THE CABOUNIAN RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY. APRIL 4. 19*4 6 TWO MINtrVSSL HUH THE BIBLE HAW ST COtNIUUt *. STAM Nil. / 1 mi an iiiu Mom yfljy I A okam ik UMon / Y\r*y4 SICKNESS AND SIN One thing that really concern* t ~s writer about modem life, is low sin is constantly called sick r. ss. A man commits some moral outrage and they say he is sick— they even tell him that. I went to see ■ man some time ago who had fallen into unspeak* able immortality and it had caught up with him. For years his sanctl moneous life had been a Sham; now the mask was torn off ancf he was in trouble—real deep trouble. I had been telling him that now his best course was to make a clean confession—to the courts and to God. But someone else had got ten to him first. While he listened, this man had told his wife: “You must get Jim to see that he’s sick and needs help. I’m not condoning what he has done, but I'm hopeful that if he gets the proper help he can be cured." What away to evade the sin question! Os course the man was sick—l Imagine you and I would be eick toe If we lived ae he had. But WEEKLY MEDITATION BY COLIN DOUGLAS A RermoneHe BY COLIN DOUGLAS “Thy red and thy staff, they reinfect me.”—Psalms 23 4. There are, of course, many hap penings and I rodents in life that aeem beyond our human under standing or comprehension. But when we cannot understand with our mind, we can know for cer tain within our hearts and souls that somehow, some way. all things are inevitably made right, that the Lord can be trusted always to care REVIVAL SPEAKER Reviv al wfitw* war* held at tha Oborlin Baptist Church. 806 O barttn Road. March 25-17, at • P-m. alghtly. The evangelist for tha revival was the Rev. L. T. Days, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Mebans. N. C. The Rev erend Mr. Daye received his A. B. degree from North Carolina College at Durham and the B.D degree from Shaw Divinity School. Raleigh. The Rev. Jose ph F. Dempsey Is pastor of O herlln Baptist Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAMES SANDERS TILE CO. Lieens* No. IS3O t* Ceramic, Asphalt, Rubber and Vinyl Tile •19 ELLINGTON STREET RALEIGH. N. C. FOR RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATUS Live la either a first-class apartment or house Wa ean of far you at reasonable rental either 7 or 4 roura apartments or 4 and 9 room houses. All these dwelling* are located In nice neighborhoods and In first-class repair. See Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CD. IN L HARGETT ST. DIAL TE 3 0956 Simplicity.. Simplicity distinction, beau ty and food taste are all present hi a Raleigh Funeral Home conducted funeral service They have always been noted for the simple beauty of their service F«r over 40 years these feat uras have been the choice of familiea. „ Our Quality Is The Best OLE PRICE!} ABSOLUTELY C VNNOI BP I'KDEESOLD FOE VALLE REd lMli Raleigh Funeral Here 3 Dsy arvi Night Ambuti :vn S r-c - 322 E. CACAHnUG CT. . L'l.W T" 2 ; v , 1 = - - ■ ' lets get this straight His sickness came from his sin, not his sin from some sickness. He would have been far better off to sob out his heart in contrition before Go dand for his sin than to excuse his conduct on the grounds of illness. Rom. 5:12 says: "By one man sin entered into the world and death by sin,” and Rom. 0:23 says: “The wages of sin is death.” The sobering fact is that while there may be differences in the kinds of sins we commit, or in the degrees of our sin, Rom 3:23 de clares that there is no difference in this, that "all have sinned and come short of die glory of God." That’s why we are so pleased and proud to proclaim "the gospel of the grace of God," how Christ paid the penalty for our sins that we might have a perfect standing be fore a holy God. "being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is In Christ Je sus” <Rom. 8:24). "Thank* be unto God for HU unspeakable gift!" (II Cor. 0:15), for Hl* own. Although we sometimes do not realize or recognise it. the answer of the Lord is instant when we call upon Him. Hi* spirit, when called upon in prayer, anawers our pleas for courage to meet untoward cir cumstance*. And. because of the comfort and assurance that comes to us through meditation and pray er, we can find ourselves able to mete all Issues unperturbed, and with courage and confidence. We can hear the answer of the Lord to our prayers for help in the depth* of our hearts and souls Without sound or w;ord. HU peace comes to ua. His understanding en compasses us, HU love sustains us The anwer of the Lord to our needs for comfort and courage come from all about us. He speaks to us through the voices of our friends, through the printed word, through the beauty and wonders of nature about us. He assures us that all U well, that He is with HU cre ation. that He will bless ua forever. All things are good and beautiful to the prayerful person who looks for beauty. We see what we seek to see, and If we practice looking for beauty, love, and harmony, we most surely shall see beauty, love, and harmony everywhere —for God's spirit doe* fill the universe, and where Hla spirit U there is beauty, love, end harmony. “Hew beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that brings good tidings."—lsa. 62:7, GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY I PREACHES TRIAL SERMON— John D. Lockley, of 204 Camd< n Street, Raleigh, delivered nis trial sermon Easter Sunday night at the Rush Metropolitan AMEZ Church, E. Cabarrus St. An Instructor in the Harnett County School system, Mr. lAckley’s subject was. ‘‘What Are You Standing For?" i On The I Home Front ! ON THE HOME FRONT Items this week tram Person, Wake and Wayne Counties.) DRAPERIES YOU CAN MAKE Mr* F.velyn Johnson, Roxboro, ' Hi 2 thinks she U quite lucky as a | result of the drapery workshop in j Person County After the homemak ers hat! attended a workshop on 1 making draperies, they went to the ome of Mrs. Johnson and assisted ! ht r In making draperies for her ; n< w home. I Miss Annie Tuck, home econom j irs agent, says Mrs. Emma Thomp on, Roxboro, Rt. 4. has made lined draperies for her living room. Both ! li-dies realized quite a savings by ! making tlie draperies at home. HOME CONVENIENCES Mr. and Mrs. Junnle Lank ford. Apex, Rt. 1, are adding ronvrnlrncea In their home through a “pay as you go” and "do It yourself” plan. Mrs. Mary Graham, associate Heme economics agent, lays the Wake County family haa added wall and base eabtnets in the kitchen for their project this year. EXTENSION HOUSE PLANS USED House plans, which are available through the Agricultural Extension Service, are being used throughout lhe stale. Miss Elizabeth Brown, borne economics agent, says several families In Wayne County are using ! 'he Extension plans for their homes. j Mr and Mr* Alfred Barnes of ; Goldsboro. Rt. 2. have just romplet | ed their new home It is a four bed room house built by Extension Flan No. 08. Mr and Mrs. Barnes sre former 4-H'ers. She was instrumen tal in starting the Young Home makers Club in her community. Both realize that money manage ment la Important when planning a new home and have economized and planned to make every dollar count. Symposium At A And T Attracts 40 GREENSBORO—Forty-odd phy sicians and dentists from several sections in North Carolina last week attended the one-day second Annual Clinic-Symposium held here at the L. Richard Memorial Hospital. The dentists heard two lec tures. one In the morning and a second In the afternoon, by Dr. J. R. Singleton, head. De partment of Oral Surgery, Me harry Medical College of Den tistry, Nashville. Tenn. Dr. Singleton spoke on. ’The I Proper Diagnosis and Aid Toward Avoiding Postoperative Complica tions and Accidents." and in the afternoon on the subject. "Postop erative Complications and Acci dents.” | Dr. D. Bishop Announces 6 FSC Workshops FAYETTEVILLE—Dr D W Bis hop. director of the Summer School at Fayetteville State College, has announced the six workshops to b< held at the College for the Sum mer. Two workshops will be con ducted for a three-week period June 9 to June 28, for three sorifes ter hours of credit. They will U Audio-Visual Methods and Ma terials. and Recent Advances m Earth Science Two workshops will be conducted for six tor six six semester hoois o< cicuit front June 8 to July 17. They will be Library Sci »net and Reading. Two Su - e-s|>o. -ored tuition-free prog; urns will be oflened in Recent Advances ;n Faith Science and Spe cial In-Sere ice Enrichment Pro grams (or Eh mer.taiy and Seccn- j viary School Teachers. Tfct Ei cbn > r.t Piogram is de- ; - pad s| '.fita.i' to provide cul- : uiai oi l’ '"‘.unit es for high school , . . a school teachers. It' . •-u s ix t..cnees in tne iradi- I: a subjects The as U»xe:j may. ~. uav not renewal of A" cci ir, Guidance and Her * , \ * ij, ce week . t . h t. - . > cx.or houi' ' L - -*to J .> 11. • ... . . t.: With Faith... You Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly The Church Is Gotfs appointed agency ?n this world for spreading the knowledge of His love for man and of His demand for man to respond to that love by loving his neighbor. Without this grounding in the love of God, no government or society or way of life will long persevere and the freedoms which we hold so dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even from fl selfish point of view, one should support the Church for the sake of the welfare of Himself and his family. Beyond that, however, every person should uphold and participate in the Church because it tells the truth about man’s life, death and destiny; the truth which alone will set him free to live as a child of God. © Cots Stan Adv. Ssrv w P. O. Box 4887, Dallas, Tuxa* THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH MEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A f ill RCII-M1 \DED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PCRLIC SPIRITED IXDIVIDEALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. THIS PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. Raleigh. North Carolina JESSE JONES SAUSAGE lor A Sprcisl Breakfast With Fa i Cakes and X. C. Egg* Compliments Os K. & L. AUTO SERVICE T‘ “M 'ION CADILLAC -OLD! I'.CORrOR ATFD . 4-1 li'rllnillt Street McLAUUN PARKING COMPANY Raleigh an* Other North Carolina Cities MED UN-DAVIS DIXIE DRY CLEANERS - LAUNDRY 22S E. Martin Street Cur. BlssUsrtk A Doric Streets 515 West Morgan SL 2-Hour Shirt Service GOOD BOOK America in ns carry days t.i the "GOOD BOOK ” for Its guide In ethics, wor ship, and pursuit of feedom . These early gains are now in danger of falling and we need to turn all America once again to God and His word . America can be strong only when each Individual looks to God for strength . ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY AMSOIN PONTIAC DfC. MU HOtehuru SL TB SX2-3M7 BRANCH BANKING « TRUST CO. ' 4 Convenient Locations In Raleigh “Ton Have Frieaks at Brunch Banking HUDSON-RELK—-EmBFR OP IRIJPGH RALEIGH SAVINGS S LOAN

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