IT RALLY SHAW MAR SALLY: Would you con* doer it in good tacte for a young Couple to have a house-warming ii their new rented, furnished home? We've been invited to such an affair, and I question the pro priety of this. I've always been under the impression that a house warming is for a permanent type of home, and not for a temporary poode such as this one no doubt is. What do you think about this? F. I. A. DEAR F. L A.: I'm inclined te agree with yen, but certain ly if this yeung couple is hap py enough to want to give a housewarming, even in a tem porary dwelling, there Is no rule against It DEAR SALLY: I’m a girl of high principles, and I thought everyone knew this. I’m 16, and very parti cular about the boys I date. How ever, I had five dates with this one boy, a very attractive and person able fellow, and on the last date when he brought me home—since well enough, I permitted him to kiss me goodnight. Now it's all over town that I kissed this boy, and everyone thinks I’m a “fast number”. I feel humiliated and embarrassed. What can I do about this? BESMIRCHED. DEAR BESMIRCHED: Evi dently your “attractive and personable” young man turned out to be a loose-lipped cad. Check him off so far as any It Costs You Nothing 0 To find out how you can step up into your own home on your own land in ’64. 0 To see how the new tax cut can help you stop waisting money on rent. 0 To find out if you can be OK’d for a GI or FHA home loan in beautiful . . . Estates $$ Building Company 4700 Yadldn St. 787-1231 W. R. BURNHAM. tees. "mm-mu" mw **••*••• ih mirnn t*as«-«»as«s mum wtwnsv #ntv sms wenw mmt mm am mmho r™ 1 ■ " .v wy ;■ ■ ‘/ v ' '/■■■ . .• . ■ • y/t : j 1 WJ^W ‘ifrMF Red-letter days go better refreshed. Coca-Cola, never too sweet, gives that special zing... refreshes you best. things gp better,! CoK£* ftfme w MMimnii CsoCsls Ciapf W* THS CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. DEAR SALLY future dates are esmesrned. Pay no attention to the malielees gesalp, and continue to ho very selective about your dates. Let them sll find out for them selves that you're still s girl of high principles, and not the “fast number” some goosip mongers would have you. DEAR SALLY: I'm 17, and the son of a minister. Although I'm a good dancer and dance at private parties I attend, my father vetoes my going to public dances. There's a certain girl I like very much who has invited me to go with her to a big school dance, and I want very much to go with this lovely girl. So what to do? SHACKLED. DEAR SHACKLED: Yau might try first to reason with your father and aee If he won’t change his mind about this particular dance. If he still frowns on the Idea, honor his decision and simply toll the girl what the situation is. If she 'likes you well enough and is the right kind of girl, she’ll understand—and if die doesn’t understand, then certainly she Isn’t worth your hurting your father for, Is she? DEAR SALLY: What social acti vities may properly be attended by a bereaved person? I’d appreciate very much your views on this. W. D. G. DEAR W. D. G.: This Is real ly up to the Individual. Shut ting oneself away from the Biltmore Hills C&U Our Agents Now John W. Winter? & Company SO7 E. Martin St. 828-5788 world for months |§ a practice that has boon sensibly out years. Usually, however, ter a period of atx months or ae one does not attend ciaeplcueurty gay parties. Quiet evenings with friends, small Informal parties, movies, the theater certainly such things as drtn are net to be frowned up an In general today. DEAR SALLY: Tm a fellow of 30 whose girl friend is always harp ing at me about my dirty finger nails. ni admit my nails sometimes do show s lack of attention, but that’s usually because I’ve been doing some manual work at home or working on my car. and haven’t had time to attend to them before my date with her. She makes a big thing out of this little detail, and sometimes it makes me almost feel like a bum. Do you think this is all that important? K. T. V. DEAR K. T. V.: Sorry, bat one of the things that CAN make a man took like a bum is dirty, encared-fer fingernails! A yeung man wbe baa any re gard at all far hit personal appearance can ALWAYS find the time to clean Ms finger nails. Evidently your girl wants very much to be proud of you. and those dirty nails of yours have been preventing this. ■f; 4 WINS AWARD HERE Miss Cheryl W. Royster, a third grade student at Lucille Hunter School, entered the Safety Post er Contest, sponsored by the Raleigh Woman's Club, and won a local award. Cheryl aloe wen a national award for her poster. The award was present ed to her by Mrs. W. G. Allen, Chairman of the Safety Division at the Ralptgh Wspnan's Ctfb. MOVE SAFELY! war I fipF m*. 1 i / *MwB fsSS,. RALEIGHITE IS “WAC OF TjflL MONTH —Private First Class Dorothy L. Robinson, 21, right has been named WAC ol the Month at Fort Eawton, Washington, Ist Lt. Carol P. Waters, toss, commanding Officer of the local Womens Army Corps, announc ed last week. Ptc. Robinson is employed as a clerk-typist in the military pay division. She entered the Army last August and com pleted basic training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Pfc. Robinson, who attended J. W. Ligon Junior-Senior High School, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Robinson, ot 303 South State Street, in Releigh. VfiV GARDEN 111 m e gardnet n.c stale college . I hove on my desk processed samples of shrimp, dark meat of | chicken, white meat ot chicken and | apple rings. Peaches, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables will soon follow. . All of these products have been prepared by a new process known as “freeae drying." The product is first frozen and then the moisture is removed (bom the product under vacuum-,Ju*t enough heat is added to allow the removal of moisture from the product in vapor form. In other words, the- Hquid state is by passed. Special 'equipment is neces sary. which at the present time la expensive. However, 1 leek for the coat of processing to be reduced and this method of pre servation to gain extensive use. The freest dried product# be come light, very porous and are easily re constituted and made ready for table serving. There seems to be a bright future for apple' Juice' concentrate. This would be similar to orange and grape concentrate and would give the apple Industry a boost. Apple concentrate is already a vailable on the West Coast and has been well accepted by food stores. It is anticipated that the processor will use about 2,500.000 bushels of apples per year for this purpose. A supermarket in Hackensack. H. J„ is using a machine to create the odor of fresh, ripe strawberries near the frozen food counter. It is reported that frozen strawberry rnlee have soared. A gimmick that work*. In one ot Italy’s pear growing areas growers are hanging bottles in the trees and placing the small pears inside, the idea being that the fruit ia protected and will ripen faster and more perfectly. When the fruit has matured, the bottle will be detached with the pear irt- | aide, Riled with pear juice, sealed I ! CARNATION | COOKING HINTS infjß { I ROsALti I HOME SERVICE OiRECTOR ANO HER STAFF | S Quick, cuy, and oh-ao-chocolateygood! That a new Chocolate Peppermint Picnic Drop*. They’re made with Carnation Evaporated Milk, the milk that has cream in every drop, but ia lower in both coat and calories. Team them up with a cool beverage—just add an equal amount of cold water to chilled Carnation for an extra apecial treat. Always keep several of the bright red and white cans on your kitchen shelf. You’ll And you use them often! Hk * c am * r. -j ' ‘* tU IS - L , jA ■ •■5 t. ■ t. '* aB ■, CHOCOLATE SESSERMIMT WCNIC DROSS (Makes 3 dozen cookies) Costae*: 1 % CMR* sifted Roof 1 *en*aaen vonWo Vi fist) »edo 2 *qwore* melted vneweetened “ tinipT ** chocolate % top lu for Vs cue owdllMted CARNATION % soft ilmliVrtf EVAPORATED MILK le« % cms Aeed pecan* Sift flour, aoda and salt together. Blend oocar. shortening tR and vanilla until light and fluffy Add chocolate and mi* well Add dry ingredient* alternately with Carnation M,* ontll well Mended. Stir in pecan*. Drop onto ungreaaed eewloe «h«e» *hout 3 ln-hfe apart Bake in moderate oven <37f> t » r..ot 3to 10 minutes. Cool on cake rack*. Whan 0001. from a i <- rr -rmint J»/, mp* df*ed iwdc thews o' mpor 2 toMe*soom«oft hotter */ 4 cop uodHvted CARNATION IVAPO- ' % too*soon vonfllo % ces combed pess*"" l " l t * — V *~rr TtSu SB Migrmbenti except crushed peppermint in mmß bond. Mud until ssnotdli. g«* * wimrt< *- •** “ and sold as a pear in a bottle. “An-Nah-Pah-Lah-Dey" pro nounced “An Apple A Day." This is the name of a new song recorded by George Gobel on Columbia re cords. This bit of promotion for the apple industry should be good news to growers and the consuming pub lic. At least, it will be free of Beatles. Miss Lucas Accepted As Technologist GREENSBORO—Miss Lois Lucas, of Greensboro, a member of this year's graduating class at Bennett College, has been notified of her acceptance for a course in medical technology at the U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, Staten .Island, New York. Under the program, sponsored by the Department of Health Educa tion and Welfare, the charge of SBSO for room, board and uniforma is waived and. in addition, the students receive ■ stipend of SSO a month, or S6OO for tha year. GIVE WAY TO BABY DETROIT tANP)—Robert L. Ru bin. 23. wtio was granted a new trial recently following conviction in federal court for smuggling gold coins into the U. S. from Canada, got a break here May 19, when he appeared in court for retrial. Judge Wade H. McCree Jr., granted a motion to delay the trial Indefinite ly, because Rubin’s attorney Is preg nant. He must have planned it that way. since his attorney is also his wife, Vivian. Ministers Plan 28th Institute twenty-eighth Annual Ses sion of the Minister's Institute will be held at Shaw University June 8-12. Concurrently with the Insti tute will be the Twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Woman's Leadership Training Conference and the Fourteenth Annual Youth Bible Camp. The 1964 tehme is: “Faith and Responsibility: The Root and Fruit ot Christian Living." Lecturers tor the Institute-con ference will be Dr. John Lewis, pastor. First Baptist Church, Salis bury Street. Raleigh; the Reverend Charles W. Ward, pastor. First Bap tist Church. Wilmington Street. Ra leigh; Dr. W. R. Grigg, secretory, Department of Interracial Coopera tion, Baptist State Convention. Ra leigh. Freaehers for the evening worship services will be: The Reverend Willie B Lewie, pastor, Fayetteville Street Bap tist Church. Raleigh; the Rever end John E. Trotman, pastor, Si Stephens Baptist Church, Elisabeth City; and Dr. John L TUley, director of Public Re lation* and Alumni Affairs, Shaw University. Dr. Rose Bulter Browne, out standing educational leader of Dur ham, will be the featured speaker on Women's Night. Thursday even ing. June 11, at 8:00 P. M. Dr. W. R. Grigg will deliver the closing message on Friday, June 12. at noon. STOCK YOUR FREEZER “Super-Right”Heavy Corn-Fed Beef STEAKS SIRLOIN t-bo^e yiiKilU PORTERHOUSE BOHELE::S RIB wSKaI a GROUND BEEF , STOCK YOUR FREEZER . "SUPER-BIGHT" HEAVY COHN FED 111 TO IW LB. AVO. WHOLE SIDE OF BEEF u 37c -SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN PRO ISA TO It* LB. AVO. WHOLE HINDQUARTER Lb. 47c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY COEN TED BEET II TO 1, LB AVO. WHOLE SIRLOIN BUTT u>. 55c “SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY CORN FED t* TO I* LB. AVO. , RTOIH LB. AVO. SHORT LOIN lb. 69c BEEF ROUND Lb. 47c TO » LB. AVO. AS TO AS Li. AVO. TRIMMED BEEF RIB Lb. 45c FULL LOIN Lb. 63c "NLTER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN FED BEEF 11A TO ASA LB. AVG. WHOLE FOREQUARTER Lb. 29c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY COEN FED BEEP IS TO ISA LB. AVG. WHOLE ARM CHUCK ll 31c Daring this sale we will cut your freezer beef purchaees to your specifications, wrap In market paper, and mark the contents on each package at no extra charge; or if you desire, your meat will be wrapped in freezer paper at an additional coot sufficient only to cover the roet of the freeser paper. Don’t miao this Mg sola. Como In today and place your order. You may pick It up later. PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THRU SAT., JUNE 6TH. “SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF 7 Inch Cut STANDING RIB ROASTS FIRST 4 _ 6th & 6th 53* '".T 43* BONELESS LEM STEW BEEF ul 45s THE CASOIsDVUUC RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. JUNI 8, IBM PATRONIZE OUR ■• ‘ ' ADVERTISERS i . W fjiouAott I I ‘2 s -! '49. BOURBON BE LUXE THE BOURBON DE LUXE DISTILLERY COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. 86 PROOF. CONTAINS 49% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRIT!. 9

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