Victim Beaten, Kicked: SEX MANIAC HELD AS MURDERER 1 Killed, 4 Hurt As Party Gets Rough The Carolinian VOL, 33, NO. 38 FDI PROSING HALIFAX CHARGES + + + + + + Davie Street Presbyterian: Rev. McCloud Quits Church WALLACE SHAKES HANDS AT THE POLLS Confident Governor George C. Wallace of Alabama is pictured here ehaking hands with an unidentified |Z Ear Negro woman voter as she studies her bal- 1 lot at the Clayton. Alabama polls last j«r ’ V week. The segregationist governor flew home to vote in Alabama’s Democratic Jpßr / to ' Primary, then back to Indiana to watch 99m the vote count in that state's presidential *||gjk . V 1 primary. An indicated record vote in Ala- JMto? > I bama gave Wallace's unplegded president- B i’ 1 lectors a c/sc- --y (UP r PHOTO). A i W i h • f Jl y c ' € MSP? *\ 'awO a,' ' f- - AMEZion Delegates Recall Bishop William J. Walls djjm B: *' #/jr- - ‘"'^H -a y<j/y ‘ W AgSj GOING OVER PLANS at Indinapohs. Indiana last week lor the 37th Quadrennial Session of the AME Zion Church are, from left: Alexander Barnes, publicity. Washington. D. C.; Dr. R. H. C. Lee. Washington. D. C.; Dr. E. R. Michael and Dr. J. A. Clement, both of Philadelphia. Pa. (DPI PHOTO). Investigate Vote Complaints WELDON—Three agent* of the j Federal Bureau of Invesifiation en tered Halifax Tuesday and began an investigation of charges brought against Halifax County voter regis- j trars. The agent* met Monday night 1 Be Sure To Go To The Both And \ ote in The Primary Tuett3iay 30! North Carolina ’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 16. 1964 with member* of the county board of elections and attorney* and ask ed for assistance in the investiga tion. (lONTIMED OX MCE n BT ALEXANDER BA EVER INDIANAPOLIS. Indiana The trend of aenttment of the 87th Quadrennial Session of the General Conference. AME Zion Church, was noted here Tuesday night when, according to the official count by the general secretary. Bishop Wil iam Jacob Walls was recalled as a bishop He was automatically re t,- d at the reading of his report last Thursday. The speculation was that he would not be recalled doe ta the fart that It would be aetttng a precedent for the denomina tion. Bishop Walls reached the retirement age. set out by the Discipline, In 1960 and was re railed by the Buffalo General Conference. It is believed that his fervent plea to the delegation turned the tide The prelate is 7fl years of ag» and has been a bishop for forty years, having been elected in 192-4 He la recognised In cburrh circles as “Mr. AME Zion Oiurrh" and has made a val uable contribution to the de nomination and to world Chris tian tty. He ia connected with most of the national and international churrh organization* and it believed to be. in point of service, the oldest active 1 Prostestant bishop of record. fCONTTNIED ON PSOE Z) PRICE lSe Going To Atlanta In August Davie Street United Presbyterian Church has announced the resigna tion of its pastor, the Rev. J. Oscar McCloud. In a special meeting of the congregation on last Sunday, the congregation voted to accept the resignation of the Rev. Mc- Cloud, which he read on the pre vious Sunday. The Rev. McCloud, who has been paator of the local church for almoat three years, resign ed to take a national staff po sition with the Board of Chris tian Education of the United Presbyterian Church. Mr. Mc- Cloud. who will move to Atlan ta for the new work, will be as signed the special task of work ing with churches, presbyteries and synods of the United Pres byterian Church In the area of (CONTINUED ON PAGE ♦) r- - , fp • Jjkjw r REV. J. OSCAR McCLOUD From Raleigh’s Police Files: THE ( IIIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES NABBED FOR INDECENT EXPOSURE Officer P. O. Jones of the Ral eigh Police Department made the following report at 8 p m Thurs day : "While walking my beat In j the 38d block of 8. Wilming ton Street, I saw John Jeffer ies, 47. of 112 N. Swain Street, expose himself to the general public by urinating In the street. Jefferies was also pub liely drank. I arrested him for pwblic drunkenness and inde cent exposure and placed him In 1V»»' ' ounty Jail under a 858 bond." VS GRAB. • CKETBOOK. RVVB ’ Mrs. Nancy Brown. 2881 Harper Street, a white woman Stabbed By Assailant Man Shoots MADISON—AIfred Walt a Vocal resident, was charged with murder Monday, following a weekend stab bing and shooting spreo which left four Injured and one man dead. Police officials said Wall, who was hospitalised with knife wennds. had been charged with the murder es Ilwrtoao Kalian, Jr, it, during a party an Sat urday night Madison Police Chief Paul Chase stated the two men were arguing when Kallam pulled a knife and (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) Hoff a Pays For Fetchit At Hospital CHICAGO (ANP) - Harassed Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoff a. currently free on bond while appeeling his eight-year Jail son tence for jury tampering, perform ed a headline-catching act of char ity last week when he paid the hos pital MU of destitute Negro Come dian Stepin Fetchit. Feehlt woe a charity pstlaot In Cask? County Hospital. He was scheduled to undergo an ape ration—possibly two—for a prostate gland condition. Fetchit, who made some S 3 mil lion dollars in the movies playing the role of a slump-shouldered, shuffling, stereotype comedian, dla closed his financial dilemma after entering the hospital. He said his assets were exactly $146. However, after the press reporting his des (CIJNTINUKD ON PAGE t) Capt. Oxley Gets Wings Os Surgeon Army Captain Leo Lionel Oxley, Jr., a native of Raleigh, received his Flight Surgeon's Wings during recent graduation ceremonies at the Naval Air Station. Pensacola. Fla. Compiling one of Uie hlgheet academic records In the history of Saint Augustine's College here. Young Oxley received his 8.8. degree In IMS. He entered Meharry Medical College at Nashville, Tenn., September es that year and waa graduated as one of three top honor students at that Institution. Oxley then entered the United States Army as s Lieutenant He was promoted to Captain a short time later and served on the ■ls ft of Walter Reed Hospital, in Washington. D. C„ as a psychiatrist for three years. (CONTINUED ON PAGE »> told officers at 11 p.m. Friday she was standing next to her ear at the corner of Blount and Smithfield Streets, when a Negro man in his 28’s. light skinned. grabbed her pocket book out of her hand, thrn picked up speed and ran east on Smithfield Street. The porketbook. containing 878, was a two-tone brown bag. with long handles, valued at *B. The officer’s report concluded: “Mrs. Brown had deen drinking, along with her husband,” who was reportedly In the car at the time of the theft. Harper Street la In the Carolina Pines section of Raleigh. (Continued on page 3) ir f n WANTED YOUTH SURRENDERS—NEW YORK: Man achd, Wallace Bakar, 19, enter* the lOOfh Street Police Station with a detective altar s urrendering here last week. Baker and his attorney mat two policemen at an undisclosed location in Harlem altar the youth had been sought lor five days in connection with the murder of two white women in Harlem. Police, who arrested live other Negro youths in connection with the murders, believe Baker and the other youths are members ol a gang wlych assaults and kith whit * parsons. Cops Hold Man In Welcome Shooing BALTIMORE. Md—Officer* last week charged Ernest 0. Young, a 31-year-old Negro member of the Maryland H&Use t»f Delegate* with Inspiring a conspiracy to kill the Negro State Senator from his own district. Mrs. Vcrda Wyatt Wel come. Mrs Welcome. 41. Is a native of Salisbury, N. C. She become the first female Negro ever elected to the Maryland State Senate two year* ago. She was grazed by two bullets, shot from ambush outside her home here on April 10. How ever, she received immediate at tention from her physician husband Her sister. Mr*. Wlllette Wy att Davidson. I* married to Theodore Roosevelt Davidson, brother of Clarence Davidson, jeweler, restaurateur and not ed churchman of 711 Manly Bt., Raleigh. N. C. The T. R. David son* reside at MM Caldwell Ave.. Bronx, N. T. Four other men Indicted by the grand jury along with Young are also Negroes The indictment charges Young LII.I Talks Os Justice In Dixie ATLANTA fANPi - President Lyndon B Johnson Friday wound up hi* six-state tour of the poverty atricken Appalachian region with a dramatic speech to Georgia legis lator* at a breakfast meeting here, where he talked sense, logic and the fact* of racial justice to the lawmakers and took an Indirect slap at Gov George C Wallace. The President. In bis folksy, direct manner, called on South - to support efforts to bring .racial Justice and equal ity to all, and to reject the shrill rr> to those who try to mislead them Into thinking they ran turn hack the clock of Ume. He said the rights of all people must be protected ‘'because the iU S ' Constitution require* it—and be cause justir < demands it " The Prm.dent did not mention Wallace by name, but took this in direct slap of the segregationist Al abama governor: “Those woo call for extreme ao lution* can bring us only diacord and disarray. They tell us to stand upon our right*, but they fall to tell us how to meet our responsi bilities. “So heed not thone who come waving the tattered and discredited (rONTTNLgD ON PAGE *) "did feloniously Incite, hire and command" the other defendants to •kill and murder" Senator Wel come Senator Welcome said: "It's unbelievable. He ha* never (CONTINUED ON PAGE ' I Abi ' nSm£/k3m Hi ERNEST D. YOUNG -CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS pane t Horton * sash Afore Taylors Shorn Service, i Pin* Htaf* C’riampry Mother and Daughter Fa*mon» PAI .9, S Hudson >Betk—Eflrd s of Raleigh John W . Winters it ( n lire Sales and Service Capital Bargain Store PAGE « Lluefteld Church Furniture t o Raleigh Funeral 'form; Arme Realty to Jarne« Handers TIJ • Co Mrlaurin Parking Company Medlln-lJatl* Hud Min Belk—Eflrd • of Raleigh Amburn Ponflae, |n» Branch Banking 1 Trust to Ktlelgh Havings it Loan Aftaorlatl'«e PAGE 7 Weaver Bros Rarrbler At Hmith Butrk Rawls Motor (o. PAGE * Colonial Store* Abram’s L'nteg Rent-All Correil f oai Co. London Oil Co R. F. Quinn Furniture Co PAGE * A and P Rhffde* F jrnlt ire Builders f o Pepsi'Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh, Inc. Nude Body Found By Husband OKLAHOMA CITY (ANP>— Tint degree manslaughter charge# have been tiled here agalnat e 23-yeer old Eastside man In the brutaijMX slaying of Mrs. Ethel (Berdiel KUd son. 48. Facing the murder pmpt is Everette Lee Carson. According to Lt B. C. Mosahart, head of the homicide division of the Oklahoma City Police Depart ment, the nude body of Mr*. Hud son was found by her husband when he returned home frem work. An autopsy revealed the woman had been beaten and kicked to death after having been sexually molested. Lt Mosahart said Mr*. Hud sea met Careen and two Other men at the Green Doer tavern, at about 3 p.m. Saturday. He •aid tho woman got lute a ear with the trio and wont to a liquor store whore liquor was purchased Tho police officer •aid tho group torn went to Mrs. Hudson'* home and con sumed drinks and played rec ords. Lt. Mosshart said Mrs. Hudson and Carson were left slone at the house by the other members of the. party. He said they came back for (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) By PTA Council: Mrs. Freeman Endorsed For State Prexy The Raleigh PTA Council met Tuesday evening at the Thompson School at 7:30 p.m. with Piuoihent Plummer Vine#, presiding. The meeting was, cewderad a very sucoewful ode. The Ceun ell voted unanimously to send * a liberal cheek to Shaw Uni versity during It* financial cam paign. Among other Important things done were: 1. The Council endorsed Mis. Lil lian Freeman, former president of District 111 to the office of State President. 2. A liberal donation was voted upon to be sent to the National Of fice to help defray expensos ol the National Convention 3. All were urged to attend the National Convention to bo held in Winston-Salem, June 20-24, 1004. 4 The by-laws for 1963 64 were rev ired and accepted. 5 Report nf Finance Committee was given and accepted by the Connell The attendance was very large. The following persons were present show ing the schools represented: Mrr Lillian Freeman. State Board of Managers, and former District (CONTINUED ON PAGE Si W EATH E K —r Temperatures Thursday through Monday will average near nermal In rhe Weal portion and aomewhat b- In w normal l« Eaat portion Some normal and below nermal lemperalurea (or the near-bv *r*ai are. Aahetple 7S In 51. < harlot'e and Ralelsh, IS to »J. Columbia U in M, and Charlenon St to S.!. II will b' rooter diuraday and warmer Snnday and Monday. Thunder rhnwert about Moaday Hill average nne.quarter of aa inrh or le»« of rain. BIA FROM THEM Carolina Builder*. Inc Ridgeway s Opticians, Inc. Page 1! t arohna Power A Light Co. Peebles* Chareoal Flame ResUurant Acme Laundry it Cleaners, lac. King Cole Motel He cur Jt> Meat Market Page M f.lmofn Theatre Ambassador Theatre Mechaute* A Farmer* Bank al.elgh Seafood Market fl-iv s Drive.ln Cleaners i.o-nmunlty Florist Taylor Radio At fclectrlral Co. Page IS Supreme Brake it Alignment fervks Hunt General Tire Co Dunn i E»m> Hervtca Umstead Grocery and Transfer Co. Stevens Gulf Service PAGE It Sanders Motor Co Central Drug Store Pepsi-CoU Bottling Co. of Raleigh, Inc Page » Mechanics and Farmers Bank Peg* 4B Ivey's of Raleigh | Pag* SB j D»nii« Bread (ioodmini Drew Shop r»,e cb John.mV. Jeweler, lean'* of Raleign

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