Raleigh’s Leading Citizens Look On: .. - . * ! ! ‘ . -■■•' ■. J ’. “ - ■ FREEDOM FIGHTERS IN FIST FIGHT NAACP, RCA Presidents Assert Selves At Meet BY CHARLES E. JONES Many of Raleigh’* Negro leader* had “ringside seat*” a* a fiat fight broke out between a minister-civic leader and tit* president of the 101 l ll NAACP branch last Wednesday night at the Bloodworth Street Y MCA. Hie closed meeting of the politi cal action committee of the Ra leigh Citizens Association, tempo rarily erupted into an open brawl as the two leaders staged a physi cal display of their strong disa greements. Starring In this brief epiaeds as challengers were the Rev. Jeha WUaaa naming, presi dent es the Raleigh CHlsens As ■octatien. varans Ralph Camp bell. leeal band at the National tsaarlstian far the Advance ment es Oelerad People. Fight tins* wa* approximate ly %M p. m. This writer, who was attending a meeting in an adjoining room, and wfea has “covered” everything from baby christenings to murders, was an eye-witness to the after math of on* of the most unusual Incidents that he has encountered Preyer Wins In Primary; Lake Holds Runoff Key Although Democratic gubernator ial candidate L. Richardson Preyer, tenter federal Judge from Greens boro, won the Democratic nomina tion for governor of North Carolina laat Saturday, Dan K. Moore, his closest runner-up, signed a state ment asking tor a runoff on Satur day, June 27. Meanwhile tefioa defeated Dr. 1 Beverly Lake, >who stated Satur day night that he is retiring from ■olitics, also staled he plans to in vestigate the cram burnings which were reported Thursday night in Eastern Mirth Caroling and re portedly gw works of thhKu Klux Kim to discredit his caafeaigh. to heomtelsawWM^^^j^^.. ths*wwk of eMkHhwsr or' Finds Fetus Os Baby In Branch Here The fourth baby in recent years wsa discovered last Wednesday af ternoon in a brand) behind Capi tal Grocery Store, MO B. Cabarrus Street. The dtoeevety was wade by Willie E. Jones, a long-time employee as the store, who baa been credited with finding several ether premature or branch. Jones reported to Officers Nor man Artis and J. E. Deye at 4:10 p.m. that he had discovered a pre mature baby at the edge of the branch. The officers were Joined by Detective Seta. J. R. Munns and F. C. Gregory. Wake County Corner. Mar shall W. Msniudt, who she CAMOUNlANNneusman at the time that ha believed this to be a premature fetus, whom j»ms»jh«uM ue* be be A crowd of over 3M persona ga thered at the scene. Jones, who Uvea at MS B. Ca barrus Street, stated be has found Jour babtes behind the store over • period of eight years. Investigation is eonttnuing in the ease. ,£■* jS, ■ , L BABY FOUND IB BRANCH Shown above n the branch when an undeveloped tetm waa ieumd Ndt Wedmedey adtameon Thh wee the fourth human life dtecoeend in thh branch in seven fern* QNntdmfh X during eleven years so a journalist. Our meeting in the adjoining room was interrupted by the on* next door. According to asw of the city’s asaat raepactnd littssns. now re tired. who seas In to* raeas and allegedly**" started when Mr. Campbell, than spaairing, was “cat across” by toe presiding officer, J. A. Shepard. Campbell is then reported to have informed Mr. Shepard h* was “out of order," whereupon the Rev. Mr. Fleming, who was sitting next to Campbell, is said to have also challenged Campbell’s right to continue speaking. -D* yon want to do some thing about tit.” Campbell was hoard to ask toe cleric in a load voice. Fleming immediately re plied “Yea." famped ap and re portedly punched Campbell In the face. Campbell then alleg edly countered with a blow which landed an the preachers tew. Chairs began to scatter long fCONTWCBP OW FAOS S) Maore. torn ha weuld urge his supporters-some SSt.llS to vote far toe candidate net reepsu stble ter toe fire*. 1 He stated farther that hie voters “teat might pa fishing an Jane *7.” Judge Preyer. who garnered 306,896 votes to 343,468 tor Moor*, urged a stata-widp television de bate last Saturday night which was turned down by #oore on Monday. Moara, who campaigned aa a middle-as-toe rmdeg, balds a strong hand in tin Jnn* ST run aft, although Meyer was the viator Batorday. has labeled TTayer Howovyy,' the final outcome us the Jah* ST runoff depends haavt* ly on just whom Dr. Lake decides to back tor th* nomination. Two Say Same ill an Shot Them Raleigh Police Officers O. C. Pratt and C. B. White reported at 9:30 pm. Wednesday, that Alonso A. Mclver, 21. at 216 Lee Street, told them Charles (Checkerboard) Howard, 31, shot him hi the cheat and left armpit. The incident took place on Ihyettavllto Crossing about 6:46 p. m. Also toot at this time waa Mil ton Washington, 20. es 413 W. South Street, who was blasted in the stomach, allegedly by Howard, also. Mclver nil be waa standing fating Howard when he saw him “paint a gun at me and time or loot times.” Misses Carolyn Jackson. 1302 8. East Street, and Moselle Burnett. 614 S. Bloodworth Street, claimed they were witnesses to Howard having a gun in his hand both be fore and after the shootings. Mas Barnett said she waa leaking when Howard pat the gun back into hie pocket and ran around the Carroll Build ing. Fayetteville and Hunter fllrrrti Howard was believed arrested, charged with assault with a dead (CUWTJKUED ON MM t) “I Was Not Invited” To Commencement Elder Spurned By Massie The Carol/max VOL. 22, NO. 31 Negro Minister To State Legislature I tSf: *3# i IfipwFwßv* y i'* r> ',-^M ’ s\', ; . s ,£x . 'Wwlt ■*¥»•iivJs^^BWpWHßiEai * % ? iIL ;//yi *m t % j|l|& " >-ZMi ffl > - " \*s^/ r,:/- *£* ♦cvftf 'I '-w; iu «^H ■ :. * >.-..jpaWW|Ppi N. C.'S FIRST SINCE RECONSTRUCTION DAYS—The Rev. William R. Crawford, it shown receiving the friendship, con gratulation handclasp from his wile upon hearing at his head quarters in Winston-Sahm last Saturday night that he had be come the first Negro tinea Reconstruction days to be nominated on the Democratic Forsythe County ticket to bo-a member of the State House of Rereeentatives. (UPI PHOTO). Arrests Mounting As Cops Nab Liquor Law Violators By late Tuesday night, more than eighth-five persons had been arrectod during the second night's roundup at accused boot leggers Some 306 persons are expected to be included before the arrests are completed City, county end state officers are still canvassing Wake County with mora than 100 warrants tobeserT*A^_ largest campaign by andar eover agents against fltogal North Carolina’s Leading Weekly KALEIOH, N. C, SATURDAY. JUNE 6, 1964 whtaker la Wake County's Me lon. The lunati charge the defendants with celling Ins paid er wsenshlas boeae. Manx iwai had several warranta against then. The crackdown started on MOn dap night of this week u 41 per son* were aneeted and taken to the ABC Law Enforcement Office* far prcceeetng and bonding, if they had any banding money. If not, they were placed In Wake County J. C. ■aaadere. eeperrleer hi charge el State ABC under -CAROLINIAN - ADVERTISERS pant t Holloa’* Cl* ewrr Bom* Jeweler* a new ruiMn ■•• theta M Geo Watch Nwf WuUwIM Tvnn Apta. lot. Hoy’* Drtvo-lu Cteaaer* PAGE 1 ■tlaa e»th—enrC t of Baietih Ma w. wean a c*. Carter*. We. Central Wars Bton PAGE < Blltmore HtUa Biuofleidl Church Furniture Co. zzysF?.*- AanlaMmni Ca SahjaMhaWiTht ** ******** Branch BouMau * treat Co * u " A *** rt *°*" Weaver Brae. BaaaMer WaCe’i AWo Bate Bank MaCar Co g«aaw-eewert»_Tta«tor Carp. Barr n,rm Rev. Crawford Places 3rd In Forsyth Race fIpSTON-SALBM Tbs Rev. WMtom R. Crawford was selected to toe State House of Repreeenta tlvtetrom Forsyth County last Sat urday and became the first .of his nugtite serve In the N. C. Lalhto- Mis since Reconstruction. ISA format Wmaton-Salem Al toiwua. to* Bav. Crawfard .toped Urird amastoa^Uti^af votes of the (Sard SOW- billots cast in the Initiative campaign. The 83-year4Md minister and two other Democratic candidates will face Republican opposition to (he November general election. Thera was no Republic primary in th* county, but the OOF will field a full slat* of candidates tor the House of Representatives. Pastor as the Manat Pleasant Methodist Church hare, the Rev. Crawfard baa ah* served an, the school beard far tea years. He also previously ran for tot Democratic nomination for th* State House es Repre sentatives, bat last by almost 80S votes. A native of Wlnston-Salam. Craw ford attended the lower grades in hit home town, then graduated from West Virginia State College cover agente, termed the raid “one of the meet eueeemful and wall-eryanlaed ever con ducted. Some of the peraone already ar reeted are aa follows: Arthur L. Moon. M 3 E. Darla St., two counts; Annie Bell Hock aday, Apt. A. Wayside Apts., Boundary St., two counts; Lucin da Burt. 934 E. Bragg St., two counts; KoasaUc Burnett. Ml S. Saunders St; games McKennie. 335* Cannon St.; Mary Taylor 904 Johnson Alley, two counts; Fran (cawTmtiib on mm r> Bin FROM THEM ColenUl gtorri A A ■ELD FOB MURDER A tonao Cook waa arraigned Stay IT. an first degree marder ahar gos In toe shooting dsnth of a white bartender that almost lad to a toil (tot, May M in Now York. FoUoo mid about MS ang ry white persona gathered in the Harlem tavern shortly after the ■hosting sec aired and threat ened to tyneh" Cook while ho waa being Identified by a wH naaa. (PM PHOTO). S. Turner Eulogized In Oberlin Funeral servioaa ter Seaton Oalas Turner. Sr,. Tteyear-oM native of Raleigh!# MbtiSte section, ward conducted Monday at the Wilson Tempi* MMtodht Church, with tne Rev. Oscar W. Burwkk, pastor, of ficiating. Burial took place in Caro lina Biblical Oardens. / Mr. Tamar, whs died on Thursday, May tt. was employ ed by the Uultod Stales Feet Office for over 4d years. He was the son as the late Mr. Grand Ison Tamer. Sr., and Mr*. Jesse Beley Turner. A member of the Wilson Temple Methodist Church for many yeasr. Mr. Turner served as church secre tary, and a member of the Men's Club. He was also a member of Mentor Lodge No. SA. Masons, the YMCA and of the Retired Postal Service organization. He is survived by his wife. Mr* Mildred Turner; four daughters. Mr*. Clementine Singletary, and Miss Gladys L. Turner, both es (conthtukd on rut s> RikuL+ y - * an ife MmmW MM M SEATON O. TURNER, SB. From Raleigh’s Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES EDITORS NOTE: Each lad dent described below wee ob tained frem the records and files of the Raleigh Police De partment through a day-to-day check and each eaae la authen tic. No personal opinions are ever expressed In this column. Because of the vast number of names obtained each week. H le impossible to inlerviow every person mentioned. HIT ON THE HEAD WITH WOODEN CRUTCH Mias Annie Jean Porter. 30. of 506 W. South Street, stated at 1030 pjb. Saturday, her "friend". Robert Jones, 33. seme address, sent her to the store to buy some thing and she was gone too long to suit him. Mias Peeler declared when ■he returned to the heuae, Janes struck her “ever tup es no head” with a wee den crutch. Grads Seek Ouster Os * New Prexy * BT ALEXANDER BAkHM DURHAM Ammunition la be lievod to horn boon fumisbod it the foot of Dr. Samuel F. Mamie, president. North Carolina Collage, whan ha failed to invite ptaaiddßS emeritus Alphonae Elder to to#' Commencement axsrcisa* and as extended samion of th* Alumni As sociation an Saturday, in th* toy* of-war that la going on to ouat the collage head. Whan Dr. Elder waa apotted sitting In bn sadtease Sunday, there war* many who wander ed why be waa not an to* stag*. This writer and many ethers asked to* former president why be was net an Ike platform and he gave a flat a as war, *T was The breach widened, soostfln to many intonated persona, who th* speaker. Judge A. Lags His tin bo them, traced the history » the school and tetiwi to mphtien to* contribution mads by Dr. Utter.’ ’ The general ataaant, meeting Saturday Is mtd tojtenv Mh Hassle *te retin* tt ti*r*perted that » aomwtttm wm naaaad by to* fluaaiti to Study too an- Own Life; Leaves Note The death of Robert Thomas Cooke, of 1018 Nassau Street, waa ruled as suicide here Saturday by Dr. William Hedrick, medical exa miner of Wake County. The body of Mr. Cooke Was found Friday by the six-year-old of a neighbor. The child had been sent by his mother to borrow a stick oi butter from th* Cook residence. The cease es death, according to Dr. Hedrick, was a deep gash In the neck, which severed toe jocular velog. Cats were also found screes Mr. Ceeke’s steal arb and on his left wrist Detective Sgt. E. W. Rhodes of the Raleigh Police Department, stated the dead man left a six-pag* not*, written In pencil and on note book paper. The not* waa dated ftiday at 13 noon. Rhodes further stated that a neighbor of Mr. Cookt'a told him she heard him arguing with his 16-year-old step-daughter. Miss Betnice Curt-ins on Friday morning fcoNTWiigp on paob n W K ATH K U . Temperatures win tiaStoai five Sesrses er men tolew ssnul Car trsrG.raar&'Sk shewers, « aufeMtoNis ea - She signed a warrant and he waa jailed for aaaault with a dead ly weapon. CAUGHT WITH “THE STOTT” BUT FIGHTS At 10:45 p.m. Saturday. Ofli oer* O. E. Cox and C. W. Jones observed Joseph C. Allen, S 3, at the comer of Battle and Orape Streets and he had a jar of white whiskey under his shirt. Allen, when he saw the oops, ran south on Orape Street, and ! Officer Jones chased him down : and had to struggle with ABew. . During the struggle. Jones ttaiww , Allen on the ground, and the pris oner cut b gash In hts own fan i head by striking some graveL After being treated at the hos pital for the wound, be waa charg ed with Illegal pninsHsn. restat ing arrest and damage to attg pro property. the officer's unlfrm (CONTINUED ON FAGP «