Woman Still Unidentified: DEAD DODY SPLIT OPEN Mrs. Evers To City THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 22, NO. 24 Win Begin At 7:45 A. M.: Early Classes Offered At Two Raleigh High Schools Supt. Says 1,000 May Accept Plan The Raleigh School Board has approved an optional plan where in students may come to classes at two local high sehpaii one hour earlier and be released an hour early. Supt. Jesse O. Sanderson con firmed the fact that both Need barn B. Broughton and J- W. Ug on High Schools are overcrowded; and to alleviate this situation, it was suggested that students, with the consent of their parents, may come to elassea at 7:45 a. m. and be released at 3:30 p. m. Mr. Sanderson said he ex pects the crowded conditions at Ligon to be cleared op soon with the completion of the (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Checker, Miss World Os *62 Wed PENNSAUKEN, N. J. (ANPI Twist king and rock 'n' roll singer Chubby Checker Sunday made a heart-rending decision when he married his white. Dutch-bom fiance over the steaming objection as his mother in a Lutheran church ceremony here. II "V • - ~ -• " BET mb.. M.lo. ERNEST EVANS Shaw Given $5,000 By Gulf PITTSBURGH, Pa Gulf Oil |< Corporation representative* have awarded a $5,000 capital grant to Shaw University. Raleigh. S C„ a* part of the company * educational | asaistar.ee program. The $5,000 check wa* presented to Shaw University president. Dr. James E Cheek by E. L. Butcher and Daniel G Kean of Gulf Oil. t Piti«burph and J R Timmerman oT Greensboro. N. C. Mr Butcher is Kcrciary of Gulfs Education Coen* 1 Deadline For Registration Is May 8. Get Your Xante On The Mi oaks Now! North Carolina's Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. APRIL 18, 1964 * < *WlWMMmo.o.^. | |M| NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH Maryland State Senator Varda Walcoma ft shown in her car last Friday in Baltimore after eha was shot twice outside her home . Five bullets were fired, but three missed. (UPI PHOTO). Maryland’s Only Negro Senator Hurt, But Escapes Intended Death BALTIMORE (ANP)—There wa* speculation* here last week that racists might have tried to assassi nate Mrs. Verda Welcome. Mary land's only Negro senator, and the sponsor of a state public accomoda tions bill in 1939. Mr*. Welcome, a Dement from Baltimore's 4th District, which wa* one of the stanchest backers as a recent expanded public accomodation hill, mi raculously missed being Mi at to death. She waa slightly tai lored when a ballet grased her lower back: and another nicked her left heel. A person or persons ambushed Mrs. Welcome and fired five shots at her as she was returning home from a testimonial dinner in a downtown hotel. Dared and badly shaken from the terrifying ex perience. she was treated by her doctor-husband. Henry C. Welcome in their home. She was leaving her car at the time of the shooting Police said the position of empty cartridges and shells found at the scene of the ‘hooting indicated that they were fired by a stationary gunman. They said there was a !«mittee: Mr. Kean is with Gulfs I Puolic Relations Department and Mr. Timmerman is Gulf area sales manager. i Capital grants represent one i phase of Gulfs comprehensive edu cational aid program. They arc ' given in an effort to assist insti i tutions in meeting anticipated growth requirements, to replace ob solete buildings and equipment and ;to expand them services Shaw re -1 ceirtd S3OO frohn Gulf in February. posibility that tha would-be-assas- 1 sin hid in a shrubbery and tried to ' blast Mrs. Welcome as in the case : of slain Mississippi NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers. Mr*. Welcome introduced sn omnibus civil rights bill In the ! From Raleigh's Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES BATS HO FEET WBU STEALING Officer* were called to a pool room at 517 S. Blount Street Sun day at 9:35 a. m. Upon arrival, they found that someone had entered a rear door by knocking off boards which were nailed from the inside after a recent previous break-in. The cigarette machine had been en tered and $5 in change stolen. The change boxes on both the soft drink and beer boxes were forced open and about SSO taken. N« bargtar toeb were found at the acene, bat a white, abort Jacket was left an e crate es soft drinks and I* believed to be the p> oputy es Ike robber, who helped hbneeH to pig feet sad threw the bene* “all ever the fleer." The IdanHflcailea ba rren was potlfltid and finger print* taken. COT CATCHES FAB BOBBING STOKE Someone called the police station at 3:25 am, Monday to report a break in wa* underway. Officer F. L. Denton was sent to H. W. Arnold's Grocery, cor ner es Battle and Cannbdrr SO. Maryland House in 1999, but failed to get It passed. Hewever, after she was re fused service at an Ocean City betel In tha rammer as that (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) ■ls repart stated: “When I gat to the store. Rebert Klttrell. 31. wm ratotd*. behind a bosh a heat 13 feet frees the (rent es tbs store with a hex as mixed groceries In his hands and seme cigarettes In his packets. Inside. 1 cental sec Charles R. Vines. 30. and be was passing groceries rat the window to Klttrell. w he was patting them tai the hex. 9 Denton then ordered Vine* to come out through the broken win dow. used to gain entry. H. W. Arnold, who own* the store and lives on S Haywood Street, was called and drove to the store Mr. Arnold put all of hi* groceries back in the store At pel ire head* warier*. Ktt treli and Vines told Officer Denton they had been to Edna's Alt-NHe Case. W. Neath Street, were an tbetr way heme and “)nst gat hnngry." Beth were placed In Wake Cemty Ml charged with breaking and entering, larceny and ret* I ring and vagrancy The groceries were valued at M, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3> Remains Going To Hospital Unless Identified, Claimed BY CHABLBi B. JONES ULLINGTON —An interview with Walter D. Dafford, Jr, owner of Dafford't Funeral Rome In Ltl lington, late Tuesday night, shed new light on the mystery death of an unidentified woman, found in a shallow creek Saturday morning by a passing motorist “It looked like the work of a maniac to me,” stated Mr. Daf ford. A previous newspaper account by a Raleigh daily had listed the wo man as being Lula Ryals, about 34, and a native of Holly Springs, in Wake County. Mr. Dafford, however, said flits was net true, adding the victim was between 35 and 44 years of age and was spilt open with a knife from the beftning of her rib section down to her PRICE 15c Medgar's Brother Will Accompany Widow May 3 BT J. & HARKEN It is official, now that program piana have been completed by N. C. NAACP president, Kelly M. Alex ander, Sr., and Charles A. McLean, state field secretary. Mrs. Myrlie Raleigh, A City Os Contrast (Special To The CAROLINIAN! "I would like to Introduce my self as Richard R. Hegeman from the State University, of New York at Albany. I came here as a mem ber of a delegation to participate in the Voter Registration Project under the auspices of the Natlona’ YV'CA. W'< K: • By . -r . * T' W'A yfse tfS -j ’' % - fw.' ! t r ' V % \ RICHARD R. HEGEMAN "I was offered a chance by Mr Paul R Jervay. owner of The CAR OLINIAN to write down some of my Impressions of the city of Ra leigh. My main impression of the city is that It Is one of sharp con trast. It is. In fact, a contrast be tween an actual Southern city and my miaeoncepion of it aa a South ern city. I note further that Ra leigh has a contrast within Itself. “Prom the American History course taught me In high school, I gained the Impression that the South was and still la an area of extreme poverty While I was part ly correct In my assumption. I overooked the fact that there are many progressive elements in Ra leigh that cause a general growth in industry and standard of liv ing." (CONTINUED ON PAGE *> Sisters Thwart Plans To Sell $30,000 Home LAURINBURG Rather than have authorttiea foreclose on their fabulout 930.000 home, two apinatcr sirters have sold it to a soldier, sta tioned at Port Bragg, and his wife Miss Pinky T. Polston. on Ms ret 23. deeded the seven-bedroom, fivi j bathroom home and a 3 1-2 acre in ! on this edge of a white neighbor i hood, to Sgt and Mrs Marion R ! Hams (OrNTINUED ON PAGE T) pelvis. He sold she was of medi um build, and medium brown in eompleetloa. Two stab wounds, penetrating her heart were listed as the direct cause of death. She also suffered multi ple wounds around the face and neck, plus a deep gash about six inches in length on her head. Dr. C. B. Codrtngton. examin ing the woman for possible pregnancy, gave a negative re port. No examination was made to determine whether she had been raped. An unidentified man Is alleged to have told Harnett County She riff Wade Stewart who the dead woman was, and reported seeing her and another man Friday night in a local joint (CONTINUED ON i’AQU I) Evers, widow of slain Mississippi leader Megar W. Evers, will be guest at the annual Freedom Day Hally. May 3, at Raleigh'* Memo rial Auditorium, where some three thousand lover* of freedom from all over Tarheelia are expected to assemble. Appearing on the same pre gram will be courageous Char les Evers.'who gave up employ ment in Chicago to go back to his native “Ole Mias" to toko up tho mantle es hta fallen bloed brother—Medgar—who was slain by an awasln'a bullet a year sgo. Charles Is carrying en the work nobly Maid threat# his own life. Thousands are oxpoctod to ding lo the edge of their seat* as Mrs. of the tragic eventTof that feteful night her hus band wa* mercilessly shot down. Mr*. Even* will crowe the win ning mothers and accord honor* to all who work hard te bring (CONTINUED ON PAM t) |Two Local Murderers Sentenced Two confessed killer* were given I ’ong terms in Wnke Superior Court | here Tuesday. .Judge John Me -1 Lmighlin. presided Dallas Griffin. 52-vear-old Clay ion native, was handed a 14 to 18- vear prison sentence in the pistol ; i laying of his wile, Mrs. Mary Ar tis Winston Griffin. Griffins 11-year-old daugh ter. Alberta, a witness to tho killing, said he fired five times at Mrs. Griffin, who died call ing for her young children. The slaying took place on the night es November 38, 1*43. at ll?S N State St., where Mrs. Grif fin was living afler her hus band allegedly left her for an other woman. Griffin wa* liv ing en Quarry Street at tha time es the fatal deed. (CONTtNUED ON PAQg I) mm, . dp -sl ■ J fP ntn •< < "it i in * yw»«WMI I I.J.ROV BIJLI MCCLAIN I POrriEß REACHES THE TOP | M KTp M LwHn* la A rwif ft MMM i-. , BL •• * MPT 1 - J| m '' 3 m ' ISmI COVETED PRIZE Sidney Poitier is shown admiring hit coveted “Oscar," received Monday night at Santa Monica, Cali • I lornia. (UP/ PHOTO). Sidney Poitier First Os Race Ts Get‘Oscar’ !»v j#. SANTA MONICA. Calif—Anoth er first for the Negro wm marked here Mondey night sSwSidndy Bot tler, 37-year-old Miami, Florida born actor received an "Osf the beat actor for the year of 1963. Pultier. who portrayed s hymn linging Baptist, helped nuna build a Catholic ohurrh in “Lillie* of the Field." Patricia Neal won the award as the best actreos for her role in Political Aspirants Named As Filing Deadline Nears BV STAFF WRITERS With the deadline for filing for county offices corning up Friday. April 17, there are signs that the Republicans will be heard in Wake County It was reported from re liable sources that there will be a full slate offered to the electorate by the GOP in November. Donald S Kimrey. Hudstm-Belk executive, tossed his hat In the ring to represent s new senstorial dis trict. comport'd of Chatham and Wake Counties. Whether he will have to go Into a primary remain* to be seen There will be a Re publican primary In the county. Thomas W Youngblood, Eckerd Drug manager, qualified to run for the House of Representative* Mrs Hewitt Pose wife of a local sur geon. entered the race for s seat on the Wskr County School Board. CAROLINIAN - ADVERTISERS PAGE t Horten s Cstli Store Amburn Pontlar, ln< teralrlgh rurnttur* Co J D Mills Auto Discount to, I ' I' ■ *\ hr|r Shop Arrrplinrr Mortis** Co , Inr. Irmdon Oil Co. Hum G*n*rsl Tlr* Co. Taylor Radio A Electrical Co. PAGE * Hurt ton-Hr Ik—Eflrd's of Balrlgh John w Winters A Co Rov's Drive In Cleanoro Tire Solo a Service I "immunity Elortot Terrace Insuranr* A Realty Co It a Irish Seafood Market Washington Terrier Apts. Im Stevens Gulf Service Mechanics A Partners Bank PAGE t Kalrtgti Punrral Homo Acme Realty to. James Sanders Tils Co Mrl-anrln Parkin* Company Medlln-Davt* Hud son-Be Ik—Eflrd’- of Halelgh Amburn Pontiac. Inr Branch Banking A Treat Co. K A L Auto Service Baielgh Savings A Loan A*aertatl«a Dixie Dry Cleaner* * laundry Belter Brake *hop of Bal'lgh Harmon-Balley, toe PAGE 1 At Smith Butrk Weaver Bros Rambler Wade's Auto *ervtee Thompson r adlllae OldsmobUe h- Puller Creations Publ'c Service Is. ot N C . In-. Rawls Motor Co. PAGE * I Colonial Stores "Hud". Poitier mid After receiving the honor. “Bacsvm it u » long journQy to this moment, I have many poo iflyiassp you,' He wa* presented tho award by last year's winner. Anne Bancroft. The hushed Santo Monica Civic Auditorium erupted into cheers and thunderdus applause at the an nouncement of Poitier’* victory. Cher* are expected to get undci the wire before 12 noon, Friday. The Republican* have vowed to make North Carolina a two-party state and are believed to be ready to make the race for officer throughout the state. Bob Gavin, Sanford attorney, and former Federal Court Solicitor, will fight it out with Don Badgeley, Guilford County member of the House of Representative* and poII (CONTINUED-ON PAGE I) W EATHE R Temperatures Thursday through Monday will average t lo I* de grees above normal with mild to warm weather through the srrM. Rainfall will average one half inch at showore over the weekend -BIA FROM TH£M R R Quinn Furniture Co. J* Dunn's Esso Service t t . Rarl Utehman I, Arme Laundry A Cleaners. In-. PAGE * AA P Stores torrell Coal Co. Central Drug Star* (,’mstesd's Grocery d Transfer Carolina Power A Ufht Co. Estate Builders Co. PAGE I* I .irollna Builder*. Inc Ridgeway'S Opticians. Inc Peptl-f ola Bottling Cn. of Raleigh Stephens Appllaneo Co. PAGE II l'epsl-f ola Bottling Co. of R*l**R PAGE 11 Newsome Roofing C#. Mather A Daughter Stores. In- J. ( Penney Co. W T Grant's G. S. Turket and Bros., Ine. Consolidated Credit Thelm'e Bceord Shop Brooki Appliance Shoe Mart Capital Bargain Store Stale Distributors. Inr Wood's I A Mr Store Sir Walter Chevrolet Charles W Motley s Daniels' Store James H. Andorra* HelMg-Lovtno Capital Purattaru A Appliance PAGE 14 Lincoln Theatre PAGE IS sehllta Beer laprrme Brake A Alignment S-rvlco PAGE I* Snre-Pit Upholsterers Abram's L'nied Bent-All Kin* Cold Motel laws'! n rest one Stores