RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1904 16 Buddhist Convert Bums Herself To Death In “Philly” Wanted Immortality, Believed To Be First Case Involving Negro PHILADELPHIA 'ANP) ln what li believed to be the first rase of its kind among American Negroes, a *B-ycar-old former night rlub dancer, described as a fanati cal convert to Buddhism, burned herself to death in her home here last week, with the belief that she was achieving "immortality through death by fire". Me is Mrs. Bertha Gardner, wfce oner starred aa an Indian deneer hi nightclub* on the Ecomonical Higrh Grade For Every Purpose I Briquets - Olga Stoker Red Aik CORRELL COAL COMPANY SAT N. WEST ST. TE 2-BM7 KING C OLE MOTEL 2418 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, N. C. 19 Rooms - Private and Adjoining Baths Individual Heat - Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Between Peyetteville State Teachers College and Fort Bragg REASONABLE RATES! ILLNESS AT HOME? A HOSPITAL BED MAKES IT EASIER ON EVERYONE RENTS r. 42c Day RENT: Wheel Chairs A Other Invalid Needs; Reducing Ma chines: Party Needs; Roll-Away A Baby Beds; Floor Polishers A Sanders; Tools. "WE RENT MOST ANYTHING" Abram’s United Rent-Alls CALL: VA I-45U RALEIGH Gome In: 41> W. PEACE ST. 1 Hr. Cleaning Hr. Shirt Service B Locations 5 Shirts SI.OO ROY’S DRIVE-IN CLEANERS RALEIGH. N. C. EBsad AM . c HMtiasssi asaa. naiaJ ...TeaMSlllaN nwfiwSIfHQWBTTOI? writi now! i # tm MoeraAecs NORTH AMERICAN Jadoress ... ; .cMMKMi J CAPITAL CORP \Z S ■ WIH OF RALEIGH i*™ 1 \ mrmmm? 833-2742 < : Sr 2 East and West Coasts and In Canada, before retiring from the stage in 1951. Funeral services for her were helo at the Garriest Funeral Home. Mrs. Gardner went the way of the recent self-sacrificing Viet Nam monks by dousing her rlothing with a volatile liquid and then setting herself afire in the bathroom of her home. When her sleeping hus band, Kelly Gardner, 74. was roused by neighbors who were alarmed by amoke coming from the houae, Mrs. Gardner had already all but turned herself Into human barbecue. All fire men answering the husband's alarm rould do was put out the blaze, and salvage the charred remains of her body. The Gardners had gone to bed reading Buddhist literature Kelly raid his wife has been reading such literature for the past 10 years and had become convinced about rein carnation. or a return to some form of human life after death In emulating the Buddhist Viet Nam momks. however. Mrs Gard ner might have misinterpreted an aspect of the religion The Budd hist monks of Viet Nam sacrificed their lives in protest of what they said were their pci sedition by the ruling Diem Government. Buddhism, which emphasized per sonal salvation from suffering, ts an ancient religion that preceded Christianity. It was founded by .Siritfhartha Gautama Budda 'SBB - B. C.) somettme around 537 B C. Mrs. Gardner left a note reading: ' Immortality through death by fire. ..." DRIVE SAFELY! e>' - i’ “ V ' ’ ' 1 ’ 1 - '"vH" t''" ' y * W ■UPv ■SMfUL ■■■■ /■ P Jf t \lSrKsBL fi Jnk Er - *sw Jmtmf J -JBn EtkA. - I DEMONSTRATORS BLOCK CHESTER STREET—Po lice detective, center, threatens a stretched-out civil rights, picket with arrest, as other demonstrators sit down hlot:king traffic in ! CARNATION j COOKING HINTS gievict OIkECTOe AND Mg* Team up the go-together flavors of pineapple and orange this spring in tasty Pineapple-Orange Salads. They’re smooth and creamy, and ever-so-light, because they're made with Carnation Evaporated Milk. Carna tion is the economical double-rich milk that whips up to three times its volume. Whipped Carnation not only makes refreshing salads but also chiffon pies, parfaits and desssrts. Get acquainted with whipped Carnation today. You’ll enjoy using it ofjen. ■.c ,* * is ■ w “ yglhrw "Wifi am* % W I PINEAPPU-ORANGI SALADS (Makes 8-10 servings) I cup (1% ounce con) cruthed pineapple Pineapple tynip plut water to make 1 cup 1 package (3 ounce) lemon-flavored gelatin Drain pineapple, save syrup. Heat syrup and water to boiling. Pour over gelatin Stir until gelatin Is dissolved. Chill until consistency of unbeaten egg white. Stir pineapple, mayonnaise, orange slices and celery into gelatin. Chill Carnation in refrig erator tray until soft Ice crystals form around edges of tray i 10-15 minutest. Whip until stiff (about 1 minute). Add lemon juice end whip very stiff (1 minute longer). Fold whipped Carnation Into gelatin mixture. Spoon Into 8 to 10 Individual molds Chill until firm, about 2 hour*. Unmold on lettuce leave* and garnish with orange slices and coconut. ’/„ cup mayoonalie V, cup chopped orange ilicei */« cup chapped celery >4 cup (small can) undiluted CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 1 tablespoon lemon juice Final Rites Held For A. Stanback HILLSBORO > ANP'—There were few dried eyes in the audience. a» students thronged Central High school here last week and sat with bowed heads as funeral services were being conducted for their beloved principal. Albert Leon Stanback. Sr Stanback. who came to ros tral as an athletic roach and mathematics instructor in MM and rooo within tlx yean to be come its principal, died In Dwkfl Hospital after a brief illness. Many of Stanback'* "boy*”, past and present, were on hand to bid him farewell at the rites In the school's auditorium. Under Stanback'* supervision. Central grew from a tiny school with TS students to one with an enrollment of 1.200 and a staff of *4 teachers. He was well liked throught the comtnunity. Stanback. a white-thached. friend ly man, was bem in Chester. S. C-, Msrch 5. 1911. but lived here for the past M years He received the B S. degree from A A T collefdt Greensboro. N. C, and the M. S. from North Carolina college' in Durham. He is survived by his widow. Catherine, a son. Leon. Jr,; one daughter. Pamela Luc. lie; his mother. Mrs. Etta L. Stanback of Chester. S. C. two sister* and three brothers. It Pays To Advertise the street during a turbulent day of demonstrations. Over 100 were arrested and several, including a news photographer, were injured at Chester, Pa. last week. (UPI PHOTO). 2 Black Muslims Lay Claim To Territory-Public Park FORT WORTH. Texas (ANPi— Black Muslim Messenger Elijah Muhammad has taught his follow ers that the "so-called American Negroes” should get a separate sec lion of the United States as pay ment for the time their ancestors spent in slavery. Two of his local followero took ’the Messenger literally last week and staked out their claim —a public park. NAIL DOWN THAT HEADACHE LONDON—(ANP)— When Sea man Michael Fish gets a headache, he doesn’t go in for those patent medicines—asprins. buffer in. or the. combination types. He ha* his own remedy, though readers should be v ary of trying it. Fish was drink ing with some friends in a South ampton bar and felt a touch of mi graine coming on' He asked his friends to bang a nail through his skull. One of them quickly found a nail, and hammered it into Fish's skull with a piece of wood. Later Fish said. ‘‘After that, the headache completely disappeared and I felt better again.” ■I Stunning creation in ■ 14 k yellow or white gold. i I NOW £< M 50 I | ONLY $149, | GEM WATCH SHOP tM PAT3TTEVUXB ST. TE S-tUI The Most Useful Hand Vac You Can Buy! So many places to use your Whisk! j i Inside the house ... inside the car. a \ \/> Whisk dirt away wherever it is! b wjxjsmxt VACUUM CLEANER Ctaarw and traihan* all types Gats at dirt in folds, on tops of or uphclstary! draparia*. Kaopa ear»"na»M»oOal"claarw Tina *»r lampshade. * LtfShaaiftit - tasy ta kaeiJta last Bap a Special lest Filter turt*» SeTsciad (tor House or Good FatSa Waar Pe* »o<- c s fa*- "Rhjodsi. ‘furniture * serving SO'.," - ' .'e 1875 WII.MINGTO* AT MAKTIX ST. Dial *43-5541 er 133-554: John Scott, alisa John Muham mad, and Maurice Shah cleared three trees out of the park, plowed, thought they were fellow workers until they saw the pair stake out signs with Black Muslim emblems. A city judge reserved weekend space for the wo men in s local jail. Patronize Our ADVERTISERS INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE —Consult— Fire Insurance Co. Durham, N. C. YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS * OeraWe, west chip ar crack * Caetsw aeoii * btra laa| carl * Ul Apprmi Man Tries To Bam Wife, Lover In Bed; Gets 2 Yrs. MAN TRIES TO BURN WIFE , AMD LOVKR IN men DRAWS TWO YEAR SENTENCE ; JACKSON, Miss.—(ANP)—A fa ther of eight children drew a two- i year sentence in Circuit Court here last week after he admitted set ting fire to the bedroom in e house i where he found Ms wife "shacking i up” with another man. Drawing the sentence was James : Robert Wimon, who told Judge Le Por Complete Service Station Work Come or Call! STEVENS’ GULF SERVICE PHONE: U4-CSM 1208 NEW BERN AVENUE RALEIGH. M. C. Acme Laundry & Cleaners, Inc. 1-Day Service On Request 8827 Hillsboro Street RALEIGH. N. C. Dial TE 4-4401 i KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY mi 4/5 QUART . |f|i PINT .;>- JMmmm-jSmBNk M —. TAYLOR n. Ilf t*rrmu-*o r> «•-»•.«. ovum moouew oa BK ■•-Ss. *mi __ OLD TAYLOR 85 PROOF 32T l LCUUVIUf, IT. c - .J 6. * * - » . L'.i p%o:ucts coup any cm Hemfrick he tried to burn his wife to death "on account of my little children". He charged his wife had abandoned the children, all un der nine years old. The judge told Wimon he sympa thized with him but couldn’t con done his taking "the law into your own hands." He sentenced Wimon the minimum term under Hie law. However, the couple* escaped and firemen put out the fire. 101 W. Circle Drive CARY. N. C. Dial 407-8841