12 tneuoiaui RALEIGH, N, CL. linatttT, JOLT 4. I—4 3Fan3bpics/«i* R cT * MtVtKEN MMKEOTMt WntKMRT : * < rr-rigM«aL / * Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch liamwM arm hi CHARGES K IIM T6th annu » Catawba Synod. lan Church In tha it the new modem estm in later United rah hart, June 34- J. X. McKenzie of « Memorial V. P. aa retiring mode rator. The Rev. Grover D. Nelson to rate later of the heat church which hQBly plaroedtoe Synod vlattore "IFai towing the election of Dr. C. K Kennedy (an Armed Forcea Lt ©Monel) aa toe new aooderator, the synod began Its Sellbarsttona of btfi lag reports and disposing of Is- Net (he least among those wee e jetohatton to the effect toot United nredbpteriana would not wrrender to the Ks Klun Klan of Tarheel len tti rhht to tend summer student towupe into Wbn City end other a eaaa whose toe Klan baa recently Sheww tta atrangth by ordering out of Wm Oty a group of young white MM and toelr adult leaden Sttoto toe PMSbnrgh. Finn* area as toMf- attenuated to renovate the filirtnlsa Church to tbs amaU Wltoan Caungr town. Tbs synod has ttys tot Mat OHy project with a «r Catawba toned, chaired by Dr. f .wTtontto, tor. ad Charlotte, noted •the ahnnh*» ceneern over certain toslt —ini itadjnatoinrta (among toem the rotary system of officers); toa IrrP—“t ad man lihn Oov. ©aoega Wallace of Ala, and Senate* fiagry Osttoratw Is having a de> ■uMMg aMaet upon the attitudes H itt people In regards to civil flto separt gat* “When e group q|, Wssltums in the name of the BK Will bank themselves, under tod sever of darkness and frighten n handful of Christian young peo & tolling thorn to ‘get out of ’.tor no reason other than that toe students were acting like Chris ttohs; it is Hi— to think about our ntoto to humanity." OMtbb proas reports stated that gnaj dragon of tha N. C. Ku Klux tow, in company with about two ktohed persons surrounded one of ton tour homes of Colored famtlie! wflh whom the eleven northern JVtttoa wore lodging about mid- | sdAt and gave them until noon to began*- They left before that hour •supd dragon Robert (Bob) Jones ed Granite Quarry was quoted as having said he had done the group g favor tiarewt the local whites ware real mad end he could not wgSNh tor the group's safety. Jonee was reported to have told the group toit there wee danger ed the young wbfta girls going back to Pitts burgh carrying 14 ... ■ babies ) the synod's eommttteee on Chrts hafts Education and Interpretation aA4 Stewardship, Joined In sustain tog the National Miaaions report by gjgdad: “The Church cannot forfeit Hg give up Its ministry, or alto aside from the traffic of (be p|—ant world." The statement con- Sgtod: “This holds true In Missis dpl. Al* I*”* 1 *”* and In ELM CITY. ff£. ARho man may now be listen- Hid with more Interest and com- SatoytogMiMhidlo toe torarch s oSbwdn to proles God wMh a loud atoT clear voice for all his mighty Wtodto." The quotation embodied top 'aUer of toe Christian Educe to& declaration at the United Pres to&fidn General Assembly In 1682- to?le United Presbyterian USA ag a policy that all FORD SALES and :: SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, “ EDASf OB A T ED rr~ Mqdaii S-Eltl “ Hi tAMOW BT churches within Its bound should either be on ad integrated basis or - have an open-membership policy, , offering mambertolp and Job status i to anyone of the faith qualified to > participate. Forfeiture of eligibility for mission aid Is a penalty for non conformance. This la called “as -1 flrmative desegregation action." the gynod back-traeted or hedged a bit, however, when it refused to come and publicly take s stand on a resolution which have, in effect, endorsed gubernatorial candidate Judge L. Richardson Prayer two days before the runoff election which resulted la hie defeat by Judge Dan Moore. a TRg ONI SCHOOL Pro t lease BUs Johnson, who came to Leurlnburg Institute here at the age of I after Dr. Booker Washington wee asked to send some teachers from Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, retired from toe princi pal ship of toe I. Cilia Johnson High School hero In May, after 13 years ' teaching end prlndpelahlp in this • community of over 14,000. Retiring amid the glory of a lov i tag people, Mr. Johnson, now 74 i years of age and with the seeming vitality of a man twenty years his Junior, was felicitated by no lass personages than those who have known him for over half-a-century, Including Oov. Terry H. Sanford and state treasurer Edwin Oiil, na tive* of the area, who were ac quainted with the honoree all their lives. The local school board gave Johnson a gorgeous silver service set and many others gave gifts de noting affection and esteem. Beth Johnson and his wife (the former A mads Etheridge of Cam don. S. C.) ere getting accustomed to their retirement A son I. Ellis 111, Is s chemist In Fhiladephl*. The daughter. Mrs lona E. Pugh, lives In Darlington. A C, but teechee In Leurlnburg. Student minister Russell E. Richey, delivered the message Sun day at Mt. Pisgah United Presby terian Church, Rocky Mount, where he is summer assistant to Rev. J. H. Costen. A Durham resident and Yale Divinity Srtiool student. Rich ey's family—Dr. and Mrs. McMur rey S. Richey, and brother Thomas Richey were present for the service Cary-Asbury News BT MISS MAR N. HOPSON UNION BETHEL AME CHURCH CARY On Sunday, June 21. the Rev. J H. Patterson eras guest speaker at the morning tarries* His thrmo wee, "Perfect" This was centered around the Beck of Job The music was r endued by the senior choir On Sunday afternoon, June 21. at 3 o'clock, the Bee. Mary Preiser was guest speaker, and toe prayer Bend of Method accompani ed her She delivered an Insptro tlonal mi mage tram toe first chap ter of Jonah Them* “You Can’t Hide" We had visitors from Dur ham and Method. MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School began at 10 a. a* Morning services began at 11 a. m. with tha sector choir in charge of : music. The pastor, the Rev. Heac | Lee. gave hie message from - St John. 5:6. Then -. "Will yeu Lire Eight?" The geest singers were the Elks Spirituals of Balaigh Yhitora are always welcome to all services in this community Mrs. Annie Brown. Mrs. Alma Jonee, Mm Delay B FerreU. and delegates. Misses Annie Louise Baugh, end Deborah Arrlngon. at tended the Sunday Beheel Cnusm lion, wfciflfc wm Md st QaUUm Baptist Church In SmfthfleM re cently. The delegates reported a Mrs. Lucy Station, offset John- Richard. Jr, and Dlann Steffen, spent the weekend In Henderson MB bar dnegbter and sen tn lew. Mr. and Mm McKinley Chart*. MnJanies Kathleen Farmer. Ma rten Eeuneon and Him Mae Hupaon attended the SMi Convention of toe Grand United Order of Tent Stators! ■NEWS . JBHARREN VIEWS •con ALLOW nUCSDOM LAURINBURG Enroute to fee Catawba Synod meeting hare laat week, Mrs. Harren piloted the Fal con bus down through Lumbertou. up by Maxton aa we observed this Scotland County area where the Indiana made the Ku Kluxers taka to their heels years ago. Our thought was that, regrettably. Na grace at Eastern Tarheella, having boon boot an and driven so much ourselves, do not have the courago and atlek'togethemess of the In dians, attho we are larger ta> nun- Wo lodged with Mr. and Mrs. I. Elite Jshnson, Jr., the 74-yeer-old arhoohnon who has just retired af ter fifty-two yean In the school mom. Johnson says that the school afflalels hsre do not frown on Ne gro teocbsrs belonging to and par- Udpetlng in NAACP aetlvlty-and say so publicly. F. B. Price, another retired teacher, confirmed this. Mayor W. B. Lytch Issued a pro clamation honoring principal John son for "unprecedented service . . . to Lourlnburg as aa outstanding tittaeo, and principal of the same school U years, end as s leader of constructive movements for com munity betterment" as be sailed upon cl tisane to reflect on die wor thy contributions of Mr. Johnson. Or. Charles F Carroll, State Supt Public Instructions, was quoted as saying tills Johnson Is the dean of all Tarheella public educators by virture of his 52 years in one school. Johnson says ha has always gone to sleep at night with the feeling that tomorrow will bo s better day*. He has usually been right Queried about discipline with students and teachers, the native Alabamian said he had few with either group, especially the teach- CLINTON NEWS BT B. M. JOHNSON PERSONALS CL!NTON--Mr. and Mrs. Horatcs Isaac, Mr. Edward Rogers of Long Island, N. Y., Mr* Mary B. Cooper. Mlaa Lorraine Cooper, Mr. Ronali Cooper and Mrs. Lucille Kelly of Trenton. N. J. motored down to attend toe wedding of thetr neiee and cousin, Mies Jamaaietta Butler, which was performed in Rose Hill Benson BY MRS. PLORENCt J. WYNN BRlNSON—Worship services were hold at the AME Methodist Church Sunday with the Rev A. McDougal, pastor, presiding. Vacation Bible School wee a great success end was considered to have been the beet ever held at St. James Disciple Church last week. The theme of the lesson for the week was. "Jesus. The Promised Savior." On Friday night, the School sponsored a program with the Junior choir rendering music. The Rev. Robert William* pastor, as sisted every day, along with other memberi of the church, including Mr Louis Barfield, superinten dent of the Sunday School PERSONALS Mr and Mr* June Williams and son. Christopher, of Richmond, Va, spent the weekend visiting his parent* Mr. end Mm Horace William* and ether members of his family. Also visiting her parents from Richmond, was Miss Annie Willi ams. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Williams. Mr. Joe Barfield, also of Rt -h --mond. is visiting his mother. Mrs. Frances Barfield, other relatives and friends bore. Mrs. Frances Davis is a patient at Wake Memorial Hoepital. Ra leigh. BENSON Church sorvlco was held at St. Jamee Dteciple Church Sunday with toe paetor, toe Rev. Rebert William* In charge of the morning worship. Ho delivered a very enjoyable sermon. Father's Day aerates was held Sunday, June SI. at Cedar Point Dteciple Church ta Newton Grove. Mr. Calvin King ■ 4Arnos4 the fath er* Rot. E. V. George delivered toe roeeaag* The eervtce was en joyed by aU preeent Vacation Bible Scboel is being held this weak at toe St. James Dteciple Church. Theme k. -Jesus the Promieed Savior”. On Friday night at toe closing, ton pastor, the Rot. R. WUI ism* will leader a aer ates la behalf a 4 the Young people Everyone Is totaled to attend and also to hear toe report of toe week by toe children and eee the display ol Stair work. Mr. James Walter Wpan Is a pa tient at a Chapel -Hill hoepital where be recently underwent sur «vry. Mm Viola WBliame Is spending the summer in Benson. oavruAHY Mr Frank AHbrd. eon of the late Mr Esaie Alford, was funeralired Sunday. Mr. Alford la a native of where be was Ihrtng He ts sur vived by hit mother. Mr* Rocedar A Nerd, nine brothers and four sis ter* Southern Utah let No. 1. which con vened at Johaaon C. Smith Univer sity to Charlotte n candy Mr* Martah Breaeoss wm a delegate. They reported a very fine session I MCK AND SHUT-INS Kit Janie Brown I* a patient tn Wake Memorial Hoepital; and Mm A ante Eee bar B lecepersting at Left not Amy* l °° r *** IRH * . tag They recta is sards, flower* phone call* vhtta god especially prayers era, with leas Eton five per cent of his 38 teachers being dropped an nually. He “let them —t them selves," he stated. There are 1142 students in the combined school system which he started in tall wtlh five teachers and Mg pupils, this waa apart from Laurlaburg Institute, which still operates hare. Ellis Johnson has been highly •useawful with student disciplinary matters, too, ha states. Frequently dismissing a student and then over taking him before ha reached home, to bring him beck for another trial, realising that the pupil could not ha helped U out es whom. Usually his efforts succeeded. Sam* had to ha lot go. Mrs. Cara Roberta, SOS Caledonia Read, operates a flrt-claes tourists lodging and dining facility open to Em public desiring quality service. Among the studest-mintaters serving In Catawba Synod this sum mer, in addition to Russell Richey at Rocky Mount wtth Mt Plagah U. F. Church; la TAOAAKI MTYA BE of Tokyo, Janpea, who la at Cotton Memorial U. Preeby. Church. Henderson, Rev. J, R. Dungae. pas tor While looking la at NAACP na tional convention in Dee Cec two days last week, we met young JEREMIAH X 1714 Fifth St, N. W„ who promises jobs for young man wishing to learn U tie steel for con struction work In s short time to earn up to $35 per day while in training. It wouldn't hurt to send him s stamped envelope for full de tails. H. D. Taylor, DD6, accompanied Allan B. Rawlins horns to Rocky Mount from Philadelphia lest week end on a visit to the Pete Rawlins family. recently. Mr. and Mr* James E. Sampson, Mrs Arlethe B. Oraham. Misses, Marilyn and Elaine Sampson and Mr. Edward Smith, of Clinton, also attended the wedding. Mr. and Mr*. James I. Sampson had as their house guest recently Mr. .and Mrs. Horatae Isaac and Mrs. Mary Cooper of N. Y. and New Jersey. They also visited their parent* Mr. and Mrs. Amos Butler of Roseboro. and Mr* Arletha Graham of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Holland Boney of Rote Hill. Rev. J. Ray Butler of Wilmington, performed the wedding ceremony of Mias Jamcszetta Butler and Mr. Alexander Leach in Rose Hill recently. Messrs. William (Butch) end James (Fella) Ashford spent several days here last week visiting their grandfather and aunt, Mrs. Freda Faison and Rev. Fred Ashford. Mrs. Arletha B. Graham la visit ing her daughter and family, Mr. and Mr». Toney Cumminghara In Washington. D. C. Messrs. Charles Erma and Elite Ray Butler of Wilmington, spent the day here last week visiting their aunts, Mrs. Loubertha Sampson and Mrs. A. B Graham. They also visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Butler of Roseboro. Mr. William E. Smith Is attending summer school at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College, Greensboro. N C. Mr. Juttan A. Jones. Mias La vonne Jonas and Mrs. A. Mae Smith motored to IVvettevitle recently. Rev. J. Ray Butler, a native of Sampson County and the son of Mr. and Mr*. Amos Butler of Rose boro. ha* recently been awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree by Fiiendahip College in Rock Hill, South Carolina. He Is pastor of Ebe neezer Missionary Baptist Church, Wilmington. Miss Marfa He Wilson and Mn Geraldine D. Williamson are attend ir- summer School et N. C. Col lege at Durham OBITUARIES Mr Sam. B. Matthis. of William Street died at hie home on Friday, June Ml at 4:00 p m. Funeral ear vicea were Wedneeday. June H at 4 g m. at Moaning Star Holiness Church. Mr. Mooes Bur neon, of Sampson Street died Sunday night of last wed* Mr. Atwood Faison died at the Veterans Hospital last Tuesday night Funeral eervtce* were held at First Baptist Church last Sun day. Sot. Jaaaaa Everett officiated. BENDBB SEBVKSS Rot. J. L White and the Male Chorus rendered services et the Antioch Baptist Church, Goldsboro, last Sunday. They were observing Men’s Day. Hot. Baxter Rich la toa paster. Mias Elaine Sampson, who teaches Home Economics at the Cooper High School In Clayton, has recently been certified by the Red Cress to teach a count of Bonn Nursing Cbre of Sick and htjiued. She beanme earttflad ta Johnston Chanty. Mm Addle Jntmeon and children. Chart** Car heft and Joyce and Mr. James Mease, motored te Winston- Salem last Sunday to visit Mrs ' Gwendolyn McDemgal whs was a ! patient at toa Kato Bttttag Rey aside Memorial Hoepital Mr* boo BeO Faison, woe tn the ; atty last week attending the fu- ' narat as her brother-in-law. Mr Mr. aad Mr* Berates Mease. Mr. Harry Lee Moor* Mr. Roy Moore, and Mr. Nathaniel Moore all of Inglewood. N. J. were here last week ■Handing the funeral of their gyenddHhar. Mr. Wentworth Mor rteey. The mfTttary code ter D-Day on Operation Over- Hap Ton Stall Em H7. WjJ HIGGINS... ...Commander of many NC **° * OLTMCM OUMNg THE TOf OIVIL WAR / TH|g UNION OOLONEI •*»/ * IT WOULO NAVC BEEN MADNESS TO ATTEMPT WITH ***■ WHTTE TROOPS WHATXSUOCCSB PUliy AOOOM PUSHED WITH TMt BLACK/ ' Apex BY MBS. LOUISE COLVIN APEX—Sunday June IS. Em Male Chorus at First Baptist waa in ahorse of the music for the de votion at the 11 o’clock worship sendee, with the Rev. W. M. Phfl- lip conducting, i The pastor, the Rev. Bigelow, de-i llvered a very In- j tereetlng sermon, as usual. His text! was taken from St. Luke, 16:10. i His subject was,! “Humanity's Ore* test Lost”. Worshipping' J Wf £ I * ■BBNHBBBBBBBBNNBMf with u« were, MRS. COLVIN Mrs. Lcla AirUwton of Goldsboro. The attendance was very good. Our morning offering totaled $151.78. Our doors stand open, and we welcome all visitors ms friends. Sunday night at 8:00 o’clock First Baptist Male Chorus spon sored a program. The Ocepel Cho rus. the Speclalljws and the Male Chorus rendered the music and a solo from Mrs. Mattie Marrow, with Stephen Bigelow accomp&n lng all at the piano. Sunday night at 7:30. Rev. Bige low was guest speaker at the Oak Grove Baptist Church in Durham The occasion was the end of their Children's Day oervice. SICK AND SHUT-INS We are very glad that Mr. Wiley Powell is home from tho hospital Mrs Olrlena Ouy and Mr. Herman Williams are not doing too well Other sick are Mr. Jessie Bullock Mr. Wesley Hill and Mr. Lloyd Kersey. PERSONALS Dempsey and Sheila Raines of Brooklyn. New York are visiting their relatives, the Colvins, and the Raines, here. ZEBULOX BY MRS, MADDIE FLOYD ZEBULON Sunday School o pened at 10 o'clock with Doscon James Wright in charge. Th# sub ject of th# lesson was, "The Chris tian and Missionary Impertive.” Rev. John Manaon reviewed the lesson Morning worship began at 11:30 a m. with tbs Rev. Mangum reading the acripture from tha Rook of St John, 14:$. Everyone present enjoyed the services. PERSONAL j Mr. William Morgan has just re | turned from a two-week veetlon. i during which time be visited bis | uncle. Mr. Wilbert Wiggins, of I Washington. D. C. Rambling In Chatham C’nty BY BEY. Burnt Y. BOSTON CHATHAM MAN DIBS ATM SILER CITY—Mr. William Frank Siler aon of Ho lato Robert and Nancy Siler, was born in Siler City. Chatham County, North Caro lina In Jua* 1874. Be departed thia Ufa June 28. 1904. at the ago of Mi He wae married to the former Mlaa Emma Reaves, about 800. To thia union 9 children were born, three of which preceded him in death. Re Joined Oee'i Oroee Church at an early age and remained faithful until death. Sereieon are hia wtta. Mr*. Em ma R Siler; one daughter. Mrs. Ethel Price; flee sons. Messrs. Vernon Soar of Greenaboro: Her man Siler as Siler City; Bernard Siler of Washington. D. C.; Norman Siler of Detroit. Michigan; and A mJck Siler of Philadelphia. Penn by p. w. niton GOLDS POW The earn or choir of Roberta Chapel Church tang at the Ml Harmon A E. Zion Church here last Sunday. The 4Mh annual Sunday School eoneentiea tn conjunction ertth the Miaietero and Laymen laatltule will be bald on Mo Cumnock Circuit with the MV Benson AMEZ Church here being the hoot church also the J 8 Water* Public School and Ka facilities wfD he need. The cnusenOen will pet under way July 8 at M o'clock a. av and will continue through July 19 Bee. B. A Mack ia r-*tor of tha boat church. Rev J. A Brown, presiding Tlder. and H T Stewait la SM BT BENNY M. SAIIERWiffE BUNN—The Bunn Chapel Sun day School began at 10:00 o’clock with the superintendent, Mr. Phil lip Dunston In charge. Title of tho le—on was, "Christian Friends A round the World”, The Oethsemane Baptist Church held Its annual Children'* Day Sunday. A number of choirs ware present Everyone enjoyed tbs pro gram to the highest. Tho Zion Springs Sunday School went to Chavis Park Saturday. Thera wars 46 attending Everyone had a wonderful time. The wedding of Mr. Sidney X Crudup and Miss Mabla B. Holden waa held at the Zion Springs Church on Sunday night. It was carried out beautifully. The Rev. C. H. Boykin of Wilson married the ooupl#. The delegates to the 4-H Short Course week, which wsa held at A AT College In Greensboro ware Mias Linda F. Moore, Mr. Bari Crudup and Miss Jean Satterwhite, They all went from the Red town Community 4-H elub. It seams that everyone really enjoyed this week’s program. FERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Hartsfisld of Bunn had for their weekend guest their daughter, Joyce, and her husband MISS YVONNE LEWIS Ginton Deb Presented To N. Y. Society CLINTON—Dr. and Mrs. Ro meo H. Lewis of Clinton present ed their daughter. Mias Yvonne Lewis, to New York Society on June 12. at Me Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Ycvonne made her debute un der the sponsorship of the Brook lyn Olrt Friends Mrs. Leonard R. Jackson, netce of Un. Lewis, waa her matron, representing tha Deea-Jemi Ona of the 47 carefully selected girls from families of Manhattan. Bronx. Brooklyn Queens. West chester. N. T , Montclair, N. J. and Clinton. Mias Lewis was presented In the Grand BaUrootn of tha New York Waldrof. Yvonne wore a white dress of pure potdesoi silk, a princess style with fitted bodies and fun skirt, co wad with pearls and sequins. The charming deb la a 1904 graduate of Palmer Memorial In stttute. Bedalia. She was a good student and active tn extra cur ricular activities. She plana to en ter Central State Colleg* tn Wtl berforee. Ohio this fan. aajortng in business administration. She plane a career in merehandMng as a buyer. Those attending the Debutante Cbttlhon from Clinton ware Or. and Mr*. R R. Lewis. Mrs. Ruth Freeman and Miss Nancy Boykin. -PROF- ATTENDS TWO DETROIT CONVENTIONS Mrs. Ann Lamb Davis. assoc H’s profoeor of clothing at A A T Col lege. attended. in Detroit. the aannal coovenMoa as Callage Teachers of Textiles and Jane M-M and the annual cenven tka of American Same Economise Aseoeietien. June 2S-M Both mease were held in Debelt. Theodore Tyson. Jr. Union Os eve AMEZ Church is chetnaen of Me I Me Durham District BUNN NEWS and sea Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rogers and family es Knightdale visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ML Satterwhite, Jr. Mr. Richard Dickens of Bunn has returned heme from the hcepital. THf CANAL HAS THREE IAOX LOCXS-WE GATlja' MQAFLORES AND PEDBO MWJEI--VHL* A&OUT I,OOOFEET LONG, 1K) FEET WIDE AND 40 FEET PEE?: 3F ALL LOCKS WEKE FILLED 3&TIMES CVES/mtS AMOUNT WOULD KJUALTHE . COFFEE C r :' » (SOME 450MLUON cups; r '•‘ u e u.s. 0-. KNCWTHEFKUNGy^ MaSBWz- WHEN A DROUGHT Oil HARSH / / 1 I Tp'jsr WEATHER H(TSMXJRGAftPEN. I / IMAGINE WHAT HAPPENS J DELICATE Wm TROPICAL COFFEE»SUBJECTED Wi? TO THE SAME. ITS FRUIT THE FT Jk CAru QOFFK CH6SCY, IS iCST-HC IT TAKES > FIVE YEARS BEFORE A NEW COFFEE TREE ITtf FLOMROFW C&Mr, IMIUBESANO BEARS FRUIT. A NINE MONTiU THE COFFEE I ffßMfrsf DROUGHTAMD SEVERE FOOST RECENTIy\/cj TREE LOOKS t THE PRINCIPAL SOURCE OF ALXWmcm r - -Cc []«cn tau TUP II ft wms\ usEDNTueus. , ******** - ill* I Aim IN CONSTANTINOPLE (NOW Uiy J» TOPULNWTV3aI.Li 'SsMKT.'LM a CUP OF OUCIoScOFFK 93 MAPS bnVSAMERICAN^^- 7^^^/ Gilbey's Gin 52.1P_53.35 DISTILLED LONDON DRY GIN. 90 PROOF. lOOX GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. W. 4 A GILSCY. LTD, CINCINNATI. OHT Princeton News BY MBS. C0U»l HARDY PRINCETON—Mr. and Mrs. Curie? X Howell of Haw York Halted his moOier. Mrs. Nancy Howell and family Tuesday and Halted other relatives also. Mim Linda Wilsy. daughter ct Ur. and Mrs. Ralph Steven is vi.tt ing bar sunt and family, Mr. and M». John Robert Newsom? ol Washington. D. C. and friends Mm. Ooldie Hardy and sons a* - eompained her mother. Ms. Nancy Howell to Flney Grove Pri mitive Baptist Church Run ay. The Pastor waa Rev. Lawrenc? Reid of Wilson. Mm Howell. Mrs. Hardy end eons, Alvin and Eddie, accompani ed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Best, of Baton* to visit Mm Olivers Min ces and family of Wilson, Sunday evening, and also visited Mm Llz sle Atkinson who is a patient in a Wilson Hospital. They desired your prayers. The Grade Mother’s held their meeting at Mrs. Gertrude Rawl ings home. Saturday evening Af ter the meeting, the Mothers were served refreshments. Mm Zaylieter Stevens, her mother . Mrs. Nancy Howell and stster Mm Oolide Hardy, visited Hie Everctte staters, Mieses Flossie, Deeels and Stator Monday evening. A THOUGHT "He said to them, where la your faith? And they were afraid and they marvelled. Saying to one another, who then Is this that he command* seven winds and water and they obey him?” Luka I:3s. VILLAGE TRIBUTE In Pueblo Nuevo, Dominlcen Republic, villegers named their recently-completed school the “tscuelle Rural John F. Kennedy-* Parents built the schoolheuse with tools and construction materials provided by CARE, as gifts from Americans.

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