2 THE CAIOLQfIAM - KMFWir W« Gy RATPEPAT, HAKI 11, M 66 frVlgrKot Integrate The Teachers ; T- icomtbioto nw rw j> jsrarsrss io maHi in common on any mattor Irian It wpoltf • srittUQi*. Tta» ■» doubt about ooaoverientton, —lowtorittliri. feariMltlF, led to Integration on trie J*e*t es OrarbOßi Mi edtttgtoo. Kir tools and intelligence their product. We hope results ig the tea chin* profession will be forttjeoming before ao ■Uon year. the business world could use spcb a root mass of our ibose winds abeuM be weaned to ritongf and further de r pur society. There Is no belter trine than now for those In BKpoWMob of NOTA’s executive secretary to begin the ground jeoif&rN* total integration Wttfeta tbs teaching pnfssrton. I sr-- ■- /tit. /ti«t>. D. C. Pope; AME Zion Bishop Dies In Virginia , BRISTOL. Tensu-Final rites for .the Rt Rev. Daniel Carlton Pope were held at Hood AME Zion Church here Tueatey with high churchmen in attendeaoa iis!r»ft w» w'bo %**' ed hi* life as one dediostsd to a*rv b t mm. loam court* AFfX-Oa fctttoy monU*t* Biß. gunder School btgsa to FtoW Baptiet with the aufiilulNillato. Mt. A. ft. Morion, to charge. to «•* • lovely manning aad (too attoad ones wot good, no —aitosnt tooth fr« w«ro on ir on r in* to leech. 1 The aewly-toeeb-I, MF - * and die UrHad Fnoaa. latsma- I si Phutu Service Tle Pub is not responsible for I return »t unaoli.tied net*'* pic-; » ui suvnUxmg copy unless use ! .ry oustege aecpmpsnies Ih* copy I Opinions expressed by columnists inj Lis newspaper do not necessarily re hen the ooiicy ot the panel » ice to humanity and to the glorifi cation of God. Bishop W. J. Wall* presided over the ceremoniea. Btshopa R. 1* Jones, W. A. Stewart, W. Id. SnWto and C. E. Tucker represented the hoard of Bishops Os the AME Zion Church. Dr. J. C. Haggard. Becre tery of Foreign Missions, spoke for that department and the general officer*. Mr*. Emma B Watson rep. resented the Woraans' Home and Foreign Missionary Department. The let# peelete pr tded over the Mb district of th* AME Eton Church, comprising E T**m. and Virginia. Pee '»• C> Dee. Georgia, South Georgia and the South Caro lina Csgdarenoe- Tb**s penteranee* were suprminted by Rev*- I* % Rogers. B. W. Mooour. W A Pot- Mr, R- L Postdtt and / 0- Mo Rribap Pro* was bsni in Ate . hasaa sad bsgns Ms wMMrr In Ms gattae stale. ■* gssdnsf ad Waw FWfcagas Mririnto and Hi Wg at Umm IhewtSMl* Ml- If c. 11 aft-T Phase. If. C.. and Msadgawary. AM. Apex News ludwriilf ri our past or. tod M*. mssttffsstts tor tb* pragma* we kev* erode end are atUI making- We torite you to worship wHh ns when #v*r the opportunity permit* you to do to w* me happy to riprit torign Saturday. March Ith. Vnonla Mount ST rid plae* to too Rtoto Tm ted cootori. which wen hrid ri Herto Carolina Cdll*|* In Durham. Von nie 1* a macaber of the senior claw at Apex Consolidated High School. Miss Cathel Scott won Ind plaoe. Sh« is atoo • member of to* senior daw. Congratulation* to boto ri you. Library Th* friends of th# library will meet Monday at 7:30 pan. at the Apex Public Library. All meantoers are urged to pleas# be present and on tlm* Not too We welcome new subscriber* 1o Th# CAROLINIAN newspaper, on# of th* mo*t outstanding colored pa pers published In this (tat*. It keep* you abreast with all the news of interest. To those who would like to subscribe, the ccot per year, and th# paper Is mailed to your horn# free of charge, la merely M K • VERY REASONABLE RATE To those who only -wish to aubscrlb* for S month* It only S2J3. A few es you requested that y*ur pep#r bo continued, even though row suhscrlpttoo hte expired, and w# did so. But now don't you think It to time to get “even with toe heard PLEASE DO SO VERY SOON The manager end ri*M put to led* es hour* ri hard work and finance u> harp you up to date Wtto toe news. pSaNE DO AS YOU PROMISED, thereby perm Win* rue to hdfth my promts# to them It your p#P« stops coming. DONT blame ttw staff M wiM b# yeu. »y Irsrod and yeu atone They hove bee* mere thee totorent wlto ye* mi me. Year uew# lepertor. Mr* Col via. ML Olive IT MMOMMima Carver Otoe o*l MT. OLJVE Th# Carer High School Glee Chib was iortunato enough to appmr on tk* Omega Talent Hunt Sunday. March 1. in Goldsboro. Mary Platt, a member es the Glee Club, woo aeooed glac# in the vocal soloist contest She appeared on the District Talent Hunt which waa held Sunday. March 8. to Wilson The Glee Club is also planning U> go to'Southfield for to* Dwtnet Festival in the near future. W# bog* that they wtu wm to toe District lYrtival and be on thetr way to the Ste« Festival which *'Ui be held • tew weeks after. All this wa# and will be earned out by the help ri our director, Mrs. M B Chasten Mjw 4. Barfield and Mrs A. Bar tirid gave • baby shower in the broae ri Mr. and Mrs. .K Barfield Saturday evening. It was ghen foe Mr*. M Barfield, who was the teenier Mi** Valentin* Rk’u of ETUio-v Mite L. Armstrong of Calypso. egcat CueOay evening to to* home ri Iri. emi Mm- It Ararotreng Mr. T. Exuro «M Mms E Pros her toe ri 6ev*e Rprlags. visited Mb* A. C. Ettel Sunday tventg. Mr. and Mrs. R Enrtl end Mr. and Mr* R EtiwM. Jr *gro* Ree da.v afterrooo vuitrn* Mrs. N. Lag- I cc.i. v. bo is a pat ent at Li# Wilaoo i Hospital to Wilson. I Mr* ri Carre.t ri Red Bank. N I. hrve returned to their hofn* as- Rfaamlutte News BT MRS. IfOUJ CHAVM OBAMKATTB dnadap Bdberi opened at Id «gn . WMM Chapel with Mr. Chester isgk poparte tender t, prnSdtrt se Rev. T- »• Las was the IfJO cum spacdtST- Tb* senior choir MrnMhed the anisic, with Mr. Ed McClain at the organ. Sigter McNeil sdMred prayer for Sick. Rev. Le* was (Me the evening speaker. He spoke from tbs lltb chapter of Mari, Mth vers#. AB utter* or# asked to saset on Iburs day evening at • o’clock- H hi an important meeting- Mr*. Betty BellenUne is on our Me* UsC Latte m pray dar to*r. I had th# peasr# to attend Mr and Mr* Chari** CootWs NR wed ding sswdwpawr to JMfsigh. There were ltd guest* pwawat The Cos tow moved them from Wtontogton ZEBULOX BT MM. MABHR Fl-OTD . ZEBULOW — Sunday School op ened at 10 o’clock with too superin tendent to charge. Morning worship services began at 11 M o’clock with the patter reading th* scripture Music was *# uttered by to* senior choir wtto Mrs. BUM Hopkins *» pianist The East Vwt dehors Union war held at Mary drove Baptist Church Mr. M. Spell, president of the un ion, was to charge. Mr*. Ruth Mor gan gav* some important and to tsrtottag print* on ’he union asd bow to hove a good union Mr. wad Mr*. James FerrelJ visit od Mr. and Mrs Atlas J«©m Sun day Mr. Willard Bass of New York, visited bis daughter. Mbs Annie Jean Baas. Cedstouted ito Lena Riobardaon celebrated her leap year birthday on February M. The house wa* beautifully dec orated wttb a color scheme of pink and groan. The table wa* covered with a white linen tablecloth. Mrs- Ada Perry preaided et to* punch bewL which was of beautiful crystal- Mrs- Alphas Le wereoe# and Mr*, Lnrttte Park* greeted and di rected sweat*. Ml**** Bmnds Ratten end Bntriey Duos received gift* The loUewtog friends Merited with toe earring; Mrs- Annie Rtowart. Mrs- Gertbe Harris sad Mr* Mary Tbs menu eoosrited sf todekes salad wadwidae*. cheese ttraw*. pecan finger*, sugar fflua* rolls, cake. Rim to* mints sad nut* Th* guest* who were numerous end eniasad to boro entoyedjtoem very happy. Goodbye* were Mid to fin. Vensotts Harris and Mr*. R. H fusion* DR. DOWDY IS ART PRESIDENT risers ■arsnv wa* pr—astod to dose ed toshtor ttpn. When Dr. Proctor wa* granted leave from the poet to 1961 to serve a temporary assignment with the Peace Corps ea director of toe pro gram to Nigeria. Africa. Dr. Dowdy wea inetelled ea acting president. He served tor 20 months until the return of Dr. Proctor last August During the last six months, he ha* continued his duties as dean of in struction. A native of Eastover. South Caro- , line. Do wav is a graduate of Allen University, holds toe MA. Degree in administration from Indiana State College and has completed residence requirements for the doc torate decree at the University of Indiana Hr was awarded the ho:u orary Doctor of Laws degree by AUen University in IMI. Prior to coming to ART. Dowdy served in the South Carolina public school system lor erven year* as i principal of an elementary-Junior igh school and for lour year* a* pervising principal. He is married and the couple i has two aoiu. Lewis. Jr. BJ. and Lemuel. 18. and a daughter. Elisa beth. 7. clayTs “PITIED” BY ROBINSON MMr*i» ram rsti i> ; ly to Join the campaign a.njf of Oov, Nelson Rockefeller of New York, arid he feels toe* to joining toe Lewisville March, he was re paying the city tor tbs many oour- Irakis extended to bin dun US bit minor league career. 2,000 STUDENTS WILL MARCH FOR SHAW UNIVERSITY ICONTtNI'BB WN MCI l> Dr. Check said the under taking wa* solely handled by th* student* and the marching wt?l be super vteed by swne He roitttite students 'xpraaaed a Strong fiiebw to pre vent the Wua of >heo > accredita tion and u tinted to have a chance | to present Shaw’s eaes to every . member of the Raleigh ooc inunttv Through th* churehei and the Raleigh Minritcnel Aasectetton. cars : ’rave been aaaured to tab* alt of the student* to every Raleigh eeigb borhood duruvg toe two-day cam paign- “CHOOSE UP SIDES” IN CR BATTIK uaanwr) non rtri it Named Dt-keen and the tHlee ->f the bi'l (nr which fSev wttt he 1 sponvtb’e w»re Sen* Ronneth ft I ’’ *etb*e N Y. cartato of Title I J Vafine Pj- n Hn-ske. I \eb-aKha Tut* tt *P> Hte A~ro»r>- mtriadenat: Jacob It JavH* N T. j Title 1M iPublic Farilttri*>: John Fhermae Cooper. Ky. Tttle IV ! 'PuhJie Educetkm'; Hugh Seen. **a. Tltl* V tCommlaeton eu CWfl ! Rigkdai: Norris Cotton. New Hem j TV I# VI ifVderoUy AaK "d Pw-n-'-' e-d C'‘ftfonl P. Cs'*. N J T:\r.fu (Equal Em j ter attend.nj the funeral of h«r * aunt. ployment Opportuatoy—FEPCdc). Beaeee retie fnr‘fiT —iirnf SM Her to eeshf HsmpbMy MWS sSk snssstat * Mari, Michigan, who «gi be to charge of JuHrisl toritSM to toe MU. In announcing Mb crihritoto HU leader* Dirksen added that he end toe Republican Minority Whip, Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (California*, would be on hand “‘night and day” to counsel and give guidance . . . “In the orderly deliberations and the extended discussion that we anticipate will take piece in con nection with the civil rights bill.” LOCAL NAACP RECRUITS WORKERS (commune nun pa cm n from Columbia University and toe ThD. to Sociology from to# seme institution. He is a native of Pitts burgh, Pa. The NAACP seeks to remove all verilges of racial discrimination and segregation. It is the Nation’s larg est and most effective civil rights organization. Membership is opes to all. For Ms current campaign toe Lo cal Branch is ee listing the support of churches, labor groups, social and civic organizations. NAACP membership may be ob tained upon payment of a minimum annual fee. Mrs. Virginia K. Newell and Mrs. Shirley Liggett ere serving as co chairmen of the member stop drive. The Kev. J. Oscar McCloud, Is vice president and chairman of pro grams. BOYCOTT THREAT GETS LITTLE BACKING FERE (CONTmtWP PROM PAGE I) other portions of their business. Tfiese places have not practiced true equal onportunities and open ed'facilities to all. “If toe eeliege prselrtMrii say •Mr riedents caamot partici pate to toe denenetratten* then there are stto high school rtudeete end private cMAsena. Mederte at tertian deride to beycett or demeuetrato then selves.« he rioted. The derision to boycott and de monstrate was allegedly made lari week, during a meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the NAACP and community leader* according t# Mr. Campbell Th# Rev. John ’Wilson Fleming, president of toe Raleigb Citizen* Association, told The CAROUN IAN. ‘We age emphasizing voter lYgritretton. The RCA has not men tioned dcaaorotret ton* as a techni que of pretest recently. "We Mri alee aware that Many of toe charge* mc«* by Mr. CaatoMl am tr** tori we were hoping toe* toe Merer'* Pto-mn •eke up toe** rillm"ml kandto tons to to* Mtkdastton of ritt ran corned." Student leader* the president* of tit Augustin#’* College and fchaw University, and the principal of J- W. Ligon High School were Inter viewed. Here ere their reactions: James Ashton, president of St Augustine's student body: “We hove not been contacted this year, but were called upon to demon strate last year. “Any information about a student demonstration Is always channeled through th* campus NAACP office and passed on to the student body leaders. I am pretty sure w* would picket, but fust we would have to know just what was going on. Ashton. • senior, es Alexan dria. Fa., rentlawed. “I am 4ef tokriy to favor es demen a*d bee bee* weM pis—ed bet net In favor es saying “I'm Jo t picketing ” Frte Harding, Vice-president of SH» I'nlverrity's riedent lody said: “We are aware es the citation, hot the s'udrnt council has re knowledge of ary merhtoery bring pel tote eff 'et. There re* ro I’rirah at S l w invoiced to this propos ed boyco t.” Dr. Jam s A. Boyer, president es St. Auc tatine's. sad: 'ri'es. I read id o t it in a daily paper, there has n't tv~!i a :tuoenc u ovemetit un (be cmnp s nt yet. All 1 K'.ow rbout is wi'j.t 1 read in t)>e p»per Vou are h< only pciton to eontact me a bout it." Dr. James E. Cheek, president of Shaw University, commented' -J haven't seen the statement as I waa out of th* erty during the week end. " He indicated that the student body at Shaw would not take part in the picketing Herbert E. Brown, principal of the J W. Ligon High School Mid he had heard nothing from hi* stu dent* about demonstrations. ’There an several member* et the NAACP youth group who are student* at j Ligoc.” Mr. Brown concluded. Shaw Alumni Making Plans For School “A groat institution is nothing hut the lengthened shadow of a single man.” said Ralph Waldo Em lacrson! The Ralsdgh Chapter of toe ttaa Aksaat a Oder the lead ership sf Mr* Myrtle Crockett. hM sri ap the r briery to sorirtt to# rapport of the com ■aaariy sad county to one great effort This effort will calmi- I hrid ri too aMp aadltertam. May A MM. | President Crockett appointed a special committee headed by Mr* Blanche Rtver* to develop a pro , gram and to stimulate community 1 nterest m Shaw .Tniversity. Many people who are not Shawite* and yet who have Ken touched by Dr. TUpper j sptrit of self-denial, have dents about d Joined rank* wito toe pamteiita* to form 'a local adt es SißlMrteM of flhpw. Room sf trim people mm 9. 9, Unmm ri to* Merited** A Ftoxaess Barit, C. J. Bttfßri. prtßripal of to# ftonaer CaaariL gated Wgb «riirofc 9L Umt Btettf.jrthjripriri toWbrit Mo*c. the proprietor ri Comm Jane Fashion Shop, Coach Jack sen of Show Uatotnlty; Rosa fowler, owner ri too Fowler Barker Shop; and F. R. Jerroy, publisher ri The CAROIAN IAN. The Shpwites in the area wb# have responded to the SOS call are many. Suffice it to say that ri seem pleased with the way Shawltaa are rallying to the cause. Already tickets pea bring rirco lated for th# May Bth affair. There are two acta of these licit ri* Twen ty dollars end ten dollars. Every one can help by purchasing one of these tickets. And it is hoped that FrNhSpareßibs lb. 29c Pork Liver Sliced lb. 25c Dixie Crystals Sugar • 5 l*a§. 59c Streak O Lean Meat lb. 27c Pork Steak Sliced lb. 39c Hunt’s Catsup- 14 oz. bottle 2 for 29c Beef Liver lb. 39c Good Weiners lb. 39c or 3 lb*. 99c Bacon or Sausage lb. 29c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 45c Southern Rio Coffee lb. 55c WHITE House Apple Jelly 2 lb. jar 39c Open Monday Throng* Friday thrill » TM. HORTON’S CASH STORE 1416-17 80. RAUNPEHR RT. RALEIGH. N. C kw * @6sth Annuo I Stotfmwt A RKPORT TO FOUCYHOLOIRI A business must opemt* to «ha dtowto ri N environment. If «M crinete er atwimnnwri ri nef whet * should b* businessmen ednnet escape some es to* i*tpon«Jbaily tor hsritog dung k. Who* happen* rißiOri to* tossmess etgbwrie tian, as w*U as what happens within, has a bearing upon its w«Mem. Sine* my tost report So you, much of htotoriert slgnificone* ha* Utm (fete bath write* end rithto the company. For to# company, 1963 was titetofy a year es corootidoMan. temto strsngtosning. and puritog fatwari project* pro j nutty started. The statement below tttews th* financial condition es your company tu es Oecrodter Jt, 1963. The assert ttww en increase for fii* year es $5 435,301 .63. Th# tosumne* to fare* Increased 510,740,606X10 and amounts to $347,783,- 338.00. Th* payments to policyholders for «w year amounted to $7,486,256.96, making g teM of such payments ttnro organization as $103,228,355.37. Th* dividends paid to poiieyboidw# during th* year amounted to $854,682.47 rivtoe • total es such payments during to* poet twenty year* ri 59,637,265.92- Deployment ri groldad bY the company for 1,459 man and women to more then fifty different job categories. • Th# company'* most wttuabl* assri b no t ttiewn by any of th* Items to die flnandtt rietemsnt, bowroar. ri ri tepae tented in end by its personntt. The figure* shown to to riotemant or# but lh* msrirt ri th* dscfttnni and oeNons ri to* compony's personnel, of hew wefl they hove monoged the policyowner*' affairs. Your menogsmen* believe* your employee* hove don* a good job end hem* served you wefl. they ate not perfect but ore mm striving toward perrietton. W# ere epfi mistic a* to to* future. Your management has * social consciousness which makes it feel that corporation* hoy* soctal e* w*fi o* oorpeeert responsibilities. It • constantly attempting to scorch out and d'Mcw’fiot# between th* meaningful and to* meaningless, and to concentrate its time energy and efforts on the former os we go forward from year to year. As tong Os Wterifbh service m meeting toe needs of one's feHowmon is a hoflmoto ri greatness and a justification for sutvhri, we ttm to see te * •hot North CoroUno Mutual tooll endiee. To this end we ptodg* our continuing troth. And with yeur continued cooperation and support, we shall go forward with confidence. Respectfully submitted, A T. SPAULDING, President STATEMENT Os FINANCIAL CONDITION AS OF DECEMBER 11,1963 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY WE HOLD THESE TO MEET THESE ASSCTS LIABILITIES leal Estate: Home Office Properties $1,474,584 83 Bratv-h Offices 6?o.7Se> Statutory Taßcy Tmerm 6MM6A44.M Other Properties 14730430 2 :r :4 J " PoHcy Claims Rot Rapartod Mortgages. wtd tacomplet# LRMRri City.lnsured by F.H.A. god ■* V.A. Guaranteed 11.135.456 W Mrldroda to McgWAtefl jjrijriri Other City Mortgages gJOSJOI.T* _ . . _ Farm Mortgage* fit 795.3* XU 04, 090 69 OOwr Rdbcy mi Cririd mmfy Prifcy Loans: tKMSLM u 9matmm V. i Government J.870.41H.49 PaW “ A * r «* HMMJ6 Fereigx Gevenxneot 500371. M trrrmmd - State and Municipal 7.154M731 J Railroads, United States 4.889.056 45 rtyvm ■ mo twjmom Ihtoric utttitse*. U. 8. i-mnimre* Industrial aad M*e#llaneous 10,534.178.45 43,327.«:3Jfl UrndMerj Security Vriaatiaa T rriTl -~*Tgf«errerfl|| Stocks: go Odter littdlMa* momrm by F.SX.I.C , i5’52 w TOTAL UABILdTES - j7Ef18.479.M Preferred 1M.0«L» Common, bcludbtg State CogUngeacy TTirorr* aad flarrior lopanrised Corporations 6.304.W64 6,*47,4*.*4 Reoerve For Cantiagroctoe .... MK,S*JB -* atti and Baak Depouts 1643.9035 Aasat nootaatk* Froi . BN.ott.ot ntereat and Other toiestment Income , Due aid Aecroad MOJORM Hgaattgxerl krptto 6,700.00601 kmjriri Prentoira* to Course ri Collection ———.- and Deferred UR» JO TOTAL LIABILITIES. CO6RWGEJICY \U Other Admitted Assets nUMri RESERVES AMD SURPLUS —taros* TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS 08UKMOJO ■— TOTAL mHXAIKS HI FORCE rir.TOJMJO north Carolina Mutua LIFE insurance company Steaded eausc that waa manileatod to Or. Tupper who. not only gave M* tone, talent, and energy Ip Afepw. but also Me life's Mru** wM be seen in tori effort Haw has a glorious heritage; and in spite ri toe financial Preto ria* the unjverrity is still render ing a valuable parried le toe eoro atetelty and «ba nation In proparlwg young people for life. frirther details can be obtained by contacting members of the com zaitte* Aside tram Mr* Rivers, who ri chairman, are Yemen Melon* Mr* Horten** Fleering, toe Rev. John V, Fleming, and Mr* Gladys RbenflL Msad.if.il e 1 HwßwwTlwl IVIIei ll wIH Aasthma Rffiß attacks and Mretyisw Br. bilft Bteei tfemttri I Irtrimlr Clpfritw *r Cenpwi Patronize Our Adveitisen They Appreelate Your Business U Ite U I ECHO SPRINO KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON SR PROOF .Bleed, ECHO SPRING OIST. CO* UXHWUL. KY.