SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SE UOR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION A „ „ a. HELP WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CAKE . jj^dMggb WANTED PERSONAL i CLEANING h HAULING Aft Low Cost Advertising FOR WHAT HAVE V °U... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 / FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TBttpl# 4-5558 wv ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAE! LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENE Classified Rates tßiteM « « 8 U c4t Bar ward 4c «e 3c Sc TMasttjad Display Par Una Par IMS 10c 10c IV,e rite Radi word abbreviation, initial or arjnbol count aa one word. Puncutattoo marks art NOT counted aa words. Tha minimum number o< words in any want ad is 18 words. You will save Money by ordering your ad to run 8 of 11 issues. Weakly. Want Ads may be telephon ed through Wednesday up to 10 Ahi CARD OF THANKS ■Rie family of the late Mr Seaton Gales Turner, Sr. wishes to thank its many relatives and friends for their kindnesses shown during his illness and death. THE FAMILY CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. Willie Bumpers wishes to thank its many relatives and friends for the help and comfort shown during his illness and leath of their father THE FAMILY CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. Josephine Mc- Viachiel wishes to express its apprecia tion for the thoughtfulness of their relatives and friends during the illness uid death of their mother THE FAMILY FEMALE HELP WANTED! Housemaids: Live-in-jobs. Mass , Conn gto $55 Bus tickets. REFERENCES, rton Emp. Bureau. GT. Barrington. Mass. MAIDS FOR NEW YORK Many Needed $35-$55 Week Tree room, board, uniforms. TV. Gua ranteed jobs in the heart of New York and New Jersey. Fare advanc ed. DIX AGENCY. 249 West 34 St., Naw York. MAIDS $35 - $55 WEEKLY See New York World’s Fair Free room, board, uniforms. TV Guar anteed Jobs in heart of New York tnd New Jersey. Fare advanced DIX AGENCY, 249 West 34 St., New York. “EDUCATIONAL” MEN & WOMEN 18 to 501 You can qua llfy for many job opportunities in CIVIL SERVICE. Prepare at home for ooming examinations. Send name, address, phone, directions if rural to NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE P. O Box 405. Raleigh. N C. LAUNDRY TEAGUE'S DRY CLEANING. 1824 Slehwood Ave has merged ana la now known at HAYES BARTON AND DRY CLEANERS NO. 2. Paul Easterling. Dial TE 2-5516: No 2 Dial FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAH-B-Q and Chicken (Our Specialty) Pig and Chicken SERVICE STATIONS DUNN’S ESSO STATION—SO 2 S Blood worth St Phona TE 2-9498 LEGAL NOTICES EXF.CUTOR’S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY’ Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Carl William Gartrell. de ceased, late of Wake County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate cf aaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 9 Lincoln Terrace. Ra eligh. N. C., on or before the 14th day of November. 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of May, 1964. LAURA G. MILLIKEN AND LUTHER R. GARTRELL, Executors F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney May 23. 30: June 6. 13. 1964. FOR SALE! For Ml*. May 25. 1964 at f* p m Plac«: Acme Auto Service. 529 South Blount St., Raleigh, N. C. for me chanic's lien and storage. IMS Plymouth, serial No LPIBO2O 1*35 Mercury, serial No. 555L33705M 1*55 Chevrolet, serial No. 855A067552 1*67 Bulek, serial No. 6D5022007. 1*53 Cadillac, serial No. 536233688. I*6* Ford, serial No. M 680150159. May 35. 30; June 6, 13, 1964. • irjOL * Wk / u 4, ENGAGEMENT TOLD— Mrs. Maggie Wllktau of Wilmington announce* the engagement of her daughter, Mary, above, to Mr. Livingstone Lovely. Gary, Indiana, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Junius Lovely, of Cary. Indiana. Mis* Mary Wilkins' father was the late Mr. Robert W ilkins. The wedding'is planned for June 28. 2:M p.m.. in the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Brooklyn, New York. Miss Wilkins is a 1957 graduate of Williston Senior High School and presently is employed at a cosmetic labora tory in Brooklyn. N. Y. Mr- Lovely is a '57 graduate of Wil llkton High School of Indiana Boy Scout Camp W hispering fines Will Open On June 14 Around 100 scouts weekly are expected to fill Camp Whispering Pines for three weeks starting Sun day, June 14. The camp will open at 2:00 p. m. and close at 10.00 a. m. on Satur day of each week. According to the Rev. D. N. How ard. Camp Director, the first two weeks of reservations are full. Some 50 scouts are needed for the third week. Miss Valerie Maye Entertains St. Monica’s Prospective Grads On Friday, May 29. Valerie L. Maye entertained some of her friends who are prospective gradu ates of St. Monica's School at the Y. M. C. A. The honorees were Es ther Beyer, Deborah Lane, Brenda Peebles. Sarah Sansom, Vivian Lo gan, and Edwin Worth. Ester Marie Delany and Janet Howard of Ligon School were honored also. The ep tire seventh and eighth grades at Saint Monica's School shared in the fun. Upon arrival, each honor ed guest was presented a corsage of pink carnations by the hostess. The building was decorated throughout with pink flowers. Hie jr ’ *' “■ " ji y wtyjy j » -1 ‘ V ' |t : --. E \*J P K I I | i •jy jLf Sfl K: .. j I •, '] -Jt>f •' f/\,.‘-i k v i( '*'’i‘ f --V-i.'.r. fe**r ?.--'^ * >B- 'V* *V *r "V C’^ri."-^/-'^’X? i%ite s&NkimBIM "TOPS" AT AttT COLLEGE Min Alletrsy Witter, Bet haven, and Rumsey Helms, Bassett, Ve., were elected at AhT as “Miss AtsT” and president of the AhT Collets Student Govern ment, respectively, in campus-wide student elections for the 1964- 65 school year. BACCALAUREATE SPEAKER Dr. Matthew G. Carter, right, assistant director, Association Press, National Board <rf the Young Men's Christian Association, New York City, who last week delivered the baccalaureate sermon at AMT College, talks with Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy, AMT president. Howard said that scouts from tha 12-county Occoneechee Council will be attending the camp. Each Wednesday of camp will be visiting day. Parents and triendi of scouting are invited to coma, bring a picnic basket and enjoy tha special program which opens with a water show at 3:30 p. m. and closet with a “Campfire,” starting at 8:00 P. M. refreshment table, which waa pre sided over by Mrs. Roaa Worth. Mrs. Bermadean Bailey and Mn. J. A. Boyer, was covered with a pink cloth and pink candlee were a round. Hit refreshments consisted of an assortment of sandwiches, cookies and punch. The guest book which was done up in pink was preaided over by Edith Horton. Throughout the evening the group enjoyed games and dancing. Souvenir* of pink baskets filled with nuts and candy were given to each guest by Mrs. Rosa Worth as they left. Good-bys ware said by Mrs. Joseph H. Maye. mother of the hostess. W W % WF .< .*»> CAMPUS BALLOTING North Carolina College students are shown voting in the recent all-campus elections for next year’s student leaden. At stake were otticee in the Student Govern ment Association, the editorship of the campus paper, “The Echo,” and the coveted title ot “Miss North Carolina College.” Ligon’s Valedictorian Recieves Award From The Ford Foundation BY RICHMOND STEWART Diann White, the valedictorian of tha senior class at the J. W. Ligon High School, has been presented the highest single scholarship award ever received by a Ligon student when she received a Ford Founda tion Grant to attend Vanderbilt U* niversity in Nashville. Tennessee. Miss White, an honor student since entering Ligon four years a go. will receive approximately $11,000,000 in scholarship funds that will cover all of her expenses at the University as well as travel ex penses. for four years. The alert scholar, one of nine children bom to Mr. and Mra. Syl vester White, has an insatiable thlrtt for knowledge that could not easily be quenched. She began her school training early by attending Tuttle Community Center. ShefgM attended fbhool at Lucille Hunter and so impressed the faculty that she was awarded an Honor Foil certificate at the end of her first year. This certificate exemplified her auccees at acquiring the knowl edge •he so much desired. As time passed, she continued to receive honors for scholastic ac chievement. for her musical talent on the clarinet, and for her per sonality and character. TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE-NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. 465 FAYETTEVILLE IT. PHONE TE t-4343 Dealer No. 3395 COMPARE / You owe it to your pocketbookl TTieoe fostunw era wI Mnderd wjulpnwnt •• • SEARED TRANSMISSION! 6 speeds forward, 2 inverse • FAST SWITCH ATTACHMENT SYSTEMi change attachments in seconds without tools • CONTROLLED TRACTOR DIFFERENTIAL no wheel spinning on heavy job* • PLATE CLUTCH DRIVE; automotive-type sseuree positive ' power • DIRECT DRIVE FTO; JUf -V. full power to attachments regardless of ground speed. OVER ao ATTACHMBNTg . OFFER YEAR 'ROUND 1 VERSATILITY. $ ML '' BOLENS NEW HUSKY TRACTORS TRACTOR CORPO'RATI’ON 9SSS S. Sounders St. Raleigh SS4-«SM Miss White began her journey through Ligon High School In Sep tember of 1900. She was recognised there many times for her scholastic achievements and was awardsd a medal for maintaining the highest scholastic average in har grad*. Consequently it became a common thing to see Dianne Fayger White walk acrosa the Ligon stage on A wards Day to receive her coveted class valedictorian award. She maintained a 92.82 average for 3 1-2 years of high school. Her school career was filled with numerous extra-curricular activi ties. During her school earear aha has been a member of tha follow ing organizations and dlgplayed leadership in them: Studteff Coun cil, Marching Band, Teen-tops. Jr. Red Cross volunteer* Ligon Choral Society. Opera Hnaeanble, Girl Scouts of America, library Club, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta-Jr. Mathematics Society. In the summer of 1962, Dianne at tended the National Senior Girl Scout Roundup at Button Bay, Ver mont, and was among the ten thou sand scouts and leaders who attend ed this camping session. In the summer of 1963, she at tended the Summer Science Insti tute at Bennett Collage in Greens boro, North Carolina. IRia summer sht plans to enrich her life by a pending more time in school. A- i •HE GOT HER MEN ST LOUIS <ANP>— An unidenti fied little old tody saw three men Addling with a pad lock on tha door of a supermarket. Curious, she waited until they broke open the lock, and entered the store. Then ahe got out of her cer. walk ed over to the store and snapped a padlock of har own onto the door, locking in the three men She then called police. The baffled burglars Anally broke out the window and fled, Into tha arms of the police. * A. A. meetings The Capital City Group of Aleoholics Anonymuos, founded In October of 1963, meats each Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o'clock at the Bloodworth St XMCA. 600 8. Bloodworth St. All persona having problems with alcoholic beverages are in vited to become affiliated with this body. They will be wel comed. STOP BY — Look Them Over— You'll Agree These Are THE BEST BUYS You Can Find! ’<l FALCON station wagon W1 4-dr. automatic trans mission, radio and s£"\ whlt V $905 >CO PONTIAC 4 - dr hardtop '*° Star Chief, automatic transmission, radio and has tar, white tries, SS* *795 »CQ PONTIAC Catalina 4-dr. hardtop, radio and heater, automatic transmission. 1-tone $1295 »CO BUICK 4 - dr. hardtop, automatic transmission, radio and heater, 3? W 3 »C7 FORD 4-dr. 9 paxsenger *'• station wagon, radio and heater, automatic transmission. Extra "*•■ $795 ’£l POND 3 - dr. hardtop. wx Star liner, automatic transmission, radio and heater, one owner. S2T $1595 white tires. dL c smlik Snick RALEIGH. N. cIjUTIIMT, JVM «. IMI CLINTON NEWS Jil BY HENRY M. JOHNBON CLINTON—TIw Morrison Kind dertarton held its ninth annual coin oxotolng Wodnot* day evening, May 37, at 8 p. m. In the Sampan Rich School audito rium. A short program was given bp the students. Mrs. B. u. Jonas pan tha main address. She waa preaentad by Mrs. R. M. Williams. Tha grad uates ware: Velveato Ben. Deb orah Bell, La Myra Boykin, Jac queline, Ernest Jaokson. Danlaa Lamb. Unda Matthto, Billy Mc- Neill. Almond Murphy, Pamla Riddick. Regina Spturow and Larry Tate. Mn. Maeyreno Morrison la principal and Mrs. Olivia Duprae is assistant teacher. Motored To Winston-Salem Mrs. Addle Johnson and Mn. Baton Moore, motored to Wins ton-Salem last Wednesday to gat Mrs. Owendlyn MoDougal and daughter. oayneU. Mrs. E. B. Slmmana and ohU-1 See Wade’s For A Del ’SS?K.. SS9S’S6™*SL 3595 •57 cHxvwjurr 57,5 ’57 tssl m ’s6S£, im „ m NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPPROVED CREDIT NO PAYMENT OVER NMI PER MONTH OVER 71 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM! Wade's Auto Sales 221 E. CABARRUS ST. ‘ 834-4417 BIG USED CAR SAVINGS ’A9 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 3-dr., white with red bucket seats, U 6 hydrostatic with console, radio and hector, white Urn, local, ot» Owner, 18,000 s9lo*l miles, exceptional oar cmatu V. 9 FONTIAC Tom peat La u“ Mona. black, straight drive, 3 speed*, radio and heater, white tirea. bucket $1495 ’A9 CORVAIR Monxa, beige, u “ 4 in the floor, radio and heater, white Urea, buc- EL «W 5 THOMPSON CAD.-OLDS INC. USED CAR DEPT. SOUTH AT FAYETTEVILLE TE 4-0319 *AA THUNDERBIRO auto- w watle transmission, radio and heater, pow er steering, power S2T *I«9S ’A7 C©ltV A I R Monas w sow, 4 speed trans mission. radio and SSE 1 “. *1995 ’£l poto Oalaxle 4 - dr.. ux automatic transmis sion, radio and hSater. 3»*S5 *l*93 ’AA LINCOLN 4 • dr. hard w top. full power, air con dition. one owner. Zmm *l*9s SEE ONE OP THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN T. I. Sutton T. I. Sutton Jr. E. T Burchette Jr. Jack Wells Q- A. Vanbook Z+£l*~' • Buick - Opel - Jaguar Sales-Servlce 431 Fayetteville St - Raleigh - 828-3203 •arten waa gueat apeakar. * obe. Donald Daria. Lejuand Ala- Ismuwa HRmlmms "TRAto^^ ,. m ran, Jerome fiwm ghvig ■»* MnT'lrena HUI is taaohar. < Mrs. MUdrad Pewter to vaca tioning in New York Otto.-White there aha la the home gueatganor airier, Mlaa Raton ito^Bfc *« evening at a wetner roaat a* She heme of Mr. and Mn. Ohgrlaa ‘Summerville as Berdan HMgk OLDSMOBILE “58” 4-dr. aedan, white, hydromatte, power steering, power brakes, radio and heater. „ir «3»s »4CO PONTIAC BonneriHe-jjonv rertible, turquoise, power steering, power brake#, automatic tranamlston. SES,*" 4 *26?S *««A >M FALCON 4-dr. straight Ui drive, one own- «]«AC er. low mileage. V** 3 ™ '« CHEVROLET Impale 4- w dr. hardtop, power atffr inc. power brakes, auto matic transd&lMion. radio and beater M4AS One owner vtreJu • asw *£A BUICK Beetra 4-dr., au ™ trapomiislea. power steenafe. ; power brakes, air condition, one SS- *I3»S *#"»*• - »A1 OLOSMOBTLS S U* e t vx “S 8” 4 • dr. automatic transmission, p sier steering. power —tnfeoK 3 - tons finish, white t,r “ $1795 7

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