THE CMOLDfUUt RALEIGH. N. C-. SATURDAY. APRIL 11. IM4 10 The Raleigh SCENE PERSONALS MR. AM) MRS. H. V. ROUSE , HOST RELATIVES Mr. and Mr* H. V. Room- of South. Street, have aa their house guests, Mrs. Roane * stater. Mlm Carolyn Cooper, and her father. Mr. John Cooper. both of New. York City. PLANS PINE ARTS FESTIVAL The J. W. Ligcu Jr.-Br. High School will present, lta Second An nual Pine Arts Festival. April 12 and 13. There w.U be two aesaions on Sunday. 4:00 p.n>. and 8:00 pm. in the school’s auditorium. This is a display of cultural a ehievemente. which Includes art :hlbitt. modem dancing, drama, and vocal and Instrumental music. Participating In the Festival are members of the Raleigh Pubic Schools. All proceeds will go to the Pine Arts Travel and Award Pund. THE PRIDAT AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB The Friday Afternoon Book Club met on Friday. April 3. at the home of Mis* Belva Lane. The president preaided. After the business se»- slon was held, the hostess present ed the speaker for the evening Mrs Delons W. Revn gave s book review entitled. "The Swap Shot Scandal", which waa enjoyed by the members. We were served a de licious dinner by the hoatesa. The guest at the meeting were: Mrs. Delorls W. Revts. Mrs. Mildred L. Chavis. Mrs. Margie White, end Mrs. Mamie Raines Members present were: Mrs. Esther Mtehesl. president: Mrs. Mart# Meere. secretary; Mrs. Planner Burch, treasurer; Mrs. Nancy Deranes. Mrs. Oraa Hay weed. Mrs. Pans Haywood. Wm Mary Bryant. Mrs. OacUa Jehn Mary Bryant. Mia, Ousalla Johnson. Mrs. Pinky Halt Mrs. Carrie Laws. Mrs. Mary Pugh Lane, and Mm haetaaa. The next meeting will be held on April 17, at the home of Mrs. Esther Michael. DELTAS ATTEND BROIONAL The South Atlantic Regional Conference of Della Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was held at Virginia SUM College, Petersburg, Virginia March 38-28. Inspired by the Golden Anniver sary celebration, the Regional Con ference theme was "The Past la Imported MacNAUGHTON CANADIAN WHIBKY *O9P Hi MBS 4 PINT "fuse B IMPORTED 1 I /Canadian ‘jjs‘ I I MacNAUGHTON I I CANADIAN WHIWT K a I ' Vmwdmm "i| I AGCO SIX FULL YEAR* K ■ ftyOX^. m mmm A WOOUCT Os CAHAOA p &*#« mmtA w • § *«s «*hi • omuv van *. t t. At /ffpStfSiQ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 9tOS HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA -t- TEL. TE 3-1071 ■ DR. BOYER GOING TO BOSTON ! Dr. James A. Boyer, president of Sctnt Augustine's College, trill be ' the keynote speaker on the occas ion of National Christian Colege Day. Sunday. April 12. at St. Paul's Cathedrai. Boston. Maw The eight presidents of the eight Episcopal Colleges will speak In different cities across the country on National Christian College Day. They are expected to speak re garding their Institutions and their affiliation with the Foundation for Episcopal Colleges. HONORS CONVOCATION , i Dr. John P. Potts, president of , Voorhees Junln College. Den mark. 8. C.. will be the keynote i speaker for the St. Augustine's : College Honors Convocation. Tues i' day, April 14, st 11:30 a m In the I i Emery Health and Fine Arts Cen •ter. CLUBS Prologue—New Directions Emerge". Program plsns Included a provoca tive keynote session which high lighted the most pertinent excerpts from the address delivered at the 27th National Convention in New York City last summer and the im plications therein related to Delta Sigma Theta's growth and develop ment for the future. A special! feature of the 1964 Re gional Conference was a Civil Right* Luncheon with Clarence Mitchell. NAACP a* speaker This luncheon was opened to the pub lic. Soror Edythe R Tweedy of Rocky Mount was named Regional Director. Those repreeentlng the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter were Soror Ma mie Riddick, chapter delegate. Sor or Vivian Davis, Soror Gilds Har ris and Soror Jimmie Bugg Mid dleton. MINISTERS’ WIVES MEET The Interdenominational Min uter*' Wives Alliance of ‘"h observed 1U 2nd national I V i der’s Day with a program and lowahip hour at Plrst Bap tut Church on April 3 at 8:00 par The out-of-town guests were the Interdenominational Ministers' Wives Alliance of Frankllnton. The Ministerial Alliance of Ra leigh was special guest, together with members of the various churches. It was an educational program, with music furnished by the mln- What is Doing Around Town! fcy^nyßMyMH MEETS First row right to left; M B. W. Moore. I. L. Man grum. Frankllnton; E. D. McClam. M. R. Delaney. M. W. Williams. T. H. Harris, president; C. W. Ward. M. F. Booker, V. L. Saunders. M. B. Sapp. Second row. left to right: Mesdames A. L. Morgan, Frank llnton; W. Ysrboron»h. p ran , ' , nf e"; J. D Lirk’-y. J. J. Reece. W. ■■ tSt '■’■&*s,■, A Jsr y^t,. f| 9HPI , CAROUNIAN EMPLOYEES HONOR BRIDE-ELECT The home oi Mr. and Mrs. J C. Washington, 70S E. Edenton Street, was the scene Friday night of a surprise pre-wedding nuptial, honoring Mist Claranettt! Durham, and Mr. Jesse Lee Broadnax. The affair tv as given to the cou ple by members of The CAROLINIAN'S stall and management. Shown seated, left to right, are: Mr. Broadnax, Miss Durham (who were married here aturday ) and Mrs. Gloria J. Dolby. Stand ing, left to right, are: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Swain, Mr. Charles R. Jones, Mr. George Broome, Miss Lena M. Eure, Mrs. Leo I a G. McGray, Mr. David Dolby, Mr. J. C. Washington, Miss Mary Anne Durham, Mr. Robert Rroadnax, and Mrs. Mary E. Washington. Miss Durham is shown examining one gift, while Mrs. Dolby holds the other. "Our Father. as human be luga and aa servant* of Thine, wo need many thing* each day. but moat of all we n«ed faith to bring aa above «ur limited viaiona and to over come our weaknaaaea and ful fill Thy will. Hal* us to find joy In the faith that la worth conquering." LINCOLN PARK HOUNESb Church School was held at 10 a m with the superintendent, Mr. Ar thur Williams. In charge. Clarence Ratcliff won firs', prise form, m ory verse* in the primary due. Morning worahlp followed with our pastor, the Rev. Ell Ratcliff, delivering the message for the day. He apork from the subject. ••H"r* Am I. 11l Oo.” Music was ren dered by the senior choir, with Mr*. Margaret Ratcliff at the pi ano. The pastor and members ten dered service# in Benson Sunday afternoon. ST. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Sunday School opened at 10:00 with the superintendent Mr. WlUlam Lyons. Sr.. In ch-.<|e. Isters' wives chorus Refreshments were served, and enjoyed by all present. Mrs. T. H. Harris is pres ident of the Alllar.ce and Mrs J. H Bryant is reporter. Come to Church BY MRS. MAY L. BROAOIS worship began at 11 SO. with the pastor the Rev. L. T. Ford, In charge of the service. The Junior choir was l.i charge of mu sic. under the direction of Mrs. Topsy McCullers. organist, Mr*. Etz&beth Partin The morning les son was read by the Rev. WllUe Walker, from the Book of Isaiah. Morning prayer was led by the Rev. Odel Young The Rev. Theo dore McCalllster delivered the morning message MORNINO STAR BAPTIBT Church School ocgr.n at 11 o'clock with the assistant superintendent. In charge in the absence of the superintendent. Eleven o’clock service began with the Junior choir ir. charge at the music The scripture was read and announcements were made. The pastor, the Rev s R Spencer brought the morning message to the congregation, from the Book of Revelations. 3 8 His subtoet was, “I Have Set Before Thee An Open Door". We were vet” g’.ad to have friends visiting with us You are always welcome to worship with us. The memorial service for Mrs. Grace Bell will be heard next Sun day at 2 30 p m Mrs 801 l was a member of the Community Hope ' Prayer Band LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST -Sunday Smoot began at 10 00 with the *’ipT n tendent. Mr Mack Arthur. In charge Morning wership began at 11:50. with the s'nlor choir, under the direction of Mr W lfle Hen derson. In charge of music. A great sermon was delivered by the pas tor. the Rev Lester River-'. which eras enjoyed by all present WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Church School began at 9:90 un. with the superintendent. Mr. rtiil- Up Alston. In charge Morning worship begrn at 11:00 with the senior choir in charge of music, under the dtree-ion of Mia Jac queline Mitchell The pastor, the Rev. J. H. Bryant, delivered the message to the congregation. The service was followed by commun ion. TDPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Sunday School began at 9:30 ... ... , ... i.. L. *. - -*» —• .*. . t H. Bro idie, Frankllnton; J. H. Bryant, A. B. Johnson. Third row, right to left: Mesdames Eva B. Young. Frankllnton; L. Horton, W. J. Wilson, L. P. Perry, Geo. Robinson, O. L. Sherill, J. D. Henry. E. E. Henry. D. N. Howard. (See story on page 18). am. with the superintendent, Mrs. Dorothy Allen. In charge. Maming worship began at 11 o’clock with the senior choir In charge of mu sic, under the direction of Mrs. D. N. Howard. Sr. Responsive reading was led by the pastor, the Rev. D. N. Howard, who also brought the morning message. HU subject was. “The Risen Christ and His Radiant Church”. Prayer was led by Brotier Robert Miller. Morning worship was followed by communion. Evening worship began at 7.30. with the Jane* Chapel Baptist Church choir tn charge of music, along with the Smith Temple Freewill Baptist Church oholr. The Rev. Isaac Lee. pastor of the Jones Chapel Baptist Church, brought the very Inspiring mes sage. His subject waa "Carry Je sus Somebody". The Rev Howard and congregation were weil-pleaa ed. UNION BAPTIST Church School opened at 10 o'clock with ! the superintendent. Mr. Waiter ! Price. In charge. Morning worship began at 11:30 with the senior | choir in charge of music, under : the direction of Mrs. Nettle Har ! rlngton. The morning sermon, . which was very interesting was 1 delivered by the pastor, the Rev. I E Mason. Communion was seared | at the evening worship service WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST—Sunday School begun at 1 9:30 with the superintendent. Min I Name Morgan, in charge. Morning , worship began at 11 o'clock with I the senior choir tn charge of mu sic. under the direction of Min Name Morgan, organist. Mrs. M. M. Kelly. A very heart-warming sermon eras delivered by the pas tor. the Rev. O. W. Bunrtek. fol lowed by communion. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CMB—Church School began at 9:30 am. wtth the superinten dent. Mrs. Dell* R Bard, tn charge. Morning worship begun at II o'clock wtth the senior choir tn charge at the music, under the direction of Mis Myrtle Ann Rhodes, A very encouraging ser mon was dehrer-d by the guest minister, the Rev. Mr. Wilkins, from the Book at St Mark. 7:3. His subject was. Bands." mMy Lady's Doings In And Out Os Town English Prof, Peace Corps Exec. To City ENGLISH AND PEACE CORPS Dr. Edwin H. Sauer, chairman of the English Department. Chi cago Teachers College South and nationally known authority on the teaching of English, and Dr. Ma rie Davis Gadsden, highest rank ing woman in the Peace Corps, will highlight the Sixth Annual Language Arts Institute at Saint Augustine's College on Saturday. April 18. Dr. Sauer is a native of Cincin nati, Ohio and received his B.S. and M.A. degrees at Miami Uni versity of Ohio. He received his- Ph. D. at the University at Cincin nati. His teaching experience has In cluded work In the public schools of Ohio. Miami University, Uni versity of Cincinnati and Harvard, where he directed the master of The service was followed by com munion. RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZION — Sunday School began as usual last Sunday with the sui>er lntend-mt. Mr. Leslie Campbell, in charge. The Junior Church serv ices were then conducted by the Rev. Shelby Taylor. The regular morning worship services were conducted by the pastor, the Rev. T. H. Harris, who also brought the morning message, taken from St. Luke. 15:18. His theme was. 1 The Repentant Child Came Back to His Father and Confessed that He Had Done Wrong” At 3 p.m., the Pvthlans and Ca l&nthenic Lodges observed their Tlianksgiving Anniversary at the church. Rev. Hairia delivered the message. The music was furnished by the senior choir at our church. Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe is church reporter. ST. MATTHEW AME— Church School began at 9:30 with the su perintendent, Mr. Robert Lesane, in charge Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the senior choir In charge of mus*c. under the di rection of Mrs. Marie Riddick, or ganist. Ms. Rosemary Walton. Morning lesson was read by the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Epps, who also brought the morning mes sage Brother A. O Carmichael led the prayer. C xnniunion followed the service. ©BERLIN BAPTIST Sunday School began at 9:30 am. Wth the superintendent. Mr. Walter Curtis. In charge. Morning wor riitp began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir In charge of muric. under the direction at Mrs. Elsie Hayes: organist. Mrs. Lucille Campbell. Morning lesson and prayer were led by the pastor, the Rev. J. F Dempsey, who also brought a powerful message to the congregation. FIRST BAPTIST Church School began at 9:30 am. with the superintendent. Mr. W H. Taylor. In charge Morning wor ship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of the mu sic. under the direction of Mrs. M T. James and the minlsts' of music. Mrs. E M. M .Kelly. Solo ists were Mrs M. T. James and Mr. W. H . Taylor Sr The respon sive reading wj led by the Rev. J. A. Lester. Miming lesson was read by the Rev. M. Chamtiss. from the book of SC Luke. 24th chapter, and the 13th through the 33rd verses. Prayer was offered by the pastor, the Rev. C. W. Ward, who also delivered a very won derful sermon. BTU begun at 6:30 pm. wtth 18. Frank Hinton, leader. Mr. C. Langston was in charge at the BTU. due to the absence as the. Evening service began at 7:30 pm- with the Rev C. R. Bdwudu pastor of the First Baptist Church tn Fayetteville delivering the aes- DRIYE SAFELY! FETED ON 2577/ ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mn. Wil liam B. Stanley were honored at a surprise Silver Anniversary party, given by their daughter, Miss Carlrienne Stanley. This af fair took place on Saturday evening, March 21, as 7:30 in the ball room of the Chavis Center. Mrs. Stanley received beautiful gifts of silver from her many friends. Telegrams were sent from relatives and friends in New York, Kinston and Goldsboro. GABBING About Town *BY MRS. A. H. THORPE It we eaa’t be cheerful. Let's be as cheerful aa w* can.” OUT AGAIN AFTER ILLNESS Mrs. Arnetta Brown of 423 Wat son St is out again to the delight of her many friends. RETURNS TO SCHOOL Mr. Frederick (Freddy) Johnson of 540 E. Cabarrus St., has returned to N. C. College, Durham, after a brief stay at Wake Memorial Hos pital, having his tonsils removed. Your friends say, “Keep your chin up and keep smiling." HOSTS TO GROUP ONE Mr. aid Mrs. James Flagg of El lington St., were host* to Group One last Sunday. After a brief busi ness session they enjoyed a delight ful repast Mrs. Marie Moore is pre- Obituary STEPHEN WAYNE CREWS Stephen Wayne Crews, seven month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crews, of 326 Bragg Street died Tuesday night of last week. Graveside service* were conducted from Mount Hope cemetery Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. George Williams officiating. In addition to the parents, he Is survived by three brothers, Chris topher Leon, Isaac Antonia, and Darell McNeil Crews; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Crews of Raleigh: and the mater nal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ray of Raleigh. arte in teaching program. Dr. Gadsden Is a native of Doug las, Georgia. She received her B. & degree in b.oicgy at Georgia State College, ‘he MA degree In English at Atlanta University and the Ph. D. degree In English at the University of Wisconsin. >■ * * DRIVE SAFELY! Memory Tent trste on Ike iasm In the spa*** l»l*v. New, awd say tbs mom over a (aw slates t* veararif. H **o> b* hag bates* WI WILL Inaw N yea toe paaasd lb* teal. •aa Bearing AUs 1 * I I opTm7>!7H^r[ sident of the group. CELEBRATES 10th BIRTHDAY Little Miss Jean Adams, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adams, of 214 S. Haywood SL celebrated her 10th birthday last Saturday at 4:00 p. m. Only a few of her friends and playmates were on hand to join in with her. Those were: Claudia Lockley, Ed ward Winston, Gail Flagg, Shirley Flagg. Marsha Morgan, Cynthia Adams, and Mrs. Minnie Flagg. Af ter the playing of many games, a repast of cup cakes, mints, peanuts, ice cream and cake was served. Jean received many lovely and use ful gifts. We wish to say “Happy Birthday to you.” Each received a souvenir hat. WILL RENDER SERVICE The pastor. Rev. T. H. Harris choirs and congregation of Kuril Metropolitan A. M. E. Zion Church will render service at Watts Chapel Church on the Rhamkatte Rd. Sun day at 2:00 p. m. The public is in vited to attend. NOTE We haven’t received your call aa yet. But we are still listening. May we hear from you this week? Phone TE 3-6436 Everything For . • . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MXLLWORK • ATHEY’B PAINTS • BUILDHNG MATERIALS • BUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. ,217-219 N. Dawson St RALEIGH. N. C. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Us for ReaaonabU Estimates Prompt + Service Pheos TE 4-5558 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Sit E. Martin Street Raleigh. N. C

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