being the recipient of more than one and one half million dollars. The re sult of what wfll be done with his share of the money will come later. No one wants to believe that the fight was “fixed.’* There is no doubt about Liston have been refused service at places that were listed as desegregated. Some Negroes, though qualified for jobs, have been given the “run-a round" by firms that have outward ly posed as favoring integration. Reverend Fleming also stated that some testing revealed that one restaurant permitted Ne groes to come Monday through Thursday, but would not accept them on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The real sore spot has been the NCNW'S NATIONAL PRESIDENT GUEST SPEAKER HERR—Mi* Dorothy 1. Height, center seated. National President at the National Council ol Negro Women, waa guest speaker at a meeting called by the local President, Dr. Ellen S. Alston, right seated, last Thursday night. The meeting was held in the home of Miss Mays E. Ligon. Miss Height brought much information and inspiration concerning the National Project, the erection ot a monument, in memory of the late Dr. Mary McCloud Bet hone. Members present: Dr. Ellen S. Alston, Gila S. Harris, Elizabeth Jordan, Dorothy S. Lane, Sara~B. Brower, Delores B. Wilder, Louise M. Latham, Geneve P. Brown, Hattie M. Edmondson, Elfie Young, Harriet Jones. Roberta Ward Addie Harris, Vivian E. Irving, Louise G. Flagg, Daisy W. Robinson, Esther Michael, Augusta Turner, Ann Hurdle, Addie G. Logan, Vivian T. Brown. Omelia R. Johnson, L. P. Wimberly, Jessye R. Mebane, Maye E. Lig on and Miss Dorothy I. Height. being nixed. He was nixed apparently in the fir* round and was pgaer abjp to show the killer Instinct and the ring poise that he has shown in his other fights. He was not the ring master that fistl ana has pictured him to be and even though Clay back-pedaled and did exactly what the experts said he would do Liston was nev er able to cope with the situation. The alleged blindness that Clay is said to have encountered in the fifth round was another conjec ture that gives cause for concern. (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) public schools, he stated. Negro children from West Raleigh still pass by Needham Broughton each morning on their way to Ligon. Al though requests for transfers were granted, the burden of going through the red tape procedure still rests on the student and his par ent. He opined that the school board is passing responsibility that is rlghtully Ms own. Flem ing compared the curriculum at Needham Broughton with the curriculum at Ligon, which In dicates that Mu farmer school’s enrriculem Is geared more to meeting the needs of present living than the latter. Reverend Mr. Fleming noted that the Negro political strength, vote ( CONTINUED ON PAGE ?> ♦ ♦ + + + + ‘Lightning’ Strikes In Sordid Mourner Raped By Boy, Robbed By Men, Woman Says The Carolinian VOL. 22, NO. 17 RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1964 PRICE 15c SHAW’S SPANN ‘COACH OF YR.’ + + ♦ + + + In Current Vote Drive: Over 1,000 Are Registered v>v > *T -Sk . B wumT *'■-'** • MBBPHwwwg^r t w ,Jm dHmmßmgmxii; m \V;y ' CONFERS WITH GOVERNOR SANFORD HERE The Rev. James Farmer, national director of the Congress Os Racial Equality (CORE), and Floyd Bixler McKissisk, Durham attor ney and national chairman of CORE, conferred at length here Tuesday with Governor Terry Sanford. Also present were Capus Way nick, the governor's racial “ trouble-shooterand others. (U- Pl PHOTO). Durham Sheriff Vows Action Against Aides A forth Carolina’s Leading Weekly DURHAM—Sheriff J. P. Mangum told the CAROLINIAN, in a tele hone interview Tuesday night that It and when Edward Evans swore out warrants tor two of his de puties, for the alleged beating that he says he received at their hands, they would be suspended. The incident has raised the ire es local persons doe to the Incidents leading up to the al leged beating. I. E. Jacobs and Bill Jones, both members of the sheriffs county Isw enforce ment staff are said to have gone to the man's home and to * have ordered him Into I rar and to have carried him to Ja robs' home where be was said to hs-e been beaten up. Sheriff Mangum said both of the deputies admitted picking Evans up. but denied beating him. He said they alleged that they picked him up because Jacobs' wife Is alleged to have reported that a Negro, wearing a cap and glosses, followed her as she drove toward her and that he waved at her and smiled. It was further alleged that when ehe got home she coined her de puty-husband and told him of the (CONTINUED - ®* PAGE tl Correction! In last week's CAROLINIAN Use address of Roosevelt Ruben Wright. Jr., Elizabeth City stu dent - teacher here was listed as (IS 8. East street. The young man does live at M 5 ft. East Street. The CAROLINIAN regrets this error and la happy to correct it. City And County Are Canvassed •'V - i i osm» >***- ■ The current Raleigh-Wake Coun ty registration drive has already added over 1.000 new names to the registratlop roll, according to the numerical count made by the Joint RCA-NAACP registration commit tee. While every effort will be made to enroll every eligible Negro resi dent in the Raleigh area. specM emphasis is being focused upon the county townships outside the city limits. It is within these areas where the Negro registration is par ticularly low. Before the present drive be gan. there was one township without o single Negro regis trant. As far as can be ascer tained, this la the first time any real effort has boon made to enroll Negrooo In the voting districts outside of Raleigh township. The registration committee Is very pleased to learn that various women’s organizations have decid ed to take an'active part in this registration campaign. The League of Women, Voters, headed by Mrs. Bertha Edwsrd*. hss announced that on Saturday afternoon. Feb. 20, members of the League will help round up potential registrants around Moore Square where one of the special registration commis sioners will be located. Other local women's clubs will participate on subsequent Saturday afternoons. The current registration project h being aided by volunteer work ers sent here by the Student Non violent Coordinating Committee. Post Office At Method Is OK’ed In D. C. Construction of the now post of fice, at Method, was further ad vanced with the announcement last Wednesday by Postmaster General John A. Gronouski that a contract has been awarded to Mrs. Marguer ite B. White, c-o Mr. Hal Thomp son. 655 W. Lenoir Street, Raleigh, tc build and rent the building to the Pose Office Department. Mrs. Harvcleigh Rivera White, has been postmaster at Method for many years. "We are continuing to build new psu offices where they are needed,” Mr. Gronouski said, “but we are constantly re-as sessing our construction pro gram to determine whether present buildings cm bo alter ed or remodeled to take care of stir expanding volume of mail.” The construction program is be ing concentrated in those areas where the need Is urgent and suit able space cannot bo obtained ex cept through new construction. , We now have about 45X100 post office local ions throughout the country, handling a volume of 65 billion pieces of mail a year," Mr. Grounouski stated. (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) WILLIAM nr ANN ClAAPicks Menter Os Shaw Bears FAYETTEVILLE William Spann. Shaw University's cage mentor, has been selected by fel low Central intercollegiate Athletic Association basketball coaches as the "Coach of the Fear.'' The affable bpann brought his Nhaw Bears from the dol drums of the conference to the first division during the 1 Mi nt season. This Is his second season at the Baptist Institution. Presently, the Bears are tn fifth place in the loop with a 11-3 con ference mark and 13-4 overall. Ac cording to sideline Observers, this is one of the finest Shaw club* in 10 years. Evidently, they art think (CuNTtNUED ON PAGE *) W EATHEH Tsmpsrsturss seat ft vs days wtu average I to » dsgrsss below norm al, Thersday through! Monday. Net murh day to day rhaagea Precipi tation likely Ist* Thuredey night and Friday. Enow sr rein may ave rage shout three-quarters of ss loch. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS — Bth FROM THEM pace t Horton • Utb Store PACE I I The Capful Coca-Cola BotlUnt Co Prl<« It Right Grocery llunn't Etto Service electrical Wholesalers Mechani't A Paratara Kaak PAGE t Hud-onltelk— Eflrd’s i. W Winters A Ca Public Service Ca. at N. C , In kaletsb Satinets Collage Wreaa Electrical Co. ! Security Meat Market PAGE « Ealrlgb Ptuteral Soma' (rat Realty Co. Itmrt Saudeis Jtla Ca MiLaurla Parking Company MedUa-Davls The Britt Company 1 Amburn Pontiac, Inc. Branch Banking a Trust Co PAGE 7 j Weaver Bros. Bam bier, Inc Bawls Motor Co Baletfb Seafood Co PAGE S Colonial Mores Condon (HI Co. Terrace loanrance A Bealty Co. I Taylor Kadto A (Isttrual Co : I mvfead's Grocery A Transfer Ca. j S B. Quinn furniture Co. > Cops Arrest Three Here For Crimes BY CHARLES R. JONES Mira Willie Mae Auetln, about 34, of 817 S. Blount Street, reported tt>e was raped by a 19-ycnr-old boy aa two men robbed her of fW teat Saturday around HI p. m. The Incident waa not rcpert ed to Officer F. C. Gregory and * 3. R. Munni until 7:48 Sunday. Mira Austin raid ahe went to the home of Mra. Willie Mae Evans, Ml E. Cabarrus Street, at m, knocked on the door and akfjd for a man named Perry. When toform ed Perry waa not inside, *s>rnid she proceeded around the comer to Dakar Street, where she mot Louis Steven Riddick, 18. of 801 E. Davie Street. Held Knife On Her Kte AuvUu raid y *»<>*'; It 12 dick brandished a kiUfa attar hitting her. He then carried her behind a houae, where be raped her at knife-point, aha staled. Aa Riddick watt carryln* out his 111-fated lot. Mtea Austin claimed two men. Jamra and Rasroe Hinton, both of 4 Meck lenburg Terraco in Chavis Heights, came up and took 817 out of her shoe. They did not molest her In gr» way, the vie- LOUIS S. RIDDICK . . . held far rape bora (CONTINUED ON PAGE (I Winners Os Silver $ $ Announced The' following persons were win ners in the Silver | contest durtni the past week: Miss B. B. Hart, 713 Darby St. Winn-Dixie and A&P; Mr. Un wood Smith. 1206 Mangum Street Prloe Is Right Qrocery and W. T Orant. Mr. William Lee. 800 New comb Rd.. ALP and Hudsoo-Belk. Also Mrs. Kathleen Peebles, 763 Bunche Drive. Colonial Btore and Carolina Power Sc Light Co.; Mr. Eugene Johns. Jr.. 883 New combe Rd., ALP and W. T. Orant; Mlm Jo Ella Perry. 846 Newobmbe Rd.. ALP and J. C. Penney; Mice Rebecca Alien, Holman Street, Price Is Right Orooery; and Mrs. D. Perry. 708 Darby Street. Hud son-Be lk and Hcilig-Levine. PAGE > Smith Coal A Oil to AAP Stores Gem Watch Shop Bunt General Tire Co Estates Building Ca.. lot While OU Co.. Inc. PAGE IS Carolina Builders, lac Ridgeways Opticians. Inc PAGE II Carolina Pawer A M|ht Co. I Tilton's Shoe Bepalr Shop firestone Stores Emma Jane Drew Shop College Paint Rbnp Acme Laundry A Cleaners, Inc. W rod* S-ISc Store PAGE U Lincoln Theatre Ambasaador Thaetre International Mortgage Associates PAGB 14 C. A M. Promotions Buffalo Battery Shop PAGB U Supreme Brake A Alignment Service PAGE IS Tire Sales A Service Better Brahe Service Capital -~uel OU es A Coal CA Abram's United Bent-Alla Community Plertat iSrreU Coal Ca .

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