THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. MAT 3ft, IM4 10 The Raleigh SCENE Jl MOB WOMAN’S CLUB MEETING The Mary Talbert Junior Wo man* Club met last Tuesday even ing at the home ol Mrs. Mary B. Graham. 1006 Alston Street Mrs. Louise Freeman., of 103 Bart Street, was her guest. The hostess used a seafood theme for her decorations and far the menu. Her table was set for a buffet meal with the centerpteoe of fishing net and rods and reels. The individual card tables had fish salt and pepper shakers as centerpieces. Pokeno was played and Mis. Chrysttne Cooper won first prlae. Mrs Hattie Butler received low prise. Pinochle was played also, Mrs. Phyllis Haywood won high prise and Mra Victoria Walters got low prize. Mrs. Louise Freeman got the guest prise. The hostess thought that It was "a disgrace to oome late'' but Mrs. Carolyn Johnson got a prlae for the "disgrace." There are aome husbands ot some members who question the title of "Junior” and suggest that "Looking Back” be the them* song. To those husband*—there were complaints of aches and pains but not enough to keep twelve members away. Hmml won der what happened to the others? Members whs did attend ware Misses Vhian Burt and Ida E. Jones: Meadame* Hat- Me Butler. Chyatlne Cooper, Dorothy Felnwter. Beatrice, Hall. Grace Harris. Phyllla Haywood, Carolyn Johnson. Inca Peebles. Boss Tucker and Victoria Walton. There was a brief business ses sion Over which Mrs. Beatrice Hall, president, presided. The neat meeting will be held Tueedey. June 9. at the Mary Tal bert Home. 31? Bast Davie Street All members are expected to at tend. THE SEDATES CLUB The Sedates Club met at the home of Mn. Bee trios Upchurch on May 3ft. After the business ses sion, members celebrated the birthday of Mn. Florlne Moore and Mrs. Ann Hough. Beth re ceived lovely gifts. Members also gave Mn. Doro thy Perry a baby shower. Quests present ware Maeeera Millard Montague, William Lee. Bari punston. Lawrence Collins and Luke Flowers. A delicious repast was served and everyone reported having had a wonderful time. The next meet- Kt will be held at the home of ra Shirley Willis. MINISTERS’ WIVES MEET The Mlniston’ Wives held their tact meeting of this season on May 35 at ? p.m. at the home of Mm. Charles W. Ward, with a “birthday retreat." Mesdames T. H. Harris and John D. Lock ley assisted Mn. Ward as 00-hosteas. The group Was entertained lavishly and treated to a repast ot oaks, oook lea, nuts and punch, followed by M m BEEFEATER GIN C 25 Vnm SMMTtD HOM MUM IT KOMANft COIF. ftfWrOWI.BY. •IMOOMMII BUM NCUTMI IftftlT* mlEPSlfSifi Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh 370 ft HILLSBORO SIK£ST. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE J-1071 CLUBS the exchanging of gifts. The group U looking forward to Its next meeting, which Is sched uled for October 12 at 7 p.m. Mn. J. H. Bryant Is reporter for the Ministers’ Wives. MADONNA ACRES ORGANIZES GARDEN CLUB The residents of Madonna Ac res, Inc., met at the home of Mrs. David Bpaugh on Thursday even ing to organise the Madonna Ac res Oarden Club. They were very fortunate to have at this organi sational meeting Mrs. At clue Henderson, well-known Raleigh garden dub expert and organizer, who spoke to them concerning or ganization and purposes of the community garden club. Mrs. Henderson emphasised two im portant points: conserving what beauty you already have and con tinuing beautification projects. Mra Spa ugh, the initial or ganiser. was elected president: Mrs. Elaine Perry, vice-president: Mrs. Luclle Webb, secretary; and Mn. Bessie Stroud, treasurer The members enjoyed re freshments and an Informal discussion concerning projects for beautification and conser vation. The following mem bers were present: Mesdames William*. Stroud. Stoke*. Spaugh. Latta. Snipes, Pern, Ball. Tyaon. Coleman. Wsbb. Brown, and Jeffries. COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB The Community Service Club of Raleigh held Its monthly social get together Monday evening. May 21. j at the Tuttle Community Center. North Tarboro Road The aocial meeting consisted of a program, which was enjoyed by all present, Ths program committee w»s in charge of the program of which Mrs Eva Mas Cody Is the chairman. Everyone took an active part. The moat Important part of the program we* the "Twin Rally," which was booked for the evening Most of the twin* rallied to play their part In he rally. At the end of the prgram, the finance committee, which was Mrs. Trannle Bandars and Mm. Irene Lewis reported. The main feature for the evening was the refreshment*. These conslsed of coffee, punch, mints, peanuts, and sandwiches. This was prepared by the serving committee. Among those present were: Mrs Llllta Dunn, Mrs. Lydia Wslkar, Mrs. Sarah Morgan. Mr*. Bernice Hall. Mrs. Louise Curtis. Mrs. Lottie Sanders. Mrs. Fannie Wlmbush, Mra Eva M. Codls. Mias Mary Als ton. Mrs. Elmire Green and three children, Mra. Virginia Martin, Mra Trannte Sanders. Mm. Maggie Lowe, Mra Mne Gordon, Mra Mar tha Rogers, Mrs. Josephlnt Orandy, Mrs. Viola Murray, Mm. Irena Lew la Mrs Frances Jones, Mr. Jsml gsn, Mr. Roman Green. Mr. Will Walker. Mra Mary Nichols, Wil liam H. Murray. Mr. John Wlm bush. and Mlsa Isabel Baldwin. Officers are: Mrs. Fannie Wlm bush. president; Miss Mary Alston, vice-president; Mra Rosabella Fer ry, secretary: Mra Helen Thomaa asa. secretary; Mrs. Lillie Dunn, chaplain; Mrs. Louise Curtla trea surer, and W. H. Murray, raportar. THE BUSY BEE CLUB OF SMITH TEMPLE CHURCH The Busy Bee Club met at the home of Mr. and Mm. Currie. Rochester Height*. There was a devotion and a short business ses sion after which wa celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Jackson. Mra. McNlel and Mra. Campbell. The hostess served a delightful repeat. Members present were Met* dames Ruth Upchurch, Mary Jack son. Carrie Johnaon. Lydia Owr ner. Cornelia Moore. LUUan Cur rln, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Young and Mr and Mrs. George Campbell. LINKS IN MEETING The Raleigh Chapter of Links were graciously entertained by Link Mayms Flagg at her home on Lincoln Court Saturday night with Link Julia Delany. president, pre siding. After ths business was taken cars of. ths members were served a de licious buffet style dinner, then four changes of bridge wes played. Link E. Hamlin won tint prize. Link N. Inborden second. Link E. Constant won the gift with the luc ky number of 30 on her tally in memory of Memorial Day. May 30. Link T. Clark was given a gift tor beeping the scores. Members present and playing bridge were: Links M. Cask. J. Delany. Gertrude Harris. Gila lllßil Laiy ‘ D<>,n * , X-cIeSTIAL WEDDING PARTICIPANTS—Shown is a scene from a “Celestial Wed ding,” held recently at the Fayetteville Street Baptist Church, culminating the Spring financial drive. At right center are the captain and co-captain, Clifton Rogers, and Mrs. Margaret W Rans dell, respectively. They raised S4OO during the effort. At left is the bridal party, Columbus Mitchi ner, and his daughter, Miss Ella Mitchiner. On extreme right is Lorenzo Hilliard, who read the nuptial vows at this gala affair. & .... I- 9 ENTERTAINED BY YOUNG HOSTESS—Left to right: Deborah Lane, Vivian Logan, Es ther M. Delany, Edwin Worth, Valerie L. Maye (hostess), Sarah Sansom, Brenda Peebles and Es ther A. Boyer. (See story). ■'Dear Father, " e oome to Thee In prayer, because Thou he* been so good to us. We thank Thee for the blessings Thou has bestowed upon u*. Continue to speak to the graduate* everywhere as Thou didst speak to the woman of Sa nta rial and offer her living water. May men and women today feel that Thou are still the same In compassion and love. Lead them to aeak and find The who glveet the water that springs up Into everlasting life. In Thy name, we pray.” WILLIAMS OROVE BAPTIST— Church School opened st 9:30 a m with the supt.. Mr. Phillip Alston. In Charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the Junior choir tn charge of music, under the di rection of Mis* Jacqueline Mitch ell. A very encouraging sermon was delivered by the pastor, the Rev J. H. Bryant. UNION BAPTIST Bunday School opened at 10 o'clock with the supt. Mr. Walter Price. In charge. Morning worship began at 11:30 a.m. with the senior choir tn charge of music, under the di rection of Mrs. Nettle Harrington; organist. Mr. Wtllle Henderson. The guest minister delivered the sermon. The Rev. E Mason, is pastor. LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST—Church School opened st 10:00 with the supt., Mr. Msck Arthur, in charge Morning worship began at 11:30 with the congregation singing. It wa* Missionary Day and the bftau tlful sermon was delivered by the Rev. Sister Mary William TOPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Sunday School opened at 9 30 a.m. with the associate supt. Mr Clifton Deris. In charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir tn charge of mu sic. under the direction of Miss VeUeen Myers Morning lesson was by the pastor, the Rev D. N. Howard. Sr., who brought tire morning message to the congrega tion. Hi* subject waa. "The Road Harria. H Kay. C. Law*. N. Leek hart. D. Otey, V. Sansom. M. Taylor. A. Toliver. M. Wheeler, and C. Winter*. Come to Church BY MRS. MAY L BROAOIB To Success Morning prayer vu by Mr. Robert Miller, YOUNO'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Church School open ed at 9:30 a m. with the supt.. Mrs. Della R. Ford, In charge. Morning worahip began at 11 o'clock with the eenlor choir In charge of mu sic. under the direction of Miss Myrtle A. Rhodes Morning lesson and prayer were by the guest min ister, the Rev. E. E. Henry, who also brought the morning sermon from the Book of Phil. 4 8. His subject was, "Whatsoever Things Are Honest, Pure and Lovely.” El der Llghtsey Is the pastor. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST —Sunday School opened at 9 30 am. with the supt . Miss Nanie Morgan. In charge. Morning wor ship began al 11 o'clock with the Children's and tire Junior choirs In charge of music, under the di rection of Mrs. M. M. Kelley. Morning worship began atbrought Morning lesson and prayer were by the pastor, the Rev. O. W Bur wick, who brought the morning message to the congregation ST. ANNAH FREEWILL BAP TIST -Church School opened at 10 o'clock with the supt.. Mr. W. H. Lyons. Sr.. in charge Worship service is held every first and third Sundays. 8T MATTHEW AME—Sunday School opened at 9 30 a m with the supt.. Mr. Robert Lasane, in charge Morning worahip began at 11 o'clock with the combined choirs, under the direction of Mr*. Marie Riddick, and Mr. D R. Leach: organist. Mrs Rosemary Walton and Annette Peterson Ul charge of music. Morning lesson was read by the pastor, the Re*. J. F Eppo. who also delivered the morning message Morning pray er was blven by Mr. A. O Carmic hael OBFRLIN BAPTIST—Church School opened at 9:30 a.m. with the supt Mr Walter Curtis, in charge Morning worship began at 11:00 with the Tot# Choir In charge of music, under the di rection of Mrs Rosa M Curtis and Mrs. Mary Curtis, organist Mlm Franc me Blount It was Youth Day and they gathered in lirge numbers The speaker was the Rev Lawrence Blount.who deliver ed a wonderful youth sermon from the Bc>ok of St John. 1 31 His subject was. i Want to Practice." It was a very sweet sermon FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School opened at 9:30 with tb* supt Mr W. H Taylor. Sr m charge Morning worahip began at 11 o clock with the Male Chon» In charge of music, under the di rection of Mr N. E. Leach, organ ist, Miss Joyce Cooke Call to wor ship was by the pastor, the Rev. C. W. Ward, who aiso led the morning prayer, and brought the message to the congregation from the Book of Timothy Hts subject was. Dors Godliness Pay' BTV opened at 6 15 pm with the leader. Mr. Frank Hinton In charge. SMITH TEMPLE FREfwwj. BAPTIST—Sunday School began at 10:00 with the supt, Mr. El bert Banden. In charge. At 11:00 Rev. Ray made the call to wor ship with the Senior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Mesdames Holder and Williams. Scripture lesson from Acts 1:4-11. AM. prayer, Deacon Baker. Rev. Ray brought a won derful message from Acts 1-10 Subject "Looking For Jesus.” LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS— Union services were held at the Truevlne Holiness Church In Me thod. where our pastor, the Rev. EU Ratcliff is presiding elder. Bunday School was at 10 o’clock and morrung worship followed Im mediately. Speaker for the morn ing was Rev. Mrs. Rachael Qriffin. She spoke from the subject, “Stormy Weather.” Genesis 6th chapter. Beveral speakers were on program In the afternoon with the Rev. Mrs. Ophelia Alston, vice president of the Union, conduct ing the servioe. Dinner was serv ed on the grounds. Everyone en joyed a high day. RUSH METROPOLITAN A. M. E. ZlON—Church School began at 9:45 a.m. with the supta, Messrs. Leslie Campbell and Jeeee Degraf feneidt In charge. The regular 11 o'clook worahip servioe* were con ducted by the pastor. Rev. T. H. Harris, who delivered the Bacca leeurate address to the Raleigh § ENGAGEMENT ANNUNCED —3(las Caretyn Calbreth above Is the daagtiter of Mrs. Irene Calbreth tMUsebaa wh# an l’lUted Feres, ssa *f - Mrs. Ittes Garrta at Flint, Michi gan. Miss Calbreth h a gradaat* of Fayetteville State Codec* sad reeelee* her Merten of Eda eattaa degree frees North Care -s*lßs* Sanity at the Mary E. PhflHp* School. Raleigh. Willi ams Is a grades te of Geogre Washington Carver SrhooL receatty ntarnsd from a tear es daty to Sea Whore*. England. A I Jana SI wedding h planned. 1 Personals I RECEIVES HAMPTON DEGREE Edward Eugene Thorpe of Raleigh waa among the 2M seniors who received baccala ureate degrees at Commenee ment exereiaes at Hampton In stitute Monday, June 1. at Ift: SO a-m. He received the BA degree in General Studies. Roy Wilkins, executive secre tary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, was the Commencement speaker, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, stated clerk. United Presbyterian Church of America, delivered the Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday, May 31. at 10:30 a.m. BIG GOSPEL SONG FESTIVAL SET There will be a big Gospel Bong Festival on Sunday. June 7. at-8: p.m. at the Klttrell Graded Sehool In KlttreU. Taking part in the Festival will be Ed Hall and the Sensa tional Evening Five Quintet, the Hannonetts and Ed Holo way and the Great Gospel Ju bilee Singers. Many persons from the Ra leigh-Wake County ana an expected to be on hand. 818 AND BIBS. VIRGIL HICKS HOST Mr. and Mra. Virgil Hicks Sr., of Quarry Street had as their guests over ths week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Lee and daughter, Barbara: Mrs. Raeford Thompson and daughter, Elaine, and Mrs. Ella Annothy all of Washington, D. C. We wish for them a safe re turn. RETURNS FROM VIRGINIA TOUR Mrs. Rosa Jones of Fayetteville Street has returned home after •pending her spring vacation at Virginia Beach and other points of Interest in Virginia. She was acoompalned home by her son, Mr. Wade Hampton Jones, of Vir ginia Beach, who left going back over the weekend. TENT REVIVAL IN PROGRESS Evangelists Carl Patrum end Allen Powell of Tamps. Florida are now in progress of a Tent Revival, located at 1815 S. Saunders Street, each evening at 7:45. Prayer for the sick In every service. Nick Sias is ths organist The revival is for all people of all denominations. ATTEND GRADUATION Mr. Charles W. Starrs, Mrs. E R Starrs. Mrs. H. C. Smith, Mrs. Ruth S. Wade and Miss Lorells Jones, all of Richmond, Virginia and relatives of Miss Chinita Trot ter, were in the city this past week end to atend her graduation exer cises at North Carolina College. While hers they were ths house guest of Mr. and Mra James R. Hinton. Recent Law Grad Gets High Post DURHAM—Maynard H. Jack son. Jr., who was graduated Bun- Hk » MAYNARD JACKSON. JR. day in the 1904 class of the North Carolina College School of Law, has been appointed an attorney In the Atlanta. Oa. office of the Na tional Labor Relations Board. He Is the sen of Dr. Irene Dobbs Jackson, professor and chairman of the Deportment of Romance Languages at NC- C. and the lat- Kcv Jackson. Sr., former pa-tor of Atlanta’s Friendship Baptist Business College of this city. Rev. Harris chose his text from Bt. Mat thews gospel the 11th chapter and the 39th verse Theme: “The Four ; Phases of an Education." The Excerpt were 1. Definition of Education. 2. Its beginning with I the individual. 3. Its ending with the Individual 4. The reward that education grant* to an individual. At 7:30 p.m. fellowship service waa held at Grace A. M. K. Zion Church of which the Rev. L. F. Perry is the pastor. The partici pating churches were: St. Paul A. M. E.. St Matthew A. M K. Rush Metropolitan A. M. E. Zion and Oraoe A. M. E Zion Music was furnished by the combined chotra and the Rev T H Harris deliver ed the message. Mrs. Annie H. fborpo is church reporter. MISS DEB, ,'v£* : ;AuVa . . . answers question nbout Junior Miu h * Ik *1 ‘ "" n!r Q. I’m having nig':..;. . ...a lay date for ths prom v i i ms flowers that won’t go with ay dress. Would it be ell right for me to have a girl friend circulate the word about what kind of flowers 1 want? A. If you did that, your date might get the idee that you're more interested in his flowers thtn his company. A more grace ful way to assure a clathless corsage would be to let him know whit color you'll be weir ing. Next time you're talking about the prom, mention that you're wearing your blue for mal, or that you've bought s new dress and you hope he likes yellow. He'll probably remem ber this when he goes to the florist. But if he doesn't, don't panic. Just pin the flowers to your evening bag, and tell him you don't want to risk crushing them by wearing them on your shoulder. Incidentally, this often is good fashion, because flowers may detract from the cut of a dress. Q. What can you aay when someone makes an introduction without telling you anything about the person ? Is there some kind of pattern for making con versation? A. Granted, it isn’t very help ful of a hostess to simply an nounce, "This is Miry Mystery" and walk away. But you can GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. TH6RRE -A LAST WORD" "It la not the wall of stone with out. That makes a building small or great: But the saul'a light shin ing round about, and the faith that overcometh doubt: And the love that stronger is than hate. "—Long fellow. HOME ON VISIT Mra. Pauline Thorpe Chapman and husband, of Washington, D. C, were In the city for the weekend visiting their mother and mother in-law, Mr*. Ida Thorpe of 1603 E. Edenton Street VISITS MOTHER AND SISTERS Air. and Mrs. Sherman Gainis of Los Angeles, California and Mr. John Lacy Allen, also of California visited his mother, Mrs. Susie A dams of S. Haywood St., Mr. Sher man Gainis is the brother of Mrs. Susie Adams, Mra Coral ten Mor gan and Mrs. Minnie Flagg. IN CITY FOB CHAT Rev. and Mra. T. J. Young of Frankllnton, stopped by to chat with your acribe and to get high lights from the General Conference ON SICK LIST Mrs. Jennie Johnson o< 540 K Church. A native of Atlanta and the grandson of the late John Wesley Dobbs, Jackson received the A3, degree from Morehouse college. An honor student, Jackson, 36. served as chief Justice ot the NOC Student Court, president of the Student Bar Association, and as a member of ths collage choir. In 1963 he won the award for the Beat Individual Oral Argument, National Moot Court Competition. Hte dutlee In the position win begin Sept 15 and win oonatftt at Investigating complaints ot labor contract violations, general litiga tion, and referealng labor elec tions. Patronise Our ADVERTISERS PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ue for Reasonable RftHmot— Prompt Bornce Phono TE 4-SSSB —The CAROLINIAN I’UBUSHING CO. SIS E. Martin Street Raleigh. N. C r... '.- v-uiirMtioa by taking for the iiilormauen she heglected to si\i you. Ask Mtry if sM’s new in town, where she goes to school, and if she's thf hos tess' long lost cousin. Remem ber, "Twenty Questions" can be fun. Q. I'm t very pelt blond and my eyebrows are almost invis ible, but my mother aaye 15 is too young to wear makeup. Without any eyebrow pencil at all, my forehead looks hart u an egg. A. Your mother probably is afraid you'll paint on heavy, gro tesque looking eyebrows. Per haps if she sees what a natural look you ein achieve, she'll re lent—if only for parties. Try a light brOwn pencil and use short, feathdry strokes. Above all, stay on your natural eye brow Ime. Practice in private until you have a result Only a shade darker than your own blond brows. Then ask your mother if she’ll approve this look. Maybe she'll Okay it. But if not, take the answer graceful ly and try again after that 14th birthday. (Far answers to questions on grooming mi bemty, mi an babysitting, write fee your tseo in-one guide, "Sitting Beauty." SeniJS teats to: "Sitting Btm ty," Best SSI-P, KimbertyOwk Carp , Ntenab, FPis.) Cabarrus St, is On the sick list and is confined to her home. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery, HOME FOB FUNERAL Mr. Amo* Brawn of Baltimore, Md„ was in the city last week be cause of the death and funeral of his brother, Mr. Alfred Brown, of 431 Watson Street. He has, how ever. returned to Baltimore. SUCCESSFUL BABY CONTEST The Missionary Ladies of Rush Metropolitan AME Zion Church sponsored a ‘Baby contest’ on last Sunday afternoon at 4:10 p. m„ three prizes were given. Baby Ma nesss Jones won first prize. She it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. Second prise winner. Baby Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lo renzo Sander*. Third prise winner, Warren Johnson, Jr, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson. The tOtal re ceived was $334.93. Ada Melvin is chairman and Mr*. T. H. Harris is Co-chairman of the Missionary So ciety. DRIVE BABBLE 1 Everything For.. • BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LTMfttß • bOLLWORE • BUlLafUrO MATERIALS • BUSS WIN HA*»WaAR Dial TB 2-7S4S CAROLINA BUILDERS COfcP. 217-219 N. Drwmr Et KALBIOH. N. C. Jff^tnwry Test Hota ea Mm mm la Mm tftMM beta*. New, aod aay Mm mom over a tarn steam at yamtaM. bweoY be bog Mb* Wl WIU home 0 yen •cm Bear** Al* f hr I ißldy^ipl I OPTICIANS, lea. [ .. aiTmiMhaNdaa a cMsea

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