FROM RALEIGH'S POLICE FILES: THE CHIME ~BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I) MAN SAYS WINDSHIELD REINED H. E Wesley, of 1708 Pender St., fold Officer L. A. O'Neal at 7 a. m. last Tuesday, he parked his 1959 Ford station wagon in a parking lut at 217 N. Dawson Street, and w hen he returned, he found a hole In his windshield. Mr. Wesley placed a $125 value on replacing the windshield. REPORTS NOTHING MISSING IN BREAK-IN Mrs. Aretha Jiles. 811 S. East Street, informed Officers Norman Artis and James E. (Bobby) Daye at 5:31 p. m. Wednesday, someone broke into her home by removing a screen from the middle room win' dow on die north side of her home. Officers found that the per son who entered the house went hi all of Mrs. Jiles' dress er drawers, under her bed and in a small bank, but the com plainant told tthe officers shs could find nothing miming. A neighbor, who resides at 809 S East Street stated he saw a boy, a bout 18, weighing about 130 pounds go into the Jiles’ house about 3:30 p. m. He stated further that the boy was wearing a brown suit FACES TWO CUONTS OF FORGERY Mrs. France* Johnson Honeycutt, white resident of 2429 Wesley Rd„ told Officer H. L. Moore at 1:52 p. m. Wednesday, she received a check made payable to William Walker, signed Gilbert P. Bowman, endors ed by Walker, and in the amount of $65. The check was drawn on Wachovia Bank and Trust Com pany, and was a personalized petty cash check. After investigating further. Of ficer Moore arrested Elton Leroy Ruffin. 38. of 712 Manly Street, who was identified and confessed the forgery. Then he was arrested. Larry Bernard Zievemick of Lar ry'i Cut Rate Grocery, 318 W. Lenoir Street told Officers H. L Moore and J. B. Upchurch at 3 p. m. Wednesday, he had received a fraud check, dated May 16, 1964, drawn on Wachovia, and made pay able to Benny Marshall. Jr., in the amount of $75 and signed by Gil bert P. Bowman. Elton L. Ruffin also admits passing this check, and now faces two separate charges. WOMAN BEATEN IN OWN HOME Miss Jennie Mae Bell. 30, of tU Dakar Street Informed Of ficers Ralph Johnson and B. G. Parker at 12:08 p. m. Thursday that she was assaulted by Mbs Lillie Mae Brown, who ltveo at 415 Dakar Btreet The alleged attack ©©cured at Mbs Bell's WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS t bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. Stove, refrigerator, heater, water furnished $54.00. Apply In person Tel: 3*1102. 1 Hr. Cleaning 3 Hr. Shirt Service 5 Locations 5 Shirts SI.OO ROY’S DRIVE-IN CLEANERS RALEIGH. N. C. Stunning creation in GEM WATCH SHOP SOI FAYETTEVILLE BT. TE S-MEI ® .. f . ■ Hair seauty e Promotes Mr taster “ • n « w3 <*»***« < erf echos e Beftsess tehtaf v , V e Lssms Mr fcagraot * Rir*U controls dandruff «/mT *c*/p problems, too residence shortly before noon, she declared. A warrant was signed at the po lice station for Miss Brown, charg ing assault and battery. GOLD WATCH REPORTED STOLEN Miss Glendale Blue, 702 E. Har gett Street told Detective Sgt. Jeter H. Bowers at 1:15 p. m. Thursday, that while she was living at 21$ Spence Street, a yellow gold Bu lova watch “disappeared.'* The complainant valued the stolen watch at SBO. and stated furthei the timepiece was taken by some one visiting her home. YOUNG BOY ATTACKED ON SOUTH STREET Officer R. E Keeter talked to a 9-year-old boy, who lives at 401 W. South Street at 4:58 p. m. Thursday The boy stated that about 4:30 p m„ he was in the 500 block o< W South Street when a 13-year-old boy hit him in the forehead with a piece of wood. The assailant was described as wearing a red and black checkered shirt, dark pants and black Mtoes. Mrs. Geraldine Lassiter, mothm of the 9-year-old victim, told the cop she was not going to take her son to receive medical treatment WINDSHIELD BROKEN ON HADLEY ROAD John Brodie, of 819 Hadley Road, informed Officers Norman Artis and James E. (Bobby) Daye at 8:02 p. m. Thursday, that on Wednesday night he noticed the windshield on his 1955 Buick had been broken. Mr. Brodie stated the windshield was broken while he was at work, but his car was parked in the yard when the offense took place. Damage was estimated at SIOO. FIGHT NEAR CAR. WINDOW BROKEN Wav* Harris, of 1218 Pender St., informed two officers at 12:19 a. m. Saturday, when he returned to his .1956 Chevrolet parked in front of 1501 New Bern Avenue, the right door glass was broken out, causing an estimated damage of sls. The cops talked to Leon Harris of 1501 New Bern Avenue, who stated several boys had been fight ing beside the car, but he didn’t know whether the glass was broken at this time. Harris could identify any of these boys. SAYS TWO MEN BEAT HIM UP Raymond Williams, 813 Quar ry Street, told Officers P. G. Jones and D. C. Williams at 8:26 p. m. Friday, that Gra ham Harris, Battery Drive, and Charles Chavb. 834 E. Lenoir Street, assaulted him with their hands and fists, then left him lying In the street. Williams was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital for facial bruises and two missing teeth. He then signed warrants against both men for assault and battery. JAILED FOR BEATING FEMALE Officers R. B. Callahan and . G. Barbour received a call to 111 N. Haywood Street Thursday night Upon arrival they wore told by Billie Short, who Uvea then, that Marshall Barnes. M, of 14 Hook Street, -had boon beating on” Mbs Katherine Watkins, 714 S. Bleodworth Street Miss Watkins stated Barnes beat her with his fists at the Haywood Street residence. She came to police station and tegned a warrant charg ing Barnes with assault and battery and he was placed in Wake County Jail. The officers' report concluded. “He had been drinking." SHOOT WOMAN Mrs. Naomi Johnson, of 123 E. Lenoir Street, came to th* police station at 11:54 p. m. Friday and reported Howard Yeung, Jr, sums to her heme a short time earlier with a shotgun, looking for her son. Mrs. Johnown further stated that Yeung pointed th* gun at her and threatened to sheet. She said he left, driving a ma roon 1*47 Poetise Star Chief. The eemplalnant signed a warrant against Tseng for as sault with a deadly weapon and he wee arrested by Offi cers John Baker, Sr, and Al fred L. Grigsby. OFFICERS REFUSE TO ARREST WOMAN W. G. Court, manager Ben Franklin Stores, New Bern Ave nue, informed two officers at 6:06 p.m. that Miss Ida Mae Perry, 6131 Quarry Street, stole one pair of flat bottom shoes, one green skirt and one purple skirt from his store. This merchandise was valued at $8.97. Court said he followed the woman out of the store and uw her drop the merchandise Into a parked ear. He farther stated he called the woman and she stopped and Informed Co urt she had not done anything wrong and would be glad to wait for poUee officers to ar rive. According to the store man ager, while the officers were enroute to hls store, Miss Perry left on foot Court signed a warrant against the woman, charging larceny, al though he recovered all of hls merchandise. The warrant was not served, however. WALLET “LIFTED” WHILE MAN TALKS Fred McCoy. 46. 514 E. Mar tin Btreet, Informed Officers R. F. Johnson and R. F. Perry at 5:13 pjn. Saturday, he was talking on a telephone at Jef fery’s Grocery. 580 E. Martin Street, when someone picked his left rear pants pocket, stealing his wallet, containing SBO. McCoy sold he had hls back turned when the theft occured. The money in the brown bath er wallet was four $29 bills, stated the complainant. CHARGES BROTHER WITH ASSAULT James Price, 17, of 117 N. Hay wood Street, told Officers Joseph Winters and T. T, Btreet, Jr., at 6:45 pm. Saturday, hls brother. Henry Prone, 30. came home drunk and threw him (James) on the ground. The youth signed a warrant charging hls brother with aauult CLAIMS HUBBY MOLESTED DAUGHTER Mrs. Pearl Pulley, M 3 B. Jones Street, told Officers Winters and Street a* 4:55 P m. Saturday, her husband, Roosevelt Pulley, 34, heat and molested her 7-r*ar-old daugh ter sexually. The child was then examin ed at Wake Memorial Hospi tal by a physician who uid she had net been molested and that there were no bruises on her body. Mrs. Pulley Inter uid she did not went to sign a warrant and her husband was released. SAYS BOOS WERE STOLEN R. T. Eason. 53-year-cdd white resident of Route 1. Angler, told officers at 12:35 p.m. Saturday, a Negro man got a dozen eggs from him In the 1100 block of S. East Street. When he asked the man for the money f4oc) for the eggs, he was told he wouldn’t get anything. Eason stated he left then for It appeared that the man wanted "to give me some trouble.” The man was said to hate been driving a 1954 green and white Chevrolet and had three other men with him aa passengers. CATS INTERRACIAL DUO ROBBED HIM Wllham Perry, 53. of 6 Bladen Street, told Officers at 12:45 pm. Friday, Chariot Charts, of 534 E. Lenoir Street, and a white man whom he didn’t know, beat him qp and took 533 from his pickets. Perry admitted ha had beea drinking wtth the twe awn afl msralwg, bad said he weald sign warrants against them for The victim was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital tor eat Bps and abrastona and lacerations about the upper part <jf his body. The Incident took place at the corner of Montague Lane and K. Lenoir Street, MAN SENDS COP TO HOSPIT AL Officers R, B. and R. E. Lee received a sail to J-14 Washington Terrace at 10:51 pm. Saturday. Upon arrival, they mm Robert Sparta. Jr., 17. hitting the door with his hands and fists. When young Sparks spotted the ameers, be picked up a metal porch chair. The officers then threw Sparks to the ground and handcuffed him. When the retaetant prisoner ar rived at the Wake County Jail, end •fter tH* stiffs van taken off ha Os Worship Witnesses Say Portugal Suppresses Freedom YOU ARE THE DETECTIVE The body of the gray-halred stock broker, Melvin Manners, lies on the thick carpet of his sumptuously famished office, s bullet hole In hls chest. “A pure case of self-defense." exclaims hls young Junior part ner, Jim Layton. “We were struggling for possession of the gun you see lying on the floor next to him . . . suddenly it went off. He had a terrible uncontrollable temper . . . everyone knows that . . . but 1 certainly never dreamed that he would ever try to use a gun on me.” He pulls a large, white handkerchief from his pocket, mops the pers piration from hls brow, and shakes hls head mournfully. “Let’s have the entire story, from the beginning." you prompt him “Well, Mr. Manners had been especially angry and peevish toward me for the last couple of days . . . claimed that I had been taking too much credit for some of our recent business suooeases . . . kept reminding me that this was his business, that It had been built on hls name and by his efforts, and that no ’upstart’ like me was going o take over. 1 tried my best to soothe him down, telling him I was Just trying to do my beet for the company and that oertatrdy I was not In any way attempting to compete with him for any of the busi ness. But despite all I could say or do, he still persisted In needling me and making sarcastic remarks about ‘the boy wonder.’ This morn li« he was worse than ever . . . seemed to be working himself Into a terrific rage. I had Just about reached my limit of patience with him. and had walked away from him In an effort to regain some measure of control over myself. “I was standing over there at the window, oonscloua of the feel of the sunshine pouring through the window on my face, but trying to summon up the right words to reason with him . . . when suddenly I was shocked to see hls reflection on the pleas In front of me . . . he was advancing on me with that gun In hls hand! I Immediately wheeled around and grappled with him ... I got a hold on hls gun hand and in the ensuing struggle for possession of the gun It went off . . . and he fell to the floor . . . dead!” You stop over and pick up the gun with your handkerchief, noting the smudges of fingerprint on the weapon. “You’ll find both of our fingerprints on that, of course," mentions Jim Layton. “Oh, I’m sure of that,” you agree with a nod. “But I think Mel vin Manners’ prints have been planted on the gun. You told a pretty good story, but not quite good enough!” What has made you suspect Jim Layton’s story? SOLUTION II the sun had been shining through the window on Jim Layton's faee, as he told you. then he could not pomlbly have seen any reflec tion on the glass from behind him. again tried to attack the of floe ra, rants were signed against him. but was soon subdued and war charging assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest. Officer Lee was treated for a bruised left hand and little fin gers. SLAPS VISITOR. GETS WHIPPED James Hinton, of 1725 Poole Road, told Officer H. K. Martin at 11:50 p. m. Satudray. that Leamon Evan* came over to his house about 9:45 p. m. and paid him a dollar he owed him. Later, Hinton stated, they started arfatote Both men a greed that HtoWn slapped Ev ans and then Evans started to leave the house, but picked up a board or a large stick instead and hit Hinton on the left aide of his head, opening up a 4 inch gaah on the top of his head. He was treated by Dr. W. F. Clark, E. Cabarrus Street. Leamon Evans, who lives at 1306 Pender Sstreet, was arrested and placed in Wake County Jail under a S2OO bond, as a result of a war rant signed by Hinton, charging as sault with a deadly weapon. Gordons Gin jj*2 2 J? Ugormn'sN Mm Distilled [if I m London DRYlj^’j I DISTiILEO t tOTTIiO M THE U.S A Iylx||/ I |TH{ OISTUUIS (OMfANr,UMITED| V m% Kmatern rmut nos cm«. w now • won irr te ct in_ tan ii REPOSTS THEFT OF $163, WALLET William Edward Parker, $4. of A-13 Washington Thrace, told Of ficer* at 3:09 p. m. Saturday, he went to the rest room of th* SAW Cafeteria, Cameron Village at 2 p. m. and took hls wallet out of his pocket and laid It on one of the pipes and forgot it. When he thought about hls wal let again, about 25 minutaa later. Parker stated, It was gone. Parker stated the wallet was worth $3, and contained $163 In cash. -WALT# toon-a tor’s Idea of a afftffte twice. CATHOLIC OKUST -MAY. GIVE GOD A CHANCE NOW! Attend Church Every Sunday! DOM OP WORSHIP. WITNESSES Reports have come out of Portu gal and its overseas province of An gola telling of violent persecution of non-Catholic minorities, especial ly Jehovah's Witnesses. Private homes of Jehovah's Witnesses have been Invaded by the police simply because they were peacefully study ing the Bible. Many have betel Jelled. The Portuguese Pbst Office has also taken measures to supreas the circulation of the Bible In Portugal. Large quantities of Bibles and Bible literature belonging to this group have been seised and cut up and burned, and thousands of subscrib ers for the Watchtower and Awak en! magazine* have been denied th* right to receive their magazines through the mail. It la reported In th* May 23 issue of Awake! that when acts of terror ism broke out In Portuagsl s over sees province of Angola in South west Airies early in 1961, the Rom an Catholic Church took a leading hand In accusing the witnesses of being Involved in those acts of vio lence against Portuguese officials there. Th 1 ■ misrepresentation through false propaganda by the Catholic Church in Angola stirred up persecution In Portugal Itself end caused the work of the wit nesses In Portugal to be interfered with. Members of the group were followed by th* secret police, pick ed up and arrested, questioned, boston, and accused of being com munists. Ironically, the witnesses are banned in communist lands and hava to carry on their work "Under ground." Th* latest information from Por tugal tells of continued suppression of religious freedom. On March 12, when forty-five members of the Amadors. Übson, Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses were gathered together, their assembly for wor ship was disrupted by twelve po licemen. The meeting was stopped, all the women present were order ed to go home, and the male mem bers of the congregation were ar rested end taken to Jell. The three ministers who ware on the plat form when tthe police arrived have been detained in prison indefintely, WAKE UP PARIN’TO GO Without Nagging Backache Nowl You can get U» fast reltaf you nesd from nagging baokacha, headache aa4 muaeularachas and pain, that often eauna nation night* and mleerabl* tirad-out Gatings. Whan than# discomforts com* no with omr-axartlon or itraa and strata - roc want nllaf—want It fasti Anothar disturbance mar bo mIM bladder Irritation foUowtagwanps food tad drtnk-afteesnb ti »‘ra^oS e qw^ n .‘te want 1. pain-riliovlng action to aaao torment of nagging basks r ha, hasd achaa, muscular achas and pains. I. hr soothing offset on bladder Irritation. I. by mild dlurntte notion tending to Incraaso output as tbs it mile* of Sidney tubas. Enjoy a good night’s alsap and the anai# happy rsliof millions have for over M yaor*. For convenience, ask for the large alia. Oat Doaa’a Fill* todayl 54 YEARS of constantly improved quality is built into this great, time-proven speed amm fa? I Woshes up to S.DOoJoo washers I 'OHTO y ioods per hour jj ALUMINUM Aloomlnum Agitator || with Swing-Awoy Top keeps water hot PRICED PROM jf Self-adjusting pressure from .aMR 8 ■ from blankets to napkins. Super- Pull length SLI|( safe, lasy te clean rolls. Steel Chassis I ■*9 SHOP FRIDAY NIGHT I A MARTIN m caboluvuui RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. JUNK «, lIN while the other men were question ed. searched ad then released. Eve rything in he congregation's place of meeting was confiscated. Since the Portuguese Constitu tion guarantees its citizens free dom to worship according to the dictates of their conscience, the searching question is. why does she suppress the Christian activity at Jehovah's Witnesses? The Watch tower Bible and Tract Society (le gal agency for Jehovah’s Witnesses) linH Mad About the Oirl? Call Her Long Distance.,* Lowest Fare to Anywhere! If absence makes your heart grow fonder . . . why not tell her so by Long Distance. No matter how far apart you are, your telephone can bring you to gether almost instantly. So go ahead. Have a date by Long Distance, It will make you both happy. Southern Ball encourages all frsadww luring pad- * pie to write letters at proteat to re-’’ sponsible Portuguese officials, AS- 1 ' drees your protest to: Your KteMtar lency Professor Antonie de Otlvto-i: ra Salazar, president of the CuuncHf 1 * National Assembly, Lfbffbn, For*?' tugs l. Also to: Your ExceHooeF mjgj mirante Amerieo Tomas, ppaaUMtt - at the Republic, Praes Afooee Al buquerque, Libson, Portugal; and Jq. the Fortuguaee Amboondor 'UT~ your country. - IAM GRATEFUL! :: . wisn w express rny grtuiuac *na ... appreciation to the 9,015 voter* who cared enough to vote for ms & the May 30th Democratic Primary. X ta lced thank you. J. J. Sansom, Jr. 3

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