Confident Os Being Debt-Free By June 30: SHAW U. MAY RELOCATE ENTIRE CAMPUS: PREXY ACID-TOSSER GUILTY; GOES TO PRISON The Carolinian VOL. 12, NO. 2fl ‘Utter Confusion’ Seen In Election Os Bishops + + + + + + + + + ‘DISOBEDIENT’ BOYS DROWN Tar Heels Heard At 37th Meet & INDIANAPOLIS. Ind—The 37h quadrennial session of the General Conference. A. M. E. Zion Church, ran into a stalemate Saturday when Bishop W. M. Smith, presiding of ficer. instructed the delegates that the time had arrived for the elec tion of bishops. Rev. George J. Leake, Charlotte, N. C., dropped a bomb shell when he asked if the name of the Rev. A. G. Dunston, Jr. appeared on the ballot. (Australian). The first time it has been used by the denomina tion. He was instructed that it did (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) NCC Sets Five AAU Records North Carolina College at Dur ham maintained its championship at the Carolinas AAU track and field compeition Saturday in Ral eigh earning a tram total of 40 pom's to the 23 of the University of North Carolina which was good for second place. ACC set five new records and (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) From Raleigh's Police Files: Till: CHIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES rniTORS NOTF: Each Inci dent described below was ob tained from the records and files of the Ralc'rh Polirr De par mrnt through a day-to-day rheck and each ease is authen tic. No personal opinions are ever in this column. Because o' the ?a*t number of names obtained each week, it is impo'sr !c to intersicw every person mentioned. WATCH. r AUIO RtrOKTEO STOLEN Mr= r 1 .. tx ; - Eo- . 90$ Mark St., oic! officeat 7.47 p: Sunday, so—eone entered ner home byway of a r ar window and stole a 535 watch and a Sin Zenith radio. be tween the hours of 6.39 and 7:30 p r.t Sunday SLAMS DOOR HARD. BREAKS GLASS Mr?. Mart I instead, proprie tor of tmsieads Grocery and Transfer ( ompany. corner of E. Martin and 8, Tarhoro Road, in formed olfterry a 9:31 p. m. Vmdav. that William Poole. New Bern Avenue, came into her store and tried to bay a Be Sure To Go To The Polls A.nd Cast Your Vole in The Primary May 301 AT CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF City Councilman John W. Winters is shown in center intro ducing this county's two office-seekers to the public last Saturday night during the mimsters laymen s softball game, held at Cha vis Park. On the left is J. J. Sansom, Jr., local banker, who is seeking a seat in the State House of Representatives; and on the right is Clarence E. Lightner, who hopes to land a position on the Wake County Board of Commissioners. The game was play ed to benefit the campaign plans of the two candidates. (See story). Ministers Swamp Laymen, 19-7 In Benefit Softball Game Here More than 1.500 persons were on hand at Chavis Park last Saturday night to witness a softball game between ministers and laymen of the city. The final -core wa . 19-7. in favor of the ministers This vic tory was predicted early last week by the clergymen The Reverend Charle* W. heer. hut she refused to sell Poole the beer because he is un der agr. Tie complainant stated young F ooJc then went out the front cioor ai d 'lammed it *o bard tne glass !■ okc Mrs Pmstead said she would s en a warrant against the boy. cnatgtrg damage to property • SAME NAME. WRONG ADDRESS Mrs. Hartford Wat'on. JOS Smithfield stieei. informed the Crime Beat reporter Monday of this week that 18-year-old William WaL?on tlisted in this column l*«t week as being a re sident of that address i did not live there and never had. The woman further stated that she and her husband had oeeupied this residence for twenty years. Although they have two sons, neither of sbrm has the given name ot William, she said. We assured Mrs Watson that this WAS the address obtained from the | reeo: tis and files of toe Raleigh Police Dept, and invited her to 1 cncck for a ecu -acy <CONTINUED ON PAGE J) RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1964 Ward pitched for the winners, while Ralph Campbell wa* the losing pitcher. The Rev. Arthur J. Calloway hit ■ viSjraijnflHMHjHnp: .JRi IfSS'r ‘siu&Mm , f'^S' v' . •■■"’■■>'-• i .' v-, ”’ : ' ■-;'. LEADER AND FOLLOWERS JAILED Mrs. Gloria Richardson, left, chairman of the Cambridge, Md. Non-Violent Action Committee, is pictured with a group of Negroes, who were arrested during a demonstration there Monday night of last week This group is being taken from the Cambridge ~ National Guard Armory to Pikesville, Md., a lew miles away. See story (UP! I a home run in the fourth inning to I lead the hitting attack for tho (CONTINUED ON PAGE it Jump Into River After Warning * r - •>. ■■ ■ ELIZABETHTOWN _ After be ing warned no to jump, two boys plunged into the Cape Fear River Mar here Sunday "to go awim ming" and drowned. Both were a board a Blrry at the time of the incident. Bladea County Coroner Gor don Klnlaw quoted the operator of the ferry as Baying he warn ed the two that It waa against the law to swim at that point In the Cape Fear River. "I laler saw one of the boys (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Draws Jail Term For Desertion NASHVILLE. Tenn A 30-year old man who welched on alimony payments and deserted his wife an 1 six children and then married an other woman was sentenced to six months in jail at hard labor here last week He was identified as James Car lon Mathcny, Jr . who pleaded guil ty io the charge of felonious aban donment Matheny first abandoned hit wife, Beasle, In March. IMO. His wife obtained a divorce after ward on grounds that her hus band stayed away from home at (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS —BUt FROM THEM PAGE 2 Horton * I a«h Bfor* Bow** Jwwelwrt Public R**rvic« Co of N. C. Irv PAGE J Wood*' 3-10 c fc'orw PACE 5 The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co Hud»on-BHk— Efird * of Raleigh John W. Winter* 4 (o Mrrhmlri A Farmer* Bank PAGE f Biftinor* Hill* Blnefieid Church Furniture Co Raleigh Funeral 'tome Arme Realty Co. Jame* Kinder* Til * Co Mrlaarln Pirkini Company Medltn-Davl» Hudson-Belk—Efird * of Raleigh Am burn Pont, ln« Branch Banking A Trust Co Raleigh Saving* A Loan A**ortaU’>di PAGE 7 Weaver Brot. Rambler At Smith Buirlt Raw!* Motor Co. Carolina Motor Sale* Wade* Auto Sair* O'Neal Motor*. Inc pace n C oloatal Btore* Community Hon** R. E Quinn >urn.tur» to PAGE • Dr. Cheek Answers Questions In an exclusive interview Wed nesday morning with Dr. James E. Cheek, youthful and energetic president of Shaw University, many questions which have been discuss ed, concerning Shaw, by Negro and white, educated and uneducated, rich and poor, ware answered. The questions are listed in the order in which they were asked, and the president's answers to each follow in the quoted paragraphs: 1. After almost six months in of fice, how do you view the overall future of Shaw University in terms of both the immediate and distant future? “It is my Judgment that the fu ture is very promising. The finan cial crisis, i.e., the current indebt edness, has had a good effect be cause it has shocked us into far ing honestly the problems we have and also forced us to take drastic steps to rehabilitate the institution in every area of its operation. “Alhongh we have not reached any financial conclu sions. our administration and Board of Trustees have under active consideration the feasibi lity of relocating our campus. We have had the services of Knglehardt. Englehardt and Leggett, one of the nation's largest firms of Educational Consultants, and they are working closely with us In projecting the moves we should take. "We have created • Long Range Planning Commission to project the program of tha school for the next ten years and their rgaommenda lions Include the SgpWUlusi of our fcuerrorutD on paoi *> Ex-Wife Victim Os Acid MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. <ANP— Fred M. Bonner 111, 38, of Chicago, has been found guilty In Hennepin County District of throwing acid in the face of his former wife, Mrs Myrrhrne Crawford A jury found him guilty after two hours deliberation. Bonner, an accountant at International House on the University of Mcnnesota Campus when he was indicted by the Hennepin Grand Jury for ag gravated assault, faces a sentence of up to ten years in Stillwater j Slate Prison Sentencing ha# been set for thia week by Judge Rolf F osseen A jury of five women and seven men with two men alternates heaid the trial. The Jury was selected in the first day of the trial. Bonner was tried on the charge of throwing acid on Mrs. Myrrhene Crawford, hla former wife, a teacher at Meld Ele mentary School, at the front door of her home, two days be fore Christmas, on December 23. 7'he crime in wduch Mrs. Claw ford was brutally burned and from which ahe suffered both disfigure ment and the lo*a of her right eye. caused revulsion throughout the (CONTINUED ON PAOE t) PRICE 15c A and P Fstate Builder* Co T.'iVkw S ioi Srrvt/f W arhmgton Ter rate Aptitmrnu Inc f ' at? j»i I>» ug Store R/»\ » Hmve-ln Cleaner* Bate t A Pep*i Cola Buttling Co of Raleigh, Inc t df'ihn* Builders. Inc Bulge way * Optician*. Inc Pate H < of fell Coal C o Taylor Radio A Electrical * » terra e Inmiram e Realty K ruritv Meat Market fige II i jrollflj Power A IJght to Amba***do' Theatre I tn>oln I iratre B*ge IS Hufirrme Brake A Alignment ; Me \ en* Gulf Her vice Dunn * V.*»o Bervlea PAGE 14 london Oil Co # Muni General Tire Co Abram * l nted Rem-All / f '<tet Andrevi Johnaon 7 e AaJfv and Suvirr f'- *hleV Oafcoal Flame n> • • . «*rvt reebi#.' Grill B"eb!e*' Hotel King Cole Motel Raleigh Seafood Market Cast Your Vote Wisely (An Editorial) As the May 30th Primary approaches, there are no doujttt. questions in the minds of the public about the candidates add the issues being discussed. This editorial will treat some of these questions. The question of Negro candidates throughout the state, add our two local candidates, why support them? This question is not as easily answered by many, as those closer to the candi dates would assume. In any event, it seems reasonable to believe that the image of a Negro in office is not a mere matter of re minding white people of our presence, but it also says we have competent representation. It says that there is someone who should know the trials add tribulations of our Race. It says that there is someone who sees out of the same eyes that we view oUr past, present, and future. It points out to the office a Negro may be elected to, that he has a responsibility to a particular segment. No matter how much sae may preach about helping the other fellow, there is little doubt in anybody's mind in this country that wc need to help our-- selves, plus we can use all of the help we can get. In fact, the reason the white voter is now aware of placing Negroes in office more than ever before is to place a part of the responsibility of citizenship and government of the Negro more on his shoulders. (CONTINUED ON PAGE *) ,/j I M BBWI —Grossing <r, N. V.: Smiling triumphantly after winning the title, “Miss American Model. 1964,’’ U Miss Patricia Evans, a 17-year-old culle from Phila delphia. The lovely Negro lass won the crown at the annual A mrriran Model festival at Ihe Gros.lnger Hotel and Country t'luh here. Nhe won out over .77 entrants, most of whom were whit-. (CPI PHOTOI. 'ib VETERAN TEACHER RETIRING M/vi Margniet B BuHg. /i tent hrr of Latin for the pnit 45 years, is pictured with Iferhrrt E. Brown, principal of the J. W. Ltgon Jr.-Sr. High Si hoof, where Mi »s Bugg n currently employed. (See »tory). Miss M. B. Bugg Retiring After 45 Years As Tut or Mi?? Margaret B Bugg. Latin teacher at the J W Ltgon High Srhoot. will end 40 years of dedl < rd teaching in the Ftaleigh Pvib :<■ Sr Sytem when she retire* ;.t tip end *.f thi? school yrar on June 9 She ha* been a teacher for 40 years altogether, coming to Re leigh in 1924 from Johnston County Training School in Smithfield. She had previously worked at Fayette ville State Normal for one /ear S is believed to hold one of the long est record* for teaching continuous ly in th< entire state Miss huge, who la a native of Lynchburg. Virginia and a graduate of Howard University In the flelda of Latin and His Scribe Sees New, Tough Race Strife CHAPEL HILL Predicting tha nation will be renewed racial strtfa that will make previous troubles look like a Sunday School, was top NBC news commentator Richard Harkness, who addresaed a Univer sity o( North Carolina audience here Sunday. Harkness predicted the trou ble would be centered in the north and would come de spite passage of the pending , civil rights bill. “The taste of victory may turn to the taate of ashes” to many northern Ne groes after the bill becomes law. The speaker blamed the pre ! dieted strife on economics and in equalities in the areas of Job Op portunities and housing. ''The economics lot of the Negroes will get a lot worse before It gets better," Harkness stated. In conclusion. Harkness warned, 'The final solution to racial pro blems will not come on the picket : lines or in the reactivation of the Ku Klux Klan. The white man must hurry and the Negro still must have patience.'' The alter • native, he declared, would be an urchy. Harkness' address was sponsored by the Carolina Torum. . ________ t Cambridge In “Lott Before Storm” Mood CAMBRIDGE. Md. Demonstra tions were called off in this racial !v tense community until after this week. The announcement was made by Negro leaders here . Stanley Wise, representative of the Student Non-Violent Co ordinating Committee, said there would be no demonstra tion* here until Thursday, May 21. at the earliest. This decision was reached at a meeting of (lie executive committee of the local Non-Violent Action «« ONTINUgII ON CAI-S "• . torv. rnmrs from a family of educator*. Her mother. Mr*. Belle Bradley Bug*, warn a dlet tltlan at Shaw University gad her father. James H. Bugg, was in Shaw's first medical eland In 1886. One sister i« a retire* teacher and a brother la a dea tint. The age .of Miss Bugg has never been seriously questioned because of her energetic activities, qufok mind and sound voice. Many gjjm tasleful situations in the haliwgys and classrooms have been k» pt. lu check because ot the definite tana in h« r voice. The retiring rdorator baa ■ (CONTWUED ON ft. OB I) -

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