I" " "Illiii"”"'" v ""^—H f' BkjjV, $ ■ : jmm^k v .: > s -T^ 1 * z k * S^f%fy*t f. £*4 V% rilllDlU ill* Llff% I * ... "• I W rC %#wßa.v. * v v .,„ : . ; " • •*•* -jfc .su-AJL 'j^x*s?''■*-'*'■ jBBBBBBBE- mSTH . p jtKfi » * * i raßßl |B|jgy| HB|^^, ■*•- ’" i bmbbb 1 v* s&bs P•’ ’ *****" ” a - R M *?** 9H|^n| K"< IJffi.v,b ~JBBb, m MF #^J^H|^^E i ., j p |p| - || AM g* x |i| * jaPf i - v i\ M VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL CLOSES Vacation Bible School was held at the Church Os Christ on Waller Place, Ro chester Heights, from June IS-June 19. An interracial teaching Pti,,r!; : ' -r|f.* ' \ 4%,*-,-* ‘ , BijmjEi'•*■•« - > fl[> . WfjgP sjj*>.?2yr B qßjp* B 2* * SmJrn PWMF\ JMBRII fr H i; . -BTIB flKj ■ '? * B. P■' ** s‘*i sTsw Ill' B HP R bmb iHf Ai hLljhhb J Kb \ji ■ Bfl nff -v« m B[lHßPiHpi|E g^Mgifa^y IBET I '‘V SQ§§|j}|<£~ ’ZV% ■■'<*o ’ ' ' ' M HARNETT HIGH SCHOOL THIRD GRADERS Pic tured here is Mrs. B. E. McNeills section of the third grade at the Harnett High School, Dunn. They are just completing a unit Names Os Contributors Listed As Plans Being Made To Bri:.g J. W. Ligon High’s Band Uniform Drive To A Successful Finish ftaaa are now beinc perfected to brliw to a successful conclusion the Ligon High School band uni* i arm onvo. The campaign to raise $8,000.00 in the Raleigh Community to pur chase 100 band uniforms so that the Ligon band might be outfitted properly, began last year. The Ini tial effort was moderately success ful in that approximately $2,000.00 or one-fourth of the needed SB,OOO 00 was raised. Because of the pre eure within the local' community for support of other money raising tampalgns to meet larger eommu INSURANCE* RENTALS* SALES -LET US HELP YOU!” Terrace Insurance & Realty Co. C-i BOOKER DR. T. B. JILES, Mgr. DIAL Bss-llss UGHTNER FUNERAL HOME And The Lightner Mutual Rurial Insurance Licensed Embalmers —and— Funeral Directors c E LIGHTNER C. E LIGHTNER. II Founder Manager Ambulance Service Funeral Chapel 312 SMITHFIELD ST. Office Phones! TE 3-1676 - TE 3-1677 Our service* are specially designed to suit the purse of everyone AD distinctions of dam and wealth are forgotten . . . Every Kivice is conducted with the same quiet Signify, sympathetic undentandng and capable attention to the smallest de tail. nity needs, the Ligon band uni form fund campcJgn was tempo rarily halted. Now that these larger demands have almost reached their goals, the directors of the Ligon band uniform drive have decided It Is now time to make every poeslble effort to complete this important campaign. It should be remembered that acme of the uniforms now being used by the Ugon band are over 17 years old and that the majority of these uniforms ore ragged, tom. patched, faded and badly worn. staff and student body attended the five-day sessions. Shown are some of the teachers and 75 students who were present. Randall Harley, a white man, was director of the Vacation Bible School. of work on “Life of the Eskimo People ." Some of the activities are shown in the background. Uniforms which are too badly worn and ragged to be worn are used as patches for other leas damaged garments. Mr. Joseph Edwards, the effi cient. capable and progressive di rector of the Ligon band has high hopes of being sole to equip his band with uniforms becoming a musical aggregation which has achieved such wide acclaim In this area. Director Edwards envisions a neatly attired 100-piece march ing band which will be second to none In this section If this money raising effort is successful Groups and Individuals who have already contributed to this worthy cause Include: Ligon High Band Dance, 8405.79; Nine and Five Club. $20.00; the Royalettes, S9O. 00; 4th Ward Floral Club. $5.00; Kabala Temple No. 77. $25.00: Trustees. Wldon Son Lodge. SIOO. 00; Links. Inc.. $25.00; Queen of Hearts Club, $25.00: Friday Even ing Book Club. $90.00; Washington School PTA, $62 00; Junior Class of Ligon. $17.61. O. F. Newell’s Homeroom. $2.50; Mrs. 8. V. Perry, Homeroom, $25.00; Mrs. Toole’s Homeroom. sls 00; Mrs. Ingram’s Homeroom, $10.00; H. A. Williams Homeroom. $2.00; G. C. Exum, $16.00; Mrs. Luke Williams. $1.00; Olander P. Clark SIO.OO. Mrs. Rosalie B. Williams. sl6 00; Mrs. Erti.ll B. Dcvts. *1.00; Mrs. Ethel L. Clark. $16.00: Miss Mary L. Smith. $16.00; Mrs. Augusta H. Gray, $16.00: Mrs Margurita R. Cooke, $16.00; George C. Jones. $16.00; Herbert Williams. $16.00: P. H Williams $16.00: Mrs. Lu cille Webb. $16.00: George L. Fox well. $16.00; A. L Johnson. *16.00: Mrs. Priscilla Cunningham, $16.00; Mrs. W. M. WUltome. *16.00; C. C. Lipscomb. $16.00: Miss Carolyn N. Bryant. $16.00: Rev. Howard Cun ningham. $25.00; R. E. Stewart. $16.00: Mrs. Henri Stredwlck. S9O - 00: Dr C. B Middleton. sls 00; Mias Lillian A. Wright. *16.00; F. A Stafford. Jr.. sl6 00: Mrs. Rosalind E. Johnson. $16.00; Mrs. Doris B. Clements. $16.00; Mrs. Marilda C. Lee. *l6 00. Miss Mable C Bullock. sl6 00; Httoert Poole. *'6.00: D R In gram. $16.00: Mrs Ida E Wash ington. *16.00; M. C HID. *l6 00: Mrs. Delores W Revta sl6 00; Mrs. Muriel W Allison. $16.00: Mrs. Mary D. Aldrich. $16.00: Mrs. Mary D. Davis. $16.00: Mrs Emma H. Brown. <.516.00: H. E. Brown. $16.00: Mrs. Minnie W Blakely. sl6 00: Mrs Esther Mor tng. *1.00: Sylvrlbe R. CoUd. 116 00: Oeorge I Hvndy $16.00: Mis* j E. M. Yeargtn. $16.00: Mr and' Mrs J. C Lrvtneston. 32 00: 1 James A. Wffflam*. *l6 00; Mias Joyee Davis. $16.00: Miss Doro'hr S. Lane. $16.00: Mrs EMM Kelly. *16.00. Also Mrs. Dorr*hr Curtis. sl6 00: John H Baker. sl6 00: Mrs Sto phsnie M Ro*“.« $16.00; J. A. I Abron, Jr.. $16.00; P. V. Watson. $16.00; Johnny E. Burke, $16.00; Mrs. D. H. Hams, $16.00; Mrs. Etta D. Toole. $16.00; George F. Newell, $16.00; Mrs. 8. V. Perry. *16.00; Dr. C. L. Hunt. *7.50; Dr. George C. Debnam. $10.00; Dr. Janies E. Thomas. $10.00; Dr. R. H. McDowell, 10 00 D. H. Keck, chairman of the Ligon Band Uniform Drive has expressed the hope that the many other fine and Community mind ed groups and Individuals in the Raleigh area will follow the splen did lead established by those who have already contributed to this most worthy cause and that they will unite In putting this drive over the top. It Is estimated that a complete new uniform cost SBO.OO. Churches, rellgous, fraternal civic and social organizations along with Individ uals are urged to contribute the cost of a uniform. Checks and contributions may be addressed to. lik&k ; *3L, ... t ' ■h*., S i' o '- , i " __ HMMNHBnEEliyiaiicat^ MRS KECK GETS NATIONAL RECOGNITION Mrs. Thelma M. Keck, above, of Raleigh received a unanimous stand ing ovation following her report in Seattle, Washington, June 27, as the relinquished her office at National Editor ol "Up The Hitr magazine. Delegatee from coast to comet rapraaanting 5,000 moth ers unanimously stood to applaud Mrs. Keek in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the development and growth ol the program ol Jack and Jill of America, Inc. tor two 1-year terms. In 1962 at Minneapolis, Minnesota the waa unanimously re-elected to serve the second term. Under the constitution cI the organiza tion she could not serve another term. Mre. Keck also participat ed in Workshop Four on “National Obligation," or "Responsibil ities as Consultant." At the cloee d the convention, the delegates presented to Mrs. Keck as a special gift Iron them, a beautiful silver fruit bowl, as appreciation lor efficient and dedicated serv ices Mrs. Keck is succeeded by Mrs. Roy N. Moore ot Durham, j Do’s And Don’t* I m m Iff a w P - »’ IJRVi up Hm h^ W i^yKMM V B B p w j£bh J(m 1 jffJImJUIBBJ h V BB W'tf » Tip Telling Her She Cm And Km WHL Mrs. Hattie T. Mitchell Retires After 34 Years Mrs. Hattie T. Mitchell resigned her position as superintendent of St Psul AME Church's Sunday School after 84 years of service and was honored at a -This is Your Life Program." presented in her honor by the Sunday School board Sun day night at St Paul Church. It was Sunday night at church, 7:00 o’clock In the evening, when the usher met Mrs. Mitchell at the church door and took her to the seat of honor, which was a sett in side the chanel Next her relativee were ushered in and eat on cither aide of Mre. Mitchell; these relativee Included e sister, Mre. Lillie Frederick end husband (Tom Goldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Hawes, Mrs. Nellie Smith. Mr. Henry Worth, and Mrs. Georgia Wall, all of Raleigh. After this, tbs program was started. Mrs. Auguste Gray, the assistant superintendent es Sunday School, was the mlstrese of ceremonies. She began by saying, "This Is Your Life, Mrs. H. T. Mitchell” As Mrs. Gray continued, she gave a brief sum mary of Mra. Mitchell's Ufa, and callsd the following people to lay something concerning Bin. Mitchell and how the had fitted or Influ enced their lives. Her childhood friends talked first; they were Mrs. Lillie Hodge, Mra Addle Logan, Mrs. Alice Jon at, Mlse Laura Ed wards; Mrs. Gsneva P. Brown who It on a of her younger friends, who became a friend of the family when ■he met Eula Williams and Lillie in St Augustine’s College. J. C. Washington nsxt talksd about his friendship and how Mrs. Mitchell helped him to be a better Sunday School teacher. Bin. Lillie Hodges' tribute was beautiful to Mrs. MitohslL Rev. Larkins, who was presiding Elder during Mre. Mitchell’* superin ten cy. Mrs. Hat tie Edmondson next talked on such a Christian neighbor Mrs. Mitchell Is. Roy Moor* remembered Bin. Mitchell from cradle roll through youth end adult life end even Bin. Annie Hinton. SOS Rook Quarry Rond, Raleigh, N. C. AD contributions will be promptly ac knowledged and tbs names of all contributors will be engraved up on a permanent scroll to be not ed on the Ligon campus. If you an unable to contribute the oost of a complete uniform, a small dona tion wUI be gratefully acknowledg ed. through the Korean war whaa ho said Mrs. Mitchell told him to pray. It was bar prsysrs, ho said, that oauaad him to have faith and earry on. Ernestine Robinson next made an excellent talh in the Interest of the youth of Sunday School, lb. Bathos talked on how many Uvea Mrs. Mitchell had touched and In- FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO ANYSMALL APPLIANCE riiti. TE 2-3950 VA 8-2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. "The Hones That Bwviee Bunt” SS4 E. MARTIN «T. iIHI W l ■ k ||K99K YOU’LL HAVE UP TO THREE YEARS TO s PAY ON EASY MONTHLY TERMS Financing that new car is no problem with our low costa low premium auto loan rates! LARGE EItOUGH TO SERVE YOU . . . SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU . . . /'AMw\ Come In Today And Discuss Your | JICB Loan Needs With Us! MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK HH RALEIGH • DURHAM - CHARLOTTE -1.." .g,; v» CABOUIMIf RALEIOH. N. C-. SATURDAY, JULY «. ISS4 fluenced la Sunday School and church. Bacauaa lira. Mitchell U also a retired school teacher, Mrs. Henri Stredwick. one of her co-workers in Crosby and Lucille Hunter Schools talked next Mrs. Stredwick said Mrs. Mitchell insisted that her pupils prepare themselves and see a need of conducting themselves well at all times and always pre pare good work. Mr. Eaton said al though Mra. Mitchell did not have a master’s degree, but she eras a master teacher in her classroom. W. A. Rainbow presented Mrs. Mitchell a plague, which eras in scribed “Mrs. Hattie T. Mitchell. Supt of St Paul AMS Sunday School for 34 Tears. Mrs. Josephine Williams presented a (cash) puree of $13.00 from several of the church clubs; Rev. Penn presented and praised lbs. Mitchell ter her un tiring service. Hla presentation eras a check ter $804)0 from the Sunday School. Rev. L A Penn is the pastor of St Paul Church. Mrs. Sadie B. Herndon next rend eouffetulatory telegrams and «4“ 1 IQH A § M TfHTM .-•SSjSt'X mm w MUIRHEAD’S A SCOTCH ||g MRMssosmmwr.Mnm».oisiaMnoirMmMsiosMf.Ms.«iisM - - ";-■ TOP QUALITY ™ KRAFT RECAPPING ®On New Tire CoaC >f| • 8-Hour Bcrpist^ >i^l **Ac ' • Sams Quality Rtsbbßy; as Used in New Tins *.*■:■ • Easy to Balance Term* To Suit Z«S#; j 14 miu mem no nomi HUNT BENERAL TIRE CO. ’ •HS A McDOWSLL »T. PHONE TEI-OJW letters from relatives and friends, who were unable to stterrd. The music was furnished by the choristers of the church, a solo eras sung by Miss Jessie Mahans, ntWr solo by Belinda CoUina. A piano solo was played by Ernest McAd ams Jr. from Cincinnati. Ohio. /W u.s.savwos) V OONP6-TO / ( l VtXJR CDUNTRyIIi 11

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