Sues His Pastor For Ten Grand: 1 1 11 ■■■ 1 ■' ■■■' ' ■■ .ii I HAVE ONLY 1 FAMILY: DEACON Seek Truth In tltaleigii Girl’s Story Of]Assault Mom Rebels At Physical Examination ST CBAILEB K. JONES Because a young girl was "doped up” on wine last Friday, the truth es whether Ac was raped by thir teen boys, or oven one boy, may Barer be known. To add fuel to the "fire," her mother allegedly refus ed to let her be examined at Wake Memorial HaoHal, and said she didn’t want anyone proeeuted. Detetive Sgta. C. D. Gilbert and P. C. Gregory answered a call to file Chavis Park swimming pool at g:M pi m. Friday, to assist Officers B. G. Lassiter and J. A. Ferry, Upon srirval, they were told that Miss Josephine Poole, a 16-year-old girl, had been complaining of hav ing been sexually attacked. Hie of ficers then went to the hospital to talk to the girl, who lives at 306 Waldrop Street The girl, who the officers said was intoxicated at the time, did not make much sense in what she was * ->» to tell them. ii— — - ge fee e walk aygjffl toT^e*pST^,*tft^ T itoktag to fear daughter, decided net to ksve her mmmtncd end said she did net want to preaaeete laymte The detectives and officers then talked to Joe Lucas Pools and Wil liam Edward Boole, the victim’s brothers, who stated that after talking to a girl named Miss Betty Byrd, they went directly to Chavis Park with their half-brother, Leroy Vinson, to look for their sister. The two Poole brothers stated when they saw her standing near the fence at the swimming pool, she had on her clothes, but her pedal pushers were not sipped and •he had no shoes on. When Josephine saw her broth ers, “file started hollering,” they said. The two brothers also stated they saw four boys standing in the area, three es them near their lis ter, and one standing by the fence, who was Cleveland Coley, 4 Bruns wick Terrace. However, when the detectives end officer* talked to Leroy Vtaoon, 34, the half-brother, who Uvee at the Waldrop Street address, he stated he saw the girl at the same time the broth er* did aad ahe was on the ground, her panties were down and e man was on top es her. He changed hie story quickly whan tits officer* told him what fCONTINUED ON PAGE I) P V\TEAT HJ-Tk^ Tnumtara T»ir«4»T tta«i» Monday will average >e*r normal with rather warm weather with •hewers er thunder Bowtn throughout period. High art low trmperatmres for the Raleigh area, 12-M. Rainfall will average a boot •ar-quarter to one-half of an Inch. CAROLINIAN , ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM * PADS t ilor.ons Cash Store S.iurity Meat Market Bud'Jon-Belh—Efird's of Raln.h loba W. Winters h Co. Bos»e Jewelers Tue Sale* ana Service r.’GK f lu.a tore Htlls minefield Church rurniture Co Raleigh roneral feme Acme Realty Oe. James Sanders Tils Co. Mr La ar in Parkins Cmnpany Medltn-Davls Rndsen-Belh—Eflrd • ol Raleigh Amkorn rontlae. Int "„rk Rankins * Trast Co Raletsh Savins* * Loan Aasuehfti-o Weaver 1 Bros. Ravkler Wade s Ante Sale* A1 Smith Bwtck Rawls Motor Co. PACK S Colonial Stores S, s Qwtim rom.tnr- Co. Be Sure To Go To The Polls Atirf Last the Carolinian] VOL. 22, NO. 30 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, MMT 30, 1964 PRICE 15c ' "'to- ' ' ' - Deans’ Demotion Brings Protests j NC COLLEGE PREXY REMAINS UNDER FIRE IN CNTY COUR T Student Goes To Judge BY HLEXANDEB BARNES DURHAM The mbmp that have Been smoldering ha* rtnce £j£?£“S^sl 1 5: preeUlHMi kr <>rth Cawttna Col lege. bore n*wd Into fire* In taro separate camps. There i( a wide difference as to whether Mamie Is a pawn of certain white and Ne gro educators or whether he is do ing all he can to build a greater college. The fire raged larger In the opposing camp when Judge Raymond B. Mallard ruled a gainst the president and the board of trustees, In Superior Court, Tuesday afternoon, af ter he heard testimony In the ease of suspended student Floyd Michael Pearson, a juni or, who obtained an order (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) Car Injury Fatal For Pedestrian Mita BlUe Kearney, 63-yeear old ardent church-goer, was on her way to a prayer meeting Mon day night, when she was struck and killed by a car at the comer of W. South and 8. West Street*. Miss Kearney, of 315 Cannon St., who died of head and chest injuries at Wake Memorial Hos pital at 10:13 p.m., waa almost at the house where the meeting was to be held when struck. Driver of the death oar. Rich ard Alton Standi, 51. of Stantons burg, was not charged Immediate ly, pending further Investigation. The victim Reed with her mother, Mrs. Amrie Kenney, nod two sisters a* the Canaan (CowiiNtiau oii page n PAGE • A and P. Correll Coal Co. r.Maie Bonders Co. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Ralelsh, bus. Carolina builder*. Inc Ridgeway's Optician*. Inc. Page 11 Carolina Power * Light Co. Tpvlor Snot Service Fife 14 Amhassado' Theatre Lincoln l.i eat re Dunn s Esso Service Mechanics A Parmer* Bank ; avkor Radio * Electrical Co. i Lightner's Funeral Home | Bay's Drive-In Cleaners ! Steven* Gnlf iorvlc* I Page IJ ■ Supreme Brake k Alignment Semen 1 Schlitz Beer I PAGE H London Oil Co. Raleigh Seafood Market Hunt General Tire O Abram'* Doted Rent-All Ring Coie Motel |T fl ' SISS ■ J DR. SAMUBL PROTCOR MASSIE To Actions Are Many DURHAM—The action of Pres cient S. P. Massie, North Carolina College, in demoting Deans William Brown and George Kyle and the resignation of Mrs. Frances Eaggleson. have brought action on the part of students, cries of sabotage from some em bryo. sell-out on the part of Mas sie to amhittous whites and criti cism on the Board of Trustees. The matter has resounded aA over the state and has been discussed throughout educational circles. Although moot reaction has bwi dlrect-dj.- The favorable Daaa Brown have said “He knows what he Is doing and that is what has been needed at North Carolina Col lege.” Thera have been others who said that he would make the col lege a part of the Greater Univer sity of North Carolina with stat us. ■ enraged that they are sold to have painted a swastika on the door of the buil ding in which he Uvea, on the campus. There is mixed emo tions among the faculty. There Dean Kyle was the gander that he was hand-picked by the committee, moved into the job. on motion toy Attorney M. H. Thompson and was voted in un animously. Trustee board chairman. Baa com Baynes, told The CAROLIN IAN that he was represented as a great administrator, due to the fact that be had worked for the United States government, on a special science project. Mr. Baynes was Informed that a phar maceutical chemist, working for the government, in most cases dealt with experiments and was given the money necessary to complete the experiment or make new discoveries. Them were rthtn whs mb* (CWUWIP ON PAGE 8> Where Is College Going? DURHAM Wham la .Mart* Carolina College retag w*r al streles. Big recent acßm hi dealing wtthlwbert «T his ten uity are causing Mtjeb cenoanA Mur B. Latka aaeretorr, Basrd es tnalea OsM The CAROLINIAN that when Pres ident Missis teld the Beard that he wasted te make same replacements, the Beard val id to give him a free hand sa that If he made good «t would be to bis eredH and if hi fad ed it would be his fault. Baecom Baynes, chairman, felt that If It took a change hi deans, professorships and even faculty members for him to live up to the Image that was painted to the (CONTINUED”ON PAGE » 200 New Elks Hear Reynolds CHARLOTTE—EIhdom rose Is a new high hers Sunday when Grand Exalted Ruler Hopaon R Reynold*. IB POE of W, dedicated the new home of Pisgah Lodge No. 3M and Pisgah Temple No. 288, N. Sycamore Street In the auditorium es Irvin Street Junior High School, at 8:30 (IXmiINUEP ON TAPE n Waft " Y, ..... . J, . fflk H : WrW - B Bk - •; j H BISHOPS OVERRULED—Dr. Alfred G. Dunaton. aaan. whs was twice diumliflcd by the Beard es Blah ape. A. M. E. Zton Chareb. was darted to the high pest last week, at the 27th gas- ■— mi the General Csaferenee, A.M.E. Zton Cboreh, h*u Mr »k Indiana, after the delegates voted to rwtoni the retag sf the Mabepa. He was amlgaed to aaperriae the wash la Nigeria. He la a native of North Cardins, and has Barter ed sense of the largert ebsrche# sf the di aiailnatiTTr He waa pastoring Mather A. M. E. Ztoa Church. New Talk City, when devoted to the klahaprtr. * Q i H COPS CARRY DEMONSTRATOR New York: A girl struggles with police during demonstration May 20fh sf a Harlem interaection where parents are protesting the lack ol a traffic light near * public echool. Several persons have been arreeted during tha daya of demonetratione. (VPI PHOTO). Sansom Discusses 7 Campaign Issues Jamas Joseph Sansom, Jr., a Ne gro candidates tor the House of Representatives from Wake County, gives his views on seven important j campaign issues in the following | news release: ! -it la Nvrs"f- 7 believe this so strongly that I wish to give to the people es Wake County my view, on certain key Issues that will require legislative action by the next General Assembly. “In the area of education I fully •Odom the legislative program, of the United Forces for Education and the North Caroline Teacher. Associa tion. I will support legislation that will; (1) provide the funds and per sonnel to effectively, reduce clei* sire. 18) reinstate the continuing contract for teachers. (3) establish a -tate sup ported system of kindergarten*. <4) provide free lunches for needy chil dren, (•) eliminate present student fees, and <•) provide lncreaaed salaries for teachers, among other things Other vital areas which need legis lative action are: I. "Freedom of speech—Freedom of speech and the freedom to be expowd to opposing view* sre bairtc to our democracy The so-called “gag law or speaker ben lew should be repealed 8. "Salaries—State employee, mould be paid salaries compeUUvs with thorn of private busineaees 3. "Local Option—The Attorney General of North Caroline he. ruled that counties, and municipalities have Your Vote In The Brimary May 30? no authority to pass public ecoommo- I dution. or fair employment practice, i ordinance. I would propose legislation [ that will grant counties and munld ; pa 1 1 tie. local option to anact such liudin.ncp. consistent with tha public I intercut and tha Interest of good hu man relations 4 ' Minimum wage—f will support legislation to raise the minimum wage (CONTINUED ON PAGE D Settle Issue Os Supreme AMEZ Power INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.—The con | troversial issue of where the su preme power lies in the affairs of the AMEZ Church was settled In j the Tuesday afternoon session of the 37 quadrennial session of the General Conference, when the dele gate* voted to override a decision of the Board of Bishope. dlsquall (rONWNuipON PAGE 81 1■■■ll— |NfJß i^mp B y m jfi «■ ||v '?|i & g ■ HyH ■ DEACON WILLIAM HORTON A m UP m u Apex Minister Faces Suit; Slander Charged BT STAFF WRITER 1 A call to the residence of the Rev. W. T. Bigelow this week to ( get his side of a story that may , cost him SIO,OOO, proved futile. He | is reported to be in Newton, Miss, this week, conducting a church re- i vival. Rev. Bigelow is oastor of i Apex's First Baptist Church. The suit was filed in Wake Superior Court last week. However, Deacon William Herton, 36. who ts suing tha minister far slander was eager to give hia aide of the story to a CAROLINIAN newsman. “1 hava only one family—my la ■al one,” stated Horton, whan ask ed about chargm allegedly attrib uted to the Rev. Bigelow of Hor ton having two families, and ’’cer tain children he was the father of by another woman.” The deacon laid this was untrue and “wholly uncalled for.” Horton, who haa been a deacon I for 14 years and all of his seven I years as an Apex resident, is Jani tor of the William H. Fuller Ele mentary School, Rochester Heights, I Cops Nab Nude -Buvgla v-Rapts t •• T V i SAN ANTONIO. Tense <ANP>— An alleged,burglar-rapist apparent ly carried extra clothing with him recently, as he fled nude from the •cane of two crimes here. Police said that a saeprrt baa been positively Identified hy a M-year-old Palnaettla «traet msther and bar seven-year-aid daughter aa Mia man who In vaded their heme around it o'clock In the morning, terror hod them and raped the moth er. The mother and daughter Identified the Intruder aa Ern est Clifton Smith, 21. Officer* reported that when they arreited Smith, a child told them that “Daddy came In naked.” A woman witness also said she saw a Nabbed At Shaw A white man waa areratad an the campus of Shaw Uni versity last Tuesday at p. m., and charged with tres passing and loitering near a school. Sgt. P. L Denton and Offi cers D. D. Brinson and J. A. Perry spirited Jesse Vernon Booth off the eampas before a riot broke out. Several of the university's male sutdento and an In structor arc alleged to have beaten the Intruder before the eops arrived on the scene. A Mr. Croach called head guartera to report the Inci dent. No students were ar rested Booth Is scheduled to face City Court Judge Pretlow Wtnborne Monday. Juno l to answer these chargee. i -—————— 1,11 From Raleigh s Police Files: TIIE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES WOMAN IS HIT-AND-RUN VICTIM Miss There** Yvonne Bysrm 19. of 266 Freemen Street, to hi officer* *t 3:69 Am.. Sunday, that the had been visiting a fiend at 566 Montague Lane and was on her way home s bout 2:2$ a.m. She added she walked south en Montague, east on Lenoir to Rock Quarry, north on Rock Quarry, and she was walking west on E. Davie j Street. In the 1166 block, when a 1358 or 1666 Mack Ford struck her en the right knee and kept going east on Davie. Officers said the hit and run car should be damaged on the right front end. ja REV. W. T. BIGELOW 4 Raleigh. .'v* The deacon mid the matter filet came up on March 3 of this year, when Rev. Bigelow called a meal ing of the board es deacons. -Rev. Bigelow ia then aocuaad es tolling the deacons their duties and sccus lug Horton of having twetamUias. Horton further stated that his wife. Mrs. Catherine Horton, wae "humiliated and embarrassed" and said the minister's statement had brought about “ a lot of confuJon between my wife and myself.” The second meeting with Big' slow leek place on Marcs 1, according to Horton. This meet ing wae held la tha adulator's automobile. Herton than told hts pastor that the statement bad “caused other people In the community to talk about me." The deacon Is tha father of two children, William, Jr., age 7, who I attends Fuller School here, and Ju lia Ann Horton, who goes to Apex Consolidated School. Horten staled Rev. Bigelow ' (CONTDfUKD ON PAiQg t) - | naked man running dow*. Nts street. * " '■ J Earlier, betweeh 1 and 3 o'clock the fame morning. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Burns, of 1807 Qofmsn St, reported that they were awakened by a nude mob beating them as they lay In bed. Burns. 63. and hit wife. Mrs. Adella Burns, 53. strug gled with the Intruder, and he fled —in the nude. Before fleeing, the ntlnrker struck the couple about the heads with an electric Iron. Ho (CONTINUED ON PAM 1) Illegally Arrested, Ulan Sues FLORENCE, S. C. (ANP)—Two civil damage suits, totaling SBO,OOO have been lodged in U. 8. District court for the eastern district here, by Israel Woods of Hsrtsvlllo, 8. C., against suspended Darlington coun ty sheriff Grover C. Bryant mid his former sheriff, William L. Atkin son. The setts. Hied last April sl, charged the deputy with aa Il legal arrested to which Woeda waa wounded In the stomach with a pistol. Bryant (Mas charges because of kla reepeurt totllty far tha daputy'a ailing' According to tha complaint, At kinson served Woods with a war rant on July 21. 1601. charging him with non-payment of 9100 in debts. In a scuffle that followed. Woods wes shot in the stomach and hos pitalised. When he came out of tha (CONTINUED ON PAM t) The report ended, “The Woman* had been drinking. ASSAULTED IN HOSPITAL Ale&ndcr Tcaalcy. of 316 E. South Street. Informed officers at 3:54 p.m. Saturday, he was work ing at Wake Memorial Hmpital. when he saw Harold Jones of 1307 Bunche Drive, whom Teasley aald owed him some money. When the asked for the money, the complainant stat ed. Janet Mt him, owned him, then pulled a knife and threat - ened to kIU him. Teasley said he would dD a warrant against Jones far assault with a deadly wrap an. (CONTINUED ON PAGE!)

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