SITUATIONS HELP WANTED ilassified Rates SCI* « « • u art Mr word k k k Sc *-SkJ Display v Um Mr i«»T. Me Me THe tike Bach aM ebtae litloD, Ssßtol oi rmbol count as OB* word Puakwtattaa mortu » MOT coasted l words. lb* minimum number of word* in ajr went a$ is U words You will save loney by wtolaf your ad to run 4 , r IS limes. Weekly Want Ada may be Ulepbon d through Wednesday up to la AM CARD OF THANKS The family of Mr. Wylie Beach of to. 1014 E. Martin St. acknowledges Hth sincere appreciation your com prtlnr expressions of sympathy. The wife. MRS. BETTYE ROACH CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Wore L loberi# acknowledges with sincere ap reciatlon the kina deeds and thoughts ■uring the illness and death of their ■ Moved mother. THE FAMILY CARD OF THANKS" Kindly of the late Mr. James S. is grateful to all relatives and wad wishes to express their ition for the comfort that was > them in the sudden death of ved one. THE MARABLE FAMILY FEMALE HELP WANTED! fcfCSEMAIDS Live-ln-jobs Mass.. Conn KD to SSO Bus ticket Refer ences. Barton Tmp Bureau. Gt Bar rington. Mass. ' Stem ale" help wanted! guaranteed N. Y. Live-in maid jobs. S- $55 wk. Fare advanced. Mallory ency. Lynbrook. N. Y. ' POSITION WANTED! Business College graduate interested In full or part-time office work, cad 3-«321. FOR SALE! tans building lot. comer Freeman & Pavla Streets. 833-8257 ' “EDUCATIONAL” thm A WOMEN 18 to SOI You can qua lify for many job opportunities tit CIVIL SERVICE. Prepare I *at Seme for coming examinations. Send name, address, phone, directions If rutai to national training SERVICE. P. O Box 405. Raleigh. N C LAUNDRY * TEAGUE S DRY CLEANING ME» Btonwood Ave hat merged and It now known as BAYES BARTON AND DBV Cleaners no 2. Paul tasterung ETfe 1 Dial TE 2-651# No 2. Dia FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAR-3-0 and Chicken (Our Specialty* Pig and Chicken 108 E DAVIE 8T SERVICE STATIONS tCNN'S ESSO STATION-502 S Blood worth St Phone TE -2-6496 MOTEL (eROME'S TOURIST DRIVE INN—Call or write for reservations. 622 Jamai ca Drive, TE 2-5048 REAL BARGAINS Used GAS Appliance 1 • WATER HEATERS • RANGES • CIRCULARS Only $5 Down Small Monthly Payments! Act Now! - Call R. N. WELLS 833-6641 LEGAL NOTICES WORTH CAROLINA quilted as AdmlMstratxt*. d tha Estate of John B. Dsboanu de eaaaed late of Wake County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having clams against the sma’-e of mhjaeceased to exhibit them to the tmoersigned at 115i> East Hargett ptreet, Raleigh, North Carolina...on or bmore the 14th day of March. 1*64. or this notice will be pledged in bar of 6wjr recovery. All persons Indebted to Dm estate will please make Imsnedtato day of February. I***. VEDIE J. DEBNAM. Administratrix GEORGE E BROWN. Attorney Feb 22. 2»; March 7. and 14. 1984. NOTICE All Persons having claims or hidebt against the estate of William Elrwood. contact: Edna Haywood at Eg South Saunders Street Raleigh, N Feb. 29: Merch 7, 14. 21. 1964 NORTH CAROLINA FAKE COUNTY IN THF: SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION PERRY ALLEN. Plaintiff lOOERT BURNS ALLEN Defendant Owe PERRY ALLEN Plaintiff. PD BOBERT BURNS ALLEN Tbke notice that a pleading or Ccm seeking relief against you has teen filed in the above entitled •>etion bd was filed In the Superior Cmmtof Kh. County on the 4th day as Mareh Use nature of the relief being enught l jßalntff° seeks a divorce, abw'ute on Bober! Bums A! i en , poo the rrounds that plaintiff and de mdant have lived separate ind apart >r more than two continuous yearn sxt preceding the rtfcra and thst plaintiff and defendant still, living in the said state of sep- You n ere required to enswer or de ur to the and Comnlaint d • tt later than the Ind day of • m and unon your failure to e plaintiff oeekine arn-tc# ******** -t, Jrtll apply to Court for the re- Thts' J the ~* r *' day of March. ISO. SARA ALIEN. Assistant Clerk of Auner -r C OJri Mama 14. ZL *: April 4. i 64 SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION j. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE (K afc .A PERSONAL CLEARING ft HAUUNO Low Cost Advertising njjmfigSh Low Cost Advertising flWwpWw* FOR WHAT RAVE YOU... DIAL TEmpla 4-5558 / TfiSsOl FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmpie 4-5888 ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OP TRANKS IN ME MORI AN LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS ROUSES FOR RENT CAROLINIAN Begins “Silver Dollar” Program BY S. C. CLARKSON To the render* and subscribers of this newspaper. The CAROLINIAN is sponsoring a promotion to create additional interest in Ms advertising columns. Every advertiser is a member of our new Silver Dollar Promotion. Elgibility rales follow: 1. If you are a subscriber or have purchased the CAROLINIAN for this particular week. 2. If you have a receipt from one of our advertiser*, showing e pur* ebaae made or a bill paid; >.. If you are a subscriber and have a receipt from one of our ad vet tiseri you are entitled to bonus BURL ALLEN’S Sink TONGUE Upon returning from this week’# Sunday school, our young wa*. asked by her mother: “What did you learn today?” * Instead of summarizing, as usual. Carolyn searched briefly before re membering friskily: “Ob! it's in my pocketbook!" Carolyn was—of course, referring to material given her to study, but too many youngsters seem to be lieve that learning can be carried in pocketbooks, notebooks, brief cases—anywhere except in the brain! Numerous such students find out took late that memorandums are only substitutes for memory; then, facing scholastic difficulties, they drop out of school for some toing temporarily more desirable. Now, why squander your OWN future in advance? For the little joobs pay little wages, and the mighty works require super skills, end more and more of ttie world’s work is being rendered by ma chine-made machines! It is obvious, therefore, that there is no place for ignorance under the sun—except under the feet of men! Such matters as luck and chance PUBLIC AUCTION We will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at our place of business, 200 S. Saun ders Street. Raleigh. North Carolina, on the 31st day of Mgrch, 1964. at 10:00 A. M.. one 8N Ford Tractor, serial number 2005278. owned by Clyde At water, Route 1. Holly Springs, N. C. This sale is for the purpose of satisfying a mechanic's Hen, G S. 44-2 of the State of North Carolina. Dated February 26. 1964. Senter-Sanders Tractor .'Corporation March 7. 14. 21. 26. 1964. COMPARE! You owe it to your pocketbook! No extra charge* whan you buy • Bolen* Huticy. These feature* era efl standard squlpment . . • GEARED TRANSMISSION; 6 speeds ferae*. 2 raven* • FAST SWITCH ATTACHMENT SYSTEM; ■ttgcfeaawtt in second* without toot* * CONTROLLED TRACTOR DIFFERENTIAL; no wheel spinning on heavy jobs • PLATE CLUTCH DRIVE; * automotive-type assures positive Power • DIRECT DRIVE PTO: \ full power to attachments regardless of ground speed. OVER 20 ATTACHMENTS OAFER V£AR ROUND 1 JHH VERSATILITY. M trial drive BOLEN'S NEW HUSKY TRACTORS TP r CTOR C9RPORATIC” teas S Ssunder* St- Bekfefc SS4-4SS6 Tl. wwptoyea at The CARO LINIAN or any monitor cf hto or bar iminitiate family ana to participate. Should a wpwtaMw Cram Um CAHOUHIAN can at your Kama and ask yea If you have this water* CAROLINIAN and a receipt tram one at am advertiser*, you wffl be entitled to wt» the Silver Dollar, by producing tha current copy at this neetpapm. Don't get caught without a CAR OLINIAN and a receipt, because a CAROLINIAN napraeentative may be knockiag on your door, this newspaper. might pacify the dreamer from time to timet but the reeiist must live by his earning and earn with his leanriag, and the time end place for today’s youth to begin. Dr. Thurman To Lecture At£. C. S. C. ELIZABETH CITY Noted theologian, phUospher end author. Dr. Howard Thurman will be the guest speaker at Elisabeth GNy State Collage March 20. 1964 at 8 P. M. is Moore Ball. Having Just returned to Boston University ben which he has been on a leave tor two year*, to the service of the University for an ex tended ministry through the United States and countries abroad, he comes to Elizabeth City State CoU !*** Dr. Thurman has been outstand ingly noted for his service to hu manity by eleven college* and uni versities, befdtag eleven honorary degreer. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science and the National Council of Religion in Higher Education. Dr. Thurman will discuss the topic "Christian Ethics in Our Life Today.” On Saturday, March 21, he will be the guest of the Social Science Department and Religious Activities Committee and will hold a Seminar In the Lighthouse Col lege Center at 9:30 a. m. These pregratae are being held a# a part of the Religions Emphasis Week activity on the i smpiur from Marsh U through March 21, 1964. The public U invited to attend Go To Church Sunday WINNERS IN PINO PONG TOURNEY HERE Misses Oilda Adcock end Doris Mor gan, right to latt, won tint end aacond placet, raepectively, in the 1964 Girla' Ping Pong Tourna ment, held at Chavit Recreation Center recently. (See Recreation News). Don|3 luv Jf'sdSr * Br mQ? ceenumao*. mt+mxm * * * Don’t Yeti. Talk. Others May Not B* Interceted. TOD ABE THE DETECTIVE One of year BMong friends. Jack Prattler, has bean bring for ■any months to settle the eat*to of hi* wealthy unde who passed earns * year ago. What has held up the proceedings baa bean Jack’s Inability to locate one of bis cousins who la supposed to Mian in the estate, amm ter the name of Robert Oraham. _ . . Today, when gnu happen to drop In on your friend, ha tafendnaas PM to a tnlL dark, rather unprepossessing looking young nap «h* Ja seated in his office. "Hera he is." exclaims Jack, “that long late cousin of mine. Bob Orsbam. Be btew into my office only a half-hour ago. and I ante m*fias I would never hare known him . . . he’s changed so antes daring the almost twenty, years we have bean out as |i«wf*p V* wad to play together as bops, and then when he was about 11 or 12 years old bo rakwwmktem home. He tolls me he’s apent all tfaaae years in nsnfenLdg* at aen . . . also that he's now first mate an his ship. Be ran into the news of hie Inheritance In one of the European porta.” "Tteegzaas and letters have away of eluding us sailor*, says Oraham as be shakes bands with you. “Finally tbs word came through to mo too weeks ago. Inst before see wen about to embark for this gußiliT ■. ■ and a rough crossing we had in our boat. too. Real stormy weather!” Be points a linger at the mall bandage on the right side of his forehead. “I got this during a particularly rough part of the fa— ... I bad been standing near the front of the boat and was just making my way towards the hack along the right stale of the boat when one of the biggest waves I've seen bit us brosdtedo . . . threw me against one of tha walls, and I came out of that with ttde prater little scar on my head.” Too turn to your friend. Jack Prattler "Do you mind telling me does Mr. Oraham <*■— in for a sizable share of your late uncle's "Yes. Despite the fact that Boh ran away from borne and has keen away aA these yean, our unc> always managed to keep in touch artth him via totters . . . followed his career at sea with lota of In terest. and always seemed very ford of Mm. He told me. during Ma last days that he was willing a good sum of money to Be* to the begte that he woted come home and settle down to a more normal way of life. I’m really happy that Bob has finally eome home and that we tern] now be able to bring this estate to final ae!tement” Ton your bead jowly and say,. "If I were yon. I dmuldnt rush tbfc iTf*— —♦ too nmefc. This man who oaOs himself Robert Oraham impresses me as an impostor!" What had led you to this belief? SOLUTION Ton doubt very much that the so-called "Robert Oraham" has ever been a sailor, and especially a first mate. No-tried-and-true man at the tea ever refers to hi* ship as a "boat,” and be never re era to the “front.” “back " “right." “left.” or “wall!lt’s tlways "forward.” “aft." “starboard," “port," and “bulkheads." Raleigh’s Recreation Report MBs Oilda Adaaek same through la feus sfeto to defeat Mira Doris Morgan and thareby gain tha championship in tha 1864 Girls’ Ping Fong Tournament bald gt tha Chavis Recreation Cantor on March 2, 8. and A While Miasm Margin and Adcock wan top atadad. ramaattvsly. in tha tournament they by no means trod an easy path to tea tharoplon shtp bracket as tits otear contest ants provided fierce competition for fee two partieipente. Others participating In the tour nament were! Misses Alicia Ad cock, Barbara Alien, Phyllla Bul lock. Jacqueline Chavis, Margaret Chavia, Marvls Debnam, Glendora Evans and Barbara Thorpe. RETURN mm THE "DEAD” KINGSTOWN. *t Vincent (ANP) A “Moon” from a coffin to apt to make anyone scared, even an undertaker. And that la just tha way a local undertaker felt when fee supposed remains of Mtoe Elsie Waring 22. Knitted a long drawn out moan recently Mias Waring was found in a state et collapse at her home. Taken to the hospital, three doctor* felled to revive her, so her body was tent to fee under taker. While the undertaker was fitting her In the coffin, the “body” came to life. fe the years preceding the Amer ican Revolution, tha General As sembly authorised a group of high ways radiating from Cross Creek <now Fayetteville) to the beck country- A* A. Meetings The Capital CRy Group of Alcoholics Anonvmuos, founded in October of 1968. meets each Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o'clock at fee Blood worth St YMCA. 600 • Woodworth St. All persons haring problems with alcoholic beverages are In vited to become affiliated with this body. They will be wel comed. CHRYSLER-IMPERIAL PLYMOUTH - VALIANT Price* start at *1895 *2so*»" *54 per moatk Largest Discounts and Highest Trade-In Allowances! 100 Cara To Choose From O’NEAL MOTORS, INC. 1938 8. Wilmington St®- s.m%. 833-8661 way #?nff{MsMyaw BUEIQR. *. On SATURDAY. MARCH 14 ISM PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS SERsaRmssBssMMaBMEEaaRMsaaaMEEREEEMREm TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1968 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE—NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. Ml FAYITTEVHAB IT. I*o*l IS MW Dealer No. UM 5 BIG SPECIALS *£| OI.TTMOIIUI M ♦-dr., white. »»to. transmits* MW power ottering, power brakrn. radio and heater ***** ’Aft CADILLAC 4-dr. Man. »CQ OLDB. N, 4-dr. Beds*. W Blank with auto, trana- ° y Blaak and white. sat* miaaiott. power atearing, tranamtortan, power after powtr brakm. radio. heai- lug, power brakes. radio srtrr... jit. ~im ’XQ CADILLAC 4-dr. f*ot- »co NAB* 4-dr. toAsmsg*. 7 wood, auto. transmission, 00 I ton# brawn, auto, tram* SSTWT-.15® difion. white wall ttwt, and air oondttton.VlJS SI99S THOMPSON CAD.-OLDS IRC. USED CAR DEPT. BQUTH AT FAYETTEVILLE TE 4^Mt» • - Week-End Specials / »CT CHBTKUCX 4-Door Xaid *CJ CHBTMOUrr Ownwrttble " SSsT*.' 4795 ** jg -ys*r *»s »(M BUTCKB-Oim Hill whtta *SB *• 30 finite*—One with white ft 4m,.Em* te* Smm-,1 r^ =h . .. s79* 1895 TWO »Cec*»VßaMT • • paw ’57 NO PATMBWT Om *te..9l KB MOMTB OTKB Ti CAM TO CBOOM TBOKt Wade’s Ante Sales 221 E. CABARRUS ST. IM-C417 NORTH CAROLINA’S LARGEST STOCK OF RAMBLERS DRIVE TO RALXIOH AMD SEE A COMPLETE UNJI OF COLORS AND BODY STYLES AT NORTH CAROLINA’S VOLUME RAMBLER DEALER Weaver Bros. ; RAMBLER, INC. 22S W. Lenoir St TE S-4176 Dealer SMS Raleigh 7

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