10 T 32 CABOLDfIAJf RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. MARCH 14, IX4 The Raleigh SCENE FRIDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB The Friday Afternoon Book Club met at the home of Mrs. Mary P. Lane on March 6. The meeting was presided over by the president. After the business ses sion was oarer. Mrs. Mildred James save a combined reading pretaln mg to children literature—What was beet for them second. Tall Tales by Negro characters, which was well reviewed and enjoyed by all. Oueste present were: Mrs. Mildred Chavis, Mrs. A. A. Cooke, and Mrs. Mildred Jones. Members present were: Mrs. Es ther Michael, president: Mrs. Ma rie Moore, secretary: Mrs. Elea nor Burch, treasurer; other mem bers present were: Mrs. Carrie Laws. Mrs. Nora Lockhart. Miss Belva Lane, MU Mary Bryant, Mrs. Nancy Devane, Mrs. Zannle Haywood. Mrs. A. B. Johnson, and Dr. Ellen Alston. We were served a delicious re past by the hostess. The next meeting Is scheduled to meet at the home of Mrs. Carrie Laws on Mar oh 20. THE EMERGENCY CLUB OF ST. PAUL AME CHURCH The Emergency Club of St Paul Church met at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Haywood of 322 H E. Ca barrus St The devotion wee led by the chaplain, Mrs. William. Then the president presided over the business part of the meeting. Our pastor attended the Bis hops Council in New Orleans and reported an interesting meeting. Our club helped to make It pos sible for him to attend this meet ing. We will soon be observing Woman's Day, an annual affair held at the church. Mrs. Haywood had tables ar ranged with white clothes end candles where she served a very testy repeat. Mrs. Hodge thanked the hostess for such a delightful evening. At the end of the meeting. Mrs. Hay wood presented three gifts, one to Mft. Pridgson. the caterer Mrs. Edmonds the door prise, and Mrs. Brown, the lueky ticket bolder. Members present were: Mee damee Hattie Edmondson. Lucy Hawse. Augusta Oray. Haas! Wil liams, Effle Young. Oamel Watts, Mabel Matthews, telly Wilson. Lucy Eaton, Juanita Strickland, and Lellle Hodge. Oeorgle Stew art, Bessie Washy. Oeneva Brown and Phillys Haywood. Everyone present had an enjoy* able evening. PERSONALS BAHAIS FLAN FIRESIDE A BAHA’I FIRESIDE to be hold Thursday evening Si 8:00 p.m, at 3403 Van Dyke Avenue will haw aa speaker. William Allison pre sently of Winston Salem. For the past five years, Mr. Alli son has been connected with the University of the Philllpplnss, In Manila. He also conducted techno logical studies on the Island of Min danao, one of the Islands of the Fhllllpplne group. The public is invited to this fire side. NURSEY SETS ANNUAL MEETING The Annas! Meeting es the Eeletch Day Nemery will be held Friday. March IS. at 8:M p. aa at the nursery In Chavis Height*. The children will pre sent a program. The pablte te Invited to attend. (Mere To Como) RALEIGH PERSONAL REV. BLOUNT GUEST MINISTER The Rev. Lawrenoe Blount of the city was the guest minister of the New Bethel Church In Winston Salem last Sunday. Dr. J. Draft on I* pastor. ST AUG. TO PRESENT OPERA Saint Aagnsttee'* College wflt preeent the "Merry Widow", en Opera In Engl tab, In the Emery Health and Ftna Arte Outer March 38th at Ml p. m. NORMAN PAUL TO SHAW FBI Instead of the previously an nounced speaker toe Friday, at Shaw University. Mr. Norman Paul, GIVE GOD ACHANCE NOW! Attend Church Every Sunday I Pepsi - Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh < 3705 HILLSBORO 81 REST. Ra£elGH. NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE 5-1071 CLUBS ROTALETTES CIVIC AND SOCIAL CLUB The Royalettes Civic and Social Club met Sunday at the homeof Mrs. Jeanette Fields, with Mrs. Julia Brown aa co-hostess. The president, Mrs- Jeanette Fields, presided over the meeting. Plane were oompleted for the An nual Community Easter Bn Hunt to be held Easter Monday on the lawn of Mrs. Euea Person. After the business session of the meeting the following members enjoyed a delicious repost served by the hos tesses. Mesd&mee Flore Andrews, Oliva Blount, Virginia Blount, Doris Brown, Julia Brown, Jeanette Fields, Helen Goode, Busan Hay wood .Josephine Morgan, Leona Morgan, Amelia Peebles, Margaret Peebles, Busan Person. Louise Rand, Mildred Scarver and Miss Kathnme Williams THE BUSY BEE CLUB OF SMITH TEMPLE CHURCH The Busy Bse Club met at the home of Mrs. Plorlne Smith, 8. Person Bt.. on March 2. After the devotional period, the president declared the house open for busi nee*. Buslnees of Importance was discussed. The hostess served a delightful repeat. Members pre sent were: Mrs. Mary Jackson. Cornelia Moore. Carrie Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Young, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Osborne. Special guest was Miss Phyllis Moore. Mrs. Smith was the hos tess at the meeting. Everyone pre sent had an lovely evening. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY The Blgma Oamma Rho Soror ity met to Its regular monthly meeting to the Hamlin Drug Store Cellar Saturday evening. March 7, with Soror Olkdys L. Smith as hostess and Basilrus Victoria Wal ters presiding. % The evening Wfan with a dell* okrns dinner foUowwi by the busi ness session of which many item* were taken care Os. Delegatee for coming Regional to be held to Rocky Mount on A* pril 17. 11, and II ware elected to the persons of Mrs. Ethel A. Pat rick and Mrs. Ruth M. Bethea. Those enjoying this Vovely even tog as Mrs. Laws' special guests included Soror LUlle B. Balientine. Oeorge W. Manly. Lottie M. Bal kan tine. Victoria M. Walter. Mer lyn Lytle, Ethel A. Patrick. Bobble Williams, Mamie 8. Haywood and Mery Carter. The evening wee enjoyed by aD .members present Washington, D. C. wQI address Shaw University studands and fa culty on Friday. March 13, at 12:00 noon In Greenlaaf Auditorium. The public Is Invited. (More To Come) Washington School News Students of the Washington School's junior high department war* highly entertained during last week's assembly program when W. A. Rainbow’s section took charge. The class members presented a playlet, ''Sixteen" by Edward Moy aahan. The playlet was cantered a round the theme of dlaeati(faction with school, the usual erase of a sixteen year-old boy who prefers a sports car to education. In the final analysis, education wine cut. in that his sister and brother ary both a warded good jobs because of their abilities and educational back grounds. The chareetere were, BeMy Thornton, who tastatlt on dropp ing out of school, played by Japes Martin: Larry Them ton, hip bro ther. John Laalc Ruth Thomsen, his sister, ttheleen Smith; Mm Thornton, Gloria Upperman; Mr. Thornton. Lorry Karris. Soloist for the easanMy warn Larry Harris and Je Anna Cannady. Beverly Ingram waa miatron of ceremonies. Tony Mlal read the eertpture end effered prayer. principal surprised The entire student body Curprtn ed the principal. J. W. Eaton, at the and es the aeeembly. After hie re marks. the students stood as If to pose, but Instead of peasing, they sang -Happy Birthday" and Tor He's A Jolly Good Fellow-. Yen see. It wea his birthday, x FTA NtM The "Value of Physical Fittoeea." ground*. ———— , '« THOMPSON SCHOOL NEWS rthn es Pella Vaeetoe Is be Shewn The Thompson School P. T. A. has secured the recent film on, "Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine" for showing during its meeting to be held Thursday night March 12,1M4 In the school auditorium at 8:00 P. M It Is hoped that It will help en lighten the community concerning the Immunisation program involv ing the Polio Vaccine that the Wake County Medical Society ha* em barked on a city wide basis to all the elementary schools beginning March 21 Fathers Night te bo Observed Father's night will also be ob served at this P. T. A meeting. The speaker for the occasion will be die Reverend Mr. J. N. Ligbt sey, pastor of Young's Chapel Church and Mr. Clarence Saulter, Bov Scout leader. The Grade Mothers will meet as usual prior to the meeting at 7:80 P. M. In Room 8. All parents, pa trons and friends are Invited to at tend Thompson’s P. T. A. activities Thursday Night, March 11 Benson-Four Oaks BY MSS. FLORENCE J. WYNN CHURCH NEWS BENSON—Service was held at the St. Jamas Disciple Church Sun day morning. Cell to worship by the choir. The Rev. Robert Wil liams delivered the message, taken from St John, 18th chapter, "Broad of Heaven". He left th^gaembers and congregation with e sermon to think sad do something about On Sunday evening, the choir, the pastor and deacons, rendered service at the Evening Stef Holi ness Church In Dunn. The text wet taken from St. John M, subject "Work while it 1a day, the night cometh when no men sen work". The Rev. Robert wmiame* message meant so much to everyone, especi ally his choir. They gained more Strength, end faith, and e stronger determination te let their light shine so everyone may see they are living tor Jesus. After the service, the choir, Rev. and Mrs. Williams and Rev. and Mrs. Oerald went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Evans, 908 Wil son Avenue. Dunn tor supper. Everyone enjoyed the supper and hospitality shown them. Riley Hill News BY MBS. HATTIE HOLDEN RILEYHILL—The regular wor ship service for March Bth began with the pastor. Dr. O. 8. Stokes, In charge of the opening with the senior choir to charge of music. Scripture was read by Rev. Wat kins. from Ist John. 4:1-8. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Bridge, the youth peAor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church to Washington. D. C. His text was taken from the Bth chapter of K seklal. 7-8 verses. His subject was. "The Misery of Being a HUmo crlte." He stated that by being a hip* pocrite, we neglect our duty and that we are on the road to de struction. The sermon was enjoyed by all who were present We were glad to have Mrs. Bridge and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodge. Mr. and Mht Wil liam Luoas. Mrs. Blanch Perking, Miss O. Holden, home with us- We elec h|d visitors from Raleigh and our neighboring churches to wor- HUp with ua s presentation from the Washing ton {School Phyahal Education De partment highlighted tht monthly PTA meeting which was held In the school auditorium. Members from various slsssss of the Junior htg>» school departments participat ed to exciting tumbling feats end ether gymnastics. Two colorful dances, e waits co-activity end 'Blue Tango climaxed the highly entertaining and yet purposeful demonstration. Other business of the wtning In cluded reports from Mrs Janie Chavis. Walter Harris end Ruth Smith. The attendance ban ner was awarded to Mrs. Maya Sixth grade class. Mrs. Naomi Leak - J ■> prtnapta. DRIYE SAFELY I ASSEMBLE FOR DINNER MEETING —Shown ere members oi the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority at they assembled for a Dinner meeting recently with Soror George H. Manly m hostess. Reading from left to right, front row, Baaeliue Victoria Walters', Soron Mary Cartar, I-o+tie Batten tine, Bobbie Williams, Lillie Balientine and Merlyn W. Lytle. Back tow, hit to right: George H. Manly, Gladys L. Smith, Dorothy Jones, Rachel Jones, Edith Ttioa and Ruth M. Bethea. L. BROADS "Help as O God, to grow la Chris tilkenes* this day. Strengthen to ns the mind of Christ and Instill la as the compassion of His heart that we may cease speaking and acting in potty, unbecoming ways Grant that wo may bo come foll-sise, mature Chris tians. Forgive ns our trespass es and sins. Help as to see the good qualities in our fellow men. Help as this day to show forth Thy love to others and leaw the Judging to Thy hands. Give as the Joy that was Thine even In the shadow -of the cross, the Joy that will remain always la Thy bum we. pray.* ST. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST Church School began at 10 a. m. with the supt., Mr. Wil liam Lyons, Sr., to charge. Wor ship service is held every Ist and 3rd Sundays. The Rev. L, T. Ford te pastor. WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST Sunday School began at 0:30 with the supt.. Miss Nanle Morgan, to charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 o'clock with the call to worship by the pastor, the Rev. O. W. Burwtck, with the Jun ior and children's choirs in charge of music, under the direction of MTS. M. M. Kelly. Morning lesson and prayer were by the pastor, who also delivered a very Inspir ing message to the congregation, which was enjoyed by aIL WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST —Church School began at 9:30 a. m. with the supt.. Mr. Phillip Al ston, In charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the junior choir, under the direction of Miss Jacqueline Mitchell. In charge of music. Morning lesson and pray er ware by c 3h*'-pastor, the Rev. J. H. Bryant, who also delivered a great sermon. UNION BAPTIST Sunday School began at 10 o'clock with the supt. Mr. Walter Price. In oharge. Morning worship began at 11:30 a. m. with the pastor, the Rev E. Mason. In charge, with the senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Nettle Harrington. In oharge of music Rev. Mason also delivered the morning meesage. YOUNO'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME Church School began at 0:30 a. m. with the supt . Mrs Della R. Ford. In charge Morning worship service began at the usual hour with the Junior choir in oharge of music, under the direc tion of Miss Myrtle Rhodes Morn ing lesson snd prayer were bl the PRESENTS CHECK IN MEMORY OP BROTHER Rkhmd Mitchell, hit, praaente a c hack lor SSOO to John C. Smith, president at St Auguetiae’e Acte JO Chapter at Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Inc., in memory of hit brother, the late Theodora R. Borneo, arho met with untimely death in an automobile accident. November 3. 1963. Barber, Mr. Mitchell praaantud a check to President Boyer lor 52.000 for scholarships lor deserving students. A Theodora R. Berime Memori al Scholarship has been established ad the College, which wifi award a scholarship to a deserving student each year. Berne s was a Sigma and a 1959 Magna Cum Lauda graduate ot Saint Augus tine's. Mitchell is a/so a Sigma. guest minister, the Rev. Mr. Thorpe of Durham, who also brought a very enoouraglng mes sage. Elder Ltghteey te pastor. OBERUN BAPTIST Sunday School began at 9:30 with the supt., Mr. Walter Curtis, to charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'- clock with the senior choir in oharge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs. Elsie Hayes, organist, Mrs. Lucille Campbell. Morning lesson and prayer were by the pas tor the Rev. J. P. Dempsey, who delivered a wonderful sermon. ST MATTHEW AME Church School began at 9:30 with the supt., Mr. Robert Laaane, Jr., to charge. Morning worship service began at 11 o’clock with tbs Junior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Mr. .DR. Leach, organist. Miss Jannetto Peterson. Scripture and prayer by the pas tor, the Rev. J. P. Eppes, who also delivered tbs morning message, which was enjoyed by all pres ent. LILLY OP THE YAXLEY BAP TTST Sunday Schood began at 10 o'clock with the supt. Mr. Mack Arthur to charge. Morning wor ship began at 11:30 with the con gregation singing. From the Book of Job, 3rd chapter, and a portion of the 3rd chapter of Rev., a great sermon was delivered by the guest minister, the Rev. Mr. Alston, from Warren ton. His subject was, “We Want To Be In The First Resurrection.” The Rev. Lester Rivers te pastor. FIRST BAPTIST Chun* School began at 9:00 a. m. with the supt., Mr. W. H. Taylor. Sr, to charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock, with the Junior choir, under the direotlon of Mr. W. W. Hurdle, in charge of music. Morn ing lesson waa read by the Rev Mr. Chambttes, and morning pray er was led by the pastor, the Rev. C. W. Ward. Recognition, of visit ors was by Mr. David Dolby. The 152nd anniversary sermon was de livered by a former pastor. Dr. C. E. Askew. It was a very Inspiring sermon and enjoyed by all pres ent BTU begad at 8:30 with the leader. Mr. Rank Hinton. Br, to charge. Evening worship began at 7:30 with tbe pastor delivering the message. Next Sunday we will ob serve Foreign Mission Day, and Dr. Wendell C. Somerville win be the guest meeker. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST Sunday School be gan at 10:00 with tbs supt. MY. E. D. Sandora, to charge. At 11:00. Rev. Ray made the call to worship with the chorus to charge of the music, under the direction of Mes dames Smith and Holder. Script ure was taken from St John. 9:1- 11. Prayer was led by Deacon Feans. Rev. Ray brought us s wonderful minis re from St John. 9:25. Hte subject was. "How Can X Keep Quiet?" At 9:00 p. m. the obours held a musical program with many groups appearing. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS Chunh School began at 10 a/m. with tbe superintendent, Arthur Williams to charge. Morning wor ship followed immediately with our pastor, tbe Rev. Ell Ratcliff conducting tbe service. The mes sage for the day was brought by tbs Rev. Mrs. Mary Cotton. Bhs spoke from the subject, "A Foun dation." Music was rendered by the Junior choir, under the direc tion of Mrs. Fannie Washington and accompanied by young Broth er William Ratcliff at the piano. MORNINO STAR BAFTIST _ Sunday School was opened at 11 o'clock with the superintendent to charge. The subject dieeuased was, "A Man Born Blind.” Morning service was opened by singing "At the Cross". Next scripture was read, followed by the song, "What A Friend”. Announcements were mads and missionary offering was taken. Our pastor, Rev. 8. R. Spencer brought a wonderful massage which was enjoyed by aIL At 4 o'clock. Rev. Sherrill, hte choir, and congregation from New Bethel Christian Church to Method rendered service. BTU was opened at 7 o’clock with the assistant supt. In charge. Tbe lesson was discussed and explained. Mrs. Jes sie Deloach te church reporter. RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZION Church School began as usual at 9:45 a m. with the supts.. Messers Leslie Campbell and Jessie DegraffSnrektt to charge. Junior Church services were conducted by Rev. Shelly Taylor. The morning worship services were conducted by the pastor. Rov T. H. Harris. The music was furnished by the Junior choir. Rev. Harris delivered a very powerful gospel message from the text, "Time Will Bring Reality to Past" Hte subject was taken from St Mark. 1:14-15. At 7:30 P- m.. Chaplain T. ft Owens of tbe U. 8. Army delivered the msesags Hte theme was. "Let’s Go Fishing". This. too. was a very striking mu—»>■ Ouse again the junior choir furntebed the anisic. Wa invite yen to worship with us at yewr saltiest convenience Mm. Annie H. Thorps te church report er. efij. My Lady's Doings ♦ ♦ ♦ In And Oat Os Town GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE We ere kited mu we see. Is werth making make. Why beUd three eUtes glorious. If man unbuilt goes.” In vate we build the wart, un taae the builder alee grows." HOST TO PROGRESSIVE CLUB Mr. and Mrs Cato Sanders of E. Martin Street, were hosts to the Progressive Club Monday night Af ter a brief business session, the Hostess assisted by Miss Cornelia Allen, served s delightful repast es chicken salad, saltines, potato olives, home made cake and ice Members present ware Mesdames Connie Young, Jessie Hunt Julia Novels, Marjorie Dunston, Cor nelia Alim, Ina Sanders, Lucy Brown, Janie Curtis, Lillie Mae Pope. Harriett Smith Jones, Visi tors: Mrs. Connie Sanders, Mrs. Geneva Yarborough is president The next meeting will be held at the home es Mrs. Julia Netels on April 13th. Each of the members present expressed their delight as having enjoyed e lovely evening. BELATED BIRTHDAY GREETINGS We extend belated birthday gretings to Georgette Medlln of 588 K. Cabarrus Street of the re- Alpha Lewis Howz e Given Final Rites In Charlotte CHARLOTTE Final tribute was paid to Alpha Lewis Bowse, son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Rob ert Howze, on Sunday, March Bth, 2:00 p. m . at St Michael’s and All ALPHA LEWIS HOWZE Angels Episcopal Church, Char lotte. The Rev. W. Alfred Wilkins, of ficiated, Apostles' Creed and Pray er was by the Rector, Psalm 46 was read by the Rev. W. Deforest Baxter, and the Lesson was by the Rev. D. J. B. Humphrey. Inter ment was in York Memorial Park. Mr. Howse was a native of Shubuta Mississippi. He at tended the pubHe schools and the Oklahano Industrial School, Oklahano, Mississippi and was a‘graduate of Saint Augustine's College. Raleigh, where he met Miss Vivian Weaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Weaver of Ra leigh. whom he wed on De cember 14, 1*42. Mr. Howpbwm anjscttve aa lay-reader, choir member, sec retary of Vestry, and a mmnhsr of the Episcopal Meals Chib. At hie death he was In tha servlet at Oaf Charlotte Housing Authority aa manager at the OakJawn Housing Project. Survivors are bis wife, Mia. Vivi an W. Howie: a son. Alpha Lewis Howae. *.: four brothers, Mr. Bo se Howse, Brian tng ham. Ala: Mr. Robert Howie, Chicago. HL; Mr. Waiter Howie. Philadelphia Ida; and Mr. Arthur Howie, Meridian, ItfCINOI'f Test Ms so Iks soots la tho urn bolow. Hmm, h —1 be haeTboSso Bjm Cam Heerisf AMs I 1 f Rldyuaifa| I OPTiCIAMt. tae. [ cant celebration of her 13th Birth day, and say to her, Many more Happy Birthdays. MOVES INTO NEW HOME Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Durham, who recently moved into their new Medallion Home. They are now at 3104 Gil liam Lane in Biltmore Hills Sub- Division. They formerly resided at Darby Street In Rochester Heights. ATTENDED FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Yarborough of 415 Watson Stret motored to Youngsvllle last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dilley Perry. They were accomprnned by Mrs. Eva Dehman, and Mr. and Mrs. John Broadie and Mrs. Catheleen Jones. SPONSORS KING AND QUEEN CONTEST Group 3 of Rush Metropolitan A. M E. Zion Church of which Mr. James Sanders is president spon sored A King and Queen Contest last Sunday Afternoon. Miss Jose phine Cobb was Queen and Mr. James Sanders was King. The Queen representative in speech was Mrs. L H. Cobb—The King repre sentative in speech was Pro! J. C Cobh. A fine program was preusntud. Continue culling—We are happy te serve you. Misnj four sisters. Mm Sophia Bryant. Jackson. Mias.; Mm I retta Massey, Laurel. Mian: Mm Ekaiioe Tatum, Levin. Mian; and Mm Evoly Davis. Laurel, Missis sippi. MBS. BERT GRIFFIN Funeral services for Mrs. Betty Griffin of Holly Springs, Rte. 1, were held Sunday, at 2:30 P. M. at Sweet Spring C. If. E. Church. The Rev. Mr. Griffan officiated. Burial followed in the Church Cemetery. Surviving are: two daughters. Mm Minnie Jones of the home, Mrs. Anna Hophlna, Baltimore, Md.; one son, Mr. John Russell McClain; one brother, Mr. Charles McCloud, all es the home; one sister. Mrs. Annie Mims, Raleigh. 29 grand children, Ond 41 great-grand children. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Everything For. •. BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • UMBER • kill won • ATHEVS PAINTS • HJtDUM MATERIALS • SPSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TR 2-7563 CAROLINA itUIIiDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Dawson St RALEIGH, N. C. PRINTING • Commercial • Soda] Coonalt Us for Raaaonabie Prompt * Service Phone TE 4-5558 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. suaumbstm auexc

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