THE CABOUNUUV RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, MAT 23, I>(4 10 The Raleigh SCENE MISS PRIGBON SETS JUNE WEDDING—Mitt Mariya Ptigeon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrt. Cheater B. Pridgeon, SOS Rock Quarry Rd. They announce her engagement to Mr. Robert Sidney Bartlett, eon ol Mr. and Mrt. Mayo Bartlett, ot Rye, New York. The wedding will take place June 6. PERSONALS SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD give far Mr*. I nee . h A surprise birthday party was given for Mm Inez Peebles recent- IF. Tha** attending were Mae damee Marguerite Davis, T. M. Clarkson, Dorothy House, Nelli* Boykin. Barbra Jean Shephard. Barbara Taylor, and Clinton Ligon. Also Mr. and Mm Hoary Hall, Dr. and Mm W. W. Johnson. Mr. and Mm Cheater Pridgenn, Mr. and Mm James Cooper, Mr. and Mm Char 100 Haywood. Jr, Mr. and Mm G. T. Ougsby, Sr, Mr. and Mm Daniel Peebl a*. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Peehlaa, Mr. and Mm Paul Peebles. Mr. and Mm John H. Peebles. Mr. and Mm Millard R. Peebles, Mr. and Mm Georgs & Snail tag. Mr. and Mm H. Pulley, Mr. and Mm B. Biua, Mr. and Mm Charles Jones, Mr. and Mm Jssph Walters, Mr. and Mm James Fort. Mr. and Mm Jams* Cassell, and Mr. sad Mm Drowsy. Aha Mimes Vivian Sort Ids Janes. Mabel Wright and Elea nor Harris. CITIZENS ASSOCIATION MEETS THURSDAY The Raleigh Cltteen* Aasocla te ■ —i. ... , iff emorv Tent ft 10 sasaad* concen trate on the some in the mm below. New, tet the aewiMMt aaWe and toy the non over n lev times ot ysoreeli. k won’t fee loan bo**** W1 WILL know If you hews sewed tha test. Cam Hearing Aids I by I IpiHgeuieyel I OPTICIANS, lee. I >reeel W PicanWwei OMs * * *** *»*3Tw!h *****"*"* lffpsl(°l4 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh $m P^ I** 1 *** 0 STREET, RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA •> TEL TE 4-1071 tlon will meet on Thursday. May 31. at 8:00 p.m. In the Chavis Park Recreation Center. R Mayne Albright, candidate for Congress. House of Representative* will be the speaker. The public la Invited. ANNUAL SPRING MUSICAL HELD An appreciative audience of lis tener* enjoyed the Annual Spring Musical presented by the Shaw University Chorale Society on Sunday. March 17. In Oreenleaf Auditorium. A wide selection of choral music, ranging In style from the Nathaniel Dett arrange ment of "Ml Never Turn Back” to Moearts “Sanctu* and oean na," was presented by the out standing choral group under the direction of Harpy OU-Smytha. Additional Interest and variety was manifested by the Inclusion of several solo and three selec tion* sung by the recently organ ized Bhow Folk Enaamble. direct ed by Clyde Appleton. The pro gram reached Its climax In the final number "A Mualoal Trust" by Clokey. featuring William Ma lone and Robert White of Raleigh on percussion. The concert was a fitting dims* to a very active year for the cho rale Society which presented con certs throughout North Caroline aa well as In Virginia and Mary land. MRS. JESSIE BURNS SNOWDEN VISITS Mrs Oeorge B Bnowden (form erly Miss Jessie M. Bum*', of Ra leigh. now residing In Waahlng- Everything For . •. BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MILL WORK • ATHET*S PAINTS • RUILDIING MATERIALS • RUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Dawson St RALEIGH. N. C. Come to Church "Our Father in Heaven, cleanse our heart* of all impurity. Help us to reflect Thy love to other* —to those In our home*, our school*. In our place* of business, and in our church*. Help u* to reflect They light that others may glorify Thee. Keep us from a false sense of pride. Father, may we learn that our strength come* from Thee and that our live* are meaningless unless we submit them to The* and dedi cate ourselves In Thy purpose in the Master’s name, we pray.” UNION BAPTIST Church School began at 10 o'clock with the nipt, Mr. Walter Price. In charge. Morning worship began at 11:30 with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Mr*. Nettle Harrlngto o;ngrtants. Nettle Harrington; organist, Mr. Willie Henderson. Morning lesson read by he Ilev. Mr. Kern, fol lowed by prayer. A great sermon was delivered by the guest minis ter, the Rev. Mr. McKoy. from the Book ot 0L Luke. Everyone enjoy ed it very much. LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST—Sunday School opened at 10 a.m. with the supt.. Mr. Mack Arthur, in charge: Morning worship began at 11:30 with the congregation singing. A wonderful sermon was delivered by the pas tor, the Rev. Lester Rivers. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST —Church School opened at 9:30 a.m. with the supt.. Miss Nanle Morgan, In charge. Morning worship began at II o'clock with the regular choii In charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Kelly. The pastor, the Rev. O. W. Burwick, brought a wonderful sermon. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Sunday School began at 9:30 with (he supt., Mr. Phillip Alston, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direc tion of Mias Jacqueline Mitchell. The pastor, the Rev. J. H. Bryant, brought the morning message to the congregation. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Church School opened at 9:30 a.m. with the supt.. Mr. D. ; R. Ford. In charge. It was Women's Day and a large number was pre sent to hear the beautiful sermon that was delivered by Mrs. Percy From the Book of St. Luke. 8:4. Her eubject was, “Be Filled with the Holy Ghost". The senior choir was incharge of music, under the direction of Miss Myrtle Rhodes. Evrning worship began at 7:30. The Bishop Maude Pope brought a great measage. Elder Llghtsey la pastor. SAINT ANNAH FREEWILL BAPTIST—Sunday School opened at 10 o'clock with the supt.. Mr. W. H. Lyons, In charge. Morning worship began at 11 30 with the senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Doca Smith; organist. Mr. Charles Prince, in charge of music. From the Book of Ecclesiastes. 13:13. the pastor, the Rev. L. T Ford, brought a very inspiring message. His subject was “Be Faithful". O BERLIN BAPTIST Church School opened at 9:30 a. m. with the supt, Mr. Walter Curtis, In charge. Morning worship began at 11 oclock with the junior choir In charge of music, under the dlrec t.en of Mias Frandne Blount. The pastor, the Rev J. P. Dempsey. de livered a wonderful sermon. TUPPF.R MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Sunday School opened at 9:30 a m. with the supt.. Mrs. Dorothy Allen, in charge. Morning worship began *t 11 o’clock with the senior chair in charge of music, under th» direction of Miss Valjean Myer The pastor, tha Rev. D. N. Howar Sr., delivered a very good aerrr n which everyone present enjoyed. ST MATTHEW - AME—Church School opend at 9.30 a.m. with the nipt, Mr. Rebert Lasane. in charge. ton. D. C.. spent the past weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Burns of 739 8. Blount Street Raleigh. Mrs, Snowden, for five years, has been employed as Instructor on the English De partment of the Walter Johnson High Sdhool, which has an all white student body, in Mont gomery County. Maryland. *V» J . »rv • * r^^B BY MRS. MAY L. BROADIE Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the Gospel Chair in charge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs. Marie Riddick; organ ist, Mrs. Rosa Walton. Morning les son was read by the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Epps, from the Book of St. Matthew, 41:22. Morning pray er was offered by Mr. W. A. Wilder. A very wonderful sermon was de livered by the pastor. FIRST BAPTIST—Sunday School opened at 9:30 a.m. wih the supt., Mr. W. H. Taylor, in charge. Morn ing worship began at 11 o’clock with the Young People’s Choir in charge of music, under the direc tion of Mr. David Dolby; organist. Miss Joyce Cooke. The call to wor ship was given by the pastor, the Rev C. W. Ward, who delivered the morning message to the congre gation. His subject was, “The Last Word ”. Responsive reading was led by the Rev. J. A. Lester, and morn ing scripture was read by the Rev. Clifford Chambliss. Deacon Delma Hall offered prayer. BTU began at 7.30 with the guest minister, the Rev. Clifford Cham bliss from the School of Religion. Shaw University. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST—Church School opened at 10:00 with the supt.. Mr. Elbert Sanders, in charge. At 11 am. R4v. Ray. pastor, made the call to wor ship with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Mrs. Patti Shaw and Mrs. Holder. Rev. Ray brought a wonderful mea sage from the Book of St. Matthew. 12:48. His subject was, "The Danger Os an Empty Soul." LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS-- Sunday School opened at 10 o'clock with the supt.. Mr. Arthur Williams, in charge. The morning worship followed witih the pastor, the Rev. Ell Ratcliff, conducting the ser vice*. The speaker for the day was the Rev. Patrick Burt, of Apex. He spoke from the subject, "A Beginn ing” His sermon was enjoyable. Music was given by the senior choir JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB MEETING There were many "firsts” when the Junior Woman'* Club met recently et the home of Mrs Doro thy Feimgter of 120# South Blood worth Street. It was our "first” meeting of the month and the "first" time to meet in Mr* Feim* star's home. Mrs. Rosa Tucker at tended her ' first" meeting as a new member and received a gift for being the "first" io arrive at the meeting. Mrs. Gladys Cassell re ceived a gift because she ai rived last. Our social meeting for April waa canceled but Mrs. Felmater graciously allowed us to have a combined business and social meeting. Mrs. Mary B. Graham, ▼ice-president, presided over the business eeeslon. Flans were nude for the Slate Fede ration to be held in Asheville next month. Other plane were dleeuaeed concerning the Mary Talbert Borne. And. thanks were given to the Woman's Club for their recent con tribution to the home". After that the hostess was in charge Club members had been told that she waa a good club worker and a good cook and those who know her will agree that she is a good club worker but those who attended the meeting wish to take exception and agree that she is an excellent FLANS JUNE WEDDING—Mrs. Naomi Oats Clark. Raleigh, an daagkter. Vir ginia Oata, above to Mr. George William Watean. sea of the Rev. Boole Watson and Mrs. Claudia Bratcher of Bartow. Florida. A Juste IS wedding k planned. Miss Oata la a graduate of North Car olina Callage at Durham, and a member of the Freedman High School faculty. Lenoir. She h al to a member as Alpha Kappa Al pha Sorortty. Watson, a Florida ABM University graduate, la an Instructor at the Gibbons Street Elementary School faculty in under tha direction ot lfr*. An* Wilson and arcom pained bp lb* Margaret Ratcliff. PROVIDENCE HOLINESS "No More Riven To Crass", was tho theme of the Rev. George Williams, the pastor’s morning message to the congregation, on Sunday morning. The service was well-attended. On Sunday evening at 8:30 the Rev. H. Smith, of Bermuda, brought a most interesting and helpful mes sage on, "The importance e t Press ing". The Rev. W. R. Moorehend Is church reporter. FRONT PAGE NCC SETS RECORD Os AAU MEET North Carolina College at Dur ham maintained Its championship at the Carolines AAU track and field compeition Saturday ha Ral eigh earning a teem total of 40 points to the 38 ot the University of North Carolina which was gaed far second place. NCC act five new reoerda and won seven first place swfrda. Norman Tate eat new records in the breed Jump with 35 ft 4} in. and the triple jnasp wtth 94 ft 114 in. The old record of 25 ft 1 bt fas the breed jnmp was set In 19M by Oidfrsy Moore, and tee triple Jump re cord was also set teat year wtth a distance of 44 ft aim fey Joe Middleton. Edwin Robarte set a new record in the 210-yard dish wtth 30. L a time which cut ope-tenth ot a sec ond from the previous clocking, and earned first-place honors in the 100-yard dash with 9A. Breaking his own record mod* last year at 333 in the 440-burdles, Andrew McCray was timed this year at 52j0. The NCC relay team also broke its own record in the mile relay with a mark of 1:10.7, erasing the 3:13.1 from loot mason Team scoring: 1. North Carolina College, 40. 3. University ot North Carolina. 38. 3. Duke University 4. (tie) Ft Bragg and North Chrolhm Track Clul\ IS. CLUBS cook. Her tables wore looded wKh all kinds of "goodies” upon which to dine. And dine they didl M*mb«n Misses Vivian Burt and Ida R. Jones; Meedamea Gladys Cue sell, Chrystlne Cooper. Mary B. Graham. Phyllis Haywood, tamo Peebles. Rom C. Tuckar and Mabel Wright. The next meeting will bo Turn day. May 26, at the homo of Mrs. Mary B. Graham. 1006 Alston St We especially look forward to hav ing Mesdamee Beatrice Hall and Grace Harris back with ua after their bouts with Illness. CDLE-A-WHILE CLUB The regular meeting of Idlo-A- While Club was hold last weak at the home of Mrs. Margaret Bald win. There was a brief business session attar which wa ware served a delicious repeat bp our hostess. We aim had a wonderful time playing ptnchnlo. High prim, Mrs. Lioum Nunn. Lew prise, Ltouss biihday totheMum / Walker. Mrs. Nunn refsfved a lovely blrhday gift Mrs.'? Phyllis Haywood received lucky dumber prigs. WOMEN'S COUNCIL RIB MSKT The Raleigh Women Voter’* Council will held Its monthly moot ing, Saturday, May B, at 6:00, at the East Raleigh Branch YMCA. 210 1- Davie Street a iigmmnlß will be lamed ter precinct duties tar the Kay 20th primary. THE BOOK GUILD W SESSION The Book Oulld held tta final meeting ai the year at the beau tiful new home of Mrs. file Willi ams, with Mrs. Irena L. Manama, president presiding. A beautiful Louise Latimer, Mrs. Willie Cl devotional parted was lad by Mrs. High, who waa unable bo be pro sent. sent to the meeting a scho larly paper—The Book Review: ar> analysis by Questions. Mia. Louise Latimer, program ohatman. read Mrs. High's paper. Mrs. Maagrem called far an evaluation of the year?* activi ties. Agate, the warm stems pkere in the meeting conduct ed by Mbs- Manama. oar charming and my able presi dent. and the pleasant asao elation* taring mpomdMe fer*tbe > maot enjoy.* able and ion at ding part year. Some of our oaort enjoyable and rewarding enperteneee include va rious Intellectual and cultural gnxg> disc umtnns, reports and book reviews by chdb mntai and guest reviewers; i muuwhwtng our "adopted family" during our Christina* party: prmnting. dur ing National Book Week, to the Shaw University Library, the book entitled “Profiles Rt Courage", the Memorial Edition, by John F. Hennedy - WL . f. -' |hl *:IP* ' v. Xj Mr XL V t* mm 1? ■ s saR £ % * m .y#.. sfc. -t ■’l WILL WED IN JOHNSON SATURDAY—Mrs. Mattie Siler Goodson of Clayton, announces the engagement ot her daughter, Rosalind Hot tense, above, to Captain Harold Euclid Col Una, eon ot Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Collins ol Smithfield. The wed ding will take place on Sat., May 23, at the First Baptist Church, Fourth Street, Smithfield. Miss Goodson is a graduate ot Bermitt College, Greensboro, and Captain Collins is a graduate ot Hamp ton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, and Michigan State University, Larvang, Michigan. Study Skills Cantor. Book Reet Mm Williams, the hostess serv ed a delicious repast. Outgoing officers are: Mrs Irene L. Mangrum, president; Mrs. Lula Robinson, secretary; Miss Alberta Hunt, treasurer; Mrs. Louiae Latimer, program chair man and Mia* Beatrice R. Martin, reporter. New officers are: Miss Carrie L. Harrison, president; Miss Beatrice R. Martin, secretary; Mrs. Ella Williams, treasurer; Mrs. Maude Smith, program chairman and Mm WUUe C. High, reporter. Members are: Mesdames Irene L Mangrum. Emma P. Boyer. Lu- ■Hermitage 86 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon 6 Years Old OU> H«*UJTA6t Oisnmry COMPANY. LOU'SviU.I. KENTUCKY-, KENTUCKY STRAIgHT My Lady's Doingt ♦ ♦ ♦ In And Oat Os Tarn la Robinson, Louise Latimer, Maude Smith, Ella William*, Wil lie C. High and Misses Carrie L. Harrison, Alberta Hunt and Bea trice R. Martin. Thompson FIRST GRADERS PRESENT INTERESTING PROGAM The girls and boys of Room 5, Grade one, presented their assemb ly program, Wednesday, May 13, 1964. The program was supervised by their teacher, Miss Juanita Wal- her. Three "Mother Goo#*" rhymes wire dramatized fey the children; "Baa. Bag. Black Sheep”. “Little B 6 Peep", and “Little Boy Blue”. The program also included barnyard songs and a barnyird dance. All the pupils of the class took part in the program. Many parents attended the as sembly program. They ware: Gloria Hubert Barbara Hill, Mrs. Ruth Terrell, Mrs. Betty Hannible, Mrs. Mattie Perry, Mrs. Lizzie Brown, Rosa Sedillo. Mrs. J. D. Drayton, Mrs. J. D. Smith, Gwendolyn Leake, Mrs. Lqcy Thomas, Sadie Judd, Mrs. Lillie M. Johnson, Mrs. Jean Wimbish. Ruby Glegg. Mrs. Lucille Boney, Mr. Archie Boney. Mrs. Ora L. Mial, Mrs. Rosa B. Hunt Eliza beth Judd, Mrs. Nancy Williams and Mrs. Alice Hill. BABY BY PROXY TOKYO (ANpi—lt isn't bftfn that one heard of this but the local English-language Malnlchl Daily hews published a report herd of a Japanese girl who sold hdrself to a wealthy married couple to bear a child tor $3,800. The girl. Seeking money t* pay her way through col legt, agreed to become a mother through artificial insemination, since the man's wife could not hive a child, but now, nearing the dnd of pregnancy, she feels she hds been robbed —"robbed by the ridh. robbed ot my baby”. an end the church OF YOUR CHOICE HONDA* DRIVE SAFELY PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Us far Reasonable Estimates Prorript * Service Phone TE 4-55*8 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. SIS E. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C.

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