vj\ \ *slj9 *Jr ' jttlk # *j - jhHn^E'V' Pr K- ' Ax ’ N IIP ■ ■> ■* <» ' , fa : <. >■•!.. alffi ''- x i ENTERTAINED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Fifty rite* of Vanessa W. Reid daughter of Mr. and Mr s. John W. •id, ware on hand Sunday, May 31, 1964 to help her celebrate er 9th birthday. Pictured above are some of the guests included RALEIGH BUSINESS COLLEGE BY CONNIE M. BEST i H. E. Brown, principal of Ligon I fr.-Sr. High School, (poke to the I acuity and student body of the Ra- I Prescriptions FILLED R E. WIMBERLEY, Ph. C CENTRAL DRUG STORE BABY SUPPLIES COSMETICS SOI E. Davie St Raleigh, N. C Phone TE 2-8084 /jviipftn first federal Savings of Raleigh and Zebvlon It Ist in Savings and Home Loans m the area if serves! w «mu« punt means uum » FEDERAL •DDBusnsKoneuw ewt»m»mg ( U Rl—» f| a isi ww mm mmc • tom «us'. nan \TjJnWI IM W 3 VT uu MMcumm o» ..tie* Attend /iYV Carter’s uitf* „ A** 1 ” SALE M)\ l FREE SOIVEKIHS Easy Terms Big Values ODD I S x * LINOLEUM «-Ee- DISHES RUGS LUGGAGE S' Each | »3»” I *2O“ ss •20’® MATTRESS I SET scotch plaid ollr Bra** Oil Lamp* I TA bl^ *”«, 1 l»»S ■»«“ BUNK BED *OSV« "Si® *20 10 With Holder and J X STEP TABLE Guard Bail AU far , - ,2 *IG 44 QT. PLASTIC 4-WUWEB CUSHION HAMPER CHEST *R2* »2 M '20 M Our Store Is Loaded With Value*! WHIRLPOOL “Voar Friendly Credit Famitare Store" lIOASO 19 E. Martin St TWO 113 E. Martin St ■ W pfcorne TE 2-4163 LOCATIONS Phone TE 2-7793 ™ lelgh Business College on Friday, May 39. Mr. Brown said that there is al ways a .best that each person can children of Mrs. Annie Hooker, Mrs. Willie Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Crenshaw. Out-of-town guest was Brenda Joyce Mc- Coy of Smithfield. Refreshments were served and souvenirs dis tributed. The “little fry” had an enjoyable afternoon. do for himself. "It is up to you as students to make the very best out of what you have. You must ask yourselves at all times if you are doing your very best; if not, you must take an inventory of your selves and see what's wrong. When ever you do something and it's not good enough, you Should do it a gain.” Our spekaer also reminded us, that when we approach our various jobs, to approach them without fear and trembling. Fear is brought about when you are not equal to the task. Once you get the ‘know-how" there is no fear. "Approach the jobs with the confidence you should ha ve because you attended RBC where you obtained the “know how." Mr. Brown ended by saying that eaah one of us should have a favo rite Bible verse th»t we say at all times and when fear appears we will have faith in that verse. The faculty and students cordial ly invite the public to atend its commencement exercises on Friday, June 5. at 11:00 o'clock in Green leaf Auditorium on Shaw Univer sity's campus. MyjfoMAM’ow t say Mßynm l OOSHTA HAVE SOME ' U.S.SAVINSSBWK ...mrmse INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST PIRE —Consult— Fire Insurance Co. Durham, N. C YOUR LOCAL AQENT BANKERS ■ ■>' . REV. JOttni F. DEMPSEY Oberlin Will Install Cleric Here Sunday Installation services will be held Sunday. June 7. 1064 at S:00 p. m., at the Oberlin Baptist Church, Ra leigh. North Carolina for the Rev. Joseph P. Dempsey. Reverend Dempsey Is a na tive of Nashville, North Caro lina and a graduate of Nash Central High School. He re ceived his B. S. degree from Fayetteville State College aad the B. D. degree from Shaw University's Divinity School. e«i«»|fc From 1086 to 1081 he served as an eighth grade teacher and assistant principal of the C. E. Perry High School. Roceboro. Since coming to Raleigh In 1061 he has served as the director of the boys summer day camp of the Bloodworth Street Young Men's Christian Association. Prior to accepting the pestorage of the Oberlin Baptist Church, Rev. Dempsey was pastor of tbs First Baptist Church, Lillington. assistant pastor of Whits Rock Beptist Church, Durham, and has served ss aslstant to the desn of the Shaw Divinity School. Beverend Dempsey Is mar ried te the Manner Mias Bvelyntyae Humphrey as Box bare, who Is alee a graduate of Fayetteville State College and at preen* is a eandidste far the Mulsrt degree h Occupational Information aad Guidance at N. C. State, University of North Carolina at Raleigh. They have two children. Denies Paige 5, aad Joseph Todd L Dr. Grady D. Davis pastor of tho Union Baptist Church. Durham, will preach the Installation ser won. He is the former pester of the I Oberlin Church. Henderson Vo Recieve Award DURHAM—J. J. Henderson, trea surer of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Durham, re ceived the National Hampton Alum ni Association Merit Award during the 94th Annual Hampton Institute Commencement Exercises Sunday. May 31. The coveted award was presented at the annual alumni banquet, held in Cleveland Hall. Headman. a native es Bris tol. Tenn.. Is a graduate es Hampton Institute and serves as rfci chairman es Mb trmtoa beard. He wae named “Hanip tonlan es the Tear UM" by the fferth Careline Beflen es tbs Hampton Alunnt Aaaeriattew. Henderson is one of the founders of the Durham Business and Pro- Chain; is president emeri tus of the North Carolina Business Ceague and is Grand Keeper of Records and Exchequer of Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fra ternity. Ha la also vice-chairman of the Housing Aulhority, City of Durham. He Mb offtoea and Mnbor ahipa an many beards es dire©- ton. tnetndtng the Mutual lew tags A Lena Ameehttan. Bart* ere Fire and Omatty Inaar aaee Cempany. John Avery Boys' Clab. tbe Daisy K Baar. bereegti Naraery Seheel. saa^ flrbnl Henderson la vice-chairman of the senior board of trustees of St Joseph's AME Church. He is married to the former Mias Julia Hicks, and they have a daugh ter and son. SBIVS firiLTl Man Kills Wife In Fit Os Jealous Rage; Is Subdued MILWAUKEE (AVPI-A.ll be cause of a fit of jealous rage. Y. C. Armstrong. 26-year-old foundry worker, pumped seven bullets into his wife, killing her. and then sought to shoot four passersby who attempted to subdue him. Victim of the rage was Mrs. Ruby Armstrong. *4, mother of seven children, who was es tranged from har husband. Taken to county hospital, dead oa arrival, she is reported to have sustained seven jtt cali bre bullet wounds la the neck. On The Home Front (Items this week from New Hanover, Martin aad Richmond Countiea.) SURPLUS COMMODITIES USED Familes who art receiving sur plus commodity foods in New Han over County has been trained in ways of using the foods in nutri tious dishes. S* " jHr ... A Hi RETIRES AFTER 27 YEARS —Willard Jesse Perry has retir ed after 27 years service as a Janitor for Carolina Power A Light Company in Raleigh. A Raleigh native, he Hi married to the former Miss Ruby Watson. They reside at 304 North State Street m ' ’ ■* V LIGON HONORS OUTSTANDING STUDENTS The annual award i day program at Ligon High School was held in the echooTa auditorium racantly. Afore than three hundred award \ preeentatione and citation* were made during the assembly. A ■ mong the many outstanding features was the passing of the gravel from student council President William Peacox, right, to Miss Carol Adame, left, recently elected to head the student body lor the 1964-65 school year. The entire activity was coordinated by Mrs. D. B. Clemente, student council sponsor. Do’s And Don'ts *ML _ ;j poo’t Be the Center es Attention! . cheat arms and lege. After the shooting. Armstrong ran outside the house, but wes stopped by four men. He aimed the gun at one ahd pulled the trigger three times, but nothing happened. Turning to enother man, he pulled the trigger again, and got off two Riots which missed. Finally subdued, he was taken to the hospital for treatment of cuts and bruise*. Later, he was charged with first degree murder, attempted murder, and endanger ing safety without regard to Ufa. Mrs. Rebecca Hall, home eco nomics agents, says a workshop was held in the county to show ths homemakers how to use the foods in tasty dishes and how to make the most efficient use of the pro ducts. Following the workshop they received a copy of the Exten sion bulletin, "Low Cost Meals." HOME TOURR MADE Housing needs of famllie* in Martin County are being studi ed. Miss Vivian Morris, home economics agent, says the groups are working on getting running water In the home*. "That seems te be the greatest need at this time.” she added. Recently homemakers in the county toured several new homes to study kitchen and bathroom ar rangements and the coordinated color schemes. CLOTHING WORKSHOP* Around 88 garments and hate have been constructed by various club members tn Richmond Coun ty within the last six weeks. Mrs. Grace Chsek, home econom ics agent, says the clothing con struction workshops have helped the women learn tewing skills that will help them provide better cloth ing family members. This will also help in stretching the dollars in the clothing budget. NCC PRSIDENT TO RECEIVE ALUMNI MERIT AWARD DURHAM- Dr. Samuel P. Mae ale. president of North Carolina College, was notified Saturday. May 33, by the lowa State Uni versity Alumni Association that he has ben selected to receive the Alumni Merit Award for "out standing contribution to human welfare, which transcends purely professional accomplishments and brings honor to the University.” ns caaouiuui RALEIGH. N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, UN Ups A SHAW GRADUATE WITH HONOR Dr. James E. Cheek, left, president of Shaw University, congratulates Miea Lena Mae Maffett of Thomasvilla, mathematics major,'who Re ceived her B.S. degree with honor at Shaw Univerwityg Ninety ninth Commencement Exercises, Monday, May 25. at Rafefgh Memorial Auditorium, JOHN W. WINTERS & CO. REAL ESTATE BROKERS - BUILDERS 507 East Martin Street <5 — : It yen own your lot and ean qualify, we ean build Uila lovely home for you with no down payment. LET US HANDLE YOUR RENTAL ACCOUNTS We Have Rental Property Available W Fou plan to locmte or relocate in the Raleigh area, let us offer you our many aervicee. Call Us Today . . . HENRY BROWN or RONALD CARTER Phone: 828-5786 RADIO • WLLE Every Saturday 4 P.M. HEAR: “Thing* CUlsena Should Know” banner month sale shop Friday night 'til 9! For you! An all-out emphasis on more aervlce, greater aelec tlons. timely savings during the entire month of June. famous name brand! Irrefular Sleepwear Batiste Shifts *.oo m It perfect SLEEPCOATS If irt.rt A*T Solid paatela . . . dainty print*—cool n comfortable sleepwear from one of your favorite maKera! S. M, L. LINGERIE SECOND FLOOR special purchase! fur-trimmed m 0^ coats * 11 Luxurious wool coats trim med with the richest of |B mink-dyed squirrel or mink! Lay-away one now . . . only M down with no payment* required ‘til September Ist! BASEMENT STORE COATS BOYS’ SHIRT CLEARANCE Values from t.4t to S.M 1 97 Cool cotton atrlpea. plaids, solid*, and checks I Student sizes. BOYS* YOUTH CENTER SECOND FLOOR Hudson-Belk. Special Purehaae! Cool Summer DRESSES M ■«»» A aa to 14.00 MOO Cotton seersucker. Nylon Jeraey. and Dacron polyea ter blenda. Sheath or full akin style* Junior, mlaaaa and half sites. STTLE SHOP SECOND FLOOR GIRLS’ DRESS SHOES Reg. 5.M to S.H 3“ & 4“ All famous name brands that you can depend on tag quality and fit! Summer styles In broken Hass. GIRLS’ YOUTH CTIWi SECOND now 5

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