r:z C'.POLEIIAN p M. N. ISATURDAY, JUI Y 4 1964 6 lira l MEDITATION KV COLIN DOUGLAS “The Iruth shall make you , free.” —John 8:32. It secras that everyone of us j has habile from which he would like to be free. When a person is the prisoner of some hab.t that is ! not conducive to his health, hap piness. or peace oi mind, he is un happy and dlssatisf: d with him self. And more oltcn then not. he will say. "1 wish I had more will power!” With these words, he Is acknowledging that the habit Is his master and that he does not know how to dethrone this unde sirable tyrant The truth it that God has made each one of us a master in his owr right . . . viih power and domin ion over every hnbit and whim We know that Ood created us and gave each one of us as an Individ ual the power and dominion over our thoughts, over our emotions, over our lives. It Is up to us to acknowledge and assert this do minion. It Is not a dominion of win power, but one of a Ood-glven aplrlt. This Ood-glven dominion WO MINUTES GL yrm the bible mr cotiuuus «. stam east. / Hsian siau socntv I n oacAao il auNois J BELP IN TIME Or NEED Our Chicago papers, recently, earned two Interesting front page Items: one about Timothy Nolan, a Chicago policeman who pleaded la vain for. help while h« battled two toughs. 81xty people stood about, watching him fight for his life, but no! one of them helped him or even bothered to call an other policeman. They Just stood and watched. The other Item was about a twelve-year-old girl, named Susan Benedict, who had come from Clinton. Wisconsin, to visit Chi cago. As SUssn sat in the Grey hound Bus Station at Clark and Randolph, a , thief grabbed her purse and ran Perhaps It was because she was Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAMES SWIM ItS TILE CO. Umam No. 1839 Ceramic, Asphalt, Rubber and Vinyl Tile •It ELLINGTON STREET RALEIGH. N C. I FO IK KENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATHS Ufi la either a flrst-clss* apartment or house Wo eon of far yon at roaaonablo rental oltber A or 4 room apartment* or 4 and I room bootee All thooe dwelling* art located la ole* neighborhoods and la ftrat-claa* repair. See Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CD. IM E. HARGETT ST DI AL TE < OI.M I lifoi CHURCH FURNITURE fiSE* DESIGNERS \W& MANUFACTURERS But Direct From Tlir Factory - - - Pews, Chancel Chairs, Pulpits Communion Tables, Etc. Bluefield Church Furniture Co. Shaw Avenue Galax, Va. Ig lAH 11... .Fiiith -.s to hcltrve. ■ f Mg 7 ?fl Iyij!*Sf' in *he word of God. what •* we do not see and its Tward is to see and enioy | F DA V AND NIGHT j Ambulance Service . Raleigh Funeral Home I mX. CABARRUS ST. DIAL TE MAM I eliminates desire* that are not conducive to happv, healthy liv ing. And when we allow God’s will to work in and through us. the i .struggle between habit and will ceases, for both become harmon ized with that which is construc tive and soul-sctisfying. Anyone can take spiritual do minion and .am to steer his men tal. emotional and physical ener-. gies Into healthful and happy outlets Meditate during your dally prayer periods on God and His mighty power, which has estab lished the world you live in. which supplies the air you breathe, which controls the orderly movements o' the planets and the tides which 1 j has created every complex and | delicate living thing As you be- i come increasingly aware of His i great power, which Is constantly behind you. you will know . through-and-through that noth i lng human or material can hold sway over you “In quietness and hi eonfl i dence shall be your strength.** i Isa. 30:15. a sweet, defenseless old. but In any ease, about a dotsesn people who witnessed the Incident), followed the thief until one got a policeman, who caught the thief and returned the purse to the lit tle girl. * It is s very frightening thing not to be able to find hdp when it Is desperately needed and Just as wonderful to have help when it is needed. Thank Ood. He Is always ready to help us in our deepest need— the salvstlon of our souls. Are you afraid that your many sins placed you In a position beyond help— that you have sinned too greatly for Ood to forgive you? Then lis ten to Eph. 1:7, where the Apos tle Paul says, by divine inspira- . - Sr y ' ■ W \ \ TO PEACE CORPK Two of the four June graduates of Ben nett C ollege who have been ac cepted for Teaer Corps training are shown above. I<eft to right. Misses Barbara Lynn of Youngatown. Ohio, whose ap pointment Is to Caracas. Ven ezuela. and Sheila Brinkley, of Richmond. Va., whose destina tion will be Ethiopia. Red Cross Gives Water Safety Tips Water accidents can be avoided If you obeerve simple safety rule*. Your Red Cross advises: —Gain swimming and life saving ekills where Red Cross methods are taught by qualified instructors Practice your skilla each time you are In the water. Heed safety in structions taught In your courses —Swim only where qualified life guards are on duty In sufficient numbers to look after the crowd. —Swim only where admittance is limited to the number that can b* safely accommodated in the pool. —Be sure life guards hold a cur rently valid Senior Life Saving or Water Safety Instructor certificate. Be sure life guard's duty ta limited to time and space he can efficiently oversee Ask questions. Your own safety is at stake. —Don't overload a boat. Be sure all weak and non-swimmers wear a life Jacket; not Just th* children — Leave water during electric storms. —Farm pond owners Should con struct rescue stations containing simple rescue devices such as rope, reaching pole, an Inflated Inner lube or oilier flotation device and simple instructions for artificial respiration —Every family should have at least one member trained in First Aid, —Observe good manrers in th* water, whether swimming or boat ing Water is a good friend, when used Wisely, a deadly enemy when not. Call your Red Cross for In formation on courses and class** available in your community and for instructions on constructing a rescue station. JAILED FOR 'NOISY CHURCH SERVICE" MACON. Ga (ANP>— The Rev. Wilburn M Simmons believe* that the best w ->y to get his message* across is to inject a bit of showman ship into his services, but he went too far He was arrested recently on complaint* of neighbors that h* was "making too much noise while worshipping'' Witnesses testified that he played drums, piano and other instruments and sang tilt lata in the night, making enough noise to be heard "six or seven doors a wsy from his church" The court found him guilty of creating a public disturbance, and sentenced him to two months In Jail. tion: “We have redemption through Christ's blood. THE POR OIVENESS OF SINS ACCORD ING TO THE RICHES OF HIS GRACE." and Rom 5.20. where he declares. "WHERE SIN A BOUNDED. GRACE DID MUCH MORE ABOUND" Paul knew this by experience, for he was the leader of the i leader of the world s rebellion agianst Christ, but he waa saved in one moment by the grace of Ood ; This is why he says: "This la a i faithful saying, md worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came Into Uie world to save sln | tiers, of whom I am chief il TUB. i l:ls'. If Ood saved the “Ohtef of sin ners." He surely U willing to are 1 you too. "for whoeoeeer shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Rom 10.13). GO TO CHUrCH SUNDAY With Faith... You Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly «K EH E E D! f l thaU a young man cleanse his l thereto according to thy word.* 9 Sod’s appointed agency to preach word. Attend ehurch regularly. I The Church is Cud’s appointed agency in this world I m vixiTtn. hr sprendhg the Immitadgo of Ms love for mon ond fl m sC«f Mi demand hr nan to rospond to Mot love by fl m loving Ms noighbor. Without this grounding in tho Jj I lovo of Sod, no govommoqt or sodoty or way of Kfo Jfl , • win long porsovovv ono mo ttowooiiis wnicn wo noio ■ : V|||B r so door will inevitably parish. Therefore, oven from fl I a selfish point of view, ono should support tho Church I VyJUPRy? for ***• himself and his family. m m loyond that, however, every person should uphold m ■ IN** ond participate in tho Church because it felts the truth M 1111 about man’s life, death ond destiny; tho truth which OBfl B alone will sot him frM to live os o child of Sod. fl (§) 1961, Cols man Adv. Ssrv., E. O. Box 4117, Dallas, fsxas THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EAUH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INI REASINGLY A I 111 RI H-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR rONSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PURLII - SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. PEPII-COLA BOTTLING CO. BaMgh. North Carolina JESSE JONES SAUSAGE Par A Special Breakfast With Pan Calm and N. C. tin ULTMOKE HILLS John w. worms * co McLAUUN PAINING COMPANY (Ulrich and OUar North Carolina Cities MEDUN-DAVIS “Chum of Distinction" DIXIE DBY CLEANEBS - LAUNDBY m K. Martin Stmt Car. Woodworth * Darts Stmts MS Waat Marian St. t-Naar Shirt Sanrtea BETTEB BEANE SHOP OP 4ALDGH. OVC. Mwian SWsat AMBUXN PONTIAC. INC IQI Hlßahara St. TE SS2-SM7 BBANCH BANNING A TBUST CO. * 4 BALOGB SAVINGS S LOAN -*U«Wh

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