8 mCRMOIMUM mauncm. k. c„ Saturday, February tt. iM4 REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE Mr. and Mrs Henry Disifl, o t Lexington, N. C. are registered by Mias Nancy Brown. Benia ft College senior, of Abingdon, Va., at third annual Staur day School conference held at the Greensboro, N. C. institution last week. The Veteran’s Corner Here are authoritative an swers by the Veterans Admin istration to questions from families: Q —A friend of mine—a World FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO •-OBr- ANY SMALL APPLIANCE CALL TE 2-3950 OR VA 8-2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. •The House That Service Built” W 4 E. MARTIN ST. UMSTEAD.S __TOANSFER COMPANY • GKOIfcKV STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING local and long DISTANCE CoorUou* Prompt Efficient I ED. UMSTEAD, Manager •OS S. Dawooa Street • Tar boro A Martin Streets DIAL TB 2-9478—T8 2-9212 IBp** **"**;' V KM* ii ji HMSBPy W! R. E. Quinn Furniture Co. 108 E. MARTIN ST. Your Capital City Tel. 2-4471 War n veteran—pays his OI in surance premiums once a year and saves money. Can I do the same with my Korean OI term policy? A—Yea. Holder* of all forms of OI insurance whether World War I. World II or Ko rea veterans—ran pay pre miums on a yearly, rather than a monthly or quarterly basis. Notify the VA office to whieh you send your insur anoe premiums of your Inten tion. Q—l have just paid off my OI loen in full, will this automntl . «... „ . U, loan? A—No. Repayment tn full does not entitle you to another OI loan. Q—l am moving and I don't want a mix-up In receipt of my VA compensation check. I plan to tell the VA but they may have mailed my check before they re oeive my notice. Is there anything I ean do to avoid a mix-up? A—Notify the VA. bat alee notify the Port Office, giving your old and new rnTflrmsn This will insure the forward ing of any ebook that is plac ed in the mails before VA can correct your address after your change of address it re ceived. In the esrly days of North Caro lina, flooded rivers were a hazard to traveller* Today, with its string of dam*, the Roanoke River Is largely free from »uch hazards. The Cape Fear River has been noted for the rapidity with which It flood! Proposed dams, at New Hope and elsewhere, are expected to relieve such flooding. ruu. LINE or GROCERIES ro-TT-... Approutatod DEAR SALLY: My husband and • I have been married eight yean, and are adopting our Arts baby. It will be a wonderfully happy day when he arrive*. We’d like I ;to know two things. Will it be proper for my husband to pass out the customary cigars to his friends? And how can we word the announcements we shall be mailing to our friends and rela tives In other towns to give the impression that the baby was bom to us? J.E.D. DEAR JJE.D.: Os coarse your husband may pass out those cigars . . . proudly! But please, yon should be perfectly frank about the baby’s being adopt ed. Don’t try to pretend to anyone that you have borne the child yourself, for some time In the years to come your deception Is bound to come out There’s nothing at all a boat an adoption that you should be ashamed of— it’s wonderful! You can word your engraved announcements something like this: "Mr. and Mrs. John D. Smith have the happiness to announce the a d opt lon of Robert Louis, aged three months.’* DEAR BALLY: I’m a senior fel low in high school and Just before Christmas I was foolish enough to vive my class ring to a beautiful girl who was a Junior In our school. Then in January she mov ed to another part of our city and goes to a different school. I’ve phoned her at least five times ask ing her to return my ring, and she keeps telling me ahe’D mail 5 IK COUPONkk ™ | SAVE 20c wtttUscwpoa wsa-Mjwan WESSON OIL JS& I Wtt I aATSIIP LLt. „ j SSSW*" , ™"“ FW III' ’ I Q| ■Mat" " umit: oni/couroN m mmat. vw arm na w. wm. tAVI JOcOMSTOKILYTSMAUGRHN . STOKELYI FINEST FRUIT LIMAS... S $ P liCOCKTAIL -as-IK IAVI Sic ON STOKILYI TOMATO |HmMH ■ * ■ " ■ ■ ■ . wmvil wm vewt woo at mou o*m 1U1CE...4-P - m amt • cKAiAmr ID* R* MISBURY AND BALLARD tuacimr. cram • ««n mm VHnr % 790 t riUNWi ww HWUV ■■■■«• PVBRI FIRM, GOLDEN-RIPE BISCUITS J|LLY FS rRUIMM Hi 4 ® 29‘ 5 « >IOO Ob f nUmwrj sssrrrr. -m. H|c mWK&W TOWELS 2 s 59c 111 sill ionb stamps Inowi SomONAt j - ’GCH.DW V” $ \ SAVE 20e *«. .m. n. -• n DINNERWARI r A EIDATf * It JESSE JEWEL FROZEN *:r«r CARROTS w 7 c oat mcc SPECIAL PRICE! UA NO. 1 TASTY YCU.OW I | | | |Cv SEALTEST ICE MILKI^I?M ns 3 * ,9 ‘ «■» I*?, in- FRIES ® s~*|M 4 55r Gallon m ROUSE OF RAEFORD BRAND ORAM A TENDER HENS - 14-20 IBS. ?“30nBII ™F SOLI IBM STAMPS E B •niinmwi'.BKiuKt I ■f TWO I*OZ. MSGS. ■f mortonr r*o/r> mmxits*^ B** M BIWWWWBHmPRIHIBIWBMHI h—3o oan““i| (111 nil STMTS S •m mm cat ra> ><• n«wa a* I Ktwo i*m-c«. cans B CARNOTS HOT DOG CHIU *4 mm *»rta w t^^NlNfli^R^^RU^unußUQß^QPßl^B f*«so mm«—»g | SOLI lill STAMPS S i »tta na mwi to nanuw m I L u-or. strr or* trim If* Arftnuicr oak* n l w •~y" r; v*~ pj jf“SOBBT“g CVll 1911STMIFS 6 ana tn» cam tva nantta a» 9 _ FtVt MB. C ATTAIN JOT* S V UVUO OUK M “ ’** «"• »J%» MBBWn»»ngin«»tria4j 2808 S. WILMINGON ST. DEAR SALLY •It to me- but so far the rli* has l not arrived. My parents forked out $25 for this ring, and have asked Ime several times what happened to it. 80 far I haven’t confeeeed what I really did with the ring, always managing to skirt around the subject whenever it cornea up. Can you give me any advice? UP A TREE. SHAW UNIVERSITY CLASS HEARS PEACE CORPS CONSULTANT-These Shaw Uni versity students w a home economics class hear Dr. I. Gregory Newton, right, Peace Corps Con sultant, Washington, D. C., who spoke, recently on the advantages of entering into the Peace Corps service overseas. SOLO BOMBJTAMPS I m Wrrm "nwTfkgTjwty m i ! f CHICK WAGON STUB *4 I m .mm wn an ■jmim IEOH BOMB STAMPS i nanMmwMiaaiaa K I4H. FUG. HUSH r*rc;*tH“Nn rood siuim *— V,'” 75.*" - RB 1 SIIBMMTnUBPS 1 s_ TTT JiSc. B f S ARMMI STAR FRANKS M §w ♦—y«"»,»- fig fa-M—o-m ■««««*.>, m emu hues | \ wu BomtTucn I S yfmBToaJiMTTwSr* m~m ! tattiiamKM Rfl * «smvrtnrH ■ «irwsa|y§- • GLEN WOOD VILLAGE DEAR UP A TREE: As you admit, you WERE foaUsh e nough to give year ring to this girl, which of course gives her reason to keep it us her own. However, since she has prom ised a number of times to send it back to you (and fail ed to keep those promises! wh* drn't you pay her a per- TURKEYS .33 *•**« 57 ** % ' cn "FRESH AS A ROSr I’OlOflNA SS!3O« extra lean Sbue tfcßu GROUND RSN STICKS Ac63c QFPP VHHB MACKEREL STEAK . -31 c ®* "" 5? WHUIM FISI ...,<* 10c 9 S|OG ui ■i ja linn >ctt u nom r.im A ifiH ■ SABSAIE .. . .AJh FUHMDEI *s7' A W ■ PICNICS MMiplay sonal visit? TUs should do tt. DEAR BALLY: My finance and I are planning our honeymoon trip, and he is insisting that we visit his family for a few days, since our route will be talcing us near the city in which they live. I feel that this is not right for a couple on their honeymoon, but when I said as much, he seemed very much astonished over my re luctance. And now I’m asking you —what do you think about this? SANDRA. Dfe’R SANDRA: Th** h a • CAMERON VILLAGE tough awe to answer. XT your honeymoon is to be unite a short one. yea might be right in hesitating to share any of those preefams days with his family. But if it is posible that be may not.be able to visit his heme far suite a long time, tt it natural that he be eager to share his background and peo ple with you. Perhaps you might rememeber—a devoted son usually makes a fine hus band, and the son who eares nothing for his parents is not likely to ears too much for his tflfe—at least the law of aver ages indicates this. A few days of your honeymoon should not be too much to spend with his people. If yon begrudge this, I hope it will remain fixed in your memory should you some 4W of your own DEAR SALLY: I have a question that’s been bothering me for some INSURANCE • RENTALS • SALES “LET US HELP YOU!” Terrace Insurance & Realty Co. C-B BOOKER PR. T. B. JILEB, Mgr. DIAL Stt-lIH LONDON OIL Burns To Serve You Call TE 2-2004—George London iMHIHNIPfI and always wake up warm. time, and whenever I>* broußht it up with any of my friends the? have always laughed at me. May be you can give me a serious an swer. When a girl and fellow are kissing goodnight at the end of a date, who should be the first to end the kiss or break away, the girl or the boy? JUDY. DEAR JUDY: The girt should be the one who maintains the control over sneh situations. In other words, she should be the one who determines the length of such goodnight kiss es and be the one who ends it. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY • North side Center