THE CJISOUNIJUf RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, JUNE ST, ISM 8 A NEW PRESIDENT Dr. G. Wesley Allen, left, Fayette ville, retiring president of the Old North State Medical Society, hands over the gavel to hie successor, Dr. Hubert A. Eaton, Wil mington, at the organisation's oath annuel convention held last week at ANT College. High School Drop-Out Now Working On M. A. Degree BUTPOLK, vmr, INIA A high School drop-out who left home "to help hie mother" I* currently At tending a Summer Institute for Secondary Teacher of Matbemaliri at South wee tern State College, Du rant, Okla., working toward a mas ters degree. Walter “Lane" Parker, eon of Mrs. Willie Mary Parker of 421 Calloden Street. Suffolk. Vs., left Booker Washington High School one year prior to grsdu- BOOTH'S HIGH & DOT GIN *355 Q *220 4/5 QT HHT wm. ■ Ountti I 1 Distilled London Dry Gin • 90 Proof 100% Neutral Spirits Distilled From Grain W. A. TAYLOR A COMPANY • NEW YORK, N. Y. R. E. Quinn Furniture Co. 108 B. MARTIN ST. Your Capital City Tel. J-4471 atlon, but went on to complete hi* education In the V. S. Air Force and to prepare for a ca reer as one of Virginia's most promising young coaches. A 1997 graduate of A A T College in Greensboro. Parker has been teaching at hi* high school alma ma ter since September, 1996. He for merly taught high school in Black wille, S.C. Parker alao double* as football coach for the Booker Bears and also serves a* assistant basket- VSC Receives Atomic Energy Research Brant METTERSBURG, Vi—The Atom ic Energy Commiaeion ha* awarded Virginia State College a SIO,OOO grant to be used by the Department of Agronomy for laboratory studies and instruction using nineteen radioisotopes. Russell S. Poor, AEC Director of Education and Train ing. announced today. A license, previously issued, pro vides that the radioactive material must be used by or under the direct supervision of Dr. C. C. Lewis. Dr. Lewis, professor of ag ronomy hi the School of Agrt eoltare, states that the materi als will be used to servo the sciences, and In Instruction bo (timing In September. The nineteen radioisotopes will also be need In reeeareh In agrono my and a coarse in unclear science and technology. ball coach. His athletic career began as football and basketball star at Beaker T. before be left in WM to Join the IT. S. Air Pores. Dur ing bis eight years In the mili tary, be served as a sergeant In Japan and Okinawa with the Signal Carps. He played base ball and football far the Air Pores and was a member es the IASI-B2 World’s Champion Air Perce Baseball team At AIT ha played football, baseball, and basketball, winning the Ralph Johns Football Award and the Philadelphia Alumni A ward for outstanding athletic lead ership during his senior year. Parker, who lives at 211 Mapl* Street, is married to the former Miss Anne Miller, also an A & T graduate. They have four children. He expects to return home after the Institute ends uly 24th. ***************** |pim,ißßHßßaTO’aß| SAVE 39c \Wmr*l^K » 50 EXTRA FREE ES ZESTY * conning GOLD BOND STAMPS g WfAluM • ■1 1 * tsa,s>sra,Av \> m wtTH Tw* couroN AND you* ■ CANNED DRINKS * lOh * - $5.00 OR MORE PURCHASE 1 MMM • cola • osangi • aotrT sr.rr I A ON HHT \ • void AFTU njNE v - iM4 fll • grate • low calorie * MEAT PURCHASE mJ Ts * HOPpI lO ’S Cfl V * OS lIJ V * LAV* l*c ON LAND O’ LAKES MMVW B »m»j : Double Your* bptteb »69« :xn ss^— : Money Back: £\' ! ||cßl|HlU ITIIe7I| ; *“****^r*** : ijjj/ CHUCK “«====" 'JHk ROASTS BLADE CUT BONELESS I GOLD BOND I AE c millionaibe Mnfwi® LOWEST MNBM EM TEAKS! * SHOULDER ROAST SS»4S> nffi TUP TO WORLD’S FAIR I «ow« the > SHOULDER BOAST-—* » 5V 4VSSI IIIISW TO IWI | IQUISg XAHTHOS .n-rsss™"- *. Bf.fgßP BACON-.39' "'w • OTHaxrow *m. iw « A a ••• - GROUND BEEF- 3 00 COLD BOND STAMPS iTTS. BOUND STEAK *49. X TOMATOES \ STEAK ■><» | naisasaW- | BACON■ S 9« \ }& J WATERMELONS = 65’ nEn*COßlllßs6ffl39«"BJUuilG POWTOEBa,I«4» J* tim ' Stm At CahmM On w T.fiiT Q LMK SUT 1* MU MTt s—« % W3b% Salad Dressing Y POT PIES $ ff" j a>M mwaoxwiw FRENCH %, n«n>«»n W 1 I Jave.* mve», pRIES «T f f Miraci« Ar AA s«= 79* risssssirr SS/ rrSw-s. Tib*" Y >■ i*T umr i -•••* *• k+i+jl nmSmcmSi J SHERBET PMn M** l * CA a •* Wimdei IW Ca/ta **, |» Tsißmls a Saw* E L* < J |— B K % j£ 4gTOPLgy&. pg jS NBjya&flg fg p jg| / 2808 S.WILMINGON ST. • GLENWOOD VILLAGE s DENTAL OFFICERS Dr. J. B. Rosamond, left, Wilson, retiring president of the Old North State Dental Society, passes over the gavel to his successor, Dr. J. H. Horton, of Edenton, during the closing session of the organisation's annual convention held last week at ANT College. Other officers, from left to right, include: Dr. G L. Butler, Fayetteville, president-elect; Dr. C. B. Jones, Jr., assistant secretary, and Dr. Hermit E. White, secretary-treasurer, both of Elisabeth City. Dr. Emmett J. Rice Named Deputy Director Treasury’s Office In D. C. WASHINGTON, D. C—Secre tary of the Treasury Douglas Dil lon Thursday announced the ap pointment of Dr. Emmett J. Rice of New York as Deputy Director of the Treasury Department’s Of fice of Developing Nations. Dr. Rice will replace Dr. Samuel Z. Westerfield who has become De pu t y Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. In his new position, Dr. Rice win aid Secretary Dillon and Assistant Secretary John C. Bullitt in the formulation of (J. 8. financial policies affect ing the developing Nations of the middle east. Africa, and Asia. The position carries a salary of «I«.M$ a year. Dr. Rice was recently under con tract with the Agency for Inter national Development as Research Adviser for the Central Bank of Nigeria, a post he assumed in No vember 1962. Before that he serv ed for two yean as an Economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and six years as Assis tant Professor of Economics at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Rice majored in Business Admin- Rice majored in Business Ad ministration at the City College of New York, where he receiv ed a B.A. degree in 1941 and an M. B. A. in 1942. He obtain ed a Doctor of Philosopher de- Durham’s J. W. Hill Church's “Father Os The Year” For ’64 DURHAM—J. W. Hill, secretary treasurer of Durham Business Col lege, has been chosen as “Father of the Year” of St Joseph’s AME Church for 1964. Hill, who Is a native of High Point is married to the former Mias Beulah V. Row land of Durham. They have three children: James Rowland IS, Vir ginia Dianna U, and Ester Althea 1 The Hill family is very active in church and civic organizations. Hill’s church affiliations include membership on the Senior Stewart Board es St. Joseph’s Church, mem ber of Senior Choir, Chairman es the Evangelistic Commission and a member of the Be re an Bible Claw. His civic activities include mem bership in Durham Committee on Negro Affairs,' member of the Board of Directors of Durham Business and Professional Chain, Youth Advisor of the NAACP, Ex chequer of the Durham Chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, and member of the Executive Commit tee of the National Alumni Associa tion of A A T College. Hill’s hob bies are reading, swimming, and bowling. The Hills’ presently re side at 412 Cecil Street. gree in Economies at the Uni versity of California (Berkley) in 1955. He is married to the former Miss Lois Dickson of New York. DO YOU NEED MONEY? C. KARL LICHTMAN Foi Cash By placing all of your insur ance, Hospital • Disability, In come Protection, Life Insu rance, Mortgage. Homeowners and Auto Insurance with one general agent, much can be saved. C. 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