Many Whites In Alabama Ashamed Os Wallace; Feel He’s Hurting U. S. vrwvnnr m •« . .. ... _ NEWYORK More than a mil on citizens of Alabama - both rhite and Negro - are ashamed of tov. George Wallace and believe hat he is hurting the state and he nation, a noted Alabama author hid Monday. Writing in the current issue •f Look Magazine. William Bradford Huie declared that Wallace’s racial policies have directly led' to violence in the South, such as the beosnbing of a Birmingham church last year Jesse Jackson: A&T Student Leader To Youth Council Meet ORXRNSEORO Jesse Jackson, senior at A & T College and resident of the Student Govem- Mnt has been named as official aprasentative of Young Demo ratio Clube of America to the U. L Youth Council to bo held in New 'ork City on March .6 7, and 8. The Youth Council, which has (png been active in the affairs of gw nation. Is composed of over 25- •Will you please give Instruction* for fumigating dMte in the vege table garden and wner beds. 1 have heard about it nt have never tried it” Soil fumigation it coming more Into the production picture and it being employed by many home owners to control nematodes, soil borne diseases and weeds. Perhaps the most important bene fit derived from this treatment is the control of nematodes because they not only themselves inhibit normal plant growth, but they also leave open wounds in roots which permit easy invasion of soil borne Perhaps the best soil fumigant is methyl bromide. It is very effective and used extensively in tobacco beds. The material comes in one pound cans and should bfeaftplied at the rate of two pounds per 100 square feet of soil area. It is sold under such trade names as Dow- MC2, Pestmaster and Bedfume. You will need a gas-tight cover Plastic covers, suitable for this pur pose are available. It is also neces- FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO ANY~SMALL APPLIANCE CALL TE 2-3950 OR VA 8-2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. -The House That Service Built” 224 E. MARTIN ST. UGHTNER FUNERAL HOME And The Lightner Mutual Burial Insurance <? Licensed Embalmers -and-- Funeral Directors c E LIGHTNER C. E LIGHTNER, II Founder Manager Ambulance Service Funeral Chapel 312 SMITH FIELD ST. Office Phones: TE 3-1676 - TE 3-1677 Our services are specially designed to suit the purse of everyone AD distinctions of r ia«« and wealth are forgotten .. • Every ,ervice is conducted with the same quiet dignity, sympathetic and capable attention - to the smallest de tail. that killed fear yeung Negro girls. Wallace. Huie said,' is undoubted ly the political idol of the murderer who dynamited the Birmingham church, although Wallace himself does not advocate violence. "The Governor and the mur derer would agree on what needs protecting- In the South ern way of life. Rule wrote. "They disagree only on hew to protect K . . . Their tactics are different." other youth organizations in the United States. Jackson was a member of the North Carolina delegation the Young Democratic Club of Ameri ca annual national meeting held last month at Las Vegas, Nevada. Jackson, a star athlete at A 8k T, is an honor student He is a native of Greenville, South Carolina. GARDEN TIME m e gardner instate college aary to seal the cover to contain the gas, otherwise the treatment will not be effective. If you use a cover that has been used on your tobac co bed, be sure that all holes in the plastic have been patched. Here are the steps: Loosen the soil well to a depth of about eight inches. Distribute sacks fitted with straw, or used soft drink bottles, over the area to hold the cover a hove the soil. This will give better gas penetration. It bottles are used, plunge the neck end in the soil. Don’t use anything that might puncture the plastic cover. Seal the cover by covering the edges with soil. * Special applicators for releasing the gas are needed; also, plastic tubing to direct the gas under the cover. These will be available from your supplier of methyl bromide. The tubes are removed after the gas is released. Carefully follow the Instructions provided by the manufacturers when applying the gas. Floders are usually furnished with the materi al. Applications should be made when the temperature is above 80 degrees and the cover should re main over the treated area for 24 hours. Wait about three days, pre ferably a week, after the cover is removed before planting. If you are not prepared to treat relatively large areas, I wyld sug gest that you treat tfre* soil In your vegetable garden where you plan to set tomato plants. This crop seems to be more of a problem in many soils due to nematodes and certain soil borne diseases. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE —Consult— Fire Insurance Co. Durham, N. C. YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS Tha murderer, Huie stated, "an extremist among extremists,” is probably a Baptist, "believes he did right,” and probably has work ed as a miner Judging from the skill with which he planted the 16 sticks of dynamite in the church. Noting that a manner of citizens have contributed SBO,OOO to help apprehend the murderer, Huie de clared in Look; -I think they may as well take their money back. I don’t think the murderer will ever be identified. For whenever authority shares the fears of a murderer, and condemns only hit violent effort to relieve his teen, the murderer is sel dom identified, almost never con victed." NC Mutual’s A. T. Spaulding Is Honored DURHAM Ass T. Spaulding. President of tha North Carolina Mutual Lite Insurance Company has received a citation for his per sonal assistance in the 1063 United Community Campaigns of America. This announcement was made by J. K. Hodnette, National Chairman. United Community Campaigns of America. Mr. Hodnette announced further that Mr. Spaulding’s assistance in the United Community Campaigns of America was a contributing fac tor in the achievement of an all time record for the highest total ever raised in the Annual United Way Campaigns. The final total is expected to reach 3343 million. Along with the citation, Mr. Spaulding’s name has been placed on the Honor Roll of the 1963 U nited Community Campaigns of America in recognition of his ser vioes. DEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY: I'm a girl of 27, a college graduate, passably attrac tive, have had my opportunities for marriage but no man has seem “right” for me . . . until recently. There’s an executive in the com pany for which I work, a widower, .who has been taking me to dinners, dances, and other social functions, and we get along wonderfully. He's charming, cultured, intelligent . . . everything I’ve ever dreamed of in a man. I'm sure he's leading up to the point of proposing marriage to me—and maybe, considering what I've already told you about him, you’re wondering what my problem is. Well, if there IS a prdblem. it's his age—s 4. My friends all seem to agree that the difference in our ages is entirely too much for a suc cessful happy marriage. What do you think? G. E. DEAR G. E.: Pm with your friends. While now In the bloom of courtship that 27-year dlf ference may not seem too much to yoa. it will oeem greater as the years go by. When you're 56. hell be 77—and when you're 86. hell be 37. That’s Just too much. DEAR SALLY: My wife has » spinster aunt who visits us regula - ly—about every two weeks or so. Several weeks ago, one evening, she arrived with her new little pet dog, and during her visit the little pooch proceeded to “decorate" our carpeting in no fewer than four places. I held on to my temper and cleaned up those areas myself and as best I could —but then on her next visit she brought the canine again and he was STILL not house broken! This time I told auntie in no uncertain terms that if she couldn't train her dog better, to leave him home on future visits. And so she left our home with all the appearances of “hurt feelings." and my wife now seems to think I should phone her and apologize. How about thia? BIG JIM. DEAR BIG JIM: Any in*'? gtes due should be coming from Auntie. You have every right to bo concerned about the ap pearance and condition of your oovtsoto anil fIMHI. DEAR SALLY: I’ve been going with Hank for about six months, and my parents have been after me to invite him to dinner in our home So far I haven't done so. and for a very embarrassing reason. I'm a shamed of Hank’s table manners. He eats noisily, talks with his mouth full of food, doesn't know how to use his silverware, and uaes his bre d Jik" xi ir.op on hi olate. H is in evc.y other respect a swell guy and I like him very much, but I'm afraid that if my parents wit ness his performance at the dinner table, be would earn a big black mark in their book. What do you advise" LUCY. DEAR LtH T: If this bn «* the "swell guy” ysu say be is, belt lake with good grace seuae constructive advice from you. Since you’ve been going with bins fur six months, you should know him wed enough to tell him frankly what - ! wrong with his laMe manners, and how hr can improve them. He should appreciate your Interest be cause poor table manners can prove a very eastern handicap to life. DEAR SALLY: How dogs one go •bout killing or hing a vi cious bit of gossip about oneself This has happened to me. Almost a year ago. someone started an ugly and untrue rumor about me. and this has persisted despite all my efforts to trace its source and to deny its truth. I'm forever getting involved in embarrassing haran gues about thia malicious rumor, but try as I might. I still keep running into it. Is there anything at all i can do to put a stop to this THE LATE SHELTON MATTHEWS HONORED—Mrs. Shelton Matthews, Petersburg, Virginia, accepts a plaque in mem ory ol her late husband, the former basketball coach at Virginia State College, during the 19tA Annual CIAA Basketball Tourna ment held in Greensboro, recently. The tourney this y4ar was de dicated to Matthews and the “Coach ol the Year" award, given each year, has been named in hie honor. Floyd Brown, head has ketball coach at North Carolina College, repreeenting the CIAA Coaches Association, makes the presentation. Mother Os Six Caught Robbing Store Os $55 To Stop Eviction CHICAGO TANP) Mr*. Cor line Hicks, 30-year-old mother of six children, was nabbed by police last week just after she had walked out of the door of a neck wear store in the down town area following a $55 hold-up. According to the store clerk, Mrs. Goldie Weiss, 40. Mrs. Hicks entered the store and ordered her to hand over the money in the cash register. On The Home Front GUIDES TO GOOD EATING Surveys in Walqp County point out that more homemakers are working outside the home and do not have time to prepare nutritious meals for the family, reports Mrs. Natalie Wimberly, home economics agent. Tbe foods and nutrition lead ers have offered the following time saving hints In meal pre paration: Plan meala ahead, use pressure saucepan, prepare Inore than enough food for one meal,, prepare foods ahead of time, use frozen or canned foods, nse partially prepared talk about me? MALIGNED. DEAR MALIGNED; Why don't you try simply Ignoring this gossip? That's the best de fense against It Your persistent attempts to fight It are’ only serving to keep it alive. If you stop revealing so much Interest in It, other people will. too. And after all, your REAL friends know you and like you for what you are, and no real friend pays any attention to gossip. KENTUCKY GENTLEMAN SmJCKY STRAIGHT OURBON WHISKEY v *2f 86 PROOF • BARTON DISTILL!. ,OM PANY Bsndstown, kelson Comity. Kemuil Allan King, owner ei tee store, observod tea action from the back room and telephoned pa lies. When arrested, Mrs. Hicks wee found too be carrying a 22 calibre revolver in her coat pocket. She Mid she needed the money to keep the landlord from evicting her fam ily. Her husband, Henry, la a bakery worker. •r pro peaked foods. HOME CARE OF THE HOE The Andrew's Chapel Home Demonstration Club planned a 12* hour short course In caring for the sick at home. The course was taught by Mra. Lola Robinson, Clinton. Miss Ada Milla, home economic* agent saya one of their goals In Sampson County this year has been to reach non-club members. And 16 of the 16 women who completed the course were not membors et the Home Demonstration Club. FINANCING HOME IMPROVEMENT "If you are planning to build, re model or buy a house through fi nancing. it is important during the early stage of planning to figure out how much money you have a vailable and how much you have to borrow,” saya Mrs. Lottie Harrlaton, home economic* agent In Forsyth County, the Home Demonstration Club members have been working on home improve ments. And since financing is such an important part of the plan. Mr*. Harriston prepared a leaflet on fi nancing the Improvement* which includes information on the down Accelerated Development Os New - Knowledge Cited At Bennett veloptnent of new knowledge and rapidly shifting world economic and social conditions were cited by Dr. Kenneth R. Williams as major teeters forcing man to widen his May Place H. Tubman Bust In D. C. WASHINGTON (AMP) - A na tion wide movement ia currently underway to place toe bust of Har riet Tubman in Stotury Hall here in toe nattonl capital A profsst e» msmksre s i Tew* Wsmsnh OunniM as toe TWCLA J*SsLktagto?" and mambsss s t tbs Maryland State CsatesuiawjrfJKAACP kraaeb sf teto~Na«ra MarytenTwemaa whs asi saly was taut ramie tel slaves sat as Maryland into tree towHnrtty to tbs irh but mEMary mmpslgn during ton Otvtl War. Mias E. Pnd Myers es Washing ton and Mrs. Juanita Mitchell, a Baltimore attorney and wife ei Clarence Mitchell head of, tbs Washington Bureau et the NAACP, said tew peopla knew that Harriet Tubman aided in formulating toe strategy and making a survey of enemy penetrations ter a military campaign and than assisted Colonel Montgomery and 300 Negro troops to tha famous Combahes campaign on tha night of June 2, 1363. payment, preliminary coats, aoursas for credit and cautions about financing TIME RUNNING OUT ON YOUR OLD FURNACE? Keeping comfortably worm can be a problem when your heoting system falters. Yet there's an ideal way to odd warmth to chilly oreas now and insure ogoinst furnoce failure In the future. Just switch to the nicest housewarming yor/fl ever hove—flameless electric heat with room-by room temperature controls. No need to be with out heat during its installation . . . there's no in* terference with your present Works fine, too, for odd-on-spoce in homes shere old furnaces . can't take the extra lood. Almost 9,OCX) CPCrI customers already enf of the gentle, radiant warmth of homeless electric househeating. Join them soon you'll like it. Just coll CP&L. ISO) ' Get your money’* worth with =•-' ...tft/tonsfcM / An investor owned, taxpaying, public utility oompeny RALEIGH. N. O, SATURDAY, MARCH 14. ISS4 horiaona. In hia vesper aiitrsm ad Bennett College Sunday. Dr. Williams, president of Win ston-Salem State Collage, waa criti cal of indlvitoiala who have no out look and no desire to learn. "New knewledge to davelep tog sa rapidly" ha raid, "that a para mi whs gets a degree 16 years hence will have to knew frees twe to three Haase as ■ate aa a para an gat Hug teat asms decree today. The educe Hen demanded by werid change regulrae a thirst ter knewledge. Suck edueatton dees met end when a parise acquires a do gma. but aaateai unto bu , dtae." I Calling attention to tha tact that some students are more Interested to "their nights out than their days 1 ■ —*—l| ★ We Appreciate Tour Patronage it VISIT OUR STORE REGULARLY | A Complete Line of Meats SECURITY MEAT MARKET US E. MARTIN ET. PHONE TE 2-7122 21 Acme Laundry & Cleaners, Inc* 1-Day Service On Request 2627 RtUsboru Street ISI W. Orals Drive RALEIGH. N. CL CARY. N. C. Dial TEA-4461 Dial 467-2241 to." Dr. Wnilame daoterad teat rig id self-discipline ia required for to day's education. Ha urged his lis teners to deck)# now how big their world is going to be and how big they are going to bu to it "People with UHla minds can net wee very far," ha said, "net- —- teate sea people with claaad minds or people with lazy minds. Thera arp peepto walk- tag around today, atsai minds died years age, tort nobody b bathering to bury teem haeanaa they are still breathing." In raterring to tha "social ravo* - lotion” which Is taking place today, ha told students to propers well for tha new Job opportunities which are opening to them, warning that •" if they an not ready, they win be left out 11

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