THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, MAT U. IM4 8 Surprised Burglar Hits Woman With A Steel Pot SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AND— Surprising s burglar whom she found crawling out of a window by which he had evidently enter ed her home, a San Antonio wom an was struck on the head by a steel pot wielded by the surprise housebreaker. Mrs. Antia Todd, 90, of 200 Gold smith, told police officers that she returned home at about 2 o'clock In the morning to find a man crawling out of a front window from which the screen had been pulled. She aald the aurprieed Intruder struck her on the head with a steel pot and fled. Mrs. Todd was treated for head lacarationa at the Robert R. Green Hospital. r R. E. Quinn Furniture Co. 108 E MARTIN ST. Your Capital City Tel T1 J-4471 Samovar VODKA fIOO Fl ’oso a 4.'5 Quart H B MPrnt Hi II 100 PROOF DISTILLED FROM GRAIN ♦ »• gpAEAKOMPANIVA SCHtWttY PA ANOIRISNO CAIIfORNIA MAOe FROM GRAIN. PRODUCT Os TMI U S A 100 PROOf Kennedy Tours Prince Edward's ‘Free * Schools FARMVILUE, Va. (ANP>—Prince Edward county's "free schools" sys tem. for Negro children has a visit last week from one of the two men who worked to get them started after public schools were closed to avoid integration. The visitor was Atty-Gen Robert F. Kennedy, accompanied by his wife. He and the late President, in the opening up of the Mary Branch No 1 school here BY SALLY SHAW , DEAR SALLY: I think I’ve lost I one of my best friends. I'm a wo- i man of 41, and am just home from a prolonged stay in the hospital As a result of my operation, during my convalescence I looked pale and drawn, and my mirror told me I looked a perfect fright. And yet, every time thu friend visited me she would rave about how 'won derful'' I looked, and "just like _|ny old self ” This finally aggravat ed me ao much that I told her off in no uncertain terms, informing her that I knew perfectly well that I looked a wreck, so why did she have to fill me with all those lies? She left me in a big huff, and I haven't heard from her since. Don't you think I was justified in doing j what I did? E E DEAR E. E.: No. Your friend was obviously trying to com- ( fort you. U cheer you up, and to make you feel better. So why bite her head off for that? Would K really have made you feel better If she had come Into your room with a doleful ex- C. “Karlight” LICHTMAN —FOR— WAKE COUNTY COMMISSIONER 'I stand for “Honest Govern ment Only!" Your Vote can make this possible. Paid Pol. Advt. brand. on the (names_ ___- WAGON ! I BIKER SAVINGS ON THE BEST BRAND-NAME PRODUCTS I |a |W| , SAVE 14c ON SWIFT'S PURE SHORTENING GMUL JEWEL # 3 49 ■IMP CATSUP # 15 |£JS ON DELSEY BATHROOM ■ TBII TISSUE a 2 JS 1 |OC jitiumiu STORESIj MICK GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY ML QUANTITY RIGHT! IU4IVM IWWBHjMPPgQ ngnmMHl BORDEN'S buttermilk I COLD lONB STAMPS I RICniITC ■ll I with TH,S COOfOH AHD YOUt 31 1J I I I— .iiernßY OFFER! Il j $5.00 OR MORE ORDER > m ass I^SSSL -rt” 11 4“*29* II SAVE 10c ON SEALTEST DAIRY-FRESH Double ice CREAM -79 Wri- J STR'BERRIES Is< Il I I LIMIT. 1 KGS. WITH TOUS WOO OS MOSI fUSCHAJI. | ■■■■■■ P OUR PRIDE SPONQE CUPS 21c f—- — * ii || LUCKY WHIP TOPPIHB f 4ft I ■ |E ■ II S r M a,m - mmm ALLSWEET OLEO II i 11 BEANS 2 s 45= 2» & 39‘ 1| BRIA fc. 49° PEAS.. 2=39= CHOC" DRINK 3^35. I WHOLE «1 A, ! || LA' l61 ' F,ltM - MD-RIPE SLICING piL/ fresh CUT-UP fryers^ 9 TOMATOES 19 \MttJUm IomWM, Cooked CANNIv II WWIYUBM CAUfOSNIA f ■■■ FIOH. aw, PASCAL HAM 3 ;s l- lettuce ±, celery m ® sg-! 5W555- - ~ 2«29< .±j£_ 2—25* M\ »*£=; BOLOGNA, - fc 33j r JO in-1 r jo Bn-i r so nni-g Wla| fcgj & 59c j Bvivui XOUJ'X* E 1 £ ! «■■>!» g 11 s£htw Vi Zf&SL*. Vi! 2^2S£r k .sr ,,- J ’"‘Yr isP- M j ™ “Sr "im- "** M ■hi LAST WEEK TO PLAY nm*H ?®SO Q233«i EED^i PUSIK pitcher GOLD B OND LUCKY DIME LSSBS& l ChjotJ : " Iy< Still time te •» 1,000 EXTRA FREE STAMPS j" -Hi- j|“ '■rtP Hi" 1 2808 S. WILMINGON ST. • CAMERON VILLAGE • GLENWOOD VILLAGE • Northddc Cento DEAR SALLY I preuion on her face aad told you what a “frightful looking I wreck” you leaked? DEAR SALLY: How can a man ' find a girl? You'll probably come up with the old bromide—church groups or get a friend to introduce you. But none of this has worked for me yet, and I'm a 28-year-old man without a woman. I'm not bad looking, have a good job. some money in the bank, drive a nice car, and do not drink or smoke to excess. When I see some of my happily married friends or the fellows who are going with wohderful girls, it makes me just plain miserable that I haven't yet suceedt-d in finding the right girl for me. Have you any good answers for me’ ALWAYS STAG DEAR STAG: Church and friends (lots of them) still pro vide the best answer to your kind of problem. By church, I don't mean Just attending the services—but participating in FOR FLOWERS SEE Community Florist CORSAGES—FUNERAL DESIGNS—POTTED PLANT? FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS ETC. 325 N. Tarboro St Day TE 2-8305 - Night TE 2-2936 the activities and the elub groups. You can’t mis* making friends and meeting girls who are just as eager aa you for companionship. And then there are tennis clubs, gold clnba, bowling groups, civic clnba. YMCA and YWCA activities ... and numerous other such in everytown that afford lone ly people plenty of opporiuni ty to meet and mix wih others, DEAR SALLY: My husband and I have been married one me nth, and eveiything is wonderful except for one thing. Although he has a very pleasant disposition around home and with all our friend*, very fair-minded, tactful, and courteous —still when he gets be hind rhe wheel of our car he’s an entirely different person. If another driver does something to annoy him. he flits into a rage and ha* even embarrassed me to tears by shouting through his window at the other driver .... and sometime* • running argument ensue* with these other person* a* we drive along the street. How about this? CONCERNED. DEAR CONCERNED: If year has band is aa fair-minded, tact ful, aad courteous as you say tn other things, he should lis ten to you about this particular bad habit of his. Tell him that his behavior behind the wheel is making a nervous wreck of you and that anleat be does something about controlling it. E* President—Commercial Printing Co. President—Research Triangle Park President—Atlantic & N. C. Railroad Director— N. C National Bank resrd) ★ Board of Directors—Rex Hospital Foundation Board of Directors—Raleigh Chamber of Commerce o * FORMERLY PrMidmt Junior Chamber of Commerce Hoard of Directors Olivia Raney library Pre*Wont Chamber of Commerce TrMtorer Ralekjh Merchant* Bureau Chairman Civil Service