Mw. PinWiy Cms Home To Hero's Welcome As Americas Oldest City Gives It 'Black Eye’ + K ' Hh ♦ ’ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + Vows To Kill Me«wgar Evers 9 Brother Coach, Commissioner, Registrar: 3ArrestedAt Eatery Here Two of this city most outstand ing residents, and another Raleigh native, now living in Chicago, m, were arrested at the Jim crow Ca bana Motel Restaurant Saturday right and charged with trespass ing. These arrested were Peter Rines (Pete) Williams, head reach at 1. W. Ligen School; Mrs. Martha Williams Wheeler, registrar at Shaw University, whe la "Pete’*” slater; and At torney James Young Carter, Commissioner of Public Vehi cles Licenses for the city of Chicago- Mr. Carter Is the grandson of the late Colonel Janata R Young of Raleigh. The manager of the Cabana Mo tel, Willie Hall, was not available for comment when The CAROLIN IAN’S representative contacted the establishment According to police files, the trio sought service at the mo tors restaurant located at lit 8. Salisbury Street which has . ■f’Vw ■ *' MISS T. LORRAINES CUMBO . . .Women’s Dug orator Miss Cumbo Women’s Day Orator Sun. Mias Thelma Lorraine Cumbo, guidance consultant with the State Department of Public In struction, will be the Women’s Day speaker at St. Paul AME Church here Sunday. April 12, at the 11 a. m. worship services. Mia Cumbo, who is much in demand as a speaker, resides at lIS Lincoln Court. She re ceived her undergraduate de gree at North Carolina College, Durham, and her Ed. M. de gree at Boston University. The speaker completed two years es further study at Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. Some of the positions which she has held are: Instructor. Bt. Aug ustine's College: dean of students. Allen University. Columbia, 8. C.; acting counselor-educator. North Carolina College. Durham: and professor of guidance, N. C. Col- A member of Raleigh’s First (rONTINXID ON PAGE *> Rare Heart Ailment Hite Four In Same Family DETROIT <ANP> Four young ehildien uDtet and wrote s new set of probabilities in established medi cs! odds here recently by each having a rare, identical heart de fect The feur are loyee. *; Donna. »: and C harles. 4. all children •f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, >rd their cousin. Karen Brown. 7. the only rhild of Mr. and Mrs. Kir hard Brown. All were suffering from a con genital heart defect—known medi cally as "patent ductus arteriosus" up till now. medical circles had established the probabilities of such occurring as about one out of every 5.000 births. These four eases evidently were an exception to the rule. nwmrois ow mm *> Deadline Fo r Registration /# May 0. Get Your Xante On The Dookx Xotrl an all-white serving policy. Carter was also charged with dis orderly conduct His SIOO bond fee as an out-of-town resident was paid by Mr. Williams. All are scheduled to appear in City Court to answer the charges on Thursday, April 23. Racist Phones C. Evers LOS ANGELES (ANP)—Charles Evers, who succeeded his slain bro ther, Medgar, aa Mississippi NAA CU field secretary, disclosed upon arriving ,iere 'last week to attend a freedom rally, that he had receiv ed a telephone call threatening his life before he left Jackson, Miss. ' Re told the seller warned , toot he would he mnrdayed If $ ? he eaeaa to Lee Angeles far the Stora far Freedom rally at the Sports Arena. An array es stars from the entertainment world donated their sendees for toe tna n n~r ■ ada M Mam keaanllf m§ 41am Di Or f anv ■ln vH® ownFll* aIT tR® KAACP end ether eM! righto OH PAW n Charge Trio In Murders Os Two One man has been sentenced for a killing, in Goldboro’s Wayne Su perior Court, whiis police arrested another man and a woman in Lum berton and charged them with mur der. Carey Joseph Powell. 21. of Goldsboro, an airman at Sey mour Johnson Air Fares Base, near here, was sentenced to serve from 4 to ( years In pris on last Thursday, after plead ing guilty to involuntary man slaughter. A California native, young Pow (rownmJED on page *> WEATHE R mar Temperatures for the next five Say* through Monday will average four to six aesrets below normal. Cool first of period, warmer by middle es period and continued mild Utter port of period *«t will bo rather tight. Thursday through Monday, but heavy in the Eastern pan of North Carolina to day and Wednesday. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS — BU* FROM THEM PAGE t Horton’s Cosh Store PAGE > Firestone Stores Tire Sales A Service Mechanics A Farmers Bank Acceptance Mortgage Co.. Inc. PAGE S Hndson-aclb—Cllrd's of Baieigh John W. Winters * Co. Hunt General Tire Co. Dttnn’s Esso Service lbe Capital Coca-Cola Hottllng Co. PAGE S Raleigh Funeral Home Arose Realty Co. James ganders Tile Co. McLanrtn Parking Company Medtin-Davts Hud son-Belk—Efird’- of Raleigh AmOnm Pontiac. Inc. Brunch Banking A Trust Co. SSL Anto Service Thomosoa CadiUsr -Oldssnobile lue Raleigh Savings A Loan Association Dixie Dry Cleaners A Laundry Better Brake Shop of Raleigh Harmon-BoHcy. tot PAGE T Rawls Motor Co. Thompson Cadillac-OSdsnsobfle. toe. Weaver Bro* Rambler Wade's Ante Sarvtc* Public Service Co. ad W. C- toe. THE CAROLINIAN * 1 North Carolina s Leading Weekly VOL. 22, NO. 23 At Fayetteville Night Spot WIFE SEES HUBBY MURBEREB m a ' S S ' - ‘ * . : - GOVERNOR'S MOTHER SHOWN PRIOR TO ARREST Mrs. Malcolm ( Elizabeth) Peabody, left, mother ot Massachusetts Governor Endicott Peabody, listens last week as a St. Augustine, Florida case manager tells a group of Negro and white persons why they can’t drink tea together in his. establishment. Mrs. Peabody was later arrested, posted bond and went home to a hero's welcome. {UPI PHOTO). St Aupstine Incident Ruins Country’s Image Here, Abroad Warren Boycott Still On WARRENTON Although the board of education of Warren County he* threatened to take legal action against parents of school-age children if they are not sent back to school this week, a mass meet ing of Negroes Sunday decided to continue Die boycott of the coun ty’s schools until the “board of ed ucation will ait down and talk." The chairman of the Warren County branch of the NAACP. Ern est Turner, said about 500 persons were in attendance at the meet. PAGE S Colonial Stores C. Rarl Utrhman Raleigh Seafood Market R. E (Jotan Furniture to. PAGE • ASP Stores The Carpet Center London Oil Co Estate BuUderv Co. Taylor Radio 4 Electrical Cc PAGE IS Carolina Builders. I»< Ridgeway's Opticians Inc. PAGE 11 Carolina Power A IJebt Co Light tier's Funeral Home PAGE 14 Ambassador Theatre Line* In Theatre PAGE IS Jahasow-Lambe Co. Supreme Brake * Alignment Service PAGE IS North American Capital Carp ot Raleigh Roy’s Drive-la Cleaners Akrsm's Cased Rant-All Ring Co»e Motel Cor rail Coal Ca. Gem Match Shop Rhod t'runsMa * t** I*”’ 1 *”’ *“*' •teems Gmlf Service RALEIGH, S. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1964 , held at the Coley Springs Baptist Church. Turner rent totted. ‘The group decided to eanttoue the bey- I cett until we get satisfaction to our quest far negotiations or until tthe board will ait down and talk with ns." { Ihe school boycott, which has , been ninety percent effective, was j called to protest the low standard , of the county’a school*, the work | of some school personnel, and seg regation, i . (fONTINIWI ON PAOB 1) . &bRI y< ?1f *>> Ift 'W3KBz*k- ■ ti 12 m .» I 1 Is .mm r y> <v>li I r ’ UalU. , I .Jf BHL^AKemaii^iImSET^^SBfIBVWjfIHHHBBHBfIBHBB NORTHERN COLLEGE STUDENTS ASSIST IN REGISTRATION—Shown are moat of j the 36 students from northern colleges end universities, who participated in a voter registration j proect here last week. John Love, an official of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, is I shown in center, front. (See story). BT AUOUBTINE. Pl*. <ANP> —Once again another Southern town has given Uncle Sam a black eye throughout the world. This tourist town, America’s oldest city and a one-time citadel of slavery, last week Joined Bir mingham, Ala.. Albany. Ga , Jack son, Miss., and Jacksonville. Fla., In providing fodder for the pro paganda cannon of America s for eign foes, particularly the Com munists. Bt. Augustine did it by arrest ing a brave and Just woman, the mother of one ot the nation's lead ing public officials, simply for Joining a group of Negro Ameri cans In requesting service in the restaurant of a motel. (CONTUfUED ON PAGE f) PRICE 15c Shot Tears [Man’s Arm From Body FAYETTEVILLE —An argument ' ever a half-pint of whiskey was ' given aa the motive in the death of a 13-year-old eivilian employee of nearby Port Bragg Monday at 5:30 p.m. Being held in the Cumberland County Jail without bond is John w AN DEMON Henry Anderson, 33, of 468 Wll j liana SL Me was charged with Ist degree murder, and hlleuMUy -signed » Mate* ment the the fired twtoe late , the vtetim'e body. MsNeU wee gunned down m the perch of a night spot known as too Sugar Shook, to fell new of Me wtfe and SH fCOHTPWMP hi* MW 1 36 College Students Aid Registration BT CHARLES R. JONES Thirty-six college students, re presenting six Institutions of high er learning, ended a week's visit to Raleigh Saturday after helping with the current voter registration drive, spearheaded by the Raleigh Citizens Aaeoclatlon. Included In the group were two Negro young ladles from Oberlln College. Oberlln, Ohio. Miss Marjorie Schreiber. spokes man for the group, apoke highly of the “Southern hospitality" ex tended the students during their stay. Executive director of the YW CA at Oberlln College, Miss Schreiber stated: “We have received wonderful hospitality from the many per (COWTUUIED OK PAGE t) J. J. S&nsom, Jr.: Banker Seeks Seat In House Is’ HhL . ■ *. - * ■ J. J. SANSOM, JR. , . • seeks House seat Student At Ligon Wins / Trip To United Nations BT LABBT JL fTBOUD | n* t. V4jMf» Jr.-Sr. High SiNMiBI BOB# Government elim ratoßtt participated tfi the Elgh tsdfc Himual High flehso! World PMMB ftndy and Spanking Pro gram With tha assistance of their tiaihsa Mbs S. M. Toargln Ml** Faya Yvonne Baton, tha first-place winner will taka a trip to the Uni ted Nation* with other ftnt place wlnnara In North Carolina Tha altemata for tha trip could ha «m of tha other winners by rank. Miss Eaton will also be pre sen tad Tha World Peace Gold Key Prise, on Award’s Day. Tha aocond-place winner was Miss Barbara Wllllama; third place winner. Miss Marion Bunch: and the fourth place winner, Patrick Bryant. Each speech waa not leas than 0 (COMTDmiD Oft PAGE t) Local Pastor, Deacon Quit Jim Crow Cliurch The Rev. Dr. Roger Crook and Garland Price, minister and chair man of the deacon board, reapcc ively, of the Mount Olivet Baptist Church here resigned their positions Sunday morning as the congre galon refused to reverse a policy barring Negroes from attending services. Dr. Cook, a member of the relig ious department at Meredith Col lege, called a meeting of the con gregation, Sunday at 9:45 a. m., asking that everyone be allowed to From Raleigh s Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES KDITOR'H NOTE: Each Inci dent described below was ob tained from the records and files es tbs Raleigh Police De portment through a day-to-day check and each case la authen tic. No personal opinion* aro ever expressed In this colnmn. Because of the vast number es names obtained each week. It is Impossible to interview every person mentioned. CURSED, BEATEN AT TRAFFIC LIGHT Lewis Kelly, of Rout# I, Garner, came to tha station at Q:JI a. an. Saturday and reported that ho had stopped for a traffic light at tha corner of Davie and Person Streets when three men cursed him. Kell/ said he then got out of tha auto mobile and toe non peoeeeded to beat him up. Kelly, who had hla wife with him to the tone, aatd toe moo were about « fooso of ago, hut «mM giro no further indormotloo rogard* J. J. Ransom. Jr, announced hie candidacy for one of the three seats in the State House of Repre sentatives last Thursday night during the regular meeting of the Raleigh Cltlaene Association, bald at the Chavis Heights Recreation Center. Promising to campaign vigor ously for the office, the vloe-prea ident and manager of the Me chanics and Partners Bank here, said: “In offering far office, 1 am convinced that anleaa someone seeks and is elected to office to speak for onr race we will net be repeeeented by the majec- Ity group, which la toe feed with Its own problems. “The first principle of democra cy, its very root and foundation. Is -epreaentation In preportion to numbers. It is en essential part o* ’democracy that minorities shorn r, be adequately represented. NO red. democracy, nothing but a false .show of democracy, la poaetble without It. (cutmNuan oh PAoa n JW - Hr dBBf 4 ■ as &. ««•>. j i >4ag ». i..t,U.t attend services at the church, but the 200 member* present refuted to reverse a stand they had taken in the rummer of IMB. Dr. Creek had pestered the church since August es Wfl. Immediately after he rendered his resignation, Mr. Price, chair man of the beard es descent, also resigned and asked that the church clerk stall hla church letter to his heme. During the recent Easter holi f CONTINUED ON PAGE f) In* hit •ywllanU. WOULD MMIUirfMC VICTIM BEAIKM Mini Carolyn Elnlno Jeffries. 17. of lot Setwell Arcane. cum to headonarters at 4tM p.m. Monday and told the dealt Kft. that David Lee Taylor, of 117 E. Martin 8L hit her with hit flat at the comer of Fay etteville and Holman Street!. She alrned a warrant afalaat him for aaaanlt and battery. Mha Jeffrloa la to ha remem hered a* the aame perasa who attempted aalclde on Eaater Moaday aad waa rnahed to ttm hospital by bar mother. la her farewell note, ahe Mat ad. "Mother Tm ao onhapyy with David aad I anal rot rtf of him. I coat go oa llvtn* is Mila shall, naaaa targtoo am. 1 love yea." H la heltoved that Stall Tay lor waa the oao her nolo redao* to. (CONTINUED ON TAOS M

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