SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION % * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILDCARE WR WANTED PERSONAL /■■£> . • CLEANING k MAULING f'Ms Aftd —Low Cost Advertising — —Low Cost Advertising — iMSfljfflfisjl FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 j FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 IjjgJraVpMHa ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OP THANKS IN MEMORIAL LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS WENT Classified Rates qw < t u &&&" too* too Me IVio TVfcc Each wore abbreviation. Initial ox ntbol count ae one word. Puncutotton marks are NOT counted tv- minimum number at words in enjrwsat ad is U words. You will save money by ordering your ad to run I or IS tfr'te Weekly Want Ads may be telephon ed through Wedneeday up to 10 AJL CARD OF THANKS The Swnlly at the Ute Mr. Mack HaU wishes to express sincere thanks lor each sad every deed of kindness shown during the death of their belov ed tuuhsr.d and lather. May God bless each of you. MBS. BOTH HALL A CHILDREN FEMALE HELP WANTED! Guaranteed N. Y. Llve-in maid lobs. $36 - (Si wk. Fare advanced. Mallory Agehcy, Lynbrook, N. Y. HOUSEMAIDS: Live-in-jobs. Mass.. Conn. S3O to $55. Bus tickets, refer ences. Barton Erap. Bureau, Gt. Bar rington. Mass. “EDUCATIONAL” MEN A WOMEN 18 to SOI You can qua lify for many job opportunities In CIVIL SERVICE. Piepars st home for toming examinations. Send name, address, phone, directions if rural to NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE, F. O Box 405. Raleigh. N. !_ LAUNDRY TEAGUE'S DRY CLEANING. MM Glen wood Ave. has merged and is now known ss BAYES BARTON AND DBY CLEANERS NO. X. Paul Easterling. Mgr., Nq k L Dial T* 1-8516; No 8. Dial FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAK-B-Q u 4 (Our Specialty) Pig and Chicken 108 B. DAVIE BT. SERVICE STATIONS DUNN'S Eaao RATION— SO* A Blood worth t Phene IE *-—1 MOTEL itnoillMi tOUSIST DBIVE Ufe-CaU or write for reservations, DB Jamai ca Drive. TE 2-5048 REAL BARGAINS U—d GAS Appliance • WATER HEATERS • RANGES • CIRCULATORS Only $5 Down Small Monthly Payment* Act Now! Call R. N. WELLS 833-6641 LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE! \m FORD a Door Sedan. Serial No C7VMWSS, 1663 Ltoie No. RXIJTO. belonging to Bernard E. Smith of 516 Cleveland Street, Raleigh, will be told to the highest bidder on May J. 1964, at U Noon at Better Brake Shop. 500 W Morgan Street, Raleigh. April 4, 11, 16, 25, 1964 NORTH CAROLINA In the Administration of the Estate of WAKE COUNTY WILLIAM DAVIS SANDERS. Deceased. , _ _ NOT I C S The undersigned, having quah«*<S “ administratrix of the eaUte of WUliaro Davis Sanders, deceaaed, late of Wako County, this is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on, or before the 21st day of September. 1964 or this Notice will be pleaded Is Iw m their recovery. All persons end#oted to said estate will please make imme date payment to the undersigned- This the 16th day of March. I**- BA DELL POE, Administratrix 629 East Martin Street Raleigh. North Carolina SAMUEL 8 MITCHHJ* Attorney for Administratrix March 31. 29, April 4 and 11. 1964. NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY ...... HAVING QUALIFIED as Adminis tratrix of the EaUte of Trank Dune ton. deceased, late of Naka CmmtT- North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against me estate of eaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at ItSti E. Hargett Street. Raleigh. North Carolina, on or before the. llth day of March. 1965. or this notice will be pleaded m har of S*tti# , eSate I^wii^plJa*sTmaka'tnrirr*- of March. 1664 _ MARY fRJNSTON TOCNO. Administratrix GEORGE I BROWN. Attorney March 61. 36; April 4 and 1L 1994. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ffiS^COUNT^ HAVING QUALIFIED as Administra tor of the Estate of Mrs Eva Belle Mc- Kntght deceased, late of Wake Coun tv. Nortti Carolina, this la to notify all persons having claims against the E state of said deceased to exhibit them to tha undersigned it 13 East Hargett Street, Raleigh. N C on orbefore the 61st day of September. N 64. or this notice trill be pleaded tn bar of their recovery All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate dar of March. 19M MECHANICS A FARMERS BANK Administrator CTA A March 21. »: April C 11. I*4 GIVE GOD A CHANCE NOW! Attend Church Every Sunday! BURL ALLEN’S Ink TONGUE Somebody wise. than moot of ua said. "No chain is stronger than it* weakest link.' This briefly, ex plains why—with all it* stanch elements, society often achieves such tame accomplishments. No. the weakest links are not the weak ones who desire to beoome strong, The weakest links are they who want to BE strong without mck lnging the slightest effort to BE COME strong. These request the mountain summits to descend to them, because they are too lasy to ascend to the summits! I am frequently asked by such weaklings, “Why do you use such words in your column? Why dent you write what people can under stand?" When I tell them that I find more people who DO under stand, they want it written so that "everybody can understand. I de sire—as much as anybody— to understand and to be understood, but I do not poe&css that special talent held by writers of begin- TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE—NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. 4M FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONE TE t-Utt Dealer No. 3388 SJJIM sjBEAM Jjjpl Kentucky , Straight Bourbon P T& IDELIfS FTKETBOURBOft WHlskcy BOURBON WHISKEY 6 •2.65 AaMWMWk : tL., JVejSKESOI iX Pmt MRTUCRV sg *4 20 tugltitss s:mcl .t»» NORTH CAROLINA’S LARGEST STOCK OF RAMBLERS DRIVE TO RALEIGH AND SEE A COMPLETE LINE OF COLORS AND BODY STYLES AT NORTH CAROLINA’S VOLUME RAMBLER DEALER Weaver Bros. - RAMBLER, INC. 223 W. Lenoir St. TE 3-4176 Dealer 3203 / Raleigh ners‘ text book*. However, an ample vocabulary can be earned with reasonable re search, ant one need not bi a genius to rerllse that, a halo Is not always a shampoo, and camels are not necessarily cigarettes. Those good critics need only to try on, I remember the words of an other person wiser than most of us: to understand. In all my ende*v “The heights of great men reach ed and kept Were not obtained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept. Were toiling upward In the night ” Go To Church Sunday Wm KjKF < VI ! i LIGON'S DEBATING TEAM WINS HONORS Pictured are members of the J. W. Li ion High School Debating Team. From left to right, front row: Mieeee Gloria Hodge, Dorethea McNeil and Ruby Jones. Second row: J. A Abron, instructor; James High, Vincent McCoUough, Maloolm Debnam, Miss Ethel Johnson, and Howard Cunningham, instructor. (See story), Ligon’s Debate Team Wins Honors In Distric t Contest BY RICHMOND STEWART The J. W. Ligon High School Debating team will travel to Dur ham to participate in the state aemi finals on April 8 at North Carolina College. The negative team, led by Malcolm Debnam, won honor* in the preliminaries against John ston County Training School in Smithfield recently to qualify for this additional competition. A debating team. Ligon's first, was organized under the super vision and direction of Mr. J. A. Abron, Jr., social studies teacher, i A iMßfflffTr ' w ' : - i mU/Uk -KB g 1 \ i * jBF | rjgraff A ■ fIK# v HL M wMmtrL- W*' I .. L .. I t r: V _ BMF i&i v JSP K ' I k ■ l;., a : , -Jh? , - ifcA.* ■l W f.. a v \*' JMBm STUDENT APPRECIATION DAY OBSERVED AT LIGON Pictured in top photo i» acting typing teacher, Mins Natalie Wilson, a* the instruct a ttudent on proper techniques. Mre. P. Cuningham. the regular teacher, observes in the background. Bottom picture show* acting librari an, Miss Patricia Palmer as she prepares to check out some books. The other students shown from left to right are Dave Jackson, Miss Alma Smith,and James Johnson. (See story). “Teacher Appreciation Day” Observed At Ligon BY RICHMOND STEWART The teacher* and admir.i*tration at the J W. Ligon Junior-Senior High School were honored by the rchool'a student council recently ss •Teacher Appreciation Day” and “Youth Day" were Jointly ooaerv ed. The Uacher* were relieved of their duties by student* who had been carefully trained for aueh a purpose. •'Youth Day” i* the day when the -cr.iorj take over m every portion n the school. The president of the rtudeftt council serves a* the pi inri pal lor the day and others are se lected by the counci and approved by those whose positions they are 1o lilt after having been selected to do so by Mr. H. E. Brown, principal. All members were selected from 10th grade World History Classes taught by Abron on tha basis of ability to think rapidly in situations neces sary in debating. Since all members are now 10th grade students and making grades of from “B" to “A” in World History. It is felt that during the next two years and thereafter, de bating will take on the same signi ficance and importance with re ference to extra curricular artlvl- ■ In some cases teachers may ask for a particular student. Proper ability must be evident In terms of .rradea and strong personality traits. The stages la are circa this opportunity to sesame raepoasi | hilltle* which give them soma degree as Insight lino what fa tare demand* will be made of them. It la reserved for seniors who ire exhibiting that leader ship ability deemed necessary lor inture edarstion. This year “Youth Day" has been a pa; - of the ‘Student Council Ap preciation Day" Teachers were pi enter ‘ed carnations by the studant , council. i ties as all other activities. The Initial member* of the team are games High, Mice Ethel Johnson. Miss Gloria Hodge, Mlse Ruby Jones. Mal colm Debnam, Vincent McCol lugh, and Miss Dorothea Mc- Neil. New members will be selected from the 10th grade etch year to mako up for students loss due to graduation. Mr. Vbron Is assisted by Mr. Howard Cunningham, also of tha Social Studies department. The practice of “Youth Day* has bf-en a part of the student council program alnce Ligon'a beginning In 1654. All “teacher*” and “staff mem ber*" met at the end of the day and evaluated the day'* program This information will be passed on to the itudent council to aid It* planning of next year * calendar. Observa tion and critlciama wer# alao re ceived by teacher*. A. A. Meetings Tha Capital City Group ot Alcoholics Anonymuos. founded In October ot 190, meet* each Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o ; lock at the Bloodworth St YMCA. VIO S. Bloodworth St All persons having . problems with alcoholic beverages are In vited to become affiliated with this body. They will be wel comed. . RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, APRIL tL MM PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Imported, MacNAUGHTON CANADIAN WHISKY *990 JH MBS - fa PINT Jf^^Ul I B IMPORTED 1 I (janac/ian I I MacNAUGHTON I I CANADIAN WHISKY I 9 A SUMS fl ■ AGCO SIX nnXYEAMT ■ I I |A * snootier or *ahaos O' | 1 l etuMM «h*m bob . i tuh tu • iu nov • «m*n wem a. it. it. BIG USED CAR SAVINGS f »£A OLDSMOBXLB Super M Oonrertibto, white, witaoutie * ~ w tra,n&mlaalon, power steering, power bnJEM. fiICQC radio, heater. Whitewall Urea. A * l J *CQ OLDSMOKLB M 4-Door W *U9S *M OLDSMOBUJC F-M De u“ luxe 4-door aedan, blue, automatic tnuumliaton. S2L. *1795 THOMPSON CAD.-OLDS INC. USED CAR DEPT. SOUTH AT FAYETTEVILLE TE 4-03lS= »rn OLD6MOBILE power “7 steering, power $995 >ro BUICK 1-Door hardtop. KS.- 4 .* 7, »5 »C7 CHRYSLER black ftnteh, ° l alr oondltton •pOVJ SEE WADE FOR THE LOWEST TKADE! NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APFFBOVED CREDIT 1 . 1 ■—-w„ NO PAYMENT OVER 1M..11 PER MONTH OVER 71 CARS TO CHOOSR FROM! Wade’s Auto Sales 128 B. CABARRUS ST. 8344417 WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION... OF USED CARS! >rn CHRYSLER Windsor 4- **” dr. pow • r ateerlng. power brakes, radio end fleeter, automat- 21AQ' ic trenamlesion vl™.l ) BUICK Electra 328 4-dr. w hardtop, power ateerln*, power brake# automatic »PQ PONTIAC Catalina 4-dr. OJ hardtop, power stearin*, power brake#, radio end heater, white |1295 7iA BUICK LHSabre 4 - dr. w hardtop, autoomtle trannmianlon. power steer ing. pov.-e- brakes, radio £££Z .... »«S BUICK OPEL JAGUAR RALES-CERVICE _ &L Smith, (BuidA 431 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH W-UH *AA CADILLAC 4-door, black. ™ automatic tnuiMnlaelon. steering, power brakea. ra dio. heater. S23QC whitewall Urea te »CO CADILLAC 4-door * ST *lo9* *C7 DODGE 3-Door hardtop. •'* red and (aQC white *?WYO 'M OLDftMOBILE rad and *7° white. Mot; Real sharp! 4N»' f tf SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND * ONLY! - *en PLYMOUTH V-8 S ST *595 BUICK StMoial V-d„ ran w (Do and heater, whit* tired, etretght d v I r.A, 'Zm aw t/fl FORD IWdiHlwr 3-dr. ®1 hardtop, automatic tnanWia, radio and heater, power steering, ST $1695 »RA THUIfDEHBntD, auto- W matte InanMon, air oondlttoa. $1995 >£fk UNOOUt Continental w 4-dr. hardtop, full power, air eonditVon. one owner, r $2195 63 torn!*•SomlSto’^trane^ mission. radio end heat .. E22WS 7

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