... / ... ■ A .■ >: ... .*. aHHRnf iflß^flHßlHll^HfllH^^Hß : Mr!j&sm FASTING UNTIL EASTER Three of the five tasting Chapel Hilt integrationists are shown above on the lawn of the pout office. Left to right: Mrs. Melody Dickerson, the Rev. La vert Taylor and James Foushee, who plan to stage a hunger t strike to protest against a few Chapel Hill eating places which . ••: JHUBfa*, i Mr AflKTsa ) i ** r '* rflKifliß jJy i A M b» mFdrk* : MMHBMiililßlliTlMi^Hß^K.«aA .t wHSOtor ir " ■»^" >v v . ygffe.sl^‘ .>f i|F' ; 'p 'a m wm ’ ■ BHHRt | ; . nIH ■r j l % m .2|- 1«H W MHBBWW^— Ilk m fi ™ iPhB« £ *V s9&|3n£'jH Ah£& BOYCOTT LEADERS New Work City boycott leaden (L-R) Rev. Milton A. Calami son. Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, D-N.Y., and controvehsial leader Malcolm X are shown at Silo am Preebyterian Church, Brooklyn, before the recent boycott of city public schools. More than 165,000*9 indents staged the anti Teachers Elect Dr. S. Approve Merger With More than 1,000 teachers and del egate* to the 83rd Annual Conven tion of the North Carolina Teachers By RCA: Call Issued To Clubs In City, County t. 3. Sansom. Jr., chairman of the Political Action Committee, Ra leigh Citizens Association, informed The CAROLINIAN this week that his committee has issued letters to presidents of every club and or ganisation In Raleigh and Wake County, urging them to send their president or representative to a special meeting of the Raleigh Citi zens Association Tuesday, March 31. at 8 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to get suggestions for naming possible candidates who might run for the offices of Wake County Commis sioner and the State House of Rep resentatives. ((ONTMED ON PAGE n F. A. C. Takes Right Step (An Editpnaf) The Political Action Committee of the Raleigh Citizen* As »ociat on is requiring president* of over one hundred organizations to me ft with i: nc.tt Tuesday to thrash out the question of a candi date or candidates to offer in the May Primary. there are over 9.000 Negro registrants in Wake County and many are registering each week, according to reports from Operation Registration headquarters. RCA’s official politi cal wins. Certainly with so many people concerning themselves with the political interest of Raleigh and Wake County, it is rea sonable to believe that they would prefer having one of their race offer for office. No one can see clearer through ycur eyes, mind and heart than you and by the same token one of another race era hardly represent the Negro as well as he might represent his own. This, of course, is not to say that a Negro or white office holdeT could not adequately represent the best interest for all. However, people and areas are more or less by-passed when pol ices are being made or segments represented unless someone calls (COSimXD ON PAGE T) Deadline For Registration Is May 8. Get Your Xante On The Roaks Xow! Association ended a three-day ses sion here Saturday which included making many important decisions. m M Ip. 1 M J DR. HAMI'EL E. DUNCAN Dr. Samuel E. Duncan, for aaer supervisor of high schools la North Carolina and currently • presently president at Living stone College, Salisbury, was elected president, heating oat W. G. Byers, high school princi pal from Charlotte. After the North Carolina Educa tion Association (white) adopted a proposal to begin taking steps to are not integrated. They are passing around a jar full of ice which is the only thing they say they will consume until Easter Sunday. The five sleep and sit under the flag pole at the post office. (UPI PHOTO). segregation protest making the boycott less than 50 per cent as effective as one staged last month. The demonstration was hurt by lack of support from major civil rights groups. (UPI PHO TO). E. Duncan President; White Association 1 remove “white" from its constitu tion, NCTA delegates Thursday 1 night formed a similar ruling sup porting merger of the NCTA and the NOEA. This resolution was included In a group of 30 offered by the NCTA's resolutions committee at the open ing meeting, held at Reynold's Coli seum. Many departmental sessions were held at State College and J. W. Ligon High School. ISOTICE Mrs. Shirley Liggett and Mrs. Virginia K. Newell, co-chair men of the local NAACP’a membership drive, are asking all captains to report on Sun day, April l. at 4 p. m. at the Bloodworth Street YMCA. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BIA FROM THEM 1 PACE S Horten's Cut Wore Hoy t Drtvs-ln cleaners World'! Trad* Bnetrprises, lot. PAGE 1 Larwu Dunn's Esso Service Security Moot ST ktt PAGE S Hudsoo-Bolk—Cftrd't 1. W Winters A Co MechaaP-s A Partners Bank Balctgb Seslood Go. PAGE * Balclgk Funeral Bans# Arose Sanity Co. lames Sanders Tito Co. NcLurtn Parkins Com pony Medlta-Davts Hndson-Belk—Eflrd's of Balelgk . Ankara Pontine, lac. Branch Banking A Tram Co. K. A L. Ante Service Thompson Cadillac-OMamoMe. lac. Balelfk Loan A Savtass AssocUtloa PAGE i Wearer Bros. Baasktor. lac. Wade's Ante Solos Tksairun r-.a' Consolidated Credit Corp. Helllf-Levine PAGE II Ughtner's Paaeral Berne PAGE U Carolina Power A Light Co Lincoln Theatre Ambassador Theatre C. A M. PromoUoas PAGE 14 PI re stone Mores PAGE IS flaes Men's Shop Supretr- Brake A Alignment Service PAGE 1C TaDoo's. Lid. Winn-Dixie Stores Gem Wauk Shop Abram's L'nlt-d Bent-tils Capital -oel OU. *e d Coal Co Shoo Mart After Ten Months: ' ' 1 " 11 1 ■ »■ ••>'.; ■#•' " ’•,**» &■* ■MrOitil • v >. ; Students Resume Picketing In City JEALOUSY CAUSES FIRE The Carolinian VOL. 22, NO. 21 “MARKED FOR ASSASSINATION?” Says Dr. King Doomed Writer Says Leader On Fanatics'Murder List CHICAGO (ANP) The Rev. i Martin Luther King, the modern day Manhatma Gandhi in the fight | for civil rights of the Negro in the United States, is still one of the leading candidates for assassination. Rev. King, who has escaped two bomb attempts, a shotrua Mast, and had a close brush with death at the hands of a Negro woman hhlfe artist. Is *.imong a list of rfhpgtol promi nent Americana, of various re- Urlous faiths atTW'federal , officials, who are on the mar* Irate Woman Charged WILSON—A local young woman, who was “smouldering'’ when she discovered that her boyfriend had gotten himself another woman, set fire to his home here late last year, and now is serving time for the deed. Miss Lola G. Plate. 21. the defendant, was sentenced to serve a three to five year sen tence In Superior Court here this week. Miss Plate had pleaded guilty to attempting to burn a house. * However, she was specifically charged with burning the home of James Walker, of Stantonsburg St Walker is the former alleged boy friend. Detective J. T. Smith, who In vestigated the incident which took place In mid-Nevembcr. 1963. stated that the defendant was Walker's girlfriend, who became Jealous when be “put her down” In favor of a new girlfriend. Miss Plate la alleged to have fur tively "cased” the home before alerting the fire Detective Smith also testified that a witness to the fir*. Will Knight, (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Lives With Bullet In Her Brain TAMPA. Fla Parents Sue Wilmington Educ. Board WILMINGTON The follow ing legal action against the New Hanover County Board ot Educa tion was filed Tuesday In Federal Court here by Attorney R R Bond, acting on behalf of forty Negro citizen* ol New Hanover County. Other attorneys In the ease are Conrad O. Pearson. Durham, and Jack Oreetiberg. Derrick A. Bell, Jr., and J LcVonne Chambers, New York City. Below is the essence of the com plaint: The first part of the action is a preceding for a preliminary and permanent injunction, enjoining the New Hanover County Board of Education. Its superintendent and members from discriminat ing because of race or color In the second section of tlif complaint, the jurisdiction of the court was invoked pursuant to the provisions of a United States Code. It says the rights, privileges and immunities, guaranteed by the Constitution. There are forty plaintiffs In the complaint, represented by either their purents or guardians. Among these are; Thomas C. Jrrvay. Jr., and Catherine Jervay. minors, represented by their father T. C- Jervay. Br., militant editor of the Wil mington JOURNAL. The defendant is listed as the N»w Hanover Coun‘y Board of Education, the public corporate body of New Hanover County, (CONTINUED ON PAGE *> - o.';uwn ere two or um JO students who are now picketing downtown establishments which refuse to integrate. The two above are students at John W. Ligor Jr.-Sr. High School here. Downtown Businesses t- Now Being Picketed BY CHARLES B. JONES Students from Saint Augustine's College and Ute J. W. Ligon Jr.- Sr. High School resumed picket ing demonstrations last Friday for the first time since early Sum mer of 1963. Some white students from N. C. State College were re portedly demonstsatlng, but none were observed by this newsman. Presently being picketed are Honakcr’s Restaurant, Fayette ville Street; the Pen 'N' Cue, W. Hargett Street, and the Charcoal Flame Restaurant, S. Wilmington Street. About 30 student* were engaged In picketing on Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tue/day. They work It! shtfta. His young ladles, all stu dents at St. Augustine's Col lege, were seen carrying signs Monday. Messages Inscribed on the placards were: “ Love Between My Brother* and Sisters All Over Raleigh.” “We've Been Patient A Hun dred Yean Too Long.” "You Can’t Be Free Till Tou Free Me,” "We'D Never Turn Baek.” “Black la Not A Vtee.” and *l,et My People Go." Warren Veasey, Jr. a aenlor at 1 St. Augustine's whose native j home la Cleveland. Ohio, told this j writer: "This Is a group of students from the, city, who happen to have a / desire to dramatise their demands for rqual op portunities.” Mayor “Shocked” After Boycott Efforts Made WILMINGTON Mayor O O. Allsbrook said he "was shocked by the move on the part of Burdill Harvey, president of trie local NA ACP branch, to have movie and television personalities boycott the annual Azalea Festival, which is scheduled to begin Friday. April 3. Harvey reported Sunday that he has written to TV stare Michael Land on. who playe "Lillie Joe" In the Bonanza series, to Abbie Dalton, and singer Prmnkie Avalon. Mis* Dalton is slated te be the Fes tival queen PRICE 15c Me further stated that this Is strictly a movement which the student* began wtthou 4 any outside assistance, when asked whether the local N%. (CONTINUED ON PAGE «) 7 Ministers Plan Giant Service Sun. A union Easter sunrise serviw will be held at the first Baptist Church, Wilmington and Morgan Streets. Easter Sunday morning at 8 a.m. The service Is Jointly spon sored by seven churches: Davie Street United Presbyterian, First Baptist. Manly Street Christian. Rnsb Metropolitan AMEZ. HI. Paul AME, Tupper Memorial Baptist and Wilson Temple Methodist, and will feature the Rev. J. Oscar Mc- Cloud. parlor, Davie Street United Presbyterian Charch. a* speaker. (CUNTINUF.D ON PACE t) i Claiming he called for the hoy. 1 cott occausc the Festival discriml. : palm pgainst Negroes. Harvey flc rlarcd Negroes are not allowed to I sit on the parade reviewing stand or to attend the coronation dance Mayor Alta brook countered with Uie statement that the Fetlval was founded by a (roup of Individuals who contributed money themselves, and who re ceived donations from* local merchants and some from the city. < CONTINUED ON PAGE I)