FROM RALEIGH'S POLICE FILES: THE ( HIM/: BE.I T 'CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) THROWS ROCK. BREAKS AUTO WINDOW Mrs. Edna Smith Poole, of 313 S. State Street, informed Offi cers Joseph Winters and T. T. Street, Jr., at 8:02 p.m. Wednes day that someone threw a rock into her Studebaker automobile, breaking out the large window on the right front door. The car was parked In front of her home. Mrs. Poole reported. Damage was set at |3O. LICENSE TAG STOLEN FROM CAR Mrs. Claudia Person Davis, 1243 New Bern Avenue, told officers at 7:35 pm. Wednesday, someone stole the 1964 license plate from her 1959 Chrysler. The number is VC-6568. Mrs. Davis said she was positive the tag was on her car Tuesday and was sure It was on during the daylight hours of Wednesday as she had driven uptown. CAUGHT STEALING BOTTLE OF CHEAP WINE Samuel Russo, manager of the Minnie Market. 1601 New Bern Avenue, informed Offi cers E. D. Whitley and G. W. Wtmams at 1:48 p.m. Wednes day that he caught King Wal- FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO ANY~SMALL APPLIANCE CALL TE 2-3950 OB VA 8-2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. "ttm House That Service Built” W B. MARTIN ST. LONDON OIL Burnt To Serve You MLUIJC Cmß TS S-8004—Gaorgc London MflffiPHfl and skrsya wain up warm. Gordon's gin ft jffl 1 yGORDON'sIj \m Distilled 1 |r|LoH D °HD RY |A u lk'|(wmitMionut>»TH!iJ (» "Itt I UV I ™ OIS " Ui,S t0 “ , “’; J|“ IH0 1 I MHMM t)HIUBmi(MIimr*(M9IINTHMI!LUMIU BY CHARLES R. JONES Knlghtdale. stealing a bottle of wine from the store. Bobbitt allegedly was going out the front door when apprehended. Bobbitt was jailed for larceny. The wine was valued at 53c. BEATS MAN BLIND, THEN ROBS HIM George W. Parker, of 443 Fowle Street, informed Officers R. F. Jordan and G. E. Cox at 5:03 p.m. Wednesday, that Boddie Devine, who also lives on Fowl* Street, hit him in the left eye. knocking him unconscious. While he was "out". Parker stated, Devine took 835 from his pockets. Mr. Parker went to Dr. V. M. Hicks (eye specialist) for treatment Wednesday and was carried to Wake Memorial Hospital where his -bad” eye was removed. His left eyeball had been burst by the force of the blow. Dr. Hicks stated. “Parker was blinded in his only good eye.” BICYCLE, VALUED AT 868. STOLEN Clarence Williams. 513 Rock Quarry Road, informed Officers Joseph Winters and T. T. Street Jr., at 9:17 pjn. Thursday, that someone stole his bicycle from his front porch between 8 and 9 p.m. The J. C. Higgins bicycle Is equip ped with silver fenders, a red frame and has a luggage rack on the back. Williams did not know the serial number of the bike, which was valued at 860. STEALS TIRE FROM CAR Mrs. P. T. Harris. F-6 Washing ton Terrace. Informed two cops at 6:43 pjn. Thursday that sometime during last week, someone took a spare tire out of the trunk of her 1960 tudor Pontiac. She said the truck was locked at all times. The Firestone tire was described as being 850x14 size, whitewall tube less. The rim Is black. The stolen merchandise is valued at 815. ARREST WOMAN. TWO MEN AFTER BATTLE Miss Lorrine Sanders, of 738 B Quarry Street, called Police Offi cers B. G. Parker and B. G. Las siter at 11:29 p.m. Friday to the above address. Upon arrival, offioers arrested Benjamin Jones, 22. 1125 S. State Street, Apt. 9. and Raymond Pat terson. 23. of 736 B Quarry Street. They were charged with engaging in an affray with a deadly wea pon—to wit: a butcher knife. At Wake Memorial Hospital, tho oops also arrested Miss Mary Elisabeth Griffin. 23. who was stabbed through the left band by Benjamin Jones, iaee Bobbitt, of Route 1. Taken to Wake Memorial Hos pital by a Blue Diamond Cab, she was likewise charged with engaging hi an affray with a deadly weapon. LARCENY AT LAUNDROMAT George P. Pollard, night watch man at the laundromat at the comer of E. Martin and S. Blood worth Streets, Informed Officers 8. W. Adcock and Ralph Johnson at 12:35 a.m. Saturday, that the soap machine had been tom open and the keys for the washing ma chines were stolen, then 12 money boxes on the washing machines were opened, and approximately 850 in cash was missing. Damage to the soap machine was set at 86. THUGS SCARE MAN INTO SURRENDERING RADIO Willie Nicson. 46. of 605 Haywood Lane, informed Of ficer J. M. Bissette at 6 p.m., Friday, that at approximately 8:80 p.m. the same day. while he was walking down the side walk near the corner of East Davie and S. Blount Streets, four boys, all about 15 years old, came up behind him and ordered him to give them hts Channel Master transistor ra dio, valued at 825. Nickson . stated they did not take the radio ease and added he'd never seen the boys before, but would recognise them “and have them Indicted” if he ever saw them again. Nickson and Officer Bissette searched the area several times, but were unable to find anyone the victim could identify. Mr. Nickson stated the four used no weapon, but said, “I was afraid not to do as they requested.’’ SATS MAN “JUMPED ON HER” Miss Jennie Lee Davis, of 305 Pugh Street, came to police head - quarters at 11:10 pm., and In formed Officer L. A. O’Neal that Lester Merritt of the same ad dress had assaulted her by “jump ing on her” at Pugh and Cannis ter Streets, and hitting her with his hands and fists. Mias Davis signed a warrant a gainst Merritt for assault and bat tery. CHARGES ASSULT WITH KNIFE, GUN Mrs. Sally Mae Watson Holmes. 22, of 527 Bragg Street, told Offi cers D. Brinson and B. G. Lassiter at 12:52 a. m. Sunday that Rufus Peoples. 32. of 613 E. Martin Street, assaulted her at the corner of S East and E. Cabarrus Streets with a knife and a shotgun. She signed a warrant against Peoples for assault with a deadly weapon. VALUABLES WORTH *175 REPORTED STOLEN Ollie A. McClain, a service man, stationed at Jacksonville, Informed Officers Joe Jordan and J. E. Pierce st 6:07 s. m. Sunday, that he left hia car parked In front of B-39 Wash ington Terrace at 4:30 a. m., returned in one hour and found a white suitcase, trimmed in blue, which contained ladies clothes, ona pearl ring and a matching earring, pink In color, stolen from his ear. McClain stated the car was locked when he left it The valuables were p he left. It The value of the tnis tng items was set at 8175. COT* ARREST COMPLAINANT. TOO A report made out by Officers B. G. Parker and J. C. Putman at 2:15 a. m Sunday reads as follows ”We went to 527 Bragg Street 'mentioned in a previous item above) to serve a warrant on Rufus Peoples. 32. of 613 E. Martin Street, signed by Sally Mae Watson Holm es, When we arrived, we found Sal Iy Mae and Rufus Peoples had both been cut. "Sally Mao said after she signed the warrant. Peoples followed her to her home. He knocked on the door, but her mother wouldn't let him in. He pushed the door in and went upstair* to Sally Mae's bed room and they started arguing." “As a result, both were cut. They were charged with assault with a deadly weapon, a knife. Peoples was jailed under a 8100 bond, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and Mrs. Holmes was cited to court Both were treated at the hospital. Peoples suffered lacera tions on the back of his head, hand and fingers. The woman was treat ed for a wound on the {eft hand.' POLICE NAB PEEPING TOM Miss Martha L Fowler, 16-year old white girl, of Route 1, Waxa haw. told police officers at 1:50 a m Sunday morning, that rhe wa* in room 30 of Dobs Motel. S. Wil mington Street, and was in the bathroom preparing to take a bati and had no clothes on. The girl said she looked st the window and saw a colored man looking in. When the cops arrived, they saw Clyde Kenny Hedgepeth, 21, of ?tt Bledsoe Avenue, looking In the window. When young Hedgepeth saw the police ear, he allegedly be gan in run south. In bock of the establishment. After a short chase by the officers, the “peep er” was eaoght and placed in Wake County Jail under a bond of 85*0. DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE Mrs Mr-rv Louise Clory. of Cannon Street, informed Office-* D E. Wiggs and R B Callahan at 9:16 p. m Saturday, that the was walking borne and when she came to the comer of Dawson and Can non Streets. Otis Watson. 49. of the 700 block of Cannon Stree’ jumped and hit her on the head with an emp’y wine bottle She Mated further that she was able escape from him and called the po lice at 716 S Dawson Street “We talked to Merry Clory for about II minutes", the re- port stated ” “She changed her story about throe Item. At first ■he said he tried to rape her and said she didn’t know who It was. She had been drinking and we think that she ts ment tally off.” the report concluded. Mrs. Clory said she would sign a warrant against Watson for as sault with a deadly weapon. She was treated at Wake Memorial Hos pital for lacerations of tho scalp. STABBED IN BACK AT NIGHT John Melvin Rand. 23. of 554 E. Hargett Street, Informed officers at 8:16 p. m. Saturday, that Edward Davis, about 21, address unknown, stabbed him in the back with a knife. Rand said this happened on E. Davie Street, between S. East and Swain Streets. He said Davis tried to borrow 30 cents from him and then stabbed him as he tßandi started out the door. Officers signed a warrant against Davis for assault with a deadly weapon, and Rand was hospitalized. STABS HUBBY IN BIGHT CHBBT William Mahler Woods, 68. of 004 1-2 Manly Street, told Officer* John Baker. Sr., and Alfred L. Grigshy at 5:20 p. m. Saturday, his wife. Mrs. Jean Woods, came home drunk and started an argument over her drinking. Mr. Woods stated that hia wife told him she was going to kill him. then got a knife and ■tabbed him In the right chest. After being treated at Wake Memorial Hospital, Mr. Woods signed a warrant against Mrs. Woods for assault with a deadly weapon and she waa placed in Wake County Jail. NARROWLY ESCAPES BEING SHOT Mis* Montrose Craven, of 326 E. Davie Street (over the Club 54* stated at 6:04 a m. Saturday, that at about 2 or 3 a. m.. she heard sev eral shots down below her. but did not get too alarmed until about 5 a. m , when she decided to open her blinds and window: on the east side of her home, which faces S. Bloodworth Street, She said she then discovered a bullet hole in the window of her bedroom. When officers arrived, they found another bullet hole on the same side of the house, just above where the woman was sleeping. Damage to the window, shades, curtain* and walls was set at 830: The complainant said shooting of guns around this corner was not unuusual and that was the reason she was in no hurry to get out of bed and Investigate. CHARGED IN THFFT OF SCRAP METAL Benjamin Wrinste ne. owner of Weinstein s junk Yard, 1500 Garner Road, told Officers Jeter H Bow ers and L. B Council at 1:10 p.m. Monday that he saw Cleveland Parker, 722 Branch Street, leave his j junk yard with about 100 pounds of scrap metal, valued at $5 and ' proceed south toward K&L Jupk : Yard, also on Garner Road Weinstein stated he called K&L I and “filled them in" on this infor mation and they refused to buy the load, of metal from Parker, who tnen allegedly brought it back and dumped it at the same place he took it. Officers said Parker admitted taking the junk when he waa ques tioned. Charles W Holland, weighing and buying foreman at K&L. stated that he did receive a call from Wein stein and refused to buy the load from Parker Parkier was charged with larceny of the metal. SAYS MAN GRABBED WALLET. RAN Oficer J L. Stoudemire was told at 6 p.m. Monday by Willie James Thomas, of 801 S. Person Street, that he was robbed of $360 Sunday. The romplainant stated be Was walking In the 600 block of S. Person Street when a man ran up behind him and grabbed his wallet, containing 8440. out of his pocket. Thomas added further that the man took 8360, then threw the wallet down and ran. He said he recognized the man and had known him for two years, but didn't know his full name. Officer Stoudemire found out the alleged robber was Jack Nesmith, of 823 S Bloodworth Street. Who denied the robbery, saying he wa* “having mother-in-law trouble" and believed his in-laws were trying to get him into trouble He had 832 on his person when arrested How ever. Thomas *igncd a warrant a gainst him and Nesmith was jailed older a bond of 8300 for larceny fiom the person. STEALS HUBC AP LEAVES ANOTHER James Ray. of liCr'i S Bloodworth Street informed Officers J B Far mer and J A Hopkin* at 4 pm .Monday, that he parked hi* 1957 Dodge in front of his home at 7 30 pm Sunday, and when he return 'd to the car at 440 am Monday he noticed someone had stolen one j hubcap from ht* auto and placed , another in the same spot Mr Ray . valu'd the stolen hubcap at 810. | BE 4TEN BY WHITE MAN Eddie f orbett. of 729 Bunch* Drive, told Officer John Baker. Sr., at 7:36 pm. Monday, that he was driving out of Bunch* to Garner Road, when he saw three white men sitting in a car In a ditch. Corbett report >d he stopped at a stop »ifn and one of the men said some thing to him. The complainant stated further be got out of his rar, and one of the men hit him on the left side of his forehead. Corbett said he didn't know who ut him. but gave the license num ber a* MX-233. and said he would - m a warrant again*’ . the owner . of this car SATS SOLDIER TRIED TO CUT HER M s* JoAnn William* of 10i3 Al <vn Snert came to police head quarter* at 1J 40 p rr. Monday and a w .liFT'.a r* * ai* i n t (jrorz tt Whit*, a **rvu-*m*n frpm Fort Brazg Th* warrant charge* a* $1.15 Million Rate Cut Asked Bv CP&L Carolina Power and Light Com pany today asked regulatory bodies in both Carolina* to allow a wide range of rat* reductions to save Ha customers 8U50.00 a year. The rate cut passes along to its customer* all of Carolina Power and Light Company’s anticipated savings through the recoat incoma tax reductions, baaed on exported revenues in 1964. This will he the 14th rate reduet ion by Carolina Power and Light Company in the past 30 year* The new rotas wtll mnn ma nual savings of 84M.000 far residential easterners. 96*0.0* Washington School Nows ANNUAL “STUDENT-TEAOHR DAT” HELD On April 6 Washington Junior High School observed tts annual i "Studont-Teoehor Day", sponsored , by tho student council. A group of t 20 student* taught tram the 7th through the 9th grades. The stu dent-principal. John Leek. leaked in on the classes all during the day. Near the end of the day, the stu dent council sponsored a program with former Washington Junior High School students participating Those on program wore: Larry Harris. Chie Handy, Kile Watson, There** Phillip* Bern!* Beckwith. Fay* Eaton. Natalie Wilson, Edith freeman. John Masaenburg. Doro thy R. Shaw, and John Leak. The music instructor* ware: J. L. Ed wards and Miss Mary L. Smith. The student-teacher* were: Shir ley Hunter. Larry Harris Joyce 1 sault with a deadly weapon. Mtas Williams said Whits “was trying to rat mo with a knife” at the corner of E. Da vie and 8. Bloodworth Streets, near Club 54. > She said White live* at 521 East ' Hargett Street "with the Fowlers" when he is in town. The complain- I ant was not hurl __________ ANOTHER BREAK-IN AT CAROLINIAN At 8:11 a m. Saturday, Officers E. D. Whitley and G. W. Williams 1 answered a call to Th# CAROLINI ; AN. 518 E. Martin Street, to inves -1 ligate a break-ln. The plant has been entered approximately four times during the past month. Although a window on th* west ride of th* building wa* broken, officers were uneble to determine • how entry was made. The soft drink machine wa* "jimmied” open, but tho amount of money missing was unknown, ac cording to the report. 1 ______ NABBED FOR CARRYING HIDDEN GUN Officer* T_ B. Lewis and Cart White arrested Alton Joyner Col l I ms. 22. of 229 New Ran Road. Gar ner at 10:47 a. m. Saturday. He waa ' charged with concealing a .38 call -1 bre snub-nosed revolver, and was 1 nabbed on E. Cabarrus Street In 1 front of Dove Music Company. Col lins' bond waa act at 8100. TWO WOMEN FIGHT. JAILED Mias Ida Mae Strickland, 18. of 501 Calvin Street, and Beat rice Howard, 1205 E. Lenoir St, were arrested at 3:14 p.m. See day for engaging In an affray with hands and flats at 814 I-t Beauty Avenee (J«r Lunla Park section). Mias Strickland claim ed the Howard woman esed “vulgar language at me” and aa a result there waa an ex change of blew*. Neither party waa Injured in th* affray. FOU* AUTO TIRRB EXPORTED CUT At 3:59 pm. Sunday, Officers W A Keeter and C. R. Kirby were called to 1322 Holman Street (Wal nut Terrace) by Scott Simuol. 35. who stated he left his cat. a 19.53 four-door Chrysler, parked in the parking lot behind his horn* at 2 p.m Saturday Slmnel added when ho re turned to hia automobile the next day. he found all four of hia 676x15 tiros had been ext. The ruts In th* tire* appeared to have been made with a knife. Mr. Stmnel said he had no Idea who the reoponslble culprit could bo. Damage waa set at 860. RATH MAN KNOCKED HOLE IN WALL Charles Hubert, of 1001 E Davie Street <a rooming house), inform r d Officer Alfred L Grigsby at 9:14 p m. Sunday, that Fletcher Snipes. ! 100 block of HI!) Street. Joseph . Hunter, E-33 Washington Terrace, and James (Hobo) Hinton. 700 Ja ' maica Drive, who wa* driving a ' red 1957 Ford, were in hi* room. Hubert added, they left hia room and went down the hall to another room to visit, at which time he went to bed. The men returned to I Hubeit's room later, but he aaid he j refused to get out of bed and open th* door. At this point, on* of the men la alleged to have knocked a hole through the wall from ttia hall. Th* hole waa knocked through two piece* of abort reek, doing 810 worth of dam age. The complaint aald bo w ould sign a warrant for dam age to property a* soon a* ha find* out which on* of Ik* three la ralHy. PUTB SUGAR IN CABS' OAS TANKS j At 3*o a.m. Sunday, Officer R . C Covin'gtou arretted Alton Joy ner Collin#. 23. of 229 New Rand Road. Garner, and Jame* Everett Giles. 25. of 407 S. Bloodworth St. and charged them with putting au- ; gar in the gas tanka of two cars. . parked at Harmon-Boiley Motor ! Company. 420 S. Wilmington Street Collin* was mentioned in a previ ous story in this column. It 1* be lieved he was attempting to get . elribution a* his first arrest cam* on a "tip" from th* a hove-mention- j *d establishment Hr eanmerrtal and null la duatrial customers, 9155.9 M far ckuckN and aehaaU. and 94*.- tog aecaanla. They will dinr at la MUs Inaad m ar After Mr 9. They aqualim residential. earn mardal and snail' industrial rataa over tha antira two-state region served by Carolina Power and Light Company and eatabliah a uni form $1.90 minimum monthly bill for urban and rural customers a lUaa. eliminating tha hitter mini mum now applicable to rural aua- King, Jamas Marlin. Batty Deßoea. Dorothy Jones. Ronny Harris. Michaal Dee. Joan Cannady. Phillip McCollough. Barnard Laaaiatar. Ce cil Olenn. Dorothy Goo&nan. Pran tioa Pools. Gloria MoDuffy and Claudia Bald. IBs eeeretary was Sandra Allan, tha librarian eras Chia Handy, and tbs oounaalor was Batty Frasier. Claudia L. Bald la studant council reporter FIBST OBADSBfI PBMBNT OPBRATTA Mra Thelma T, Thomas’ first graders praaantad a moat oolorful spring operatta Tuesday afternoon during tha regular primary grades assembly. Tha presentation antitied, ‘The Wadding of tha flowers", carried a beautiful story of spring time-flower association. Tha program consisted of tha fol lowing heralds, Marga ret Morgan and Ceraldine Mason; bride, Delorl* Linear; groom. Da vid McArthur; minister, Robert Hinton; ring bearer, James Pri vatta; flower girls, Patricia Pri vette; rosea. Velvet Dew. Dorothy Consolidate Your Bills - 1 st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgage Loans Borrow Call, write or come by today P" - ““’“T""'" ★ Locally Owned and Operated SBOO it All Loans Insured US to ★ Low Monthly Payments FIRST SIOO,OOO ★Up to Seven Years to Repay k ★ We welcome night appointments PHONE -Out Os PHONE Nighta ' NAME OFFICE ' ' ADDRESS - Jaa- _ « • Acceptance Mortgage Co., Inc. 410 ALEXANDER BLDO. ISJ FAYETTEVILLE ST.. RALEIGH H. ». RIOSBEE mrmum SALE Come and Help Us Celebrate Our Birthday .. Bargains Through- Out the Store, Just for You! WHIP CREAM *459 Gorgeous Prints, Solids, Stripes, Dots. I VR First Quality 45” Wide. | 2.59 Value ... Save 1.00 Yard TERRY CLOTH 11 NIGHT WEAR 49*... 39* «• Prebit Cloth —Bati*t* Print*— Border Solid* and Stripe*. Slightly Irregular 69c Value 1 UPHOLSTERY 99* v, TARPOON Kitchen Prints 99' vd * 25' Yd Plaid* and Solid*—Pint Quality—4r Aaaortmant of Color*—MT WUI Wide. $1.69 Value! 79c Value Custom Made Drapes übord-r*. 35c va Pattern* hr VOGUE & SIMPLICITY. Ifo Mali Order* Plemaat THE FABRIC SHOP Free Customer Parking Quality Fabrics At Discount Price* 2012 Fairview Rd., at 5 Points VA 8-5140 V— eiMHWM „ RALEIGH. H. C. SATCROAT. APML 18. 1888 Moore; Violet*. Sylvia Griffin and Paula Lewis; sunflowers, Clint WaV kins, Allen Mayo, Charles Smith. John Riley, and Alvin Walker; daises. Sandra Curb* and Linda Alston; forget-me-nots, Joan Me- Cullere and Priscilla Jaanaai dande llons, Thoodorie Taylor, Tony Smith. Anthony MfaLaim and Al ford Hinton; tulips. ClaaHua CHlea, Teresa Boatia and Becnna Mtoy. DRIVE SARLT! TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING ®On New Tire Cost * Same Quality Rubber /IcuarrA (nECAPMIwj Terms To Suit You! • 14 and IS INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. das & McDowell bt. phone ts. 2 0171 . GIVE GOD ACHANCE NOW! Attend Church Every Sunday! 3

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