Wake County Community Shocked As 2 MEN SLAIN ON EASTER SUNDAY Malcolm X Called * Judas 9 By Kin FLEET-FOOTED CON ENTERS PRISON; ONE APPEALS TERM Freedom Is Short-lived For McClain BT CHARLES R. JONH Andy (Gump) Edward McClain 1 * treadom tram prison officials last ad exactly S 3 hours and 25 minutes The 15-year-old veteran convict, with a record dating back to re form school days, was apprehend ed at 10:45 pm. Saturday while watching a television program at a house to the 400 Mock of Austin Street located to Bast Raleigh’s popular “Bottom”. Be was taken Immediately to Central Prison to •tart serving his term. Aim tGVMT) McCLAIU .% to C«*UI ..-•WPW rn Mkk. «T IN R. Rdawteu •t. R twoifthrM brothers aw (CUMimUD ON MOB I) Golden Hits Waste OfNC Manpower CHARLOTTE Harry Goldm famed liberal author and lecturer, in a recent iacue of the Carolina Israelite took the South to task for its failure to utilize Negro man* power. He referred to the fact that a native North Carolinian, dee E. Mearee, Kings County (Brooklyn. N. T.) probation of fleer had made a record In he man relations that any ana. re gardless of nee er color, should be proud e t. He also named another North Carolina personage who has wrought well in his chosen field Edward R. Dudley. Mr. Dudley is the Borough President of Manhat tan and has served as a Domestic Relations Court Justice. Both are grauates of Johnson C. Smith Uni versity in Charlotte. f CONTINUED ON PACE t) BULLETIN!! la a public meeting held at the Charts Heights Recrea tion Center Tuesday night, five names were submitted as pes sible candidates rrem the Ne From Raleigh's Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES) KMFE THRUST IN LEFT SIDE A; 909 P- m. Monday. Mrs. Ber tha Wilson of 1206 E Lenoir St staled that Albert C. Lucas of 709 S. Person Street, came to 60s E Davie St- »'hvre she was. and for -,o rea»on at ail stuck a knife in her left side Lucas denied this to Officers R E Keeler snd T B Lewis How r\er. the cops signed a warrant against him for assault with a dead ly weapon with intent to kill re sulting m serious bodily injury and h~ sree again placed in Wake Coun ty Jail Ifcs. Wilson was admitted to Wake Memcr.al Hospital where her coadoition was not known. A witness in this case was Miss Annie Berryman, who lives at the Davie Street address COPS SEIZE 186 GALLONS OP ILLLEGAL BOOZE Deadline For Registration Is May tt. Get Your Same On The R ooks Sow! k . / The Carol!man North Carolina *s Leading Weemy ■I I I'■ '■ "■ ■■ » ' '"■■■■■■ 1111 » "■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ I. VOL. 22, NO. 22 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, APRIL 4. 1964 PRICE 15c ‘Pete’ Williams Century Club Member: J. W. LIGON’S COACH HONORED Chalks Up Over 100 Victories V* m RICHMOND DBCWART Coach Peter Hlpafl "Pete” WB llduna. who has an amazing rooted it# winning football games was Bated in flit Janftery-Febniory to* (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) COACH PETER H. WILLIAMS , , . receives accreted ksasr gru race to seek ufflem es Wake County Cemmisetoner and the Stole House es Re (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) The unidentified driver of a De luxe Cab made a “clean get-away" as officers swooped down on 126 gallons of “white lightning” and arrested two men here m the 900 block of E. Hargett Street Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Jim Burnett, chief es the Wake ABC eufcrcemcut dlvts tau. id ratified tha pair arrett ed as Schuyler Lae AOeu, 92, es aas Cetteu Place, sad George Hinton. es 536 E. Hargett St Thirty gallons of the illegal boots wnere found in the cab, but the driver eluded police. The other 96 gallons of whiskey were found m Hinton's garage, Bur nette said. Raleigh police officers assisted la the arrests. Both men were charged with pea session of illegal liquor and I os session for the purpose of sale (CONTINUED ON PAGE I, m- _ 2" a; : mimm& ||||jSgj Wg ;'. JH ' ■■ M ft CIVIL RIGHTS BILL SUPPORTERS The above persons fathered in Washington, D. C., last Thursday, are shown making the “v" lor victory sign at the Capital alter the Senate voted to take up the House-approved Civil Rights Bill. Left to right are: Sen. Philip A. Hart ( D-Mich .); the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Rev. Fred Shuttles worth. Not shown, but present when photo was made, was Sen. Hubert Humphrey ( D-Minn.). The Negro leaders were visitors at the Capitol. (UPI PHOTO). Warren C’nty Scene Os Mass Boycott; Many Are Jailed WARRENTON—Officials backing the school boycott here Tuesday in formed The CAROLINIAN, via tel ephone interview, that the boycott was ninety percent effective. War ren County has a 68 percent ma jority of Negroes over white per sons in this farming community with a population of 19.725. Robert Blows, Durham, aa sistant to tha regional president es the State's NAACP youth chapters, said the beyestt could tstt Indefinitely. It Is being staged to preteet the peer con dition es Warren County Negro oeheels. It was re parted. MAN OF MANY TALENTS Henry C. Mitchell, Goldsboro a man of many talentt an newt etory on this pate confirmm. Mi. Mitchell, who has been bed-ridden for the past 14 years, it the brother of noted Raleith attorney Samuel S. Mitchell. ( See story). In the interview, it was learned | ' that John R. Hawkins High School I I here, with a normal enrollment of | | Chapel Hill Fast Ends I CHAPEL HILL Five per ion#, two Negroes ami three whites, ended their Holy Week fast Sun day and the first mans anU-seg regation demonstration fotloeed [ since late February here. I Protesting the town aldermen's | failure to paee a public acootnmo ' da*4ons ordinance the five had | 1.400, had less than 100 students In classes, North Warren High, Wise. (CONTINUED ON PAOE t) camped in front of the U. S. Poet Os floe since Palm Sunday. They slept in sleeping bags, drank only water and used only umbrellas for shelter. In an expression of sympathy, a group of about 50 persons from (CONTINUED ON PAOE t» I I W*>' tm—. W; I BLASTED BY HIS OWN BROTHER Malcolm X. who delected from the Black Muslims recently to form his own Black Nationalist group, was severely criticised by his brother, PMbert X, last week for severing connections with the Muslims. Malcolm is shown addressing a Harlem rally last week, attended by 1.000 Negroes. <UPI PHOTO). Black Nationaliat’s-Own Brother Says He’s Traitor BY LEI BLACKWELL CHICAGO (ANP)-A high *%nk» in* Black Muslim official from . - ———— l —■ Easter Egg Hunt ‘Mixed’ By Students Fifteen Negro children wers transported to and from Pullen Park here Saturday to toko part in a city-sponsored Easter egg hunt. The Raleigh Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee chapter sponsored this move. A t whHe member es Uie group! Mima Eranelne Netter. a student at N. C. Stale, released a statement here Friday on be half of the group, objecting to Implied endorsement of racial segregation by the City of Ra leigh. Jimmy Chambers, city recreation director, claimed he bad not heard of the protest He also emphasized that all city recreation facilities I hove been bi-racial since swimming I pools were "mixed" last year. Chambers added, however, that : an egg hunt had been held at Cha vis Park for at least IS years, "as i a matt»r of custom.” The total amount of children at tending Saturday's hunt was 712. both Negro and white. Marvtn Peek of Bt Augustine's College, is chairman of the local student movement, which Is made up of students from local colleges and high schools. Writer Is A ManOf Many Talents BY MONKS ROUNTREE GOLDSBORO —It was like any other office at Mitchell Inforuia tion Bureau. 601 Parker Street, Gold;.boro Harry C Mitchell, the proprietor, was on the phone and motioned me to a chair, The only thing unusual waa that MitebeH waa flat on hta back In bed. where he spends most of his time A wall brace > 16 inches above his bed held the telephone. Mitchell had the receiver propped against ene ear and was writing at an angle on a yellow legal tablet. Back of the bad was a met* fl ing cabinet. At the foot of tin bed was a transistor radio and further back a TV set An air conditioner given Mitchell by the late Dr. R. (continued' <7n page n Michigan came to Chicago last week, took off his "kid gloves'' and blasted controversial Malcolm X as a “Judas,” ungrateful “hypro crite" and virtual “traitor” to the “Nation of Islam.” Ironically, It was tha black nationalist leader's owh brother, Philbert X, who ripped Mal colm for turning his bock on his mentor. Elijah Muhammad, and his thousands of former Black Muslim brothers, Philbert X, 40, minister of Mu hammad's Mosques in Lansing, Grand Rnpids and Flint. Michigan, made his charges during a prusa conference at the Shsbszz restau rant. an elaborate Muaclm-owned dining room on Chicago's South side Admitting Uul Ws brother Malrelm Is “cunning and clev er.” the soft-spoken father of six said many “unaupectlng" people will listen and follow him However, Philbert X pre dicted. the teachings of “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad” will prevail because "Mohsm ■tsd la the ene whe baa divine (CONTINUED ON PAOE t) W EATH E It ~ I I Temperature* wIU average two to five decrees shove normal, warming Thursday and Friday, taming cooler again by the (trot ot the smell. Scattered showers or oe castonsl rsln Friday night or Sat urday with precipitation totaling one-quarter of an Ineh or leas. CAROLINIAN : ADVERTISERS BUT FROM THEM PAGE l Horton • Cash Store PAGE ) The Remnant Shop lire Hairs A Servlet PAGE » Hudson Helk—Eflrd’s Mrrhanl', a Farmer* Bank Southern Bell t Vi Vl inters A Co Taylor lUdlo A Electrical Co Community Flortal PAGE * Raleigh runeral Homs Arms Realty to lames Banders Tito Co. Mr Laurtn Parking Company Medltn-Davle Hudson-lielk —Kurd's of Raleigh Amburn Pontiac. Inc. Branch Bmklna a Trnat Co. K. a L. Auto Service Thompson Cadillac-Oldsmoblle, Inc. Rjleirh Loan A laving* Association PAGE 7 Weaver Bros. Rambler. Inc. Wade's Auto gales Thompson Cadlllac-Oldsrooklle. In- Rrwls Motor Co. Al Smith Bnlrk PAGE a Colonial Stores Correll Coal Co. Shotgun And Kitchen Knife Prove Deadly BT STAFF WRITER Two Wake County men met vio lent deaths here Easter Sunday, one by having his face blown off by of a shotgun blast and the other by having a butcher knife plunged into his chest Sunday af ternoon. The murders took place to different sections of the countFf v '>. Earnest lames Janet, Ik et ' Route 1. Willow Springs, was jailed an a charge of tnarder by Waks deputies In the aho4- gun death of Curtis W. Winston, alee et Willow Bprlnga. A charge from at BjjS .'onw' home tore ■BHRP into the face of Hu® Mr Winston. jMmmk .1 ami-s McCull- IjsjjKis? Wl® ers 41. of Knight- ■KflB dale was rhnrged BBTBMP Sunday afternoon with the butcher 'jSBSmdBgF knife killing of Arthur Kay. 4F.. during an argu- m ment Sunday as- McCULLERS ternoon on a rural road In the Shot well community. Ray died almoat Instantly. McCullera was only released from prison one month ago after serving rleven month* for the atabbing of Miss Ethel Spence of Route 1, Wen dell. Mias Spence waa with Ray when their antomoMle waa flagged dewn by McCall er* Sunday. He had hitched a ride with two ether awn and they | ware taking him to Mtoa (CONTINUED ON PACK tl DU. J \Mi > E. Cm—*.. Dr. Cheek To Keynote Men’s Day Program Sunday, April 19th. will 1-e a date long to be remembered at First Baptist Church when the ef forts toward a threefold goal will close with the observance of An nual Men's Day. Plans call for one-thousand dol lar* for Shaw University, •ine thouaand dollars for Lott Cary Foreign Mission, and writing off the total indebtedneea of the church. The gueet speaker will be Dr. Jamee E. Cheek, president of Shaw University. Music will be furnished bp tha (CONTINUED ON PAGE ft Roy's Drlve-ln Cleaners i Karl Litrhman B. E. Quinn Furniture Co. I-AGE * AAP Stores Estates Building Co., Inc. < i-ntral Drug Acme laundry A Cleaners, lur l-ondon OIL Co PAGE I# I arolma Builders, tuc Ridgeway's Opticians. Inc Rcttv (.ay PAGE 11 tlrestonr Stores l mstead s Transfer A Grocery Htarktnllt Guest House Security Meat Market Terrace Insurance A Realty Cn. Washington Terrace Apartments, Inc. Southern Furniture, Inc. Dunn's Esso Service PAGE 11 ! I Jnroln Theatre Carolina Power A Light Co. ' PAGE IS Supreme Brake A Alignment Service I Srhllta Beer PAGE IS KlmhreU’s Hunt General Tire Co Capital Hel OH ce A Coal Co AaJetgh Seafood Co I Abram's United Bent-All*

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