14 RALEIGH. N. t.. -ATLIiDA*. . Lomax Sees LBJ Becoming “Greatest Civil Righter” Noted Author Says President Might Be Best Ever To Occupy The White House NSW YORK—President Lyndon Johnson may become the most ef fective civil rights advocate ever to occupy the White House, a lead ing Negro author declared Monday Writing in the current issue •f Leek Magazine. Louis E. Lo max attributed Johnson's emer gence as a civil rights leader to "a confluence of the times and his own personal commit meat to racial justice.” "Lyndon Baines Johnson.” said Lomax, "ia this nation growing up. He is the white Southerner shak ing off the shackles of his begin nings; he is the Negro learning that he who would be loved must him self not hate; he is the white North ern liberal realizing that prejudice, whether it be racial or sectional, is wrong." Lomax also credited the Presi dent’s wife, Ladybird, for broaden ( OLE MOTEL 2418 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, N. C. 19 Rooms - Private and Adjoining Baths Individual Heat - Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Between Fayetteville State Teachett College and Fort Bragg REASONABLE RATES! FOR FLOWERS Community Florist CORSAGES—FUNERAL DESIGNS—POTTED PLANTS FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS, ETC. 825 N. Tarboro St Day TE 2-8305—Night TE 2-2936 ILLNESS AT HOME? A HOSPITAL BED MAKES IT EASIER ON EVERYONE RENTS tZ 42c Day RENTt Wheel Chair* A Other Invalid Need*; Reducing Ma- Chlnee; Party Need*; Roll-Away * Baby Bed*. Floor PeiUben A Sanders; Tools. •WI RENT MOST ANYTHING" Abram’s United Rent-Alls CAUst VA S-4MI RALEIGH Come In; 41* W. PEACE BT. <@> It’s ESSO Fuel Oil Fill-Up Time Dial TE 2-SJBO Fast 2-Way Radio Equipped Trucks Oil Burner Service CAPITAL FUEL OIL, ICE AND COAL COMPANY ‘“We Give Gold Bond Stampa ” OUR FOURTH RHi TEAR! IN THE SAFETY BUSINESS r i •v] nMpf ■ » Your Better Brake Shop h 500 West Morgan St. ■|/ RIGHT HERE IN RALEIGH Patronize The Place That .... K|||k. sss' Wf- APPRECIATES YOUR BUSINESS " ' lister scarboro Terms Available With Approved Credit! harry foushee •A* Fayetta- JUST ASK • . ... well «T«r4t yean n- Mmm A * to * no * YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE FOR THE 4TH ptrleix* a• a general me ehanie. YEAR! : coupon - MO/ DISCOINT! niM( OI \T! /» Our Anniversary G ift To You : • - OFF ON ALL JOBS —IF YOU BRING THIS COUPON! J BRAKE REPAIRS MUFFLERsInSTALLED P-i-" ~~~~~ ~"| * WHEELS ALIGNED, While You W»it - LOWEST DISCOUN W PRICES! Most Any Type Auto Repair and Your Special *»*“• A * *» BEnER BRAKE SHOP OPEN 6 DAYS WEEKLY ALL TYPES OF AUTO REPAIRS 500 West Morgan St PHONE TE 4-1548 RALEIGH N. C ing and giving "honest substance” to Johnson's views on racial mat ters. Because of his Southern back ground and earlier uncertain rec ord on civil rights, however, John son's succession to the Presidency had caused "deep anguish and ap prehension” in the Negro commu nity, Lomax said in Look and add i ed: "We watched our new Presi dent on television and remem bered that he comet from • state thst has had 47 lynchlngs since 1020. We could not recall s single time when he had spoken out against these mur ders of our brothers.” Now, Lomax noted, "the evolu tion of our republic has clearly made it possible for him to do and spy all the things he appears to have always believed, but dared not do or say.” BANK BWINDLE OF THE YEAR MONROVIA < ANP > —The “bank swindle of the year” title goes to the crook or crooks who swindled the Bank of Monrovia out of *70.- 000 recently. The robbery had all the ingredient* of a popular de tective fiction. The bank aent three crates of money, to lte Bu chanan branch via the Liberian National Airways. Three bank guards delivered the crates to the airport and received a receipt that the crates were Intact with seal unbroken. When the crates arriv ed at ita destination, however, branch officials discovered that one case was packed, not with *70.000 in twenties and fives, but with sanitary napkins. Having eliminated polio as a pu blic health problem through the Salk and Sabin vaccines. The Na tional Foundation-March of Dimes now fights birth defects and arthri tis. More than a century ago large sums of money were spent to try to make the Roanoke River naviga able. These efforts were not suc cessful. FETED IN GREENSBORO Mr. and Mrs. Robert King. at right, were honored laet week with a reception given by Mrs. Eula K. Vereen, hit, their titter and sister-in-law. The Kings have iust taken up residency in Greensboro, returning there from Fort Ord, California, where King was a captain in the U. S. Army. Mrs. King is the former Miss Margaret Owens of Suffolk, Va. BY M. E. GARDNER N. C. STATE It appears that the little rascals with soft fur. a short tail, a pointed nose and very short paddle-liks front feet are giving some of my readers quite a bit of concern with their underground activity. I have given suggestions about controlling moles before but it seems desirable that I' review these and probably add one or two methods that may be used. Moles do not feed on plant parts. If you find tooth marks on your bulbs don’t blame the mole because their food comes from many kinds of bugs, grub worms and other in sect life which inhabit the soiL The recommendation usually made, and perhaps the most lasting, is to dcstory the sources of food by soil treatment. This can be done by treating the lawn and beds with chlordane according to the manu facturer's instructions. The granu lar form is perhaps the most con venient. This chemical will also eli minate ants, which are sometimes objectionable and will remain af fective for two or three years. Since the soil treatment ia best done after the weather warms up in the spring you may wish to take some immediate steps for control ling this pest GARDEN TIME me gardner j instate college Trape may be used. They are of three types with the harpoon type probably the most common. If you use traps, wear gloves when plac ing in position so that no human odor is left on the trap. Various poisons are often effect ive. Paradichirobenzine • crystals may be used. These are the crystals you buy at the store to place in your closets and chests to control moths. Flaae a teaspoonful of crys tals in the tunnels about every 6 ft. This should be carefully done. A teaspoonful of carbon disulfide or cy a nogas may also prove t* be ef fective. Place the same as for the PDB crystals. The crystals are sa fer. If you use carbon disulfide or cyanogas, use extreme care. If your temperature has risen to the point where you must do some thing desperate, try the gas cham ber. Back the jalopy as close as you can to the scene of action. Attach a hose to the exhaust pipe and place Ecomonical AgggjgA L M j High Grade For Every Purpose! Briquets - Olga Stoker Red Ash CORRELL COAL COMPANY 307 N. WEST ST. TE *-5567 Special Roll-about TV Offer ’ HK.* TfjiTOh m ■ »«<—MM 884 %»< ,11 Wi J I lis INO TRADE-IN 1® w 1 1 MifilmPVHl ; iHm, needed j P| »!!■/ PREMIUM-RATED^ MMML PERFORMANCE Ji Reliable full-featured Motorola with matching deluxe roll-about cart t Hand-wired chassis precision crafted with mod- DfIWII em hand and dip soldering. 20,000 volts of pic- ** ™■ ■ ture power (design average). Picture Optimizer Control lets you select the picture you like best t:[\ 13 L Hand*** m, TV front ' Plus Full Tc«r Guarantee— Manufacturer's one year guaran- | g1 mom J, rsma fee covers free exchatme or repair of any component proven defec - ssribiear eater*. live in normal use. Arranged through selling dealer. Labor extra, TIRE SALES & SERVICE CO. 401 HILLSBORO ST. % . XE 3.357! the free end in the tunnel. Start the motor and let It run for 15 or 20 minutes. This should do it Cape Halteras is known as “the- Graveyard of the Atlantic.” It has been the scene of an untold num ber of shipwrecks. Once a steamboat plied the French Broad River above .Ashe ville. Hie river was unsuitable for such purposes, and steamboat navi gation failed. f7oo ,0.20 80 ’ BONDS Mill DISTILLING COMPANY lawranceburg, Kentucky 70% grain neutral spirits PATRONIZE OUR ADV E R TIS ER S They Appreciate Your Business