Claims He, Others Caused Her To Be Fired: Teacher Sues Moore’s Campaign Mgr, LEGION DROPS RACE DAR Now Free To Vote As Others Dfetekm Six. North Carolina Ne gro Legionnslree at tbs North Car olina Department of tha American Legion, woo a forty year fight to and segregation in the Department, through an appeal to the National Department following a denial at tha Durham Convention, June 18- 21, to remove from the North Caro lina Department Constitution those •ections which aegrogated veterans by race and denied to Negro vet erans tha right to vote in the con vention. Amendments to the Depart ment Ceostltation striking down these eecttspe were presented to the Censtitatten and By-lawa Cemmittee by a apeetal eommtt tee at which Charles O. Irving, flr„ at Raleigh, la chairman, and came ap for consideration an the convention floor Satur day, lane M. A motion to table until next con vention was made end the Com mander ruled that “a motion to ta ble la not debatable,” and the mat ter was tabled. Whereupon notice of appeal was given. (CaNTDTOSD ON PAGE I) Victim Os Shooting Dies Talking DENVER. Oak) (ANPI A Den ver man. who ldid survived four bullet wounds infLcted earlir- *hls year by bcU wife, died ) at week in court as be was u. ig against the woman. “Can you tell the court what happened about 9 p.m the night at Jan. 1, 1964?” Deputy Diet. Atty. Harry Titcombe, Jr., aeked Ellison McCoy, 32. “It wasn’t 9 p.m.” McCoy, seat ed in the witness chair, began. It was 8—8:30 McCoy gasped, his face oontort ed. The dying man’s right hand denched as his arm flailed toward his face. DM. Judge Edward J. Keat ing recessed court as Detective Carl J. Malplede and Deputy Sheriff Sgt. John Duffy as sisted McCoy 'ram the stand. McCoy's right leg kicked spas modically as the two law officers laid him on the courtroom floor. I think he’s gone,” Duffy re marked quietly as an ambu lance was called A medical examiner pro nounced McCoy dead a few minutea later. Both McCoy's wife, Mrs. Romie Lee McCoy, 25. and the woman with whom police said she had been living, also present at the trial, broke Into loud walls. The future disposition of the ease against Mrs McCoy is now uncertain. Judge Keating declared a mistrial. "If tt can be shown that this 'McCoy’s) death had anything to do with the si noting, we will charge her with murder.” Tit eombe said. However. Dr. George I. Ogura Denver pathologist, reported that preliminary tests Indicate McCoy died of natural causes. Titcombe said Mrs. McCoy admitted shooting her hus band twice in the chest, once In the abdomen and once in the thigh outside the home of Miss Delia Bolts at the Jack son Street address. One slug from Mrs. McCoy’s .22 calibre automatic punctured McCoy’s lungs, be said. Titcombe said a sth bullet struck Mbs Bolts. Defense Atty Charles Ginsberg said in his statement Mrs. M'Cov marred when she was 15 was over having to share her husbano with the other woman for the pest two years. HOW AMBITION PAID OFF tißPS^ m **% The Carolinian VOL. 32, NO. 3S Raleigh Man Only Tar Heel Invited: John W. Winters Guest Os LBJ POLL VISITS BY COPS BACKFIRES HERE City Councilman Meets Notables In Washington WP * • a, .: ■ ■■■■ 1 8l H p JOHN W. WINTERS Over 500 Meet In Forsyth To Choose Nat’l Proxy WINSTON -SAIjEM—More than 600 delegates d-scted Mis. Minnie j. Hitch of Frankfort, Ky.. presi dent of the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers last Tuesday. The PTA representing 381,000 members In 14 •oothmrn states and Washington, D. C. held Its 38th annual convention June 21-24 at Winston-Salem State College In Winston-Salem. In addition to Mrs. Bitch, others elected to office were: Mrs. Clara B. Gay of Athens, Ga., vice-president; Mrs. P. M. Bum pas of Memphis, Tenn., secretary; Mrs. M. 8. Jackson of Prairie View, Tmu asrirtant secretary, and Mrs. Alfred ». Nixon of Montgomery, Ala., treasurer. Mrs. Hitch moved up from the office of vice president. She sue oeeded Mrs. Jerome Z. Mornsor Montgomery, Ala A padt presl dent of the Kentucky Congressor Colored Parents and Teaehera Mrs. Hitch Is a Use member of the white Kentucky Congreee of Parents and Teachers, w w*; received in 195# for meritorious service for 'ouih , . She works as principal of the Laboratory School of Kentucky Stole College. A graduate of Ken tucky State, she holds the M.A. degree from Ohio State University and has done further study at the University of Chicago. She Is a member of Delia Sigma Theto sorority and Is vice president of the Kentucky State Chapter of the American Association of Uni versity professors Mrs. Gay. mother of two, teaches English and speech at the Bernice-Harris High School in Athens. Ga. She Is a former pwntdrnt of the Goor JiUm Person. Jr, 12. *mi hi least 1M papers last week. Arm (4 with Uik ambition, thfc young ■u WHfllN mm Ml nil to lee this mark hi Mm weeks. The me el Mr. ial Mis. firm. Sr-, es Ml Parte Street. MM lie CAIOUNUN iwlntn "ME Paper* A Week Mi en.” Jelim whe attend* Martin Joy* wiling The CAIOUNUN "be eaaee people like te reed It" BY CHARLES R. JONES Raleigh’s lone Negro City Coun cilman received a signal honor last Wednesday afternoon which was not sccordad any ether North Car olinian. plating Mb second two-year tens as a Boanefhnaa, waa te vtted to a luncheon at Me White House by Preajdent^ya eoa wue te^Mjnor^lXii^FTtme itltldl “The PtaaUsnt bsvHaa ran te MhriatarTsf Australia, Tha White Heme, Wednesday. Jans 24. at UteS o'clock. Pleaae pra (CONianJXD ON FAOX t) gia Congress at Catered Pa rents and Teachers. Tba mother of nine ehlldran, Mrs Bumpue tea hoo—wlfa and church worker. Bbs te pate presi dent of Tennessee PTA. Mrs. Jackson, who has a daugh ter, home aocnomkw at Prairie View ARM Ooltegu. A pate president of the Texxi Oongrem of Colored Parents and Teachers, she belongs to Zeta PM Beta so rority. She 1s chairman of the Women’s Advisory Council on Ci vil Defense, an Interracial group, In Prairie View. Mrs. Nixon works aa an Interac tional supervisor In tha Alabama public school system. She te chair man of the board of trustees of the Old Ship AME Zion Church tn ! Montgomery. The national PTA went on re -1 oord as supporting antt-poverty legislation and educational bills ! before oongrem. Ihe group did not , set on several propoaala on tnte : grstion of the PTA movement, r Keynote speaker ter ttia eonvsa ■ Ron waa Dr. Saante D. Proctor, i assistant director at at tha Pm os tmmiawix on fa— te CAROLINIAN— ADVERTISERS BUV FROM THEM paoi t ■artaa’i Cat Mare Stephens’ AffHuca Ca. PAGK » Caralsigh Perattara te. he- PAGE • Jaha W. WhMara end Oa- Gem Watch Shap Ntaal page"/*"*. Acme EaaMp Ca. ISShMhi Ce. Weigh nampaaa MEnWkaaMb. Me. Baarla Mater Ca. IMi Ana Mw PAGERS c KJFv2*ESm tmn PAGE • RALEIQH, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1964 WSk&s. -ty . 'Jk ■pg^plL;-.; STILL MISViNG James Charnar. 22-year-old civil rights Warher from Meridian, Miss., la oao at the three young workers who disappeared during the night at Jane 21. after Cheney paid a |2B fine for speeding there. The two other men, both white, are Michael Sehwerner, 22, and Andrew Goodman, 28. both of New York. 489 sailors ware added to the search Tues day on orders from President Johnson. (DPI PHOTO). National Newspapers Publishers Association Meets In California RAN FRANCISCO, Calif. Tha 24th Annual Convention of the Na tional Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation was held here June 26-27, with the retiring president, E. Washington Rhodes, editor and publisher of The Philadelphia Tri bune, preriding. Keynote speaker for the throe day confab was Whitney Young, Jr„ executive director of the Na tional Urban League. The following Idea was put into reoohition form to bo dheuasod by tho body: “Now that tim Civil Rights bill Is near complete passage, something on tho ardor of a national position paper, which could bo printed tn all msmbor papers simultaneously, te mtkfy tho prevalent feeling that this te the time to chart positive, dodioiHwoa steps te be taken in or der that wo may stabilise and eon Batataa MMI Oa. PAOB It ■SuailVOaSSaiJhe. PepeLCaM EaWWag iCa. at EaltUh PAGE U ■eat Gaaaral Ttra Ca. Ughmar* Paaaral Gam Tartar jUCa itl EUetn^Ce. Tamer Meereara aae BaaMp Ca. PAGE U Cmka Maw eat UtM Ca. PAGE 14 day's tmartraa OHE ■*-“ aag Daughter for** raahlaa fharraal Plaau Beauaraat Praaty’i paoeis*" ”* nn dahneen-l aaiha Ca. Driur WhGmli Ca, Mr. PAGE M Bam Crawa BeWltag Ca. Dess’* Eaaa porvtae Carnal Graterr «ae T’tMfer Ca. fantral Prag_P«evo SmmwmViSg^^^ A DIRECTOR OF W. T. GRANT CO.—Am T. Spaulding. President of the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Durham, was sleeted a Director of W. T. Grant Co., the 1099-store na tional general merchandise re tail chain, at a meeting of the Board of Dlrecton held here June 28. Mr. Spaulding la a Di rector of the Company be heads and of the Mechanics and Farm ers Bank and the Mutual Sav ings and Loan Association, solids te any gains or openings re sulting from the Bill’s passage. - “This position paper would cover all facets of Individual group ac tivities and act as a systematic guideline for Black people all over tho country, and consequently all over the world.” A portion of the address deliver ed by Whitney Young, Jr., follows: “I am deeply grateful to have this opportunity to address you today on the now problems and challenges | which the civil rights struggle has | Imposed upon the nation, and the i Negro press, in particiular. “I commend and congratulate the : Negro press for its role in helping ’ to make the new civil rights bill a . reality. In tha past few years, Ne gro citizens havs found their voice. But the direction of tho current struggle and their protests havs been largely shaped by the Negro prtxt “Your responsibility, like your in fluence, is enormous. No matter ■ AM 7V/£ yO«/V RUSSWURM AWARDS went to Dick Gregory by JuhtM Carter, Publisher, FORWARD TIMES, Houston, Tex at, at The Sun-Reporter farewell party. From left to right: Thom as Fleming, City Editor, SUN-REPORTER; Carlton B Good lett, M. D., Publisher, SUN - REPORTER and co-convention host; Gregory, C. C. Dejoie, Jr., Managing Editor, LOUISIANA WEEKLY; Carter, and Garth Reeves, Jr., Managing Editor, MIAMI TIMES. (See story). PRICE ISc Mayor Tells Officers To Leave Polls Charges of police interference were discussed Tuesday afternoon by the Wake County Board of E leotlons at two Negro polling plaoes during Saturday’s run-off primary. However.ghe Board de cided not to teunot Its own Inves tigation yet. The Board, composed at three members, voted to wait tar a re- DortmenU John W. Winters, a dtp Coun cilman, mid Monday that the presence of the cope in uniform inside the polling places was “In timidation to a certain degree." Appearing before the Board to ask why the police officers (all were white) were sent to his pre cinct (35) was Wiley J. (Bull) Lath am. chairman He wanted to know whether tht Board or the Police Dept, had requested their (CONTINVKD ON PAGE t) what the editorial writers In the “white press" say—Negroes will not listen to them as closely. The Negro people know that, only in tht past several years, has the white press decided to hire Negro reporters and trainees. If there are any Negro edi tors on white newspapers, I haven’t heard of them—and the same is true for Negro editorial writers" Ruaswurm awards, the Associa tion’s highest honor was presented to ten persons: two of them. Presi dent John F. Kennedy and Medgar W. Evers, have been slain by assas sins’ bullets The other are: Dick Gregory. Clarence Mitchell, the Rev. Dr M L King, Jr, Carl T. Rowan, A. Phillip Randolph. Dr Aaron Henry. Justice Thurgood Marshall and Jomo Kenyatta New president of the NNPA Is Frank Stanley, publisher of the Louisville, (Ky.) Defender. Stanley also served ss president of the or ganization from 1945 to 1948. The NNPA also voted to hold Its Silver Anniversary convention In Louisville In June 1965, and its mid winter workshop in Houston, Texas in Jf>nu,Ty. 1965 Says Voter Work Brought Dismissal BY STAFF WRITER ENnELD—Mrs. Wills Johnson, • Halifax County school teacher, is suing Joseph Branch, attorney for the Board of Education for the county and campaign manager for Dan K. Moore, victorious democrat ic candidate, fpr loss of her job be cause she took part in a Negro voter-registration drive recently. Also being sued are 14 other real dents. including her former prin cipal. L. M. Williams, of the T. S. Inborden High School. The English teacher b tak ing for $250,990 In damages, and la being represented by Raleigh attorney Samuel 8. Mitchell, and two New York lawyers, Martin R. Bradley, Jr., and the law firm at Kunster, Kunster and Ktnoy. This suit was filed Monday in the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Wilson Division. John R. Salter. Jr„ Held sec retary of the Southern Confer ence Educational Fund, wba lives In Raleigh, told The CAR OLINIAN Tuesday afternoon: “This lawsuit, which has mighty powerful hocking, will bo taken aa far as b necessary to secure a hall measure of Jus tice. It will be pushed with the greatest Intensity.” Mrs. Johnson also seeks reinstate ment at the high school by contract renewal and to enjoin the defen dants against similar acta A founder of the Halifax Voters Movement, Mrs. Johnson admitted the was engaged In poll-watching picketing, and assisting Negroaa to register to vote from Juno of 1963 until May of this year. Hrr husband, A. Reid John ses, was a candidate far tha po attteu of town Commissioner at Eufteld lx the geaaral election hold In AprlL IN*, us M MX* dldate far State Senator (ram Halifax Ceonty In tea recent May M election. Mr. Johnaan was an successful bath thnaa. Mrs. Johnson b a graduate of Hampton Institute. Hampton. Vs and ha* engaged In subatontlsl (CONTINUED ON FAGS *) "-dtr. *4 Delegates To NAACP Meet March WASHINGTON (ANP) —More than 2.000 NAACP members marched to the Justloe Depart ment teat week, emphaalalhs a fu tile request from 1U leaders that the Federal government urovlde protection for civil rtghte workers tn the state of Mississippi. The 28-block round trip march was held on the third day of the Association's 56th annual meeting, and was capped by an appearanoa from Attorney Ocneral Robert F. Kennedy who delayed a scheduled flight to Berlin to hear the NAA CP leader's plea. It was alao the third day tn which no word had been received concerning the ate and where abouts of three youthful civil rights workers who had disappear ed near Philadelphia, Miss., aftei being released from a Philadel phia police station where they had been held for an alleged minor traffic violation. It was their dlaapperance last Sunday night. June 21, which prompted the originally unsched uled march. Prior to the march’s begin ning, NAACP officials, beaded by Roy Wilkins, NAACP exseu tlve secretary, were closeted with the Attorney General for (cowTorcin on r/.os it HP j mil—in I W EATH K R Temperatures Thursday throush Monday will sversse normal or sllfhUy below. Rainfall will ave rage about an Inch to one-half au Inch. Rather warmer with only rmatl day to day temperature rhangea Saturday and Sunday. Scattered or thonder ahowore dur ing the afternoon or ovonlaf Thursday or Friday. From Raleig&s Police Files: THE CHIME BEAU BY CHARLES R. JONES ■ : : BITS GIRLFRIEND OVER HEAD WITH STICK M>m Robe: la Wright, of 5&0 E Cabarrus Street, came to police headquarter* tt ->M p.m. Sunday end told the officer on duty that her boyfriend, Luther Johnaon. 45. who lives at the came address, got marl with her and “hit me over my bead with a broom stick at home" The woman signed a warrant charging assault with a deadly weapon and Johnson was placed tn Wake County Jail. GOES TO SLEEP THINKING HE'S AT HOME Joe Smtlh. el 747 Fayette - rllte Street, informed Officer* John Baker. Si- and Alfred %' 'OY Y?* iwre if«»i * -‘-y ; nnm mwm ■ HK. > JOSLjII LK .„.f • 'UK **— "■ Jjjk 'f f ' * \ ' '■' . ' kjSSb&Mp-' 1 ■ L. ML WUAIAME Us -z Boy Scoutf' Set Trip To World’s Fair Tha OcooneecbM Counotl Bop Scouts Win teava Halelgh. Tupaday July 16. for a 8-day »rirT® tlte New York World a Pair. The trip will s.clude ona d*y to Washington. DC ona for Wave) and three full cUys in New Tort They will return to RaleiHJ Moo day. July 20. (CONTtNuib - ON FAOt It i L. Grigsby at fi ll an». Sun day, he awoae te ffahK~E strange own fast the couch In his living room. Flemming Wight, 2S. of RU. 1. Lilting ton. »oid the officers be. had . been drinking and thought ht »as at his home In Harnett Oetnilf. Farther investigation reveal ed entry had been gatadtJ? removing the screen fruKta I front window. The ButaVdsoT tng was found on the Rent porch. After a warrant waa ini Wright wan taken to HR* County Jail, charged nflfO- ' legal entry -+**.■- 1 CONTINUED ON PAG* ST

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