0 Ttaz caiouniaa BALnOB, W. C., aATUEDAT, FEBRUARY », IN4 10 The Raleigh “scene MINISTERS’ WIVES MEET 'EM ministers’ wives met Feb ruary 44, st 7 p. m., at the YWCA, TtXCpealdent. Mrs. T. H. Harris, weSUTehsrge of the moating. Mrs. M. N. DeLsney gave s very Inter esting book review, entitled "1984" by Oeorse ArwelL Everyone en joyed the report There were IS members present. Mrs. E. D. Modem joined our group. The next meeting Is scheduled for MSroh s. we ere swing sU members to be present. BUST BEE CLUB HOLDS MEETING Dm Busy Bee Club met Febru srT-Ig st the home of Mr. end Mrs, Everett Smith In BUtmore Hills. The meeting wss opened with s devotion, liter which we were highly entertained by the eo del committee. The Mrthdsys of Mesdsmes Upchurch snd Boykins wtn celebrated. The hostess esrv od s delightful repeat. MOlftbers present were: Mrs damee Plating Smith, Lydlo Oer ner, Helen Allen, Mary Jackson, snd Cornells Moore. Mr. snd Mrs. James Upchurch, Mr. and Mrs. Jullud' Towns, Mr. snd Mlrs. Sam uel Osborns, snd Mr. snd Mrs. Ev erett Smith. VICTORIAN CLUB MEETING Oh hpw the rain came down the other Saturday night But Uw Victorian Club met with Mrs. Sarah Thompson with great delight. Her "Hearts'’ were out—for the theme of the evening was Valentine. And her gueota were Meedsmeo Patsy Smith snd Pauline P. Goodwins. Twee worth 800 points to bo time. MTs. Ludelle Delany was first to ring the chttns. Pulley, Phyllis Haywood snd Bessie Blue. It was late, of eourm. but Mrs Mary Carter made the meeting too. The hostess was gnat and as the "heart" queen No one eoukl have wanted better cuisine. One licked her fingers and all cleaned their plates Bo all added pounds and forgo* about their weights. Now it was time for the card * playing session And there wore rounds of Pinochle progression. 80, Paulino Ooodwins got low soom snd that was the test. But. Patsy Smith got high score she was tbs taokeet guest. The low score prim want to ttw one who eras lata. Twee Mary Carter, of eourss, it teems to be her fate. RiyUls Haywood edged It out for the high club stake teit we must eonosde that she go* a break. In fact, there wars consolation prism for the other three. Beasts Blue. Bertha Pulley and Ludelle Delany will agree. Meodamee Dorothy Houeen. Blanche Rivers and LUlle Hodge didn’t attend. They missel a most pleasant evening and a dividend. The members had picked sifts tor the hostess with great care. Without consultation there was a different color for every pair. Our sincere thanks to the hostess Bor an evening well spent. Tour hospitality, motif and cuisine--it was magnificent NINE AND ITVE CLUB MIU. Nan Robinson, of Heck Bt, was hostess to the Nine and Five Club reoonUy.. tt was not only Oearge Washington s Birthday as she showed It with her red table doth and Washington’s napkins with wnMwm of Washington: it m also Mrs. Anns Webb’s birth day. After the regular business session the members presented her with beautiful gifts and next played two games of H*eno. Mrs. Afcna Harrison eras awarded a prigs for high soon and Ban Bbarper for low soon. The hostess served a delicious repast. Members present were: Mm* dsmes Osnsra P. Brown, Corne lls Coble, Addle Harris. Alma Harrison. Mary Mars Ne. Helen Mttohsa. Robinson. Bara RALEIGH LINKS PICK DELEGATE Ttw Balatgh Chapter of links' mfEPsJjbUl Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh CLUBS met Batrday night with Link Con tent serving as hostess. Link De lany, president, presided. Link Catherine Winters will serve as delegate to the Area Meet ing In Fayetteville, n. c. Several other members will attend the mooting, also. After the reading of oommunl oations, several guests arrived and spent a most enjoyable evening playing bridge. Guests playing were: Mrs. Lu cille Albright, Selma: Mrs. Milton Daniel, Durham. Meedames Louise Flagg, Sadye Freeman, Julia Jones, Clinton ligon, Phyllis Mann, Lula Robinson, Tulle Tur ner and O smell Watte. Members present: Links T. Clark, M. Cook. J. Delany, M. Flagg, E. Hamlin, Gertruds Harris, N Inborden, W. Kay, N. Lockhart, D. Otey, M. Taylor, A. Toliver, and C. Winters. Mrs O. Watts won first guest prim, and Mrs. J. Jones scoond. Link M. Taylor won first club prim and Link N. Lockhart sec ond. Mrs. Mary Watson received a gift for keeping score. Members and guests were hap py to set Mis. Josephine Otey Hayes, of Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. Constant's menu consisted of chicken salad, ham. tiny pear in potato eups, oongealed salad, hot rolls, pickles, hot tea. and cherry toe cream. Guests and members were pre sented tiny United States flags commsrating the birthday of Qeorge Washington. THE LIS CAUBETTEB HOLD MEETING The Las Caueettee enjoyed a festive evening on Saturday, Feb ruary 18. The party was given in The Cel lar of Hamlin Drug Store. Mem bers of the olub invited their es corts and au additional w"'*: iicaau, flowete, cuplds and th* usual valentine motif were mag nificently displayed. Delicacies were'offered in buffet style. Present were the following: Meertemes Janie Anderson, Lillis Ballenttns. Ola Coleman. Ade laide Earp, Roger Evans, Primrose Jackson, Cara Lamb, aiadene Taylor, Catherine Wilkins. Nata lie Wlmbelry. JThe music snd dancing were su- Personals OBSERVES FIFTH BIRTHDAY Little Miss Leonette Evans of E. Bdenton st., celebrated her Bth birthday on February 28. Happy Birthday Leonette and we wUh for you many, many happy returns. mrb. Josephine o. hates Mrs. Josephine Otey Hayes, tenner teacher and native at Raleigh, la reeeperailng at the heme of her sister. Mrs. Mil dred Otey Taylor on Smith field St. She new Uves in At lantic City, N. J. HONORED AT BURPRISB PARTY Mr. Douglas Robinson wee hon ored at a surprise birthday party on last Saturday night given him by Mrs. Mary Otlse. A few of his many friends helped him oslobrate the occasion. A oolorful menu was served and enjoyod by all present. Mr. Robinson received a number sos useful gifts. Thanks to his friends that made this a wonder ful treat. MRS. VASS VISITS SISTER Mrs. Lucille J. Vase of Person St.. Is visiting her sister In Wil mington for a few weeks. VISITS ILL FATHER IN MT. OLIVE Mr, Jesse Broadnax and Miss CUranetie Durham mo tored to ML OUve Sudsy to visit Miss Durham's father. Mr. Leen Durham, who Is still Ul at hts home. OBSERVE BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to little Mlsset Leveme Fuller and Carolyn Mills who celebrated their birthdays February 2. We wish for both little girls many happy returns of the day. AIDED UNITED COLLEGE A. E. Brown, lit* South Per bmi Street, was the IM ap peal chairman for the United Negro Callegt> Fund In the Ra leigh area. Nathaniel B. White ptssidint. Service Printing Company In Durham, and W. A. Footer, East End Scheel In Goldsboro, were vice chair men. J. E. Strickland. Senior ▼tee President. Raleigh Branch of (he Mechanics and Farmers Bank, nerved as treasurer. The UNCF raised a record amount of tt.S7I.7M What is Doing Around Town! "Ood of all grace, refresh ns when wo an weary la body. Boston us when we faint, work thou la us to will and to do. Tu au lives broken and mamd. manifest Thy power to mead. Give us light la dark •teas and make our hearts to ringja Utelr Joy and to Thy WXLBON TEMPLE METHO DIST—Ctouroh School began at 11 o'clock with the men's chorus in charge of music, under the di rection of Mn. M. M. Kelly. The oall to worship was given by the pastor, the Rev. O. W. Burwlck. who also read the morning lesson and pray. Sermon by the district supt., the Rev. James W. Gweyn. It was quarterly report time and everyone mads splendid reports. LILLY OP THE VALLEY PREE WHii BAPTIST—Church School began at 10 a. m. with the supt., Mr. Mask Arthur In oharge. Morn ing worship began at 11:80 with the senior choir in ehargt of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Willis Henderson. A gnat serm on was delivered by the Rev. War dell Alston of Warrenton. Every one enjoyed it. The pastor Is the Rev. Lester Rivera. WILLIAMS OROVE BAPTIST —Church Behool began at 9:30 With the supt, Mr. Phillip Alston. In charge of the music, under the direction of Miss Jacqueline Mit chell. Morning leoson and prayer were led by the guest minister, the Rev. B, D. Pretty. He also deliver ed e very cncwiaa-ii.- *•« £. w* <wk n* me ine Rev. J. 1L Bryant Is pastor. OBRRLXN BAPTIST Sunday School began at 8:30 a. m. with the supt. Mr. Walter Curtis, in oharge. Regular service began at 11:00 Am., with the Junior choir In charge of the music, under the dlrtoOon of Mrs. Oaston Pulley and organist, Mr. Oaston Pulley. The pastor delivered a wonderful sermon. His subject: “Carry the Croes to calvary." BT. MATTHEWS A. M. E.— Church Sohool began at 0:30 a. m. with the supt, Mr. Robert Lasane, In oharge. Worship service began at 11 a m. with the Junior choir In oharge of the music, under the di rection of Mr. D. R. Leach and Miss Anette Peterson. An lnsptr daring 1863. Claud Caldwell, Supervisor of the Merit System Council, will to*ak In the Psnlok Hall of Sct snoe Amphitheater on Saint Aug ustine's College campus March 1. at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Caldwell, who Is being pre sented by the Business depart ment of Saint Augustine's, will discuss job opportunities and ad vancements for the oollege grad uate. ATTENDED FOUNDERS DAY Mrs. Ruth Moore Bethea of Ra leigh and Hamlvt and Mrs. Bessie Moore Wesley of Raleigh were weekend gueots of the State Col lege. Elisabeth City, and attended ttw Founder's Day service, Sun day. February 23. Their father, the late Dr p. W Moore, was founder and president emeritus of the oollege. HOME NURSING STORY ON TV The Wake County Chapter of the American Red Croes Is parti cipating in the televised version of the Home Nursing Story. The oourm begins on Tuesday, March 3rd, from 1:00 to 1 :S0 p. m. on W UNC-TV. Channel *. Chapel Hill. A aeries of 10 films will be shown on Tuesday and Thursdays.! with a two-hour praotioe session following films No. 3. No. 6. and No. 10 Workbooks and textbooks may be secured from Red Cross "At least one person In each family should acquire the home nursing skills.” states Mrs. C. T Wilkinson, chairman of the Nur sing Service Committee. Contact your Wake County Red Cross Chapter, 301 North Blount. Raleigh, for further Information, or to enroll In this course. BELATED "HAPPY BIRTHDAYS” Happy birthday to the following Vbbruarv birthday ladle* Miss Lena. Eure who celebrated her birthday Februay 28. while Miss Hattie Weldon eeJebretee her i birthday on Feb. 17. We Wish both you ladles belated birthday wish- j es. Miss Eure is on employee ofj the CAROLINIAN. may l broadjb ing message was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. J. P. Epps. ST ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST Church School began at 10 a. m. with the supt., Mr. Wil liam Lyons, in oharge. The pastor is the Rev. J. T. Ford. Worship service Is held every first and third Sundays Mid-week prayer aervioe Is every Wednesday night at g p. m. UNION BAPTIST Sunday School began at the usual hour with the supt, Mr. Walter Price, in oharge. Morning worship serv ice began at 11:80 a m. with the the senior choir In charge of the music, under the direction of Mn. Nettie Harrington. A very prom ising sermon was delivered by Uw pastor, the Rev. E. Mason. A large number hoard this sermon. FIRST BAPTIST Church Sohool began at 9:30 with ttw supt., Mr. W. H. Taylor, In oharge. Morning worship began at 11 a m. with the Mosely • Jones Choir in oharge of ttw music, under the direction of Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly and ttw Chanoe Choir under the direction of Mrs. Lucille O. Paige. The Junior ushers served, under the leadership or Mr. M. C. Hill. The morning lesson was delivered by the guest minister, ttw Rev. Jack Crum, executive secretary of the N. C. Council of Churches. Morning prayer by the Rev. J. A. Lester and responsive reading by the pastor. A very Inspiring serm on was delivered by the Rev. Crum. He used as his subject. “Do You Want To Be A *-<»*-•“ All wwoywj ttw message. SMITH TEMPLE FRESWXIL BAPTIST Church Sohool be gan at 10 A m. with the supt., MT. E. B. Sanders, in charge. At 11 A m. the Rev. J. D. Ray. pastor, made the call to worship with the Junior choir In charge of the mus ic, under the direction of Mes dames Mints and Holder. The morning prayer was given by Mr. Banka. Rev. Ray brought us o wonderful message from the sub ject: “Happiness and 'Blessing.” ororibN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carrington wen united in holy matrimony, at the Anbury Methodist Church, Washington, D. C, on Saturday, February. 15. Carrington-Hardy Vows Spoken In D. C. WASHINGTON. D C-Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Hardy. Wash inf-ton. hava announced the mar riage of their daughter. Christine Vernette. to Arthur Car run ton of New York City. • The groom ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas Carrington of New York City. The rites were conducted on Sat urday afternoon. February is. at Washington's Asbury Methodist Church. The bride had as her maid of honor. Miss Carmen McGill of New York City and best man was. Keith Anderson of Washington. D. C. Among the out-of-town guests at tending the wedding were: Mrs William L Thompson and son. of Stratford. Coon.; Mrs. Arrena Hoi- 1 me*. Gainesville. Fla;* Mrs. KU ! M. Allen and Mrs. Beatrice A ] Moon, both of Palatka. Fla; Mrs Thelmetia Bynum and Lt Irma : Cooper, both of Fort Dix. N. J Also, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen. 1 [ At 3 p. m. the Benlor Choir had a program with many groups ap -1 peering on program. It was very i enjoyable. ST. PAUL A. M. B. Church School began at ttw usual hour, with Mrs. Hattte Mitchell to oharge. Morning worship began with the choristers leading ttw processional, and Mbs Mary Smith a* ttw organ. The Rev. L. & Penn, pastor, oonduetod ttw morn ing sendee. He lohoee his text from the book of Acts 1:8. His subject was “Uw Source of ttw Orestes* Power.” Uw sermon was good and well taken. RUSH METROPOLITAN A. M. E. ZION - Sunday Behool began at 9:48 A m. with Mr. LsSUe Campbell, ttw supt.. to oharge. At 10:20 a m. ttw Junior church service was conducted by ttw Rev. Shelly Taylor. The regular 11 o'- clock service was oonduotod by ttw pastor, ttw Rev. T. H. Harris. Rev. Harris delivered a very Inspiring message from the Gospel of 8L John, 16th chapter and ttw 16th verse. At 7:30 th* Rev. L. P. furry and his choir and congregation of Oraoe A. M, E. Zion Chtpch wor shipped with usrßev. Pefry deliv ered a very enjoyable sermon. Mrs Annie H. Thorpe Is church reporter. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS— Church School began at 10 a m. with the superintendent. Mr. Ar thur Williams, in charge. Morn ing worship sendee began imme di»Wr after the morning ' >.piwvi conduct ing ttw sendee. The Rev. B. j. Johnson preached a wonderful sermon, taking his text from St. John. 14. His subject was “He IS Coming Back." Music was furn ished by the young adult choir, under ttw direction of lira. Mar garet Ratcliff. Our pastor was ab sent due to appearing on a pro gram In Method. He was the guest speaker at Truevine HoUineaa Church. We enjoyed a glorious day. The pester is the Rev. Ell Patcltfr. Jr. and family. Teaneek. H. J.; Dr. Alphonso Allen and Mrs. Arthur D. Carrington and son. all of New York. N. Y ; Mr and Mrs. Leon Hardy and Mr. William Starnes, all of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, all of Philadelphia. MBh Saint Mary’s AME Church BY MISS CAROLYN J. MOUUSON APEX—On Sunday morning. Feb. XL the senior chorus was In chars* of the devotion. Our pastor, the Raw. Frank Mc- Iver. brought hia message from the sth chap, of DanieL text: “And his loins were locked, and his knees smote one against another." As Rev. Mel vex brought his mmsgl ka to Dr. E. L. Cummingham To Shaw As Religions Emphasis Speaker Shaw University will observe Re ligious Emphasis Week. March 1-3. Dr. B. Luther Cunningham, pastor, St Paul Baptist Church, Philadel- 'AN A. M OR. E. L. CUNNINGHAM phi*, Pi will b* th* featured ipeekar. i The general theme of the obaerv aace la "New Challenge* Act East-West Jazz Club luuoib iieie BT KU DOEOTHT K. BTWAET The East-West Jazz Club held It* regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mr*. John Roberts, 810 Oberlin Bd.. Saturday night, Feb. tt with co-host ease* Mr. and Mrs. James O. Blount and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slowe. The cltfb held a brief social break before the meeting was called to order by th* sergeant-at arms, Mr. T. P. Stewart The president MVs. A. Slowe, presided over the meeting. Busi nesa of importance was discussed. The atmosphere was a very cherry one. The club members then listen* ed to their very own radio an nouncer, Mr. James O. Blount over Radio Station WPTF. Be discussed the last-west Jazx Club. This was truly one of the highlights of the evening. Mrs. A. Roberts gave each mem ber a hatchet and asked the group to talk to its fellow club members and If he or she said "yes" to take their hatchet until the game was over. It was enjoyed by all as ev eryone joined in. Mr. L. Terrell was the winner of th* prise. He collected the hatchets. The club then honored the birth days for the month of February. Mrs. J. O. Blount presented Mrs. D. I. Stewart and Mr. J. C. Collins with birthday presents. Th* group then sang "Happy Birthday” to them and presented them with white Shirts with th* initials “EWJ” monogram ed in green. Club members then danced and listened to jazz. Th* elub's special guests of the month were Mr. and | Mrs. Lonzie Lucas of 713 Rosemont I Si They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Blount Members present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collins, Mr. end Mrs. P. Peebles, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Stew art, Mr. and Mrs. W. Slow*, Mr. and Mrs J. Roberts, Mr. and Mr*. T. Jefferies, Mrs. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. Terrell and Mr. W. Duaston. MK Roberta and the co-hoateases served the group spaghetti and ground boat boiled pig feet po tato salad, tossed salad, buttered rye bread, and beverages. The next meeting will be held at the bate* of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Collins, 803 East Davie St. on March It All member* are asked to be present b toe lftWs Fayetteville, at toe bend of navigation on the Cape Fear River, wee a center for plank roods. Such roads radiated in all direction*. Numerous photographs in the collection of the Department of Archives and History show scone of them roads. The first railroad Into North Car olina* capital city was th* Raleigh and Gaston, completed In 1840. A model of the engine is on display at the Hall of History in Raleigh. he talked about th* strongs a man can da A man will reap what ha sows when he does wrong. Every one enjoyed the message. On March L. there will be a Youth Night at St. Mary* AMS Church. Wa are going to have young ringing group*. Come out and lain in with ue on our Youth Night. GIVE GOD ACHANCE NOW! Attend Church Every Sunday! My Lady’s Doings ♦ ♦ ♦ In And Out Os Town Nowr Dr. Cunningham will deliver the following messages: Sunday, March I, 8:30 p.m., “In th# Quiet of the Sanctuary;” Monday, March 2. "Doubting our Doubts;” Tuesday. March 3, "This U Vital Religion;’’ Wednesday, March 1 “Maks Us Your Lift;” Thursday. March 8. "Jesus In the Space Age." Th* weekly messages will be delivered at 12:00 noon. All of these pro grams will be held In University Church, and will be open to the public. Other phases of this week of spir itual emphasis will Include dis cussions in house meetings, a fac ulty meeting on Wednesday eve ning, and a service of communion GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE “As l Msn Soweth" We mast net hope to be mourners. And to gather the rip* rold ears. Unless we have first been sowers. And water ed the furrow* with tears. It la not Just aa we take It, This mystical world of oars. | S4m»- *- —; l—it, A harvest of thorns or of flowers. Observes 11th Anniversary The Willing Workers Club of St. Paul AME Church of which Mrs Nellie Smith is president, observed 1U 11th anniversary on Sunday, Feb. 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Quite a unique program was presented by the Chairman of the Program Committee, Mrs. Mary Lester. The members of this club are: Mesdames Coreen Alston, Juanits Barnes, Tiny Burton, Jacqueline Cooper, Laura Crumby, Mallma Cuitis, Annie Haywood, Lila B. Hinton, Viola Hinton, Evangeline Hunter, Mary Lester, Nannie Rob inson, Nellie Smith, Alice J. Ta bron, Hattie Wall, Bessie M. Wes ley, Thelma Worth, Connie Young. The Rev. L. S. Penn is pastor. To Join Husband in Ga Mrs. Juanita McKnight and chil dren, Karen, Kirk and Ralphina of S. Haywood Street, sailed for Ger many on Tuesday, Feb. 25th, to join their husband and father, Sgt. Willie L. McKnight. She will join his mother, Mrs. Student Tutors Revealed By St. Aug. The following seniors at Saint Augustine's College are doing their cadet teaching in various schools across the state: Miss Joyce Chest nut and Miss Martha Hart, Lucille Hunter School. Raleigh; Mrs. Liz zie Whitaker, Crosby Garfield, Ra leigh; Misses Juliet Williams and Brenda Curtis, Booker T. Washing tr l School, Rocky Mount; Misses Berths Brewster, Barbara William son, and Barbara Jeffries, Darden High School, Wilson; Misses Vir ginia Burt and Faye Taylor. John ston County Training School, Smithfield; Miss Delphins David, Richard B. Harrison High School, Selma. Also Misses Bessie Dunn and Co ra E. Merritt, Susan Baskerville School, Rocky Mount; Joshua Woot en. Claybum Hatcher, Misses Mary Mack and Willie Bivens, Brawley High School, Scotland Neck; Gene Lee, Walter Belk, and Warren Vea sey, Pickney High School. Car thage: Misses Bttti* Nicholson, Ja»- queline Bullett, and Gloria Walker, Sampson High School. Clinton; Patronize Our Advertisers Memory Teat ' for It we*.* ***** *a th. amt. « to# ***** beta*. Now, •a* to. ■«. WM» said* “f **v to* m*. ever • tow timn to rMiw». b* •*•* betof* W| WILL luww if m be** paaMd to. taw. «*■ Hearing Aids f I h I U«. J sad consecration on Thursday. Leaden sod teptas fW tea Cofield, "tpeeifl* Chaltemgas to Edacatiear Dr. late la May. "Specific Challaogsa la tee nomice spd Serial AsNamt" The Reverend J. Oeaar ISsOlsal, "Specific Chaßaagaa Aa Pate tics;” snd tea Bov. Charles W. Ward, -Speetfle Chetlswgte la Be lifted.” The purpose of tea prognm l§ threefold: (1) to ralato tea Chrio tian faith to tea spodfto okaTlsagw in our Society; <H> to discover tea Christian’s duty among now dtawn slons of our world: and (8) to stim ulate one to transcend mediocrity. McKnlght in New York City. She will be accompanied by bar father, Mr. Junlna Richard Haywood, hia wife and Mrs. Louisa Cheatham. House Gaest Mrs. Hattie Peterson of 411 Wat son St. has aa har houaa guest bar cousin, Mr? Entertain at Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Jams* Bandars of 819 Ellington Street entertained the following guest* recently at their heme at a dinner party, th# llsv. Belvin Detoois and th* Rev. Amos Cousey, all of Greenville. S. C. They are both student* In to* Bap tist Seminary at Wak* Forest Heat Steward*** Heard Mr. and Mr*. James Sanders Os 819 Ellington St. were hosts to Stewardess Board No. 2, of Ruto Metropolitan AME Zion Church last Thursday night After a briaf business session, they enjoyed a very delicious turkey dinner with all th# trimmings. Mrs. Minnie De graffenreidt is president of the Board. Heat Stewardess Board Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Harris, 4J4 Watson St, were hoats to Steward ess Board No. 1, last Thursday night They too, report having bean royally entertained. Mrs. Lucy Ev ans is president of the Board. Thanks for the fine cooperation last week Keep calling TE 3-8438. Misses Willa Monroe, Mildred Ford, and Mrs. Clara Rogers, Riverside Union School, Louisburg; Misses Carolyn Chavis, Harriett Moore, Mrs. Launa Jones, and Mrs. Bessie Lyons, Ligon Junior-Senior High School, Raleigh. Mias Patricia Andrews end Ml*. Doretha Blalock, Berry O'Kelly High School, Method; Miss— The resa Rogers, Johnsie Snipes, and Mr. J. B. Murphy, Washington High School, Raleigh; Misses Gloria Jackson, Grade Rawley and Mrs. Luis Johnson, Cooper High School, Clayton; and Miss Mary Hazel High, Mary E. Phillips School, Raleigh. Everything For . •. BUIIJHNG REMODELING REPAIRING • man • mill won • 4THEY** PAINTS • SUILDUNG MATERIALS • BCSSWIN HARD WARS Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA GUILDERS CORP. 117-219 N Daemon St RALEIGH. N. C. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt ★ Service Phooe TE 4-SSSS CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING C 6. MS l Mail* Street l R*te«h. N. C.

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