THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. APRIL 14. 19*4 6 m minutes a VrtH THE BIBLE A WT COINIUUf I. (TAM MU. , / I ■nun bmu (oorrr I A OKMO M BJJNOIS / BIBLE TEST A BJW* test was sprung recent ly on five classes of college-bound 11th and 12th graders In an A mencan public school. Some thought Sodom and Go morrah were lovers; that the gos pels were written by Matthew, Mark. Luther and John; that Eve was created from an apple; and that the stories which Jesus told were called parodies. Eighty to ninety per cent of the students could not complete the most familiar quotation* from Scripture. The teacher. Thayer 8. War shaw, was understandably upset and rightly asked, "I* the stu dent to study mythology and Slwkespeare and not the Bible? Is It Important for him to learn what It means when a man Is call ed an Adonis or a Romeo, yet un important for him to be able to tell a Jonah from a Judas? This writer’s heart Is with that teacher and all who are awake enough to see that the Bible Is disappearing more and more from American life. How can we expect anything but Juvenile delinquency, the rapid general rise In the crime rate, the growing divorce rate. In WEEKLY MEDITATION “Count ft all Joy. my breth ren. when ye fall Into mani fold temptations; knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience. And patience have Its perfect work."—James l:t. 5. 4. Many persons, when things do not work out for them as quickly as they would like, become dis couraged and are tempted to give up However, It Is that extra bit of trusting, that extra bit of faith, that extra bit of confidence In the never-falling presence and power of Ood Anyone beyond the point when we would give up that can turn the tide. We should strive always to bar Impatience from our mind*. When we are Impatient, It Is because we are giving more attention to the results we expect at some future time than we are to our trust In the ever-present power of Ood NOW. Thing* always have away of working out. and certainly they work out much more easily and happily when there Is no impatient Yes, We All Talk ODNBTITEM ION AND BY-LAWS QUESTION; What is the differ ence between s constitution and by law*??. and what should a consti tution Include?—V.C.L. ANSWER; A constitution of a club is a compilation of the funda mental rule* defining and listing the government of the organiza tion. By-laws supplement the con stitution. are longer, and explain the principle* laid down by the constitution. Usually a constitution Includes: Preamble Article I—Name Article ll—Membership Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAMES SA A in:ns TILE t O. License No. 1935 Ceramic, Asphalt* Rubber and Vinyl Tile •15 ELLINGTON STREET R \LEIGH. N. C. I«R RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATHS Lira la either a first-dam apartment or hnu*e We can of fer top at reasonable rental either t or 4 room apartment* or 4 and 5 room houses All these dwelling* are located tn nice neighborhoods and In first -rlau repair. See Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CD. Iff B. BARRETT ST. «»• 'l If? »95« Simplicity.. Simplicity, distinction, beau- | Hn ty and xuod taste arc *ll present tn a Ralci. h Funeral Home Wjk a WVB conducted funeral srrvice They U hav# always been noted for the wU W simple beauty of their servlca. llmjl |H y For ever 49 years these feat urea have been tha choice at families. Our Quality Is The Best OUB PRICES ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BE r UNDERSOLD FOR VALUE RECEIVED. Raleigh Funeral Hor^e Day and Nifht Ambulance Serirc# 322 JL CABARRUS ST. DIAL TE 2 28J5 creasing dishonesty at every level of business and social life—how can we expect anything BUT this condition when the Bible is flaunt ed and despised? This departure from the Word of God is bound to get us deeper and deeper into trouble. But whatever the conditions about you, you may have the Joy and peace and light that comes from that Blessed Book. The Bible tells us frankly that "all have sin ned" <Rom. 3:23> and that “the wage* of sin is death'' 'Rom 6;23> since a just Ood MUST deal with sin. Ah, but "Christ died FOR our sins” <1 Cor. 15:3). and the be liever may have "peace with Ood through our Lord Jesus Christ’’ (Rom. 5:1). Read the Bible, especially the Epistles of Paul, who was raised up to proclaim "the gospel (good ' news) of the grace of Ood" <Act* 20:24). You will never cease to . thank Ood for having given your 1 attention to that Wonderful Book i It shows to man his dand’rlng ways And where his feet have trod; , But brings to view the matchless grace Os a forgiving Ood. BT COLIN DOUOLAB and anxious mind to deter them We must keep our minds and heart* so filled with our faith and trust In the Father, we must keep ourselves so busy doing the work that 1s before us now to the best of our ability, that we shall have no time to think of things we should like to do or have done in the future. Through unshakable faith in Ood, we can dwell In His presence and can be carried safely through every contingency of life. Ood Is the Supreme Reality of the uni verse. He is the giver of every thing good. We are His children, ever beloved by Him. Let u* de clare this and believe It through out every fiber of our being, and let us perform our dally tasks with assurance and quiet, patient confidence that our Father is working with and through us for our good Let us acknowledge and know always that ’’with Ood all things are possible ” ■'Now faith Is assurance of things hoped foi. a conviction of thing* not seen.” lleb. 11:1. Article lll—Officer* Article IV—Executive Committee or Board Article V—Meeting* Article Vl—Amendment* The writer of tbn column upon request will prepare constitutions and by-Uw*. resolution*, creden tial*. and other parliamentary-pa per* READF.RS: For my free pam phlet on public speaking. *end two stamps and a sc If-addressed, long builne** envelope to Dr Marcu* H Boulware. Florida AAM Univer sity. Box 310-A. Zip code 32307. NCC Holds Meeting On Cadet Tutors DURHAM -Dr Wiliam Colbert told some 75 teachers and princi pals attending a conference on student teaehim: that. “In some schools, success in teaching is sy nonymous with a classroom, j In such schools It matters little what kind of reationships exist be tween teachers and pupils; what type of instructional procedures are employed, or what materials are used as long as all is quiet.” Addressing the Saturday meeting at North Carolina ( ollege. Dr. Colbert, who is co ordinator of teacher education at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, continu ed. “In some other schools, success In teaching Is accom plished and realised If the par ent* of the children are pleas ed with what the teachers are doing.” What is lacking, then, in view ing the role of cooperating teach er*. he said, is a uniform concept of what constitutes success. He urged college supervisors and co operating teachers to direct their efforts toward "establishing some sort of success criterion for stu dent teachers,” In order that “the student's potential for becoming a truly profestonal practitioner.” could be better evaluated. Hatchett T o Recieve Grant GREENSBORO—John P Hat chett. assistant professor of religion , nnd philosophy at Bennett College, has been (elected to receive a teacn ] er grant from the Danforth Founda tion, of fit Ixhiis. Mo, for the 1964- 65 academic year. Mr. Hatchett, prrsenlly on New York t'nlvrslty. was noti fied by Dr. Pressley McCoy, associate director of the foun dation. who also Invited him to attend the Danforth Teacher Conference to hr held at Camp Mlniwanea, Stony Lake, Michigan. August ?! 30. Mr. Hatchett, a native of Pontiac, Mich . did his undergraduate work at Wayne University in Detroit, later receiving the STB. degree from the Boston University School of Theology His study for the Ph I). Is in the field of social philosophy. A member of the Bennett faculty for the past four years, he married a Bennett graduate, the former Miss Thelma Simpson, of Greensboro, and they are parents of a son. Contest At A&T: Williston Hi Dominates Trade, Talent OREENSBORO -Wlllston High School. Wilmington, continued its domination of the North Carolina High School Trade and Talent Contest, conducted last week here at AArT College, bv taking eight first place wins in 16 events. Tti-e contestants from Wlming ton captured first place victories I in auto mechanics, cooking, draw -1 htg. floral design, radio and TV ! repair, meat cutting and shoe re pairing and second place wins in four other events In the climatic evert of the dm. Agela Mallette. also of Wiliston. wa* named "Queen of Industry" for 1964. in a com bination talent and beauty contsct. She won out in the finals over Sandra Durante. Dillard High School. Golds boro., second place and third pace. Shelia Brunson of Georgetown High School. Jacksonville. The competition drew nearly 600 youngsters from every section of the sure Other place winners from Wil tston High School, included: Cae sar Crosby, auto mechanics; Ja* Shipman. cooking. Kenneth Chestnut drawing; Fdtth Frasier, flora! design Melvin Bowden meat cutting Walter Wright, Jr radio ,nd TV repair and Georut Murphy .ihoe repairing. The Vets Corner Here are authoritative an swer, h> the Veterans Admin istration to question' from for mrr «rr\icemen and their fanulic'. Q Is ■ true that, VA is d< turning >i >■ t "i of fire cm<- icttc- in its hospitals and domici- Itarn s* A—Vet Q \V cts too priority for VA ho.-p a! treatment* Veteran* needing hospita lisation for Injuries or disease* Incurred or agtraxated in line of du'v in active srrvice Q— I xi sewed on r v G I fn- Meance and wart to s'art paving : i ff the lean with monthly payments. : How d<>\l do this* A—Make your cheek or monei order pasablr to the Veterans Administration and mall it to the VA o’liee saber* soa r» v sour premium*. Give sotir insurance cumber and snerifv that the payment Is 4* be applied to jeer loan. DRIVE SAFELY! With Faith... Yon Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly ii 111 1111 1111 mM!lininill ” nillllllBIBIII!ia!ilimiMI1111 1 lllllllllli™ ,I I ‘ GOTHIC. EARLY AMERICAN. x _ - . . * - —Xol ««*»' iTItTZ ll ) CONTEMPORARY. OR MODERN I 1116 vnUTCTI IS wOu S uppviiiiw OJBUCjf HI THIS WOnu r > f for spreading the knowledge of His love for man and • • • Americans have a right to be f of His demand for man to respond to that love by proud of the beautiful structures loving his neighbor. Without this grounding in the erected and dedicated to the love of God, no government or society or way of life service of our Lord . David had a will long persevere end the freedoms which we held t dej ; re , 0 bu(ld a temple /or so dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even from , * j . * . ~. , point of view, one should supped the Church the Lord ’ but because of h,s sms for soke of the welfare of himself end his family. he was not allowed t 0 complete Beyond that, however, every person should uphold it.... The building completed by and participate in the Church because it tells the truth Solomon was used as God's house about man’s life, death and destiny; the truth which untl 'j t h e peo ple strayed from alone will set him free to live as o child of God. God _ and then H was de;tr oyed. . w s& Colemon Adv. Serv., P. O. Box 4887. Dana*, Tsxa. * Cod hOS flO desire for til? {'!' ' ' !; '•? IIJ Ig —. ——. —........,, —. 1 1 i j | | | fLJRLaR)'fUI Til IK IXKPIRATIOX Ah MFKKAKF APPEARS EAITI WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS lA< REAKIAGLY A Mil Rdl-MIVDED AREA. IT IK OFFERED FOR YOFR I O\KIDERATIO\ RY THE KEAEROKITY OF PLRLH - SPIRITED IA DIVIDE ALKA YD BUSINESS FIRMS. FEFCI-COLA BOTTLING CO. . Raleigh. North Carolina [ESSE JONES SAUSAGE I or A Special Breakfast With Pan Cake* and N. C Egg* Compliments Os K. & L. AUTO SERVICE HARMON-BAILEY. INC Ren««lt. tii* ‘ :- i-Heat* y MG Triumph Teugrot. Sole* and Service McLAURIN PARKING COMPANY Raleigh and Other North Carolina Cities MED UN-DAVIS “Cleaner* of DutiacUon" i DDUE DRY CLEANERS - LAUNDRY 225 E. Martin Street Car. Blood worth A Davie Streets SIS West Morgan St. 2-Hoar fihtrt Service BETTER BRAKE SHOP OF RALEIGH. INC. S*4 West Morgan Street See Herbert Ranter i AUBURN PONTIAC, INC 3423 Hillsboro St. TE 532-394? BRANCH BANNING 4 TRUST CO. 4 Convenient Locations in Raleigh “Ton Has* Friends at Branch Stsstis, and Trast Company” HUDSON-BELK—EFIRD'S OF RALEIGH RALEIGH SAVINGS S LOAN ASSOCIATION "Raleigh's Oldest Financial Instttation ’

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