2 RALEIGH. N. C-. SATURDAY, MAT t. I*o4 FDR, Jr., Dr. Griffin To Keynote Shaw's ‘Finals' Dr. Jamw E Cheek, president. Shaw University has announced ihat the Ninety-ninth Comroence men Exercises will be held on Mon* ray. May 25, at 3:00 p. m. in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium. The speaker for the occasion la the Hon. Franklin I). Boose velt, Jr.. Undersecretary of ( ommerre, Washington. D. C. A son of the late President, he ramr to the Department of t ommerre from a background of distinguished service In the Navy; also ha la a lawyer, a former congressman and busi nessman. To Baccalaureate services are Sft for Sunday, May 24, at 3.00 pm in Spaulding Gymnasium. Dr L Francis Griffin, minister, the Firit Baptist Church. Farmville, Virginia. wil.l di liver the sernion. Ilr. Griffin played a signli e.int role In presenting, the Prime Edward Story to the w orld at viewed through the eves of the Negro people. He is also President of the Virginia htate Conference, National Association f**r the Advance ment of Colored People. Other events scheduled, which will formally open the Commence ment season are as follows: The Annua! Music Concert. May 17. at i. 00 pal in Greenlesf Auditorium. Many Gil-Smyliie, director, assist ed by Clyde A Appleton, Class right exercises, Friday, May 22, at i 00 p.m. in Greenleaf Auditorium; Du annual meeting of the Shaw University Alumni Assoraitlon, Sat urday. May, 23, 10:00 a. m. the re moon of classes, 1904, 1914, 1924. lft:;*, 1944, and 19.">4. at 3.30 p.m The alumni meetings will be held in the West Campus Auditorium The Untversity dinner will be held in the dining hall, Saturday, lav 23. at 7.30 pro The President * , ecu[ytion. honoring the graduating r.ass. returning alumni and friends. CnVRMtTTES SOCIAL CLUB | The ChtrmeHei jnet May 4 at (he home of Mrs Lydia Morgan The ueetli'g a* opened with the ! ord - Prayer. Mr* Shirley Willi* was elected the new president; Mr*. I vdia Morgan, secretary; Mr*. Lula Williams, assistant secretary; Mr* FI or me Moore, treasurer; Mu. JuHu Cotton, program committee Mr* B Upchurch. Mil Biookin* Karroo, Mu Belly Whitley and Mu. Kai William*, urk committee Mi*. Bet • rue* Wilson and Mr* Ruby Crock «11 We discussed Mrs Kat Wil- , !in" : coming cocktail party which i v ill nc rn Juno 7. from 5 until at ' l(XI Hodlev Rd We celebrated Mr*. Her Upchurch s. Mrs. Florin*' Mr..". aid Mrs. Kat Williams' hirihi'av. They received useful gifts A delicious repast was served and ; enjoyed by all THE METRONA CLUB THE CXHOLINIAN I'uhllihlns Company “Coveting the Caiulin**" Published by Ihe UarollnUe '>ll* I Martin Hlrrrt lUlrUh. N ( it: tffPU aa S- * * Mil C A«B April I. rlO t\ thr Ptvt Offer In R«lr»*h N th i4l nUn« undti the Act o! Much 11179 ) M'IsSCIUIMION RUES Si* M-t , 12 1» Sail h 1 * TO7 AL One Y- nr t 4 Sii.cs Tax 19 TOT M MK Ps a!i r ti Advanr# Adriret* »> co-i.iiui uatum* and n ake all clmh Ka and 1 title v orders pavablt to TH. TAROT UNMAN A'naiK* >atfd Publishers, Inc 310 M*Ui» Av* muc Nevx Yolk 1? N Y Nation M Auvertismj Repre>entaMv e *»nd member of th# Assoctuted Nearo Pitss ami the United Piasa Intarna timal Photo Service Th* Publish#, it not resDonsthi# for ti e return *f unsolb ited n«wt. r»ic* tuiev i advrttrsing copy unless m-c fyjii po'h» ( ;r an nmjianles the cony Opinions exor«'sed by columnists tn this rn w spacer do not necesaarilv r*- COMPARE! You owe it to your pocket book! No extra chargee when you buy a Bolens Husky. These features are all standard equipment . . . OKASIO TRANSMISSION! 6 speeds forward. 2 reverse • FAST SWITCH ATTACHMENT SYSTEMi change attachments in seconds without tools • CONTROLLED TRACTOR DIFFERENTIAL! *d‘ wheel spinning on heavy jobs • PLATE CLUTCH DRIVE; automotive-type assures pos.tue power * DIRECT ORIVE PTO, MM full power to attachments sgerd'ess of ground speed. Ovtw 20 ATTACHMINTS 4 JH OESER V(AS WOUND T ME veasAT'iiTv trial drive BOLENS NEW HUSKY TRACTORS tractor corporation SSN S. Saundrrs St. Ralrigb 534-62 SS THE CABOLDfIAH *0 « j' - . .'. 3 jHr 9Hp| - V MdSJK M. P. D. ROHEVELT. JR. q l)R l„ FRANCIS GRIFFIhj^ w ill take place Sunday, May 24. al f. 00 rm in Meserve Hall. CLUBS The Metrona Club met on Thurs day, April 23 Mrs Viola Leak scrv- j rd ns hostrs* Mrmbcrs present v err. Mis. Chalmers, Mi* Hay**, Mil J ilea. Mr*. Jones. Mrs. Morgan. Mrs Perry, Mrs Sander*, Mr*. Streeter »nd Mr*. Young Mrs. Jane Oalientihe was our vlsitoi. Mis Ethel Young will be hostess id-our May 2bth meeting. Wi inn st' rs to say tha' will be hr. 1... t meeting with tie Metrona Club She v 111 be Joining her hn«- Laud who ii *eiwng in the Alined tome*. LOCAL YWCA” MEMBERS ATTEND OHIO CONFAB (t ON r'.NI'ED FROM PAGE (1 High O’, the priority ll»tlng also lion in u!l a-perti of Association : Work as .veil n* tn communities iicuns tic United States. Other items Include education, employ ment and. leisure, sex morality, ""t ld n- t ..nsihlltty, social isola tii.n «' d h.rher education. In the public affair* field. Work on :iu (i sii.g also were apprbv . i d to.an al support for the United I N.i' pnpulatien growth, higher I'dutati"!', mobility and residence j restriction*, and guidance and train ; U’C (iffi.. ' of the Association spoke to the co".vei t on theme. Match Us In Th', H u.., ns also outside speiduu • Mrs I yndon B. Johnson, the wife of Ihe President of the t nlted 'tales op tied (he eon venllon on Monday. She to d delegates "Women ran do much in their civic Jite I ney can alert citttcns to be mt«! c.trd tn the affair* of their city They ran push and prod .'legislator*. We need bolder tmagi- hmmPv pPfi ***• JMKk. 'WE*- ' - l * rJ EflpHpl mr * lir ATTEND INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION Shown at Saint Augustine's College recently by the Raleigh Alumnae above are guests who attended the International Reception given Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (See story). nation about the way we want to live—better homes for our familits, better schools for our children, bet ter cities for all of us. Women can be dedicated doers for all these things." "It is not an easy assignment," Mrs. Johnson said. "It is a neces sary one and it la a joyful one " Dr. James H. Robinson, direc tor, Operations t rooaroads, Af rica. urged the YWCA to speak out more boldly on crucial Is sues of the dty. "Peace, broth rrhood, political Justice, world and national ritlxenship and the atomle weapons race." he said, “are qeatlons which are the pri vate preeervee of male wisdom alone.” As evidence* of Ihe Associa tion's commitment to racial In tegration, nearly 2,000 of thr convention participants march rd quietly Into the public square oo Friday. April 24. to pray si lently for a period of live min utes. In the final session Saturday, Ap ril 23, It was announced that Mrs Archie D Marvel, of Hasting--, Nc Iniiika, had been re-elcctcd an pres ident. RALEIGH STUDENT AT UNO HONORED (CONTINI'FD FROM PAG* I) damentals of Good Cltlsenshlp.” The certificate was signed by the luutenant in charge of his unit, the awards chairman, and his militaiy science instructor. Presenting the awards was thr icellor of the Chapel Hill insti .on. William B. Aycock. MRS. EATON TO DELIVER MOM’S DAY ADDRESS (CONTINUED FROM P\or 11 I High School, and an ardent .worker ' in the First Baptist Church. Ra- I leigh. She Is also a member of the ! Board of Manag ment of the Fas'. j Raleigh Branch of the YWCA. Shi ! is tha mother of two daughters. FRONT EDW ARD HOLDEN REINSTATED BY P. O. DEPARTMENT rroNT'N'f Itn from P\t:r H office as letter carrier. Ifose evrr. he uaa not reappointed to the Ralflrh p o vt Office, hut Is now- employed In Baltimore, | Md. Holden began work In the Baltimore Post Office on Mon day. April ?V TM-. was the first appeal handled hv the App-als Board since It was set up In Mss'-In-ton I> < . In 196? Holden s v * ':>*■■.n.-rt t-’in-ix-d .I the tuples* efforts of the local branch of the N-t nal Allian c of Postal Employees of which Bryant Bethea is preident and Rntrb j Campbell. Sr , is welfare chairman Attoi '-ev • .1, rs c obb and Sam i'c! S Mitchell were instrumental in drawing up the bi :efs to bo pro sented to rho Tbvn.t Holden resigned his post a* a Raleigh letter carrier In 19(12 aftrr being accused hv a sshlte woman here of bothering " her by following and calling her on the telephone • He was fi-iu-d no' guilty m Cl's Court last year of the charges by i Judge S P Winborne. and had been j driving a Raleigh taxicab for sev eral months prior to hts reinstate ; ment j Holden is a native of this city SEIZE TWO IN DOPE CRACKDOWN {CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1> mo'her in New York City In the crackdown '«<l Thursday the agents seired th-ee and one half pounds of processed ma- ilv.ana ss the arrests were made in Staton's Mot-I The two ssere Identified as dark Richard *on Nelson tfl. as ISIS Branch Nslreet. and Wil liam Watson. 34. of Dare Ter race, In Chavis Heights. Both waived a preliminary hear | Ing before U S Commissioner Reva Rothrock and were hound o\er for ! trial in Eastern D'strict Court un : der bonds of $3 000 each An investigation revealed that | Ihe "reefers" were being grown i within a half-mile radius of Ra , 14lgh* city llmita. MRS. dTbATES IN CITY. AIDING REGISTRATION (CONTINUED rROM PAGE 11 active partic petiri by th* w .#r A lively and informative disc .tsion period followed j She will add-ejs a mass meeting . •* the Martin Street Baptist Church here. Wednesday, beginning at S p m J The following ’st of representa : tlves from more than thtrt' -five ! prgarmavions and business firms ; was taken in o !c: from the guest j book 1 Mcsdamrs Erv.m.a Jane M'jae- \ rrV^H \ r M IW% - JB 7 0 GOVERONR S left to right at a pract.ee se- -,-uii .ire jo . . ... J as the piano, Miss Thelma Hall, being supervised by Mrs. E. Maye Morgan Kelly, Ligon music teacher, and Miss Janie Lind -c. inset. (7;. sfrr s*a<ißßß' "W I ' | - ’ Bi j ft Mm UtL , : ' l 4 2 ’it- -h 'iV't Tc'/'r ' E"-C*B L .A RECOMMENDED FOR WOODROW WILSON FELLOWSHIPS—Dr. J. A Boyer, (seat ed). president nf Saint Augustine's College, chats with three young men who were recently recom mended t > the Southern Education Foundation by the Wooddrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation to receive summer scholarships to pursue graduate study. These young men will be able to study at the university of their choice. Pictured from left to right are, Joseph H. Holt. Jr.; Enoch Henderson. Ir and William Miles. Knima Ja'ie Dies" Shop: Julia De lanv I mks line p-meesa Hay woud-Mi.v. . !’, i " Shipe; Shir- I. V ,1. " • V * ( , ■ ’l. M..r y Per «\ '• - l -u ; t uverdt* Mnve-YUi \. d ■ ~ M K wards \ o!e! SUp U ’ sMs e. s-Hamp tou A • \•r « (. .Min. ;l. Miss c M..e R d-Han pt»n Alumni. Vein - t • . A ' 3 •• ••• ••••« V ' i-t r ’len-A n.ei :ean l • tier Mary Brown-A --• -an Ii . Fva r.vhc-Ameri ran Legion. Annie Ca!daell-Ameri ian I eg on. a"d Zer.obi* Dunston . Mesdames Ruby McKuiney-Zeta r Be'a Hftr'-'n.se F!em"'g.Delta '''ima Theta: M ss Muse E Ligon '■ -e chan— of P-ecmet No Id. *' >’ -AKA. N a Lock Dixie Classic Ice Milk 1-2 gal. 39c Fresh Fryers-- whole lb. 25c N. C.- A Grade Small Eggs 3 do*. 89c DOMINO Sugar--Factory’ Pack 5 lbs. 58c Sliced Pork Steak lb. 39c Fresh Spare Ribs 3 lbs. 95c Gold Note Oleo. lb. 17c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 39c Pork Neck Bones 4 lbs. 49c Rib Stew Beef lb. 29c Fresh Pork Picnics lb. 35c Old Diz Charcoal 1 10 lb». 57c Open Monday Through Friday Until • F-M. HORTON’S CASH STORE 1413-17 SO SM NDEKb >T. RALEIGH. N. C hart-Crosby Garfield School;: Mesdames Addie Logan-Zeta Pht T>eta; Geraldine Brown-PTA Chatr nian; Ann H. Miller-Registrar pre cinct No. 20; Bessie W. Blue-the Victorians; Esther Michad-Kablus Court No. 67; Christiana Pitts-Ci 'ella Beauty College, and Mabel 8 Wright-N. C. College Alumni. Miss Vivian Burt-Delt* Chi El*. Miss Ida Jones-Junior Woman's Club; Meadamee Elizabeth Crump- Crvcmetologitt Chapter No 41; Marie Winter*-J. W. Winters and Comp*» oy; Hazel Logan-Delta Sigma Twa ta: Helen C. Howard-Mlntxter Wive* Asaoctation; Ida H. Boykm*- Voter's Council; A'lvian M Sanaom- Mechanic* and runners Bank and Shaw University. Margaret Hinton 1 Vice Chairman Precinct No 25; Lillian Freeman-Parent Education Committee; Carrie Prather-Regis trar Precent No 23: Also Miss Vivian Irvir.g-Regts trar Precinct No 26 and Irving Swain Press. Mesdames Sarah Her bin-Good Neighbor Council; Angus- W IMIKTO.X I tiii rs. 1 t STATE FAIR GROUNDst-Raleigh I | ★ S3*P. M. if I > ADMISSION $2.00 52.50 52.00 M Tickets On Sale: Thiem's Record Shop: HamHn Drag; Eckerds Mein M St., Durham; Krmp's of Chapel Hill anm j THE gJggEST SHOW OF B 'sTARS FOR '6A J I A. were, caanao ~ flTr t / BOBBY BYRD / -■— -f JOMKNrtMOL /I THE JAMES BROWN ORCH. J*PAUL mUmsH tm COLfICW M.CL| i, EfciM, • . mm*,..'- r| . 22 I l Ik ~S^/} JT WSj t MTjF ’39b ' "JUDGE FOR A DAY" James Raid, a student at the J. W. Ligon Jr.-Sr. High School is shown second from right in photo beside City Court Judge Samuel Pretlowa Winbome hat Friday. Young Raid served all day at tha side at the judge ea actual eases were tried. (See story on page 1). ta Turner-Vice Chairman Precinct No. 20; Millie D. Veeaey-NAACP and St. Agustine's College; Harve leigh R. White-Chums, Jack and Jill, Postmasters Association, Vot er's Council; and Janet M. Marche na-N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Special recognition was given to Mr. J. A. Shepard, who escorted Mrs. Bates, and also the only Male attending the dinner. Mrs. Marche na, chairman of Voter’* Council, presided. MAN RECEIVES SHORT TERM IN WOMAN’S DEATH (CONTINUED FROM PVt-iE I) er to consider placing Daria on parole as he (Anderson) called attention to the coart record of Mrs. Snelllngt. He aleo made mention In court that at the time of her death, Mrs. Snell ingt’ blood-alcohol rating was .338. However, the Jurist said, “A hu uan life has been taken. She had a right to walk and breathe the aine air as you snd I even—with an alcohol content rating of .336. The killing drew much attention at the time it occurred In the 700 block of S. Bloodworth Street. The entire incident is said to have start ed when the woman refused to leave with Davis. CHURCH VOTES TO MERGE (CONTINUED rROW PAGE II worrh:p service Wednesday night. The decision of the three groups to merge actually was made at their conventions in 1992. What was being eonsider ed in the meeting last week was the mechanics of the merger aa proposed by a joint meeting of the eteering committee on re alignment. The 141 delegatee and minister*, representing 155 Congregational Christian Churches in the'Conven tion of the South. Agreeing to all seven of the rec ommendations submitted by the joint meeting committee was the N'esro conference. Delegates from the Negro confer ence voted on the recommenda tions at a separate meeting in the afternoon at Greensboro s St. Ste phen's United Church of Christ. “DON’T STOP FIGHTING:” MRS. EVERS (CONTINUED FROM P»GE 11 southern simplicity: vet equal to the task of fighting segrega tion after the manner of her be loved Medgar Evers, told of how Negroes In her State are determined to fight on until victory is won. or they,—llk* Medgar—die trying. Mrs Evers called up the spirit of Fred Douglass, who reminded more than a century ago that "... men who deprecate the agitation of ef forts towards freedom, want crops w ithout plowing: want rain without the thunder and the lightening." Such people, she said are either lary or cowards and hardly worthy of th* freeom wfcUfc KHn 4U ta achieve for Ifa«k "My husbeod Mat seek to be come a martyr In the freedom fight; he only wanted freedom for all—black end white,” the mid, add ing, "The youths are being dauFfed by the dogs, guns, Jails, nor er*n shots in the back; nothing Is going to atop them short of their goal of complete freedom. 1 * HALIFAX COUNTY REGISTRATION “LIKE MISS.” These will be on May S and 16. as registration books ere open only on three Saturdays before the pri mary end general elections. Doug Harris of the Student Non violent Coordinating Committee (SNCO is also eieieting In the drive. MINISTERS AND LAYMEN SET BENEFIT GAME lished in next week's CAROLIN IAN: Min later* Th* Rave. Samuel Spender, J. F. Eppc. E. B. Lewie, J. W. Fleming. D. N. Howard, t. Oa rer McCloud, Joaeph P. Demp sey, G. A. Jonet, Charles w. Ward, Oaear W. Berwick, Paul H. Johnson. T. B. Smith. T. C. Hama ns. L. 8. Penn. Howard Cunningham, G. R. Perry, Nor man Mitchell, and J. H. Bryant. Laymen John Owen White, Douglas Dunston. Lorenzo Haywood, Ju lius R. Haywood. (Peter H. Wil liams. Merrlman C. HUI, Ralph Campbell. George F. Newell. Joaeph Whitaker, J. J. Ransom. Clarence Lightner, Charles Haywood, Jr., Wiley Latham. Jamee Shepard and C. A. (Doll) Haywood, Sr. IIMOLV THEATRE RAI.EIGH. N. C. STARTS SUN., MAY lOTH “DONOVAN’S REEF” Starring JOHN WAYNE —PIus— “FIVE MILES TO MIDNIGHT” Starring SOPHIA LOREN STARTS THURS.. MAY 14TH “THE MAVERICK QUEEN” Starring BARBARA STANWYCH —Pins— “THE LOVES OF SALAMMBO” Starring JEANNE VALERIC

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