BLAZING CROSS FOUND NEAR TEACHER’S HOME + + + +.+ ♦ ♦ ♦ Both Moore And Gavin Contacted: - N A ACP Asks Rights Stand THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 23. NO. 36 CAROLINIAN Offers Reward In Rreak-Ins Seek Leads In Thefts Os Many Items ____ V The harassment of Hlh* CARO tmJO* Offices. cau*«V ins. prompts the management to M ier a reward of $25 to the person or persona giving information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief or thieves guilty of any of these crimes. Among the missing items are two typewriters, stolen last Friday night, a 4x5 inch Graflex Camera, praqtically new, stolen two years ago, small amounts of cash and a it w tools, such as 1-4 inch drill, acrew drivers and wrenches. In each instance, the police department has been notified of the break-ins. No suspects er clues have been uncovered to date through this source that brought back any losses. How ever, information should bo given to the police ss The CAR OLINIAN, upon finding any clues will, In turn, refer same to the local police department. In the event that there is any cir cumstantial evidence needing au investigation, the management of The CAROLINIAN will accept such Information without the name of the informant being made public. The CAROLINIAN is confident that the guilty person or persons will be brought to justice. However, most of these stolen items » e very expensive end the management feels that offering a reward will expedite action in this matter. W E A T H E H Temperatore* ter the five gay pe rt-*. ThurMlay Uironsh Monday, will aiera** 2 to i detrvei helow normal. with cooler weather Snn- Say an* Monday Scattered thun der th««m »11l occur mostly dor ter the cvcnln* Thnrtday throash Monday and rainfall will avrraca about ' oar-Oalf of an Inch. The normal Inch and low temperatures for the Raletch area are Si and SI. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS BU ' FROM THEM PAGt I Borin > Cut »lor* Ao . ’»>ador ThooUrs PAGE I Row. Shi* Co PAGE J Hudson-Belk-EfirOs Mu IT. Winter* «»< Co. Eeruritj Melt Msrktt Her tunica Ml rumor* Bank Soot, ern Bell PAGE • linn mleti TBo On. »cn« Realty to. RaleirS Fnneril Nome pepsi-tela Bottiin* Co Jeae Imh Snnans* RiKmore BIUi (kUirll ParUng CO. Meßtln-Divt* pixie Dry -Cleaner* LoooOry Reiter Brake Skop •* Baluisk. Inc. kmhurn Pontiac Eranck Baakin* >a4 TrwM Co. Poßuo-Belk-Wtrß* of Ealclfk laMfk Sartos* iM Goan Am a I \GE 7 I at* t Aa to Eate* I eartr Brea. Ramklor b*?BMn CO North Carolina’s Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. JULY 11. 1964 ‘ A TIME TO REJOlCE—Preaident Lyndon Baines Johnson, fait, seated, shakos hands with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., alter handing him a pen during the signing of the historic Civil Rights Bill into law during a White House ceremony last Thursday. Looking on ora some of the men who supported the Bill. Carl Rowan Will Speak At Urban League s Convention LOUISVILLE. Ky.—Carl T. Row an. director of the U. S Informa tion Agency heads the list of im portant speaker* who will address the 1964 National Conference of the Urban League here August 3-6. Seam 666 Urban League dele gates and visitors from cMes across the nation will hear tho USIA director, me of aaaay ne- PAGE I I CMonial Store* R. E. Quinn Fornltor* C. Karl Uchtnun PAGE * A. aa« P. 1 Eftatn BallSer* Co. Boat General Tir* Co. PAGB 1* Carolina Bottom Corp. RlOteway'l Optician. Inc PepM-CoU BottUng Co. of Baldgfe ! PACK II ! Bufialoe and Co. Buldcra. Inc 'PAGE 11 Carotma Power and Ugk* Co g iwpftiß Theatre i Joe Mumicka Promotion* PAGE 14 Peetle* Oar cool Plamo Boataurant O'Neal Motor*, lac. R E. Stoke* Concrete Contractor* Pee Wee Hunter'* PtarM n.*mi Record Shop i Penney » ! CcnsoUdsted Credit Corp Mother and Daughter Store* PAGE lg Royal Crown Bottling Co. I Bonn'* Bern linta tloaal pebHe flgerm to address the flog toy eoßferenee. All »m --• lona wilt ho hold at too Sher aton Hotel. The former U. 8. Ambaaudor to Pinland, who succeeded Edward R Murrow at USIA head last January. It expected to diacuaa the impact of race reUtiona. Conference hoet it the Louisville Urban League headed by League President Thomas A. BaUantine, Jr, Judge of the Jefferson Circuit Court; Executive Director Charles T. Steele; and General Chairman Harry Lawman of the Arrange* More Squads Os Federal Marshals Needed In Miss.' NEW ORLEANS—SeveraI squads of federal officers are needed in Miasiasippi to prevent further at* tacks on integration workers, ac cording to the Rev. Fred L Shut* tlerworto. civil rights leader, last week. Mr. SheMeewerth spake eat to toe wake of toe disappear 'ZZ/ZS? < Ararat i". 1 mr adagham, secretory of the See* then* Chrfcttaa Leadership Conference (SCLCt. Altxnto: sad prteHtnl of the Sselhicn Conference Bdncottoml Pend .y. New Ortiiah aM c*v« PRICE 15c men is Committee. Mayor William O. Cow gar prill greet the delegates. The theme of toe eenfereaee. "Poverty Re-examined: OM Pr*hl*me New CAsllongoe.’’ will be dteeesofd to e keynote eddrem Sandey evening, Ang* net t by Whitney M. Tovng. Jr, exeeettvo director of toe no tional prnfeoetanel interracial social work agency, new to Ms fdto yaar. The Laagaa has hrantoaa to « eMtaa to M atotaa and toe Diatrtet of Coinmhto. (COWTBTUED ON PAOB *) He declared that igators for the federal government should be "armed with power to act to prevent Such acts as are new happening to Mississippi— end per haps will happen to Alabama" ‘There h no alternative to a thorough federal investigation of the entire law-enforcement system and methods in Mimferippi and Al abama. and vigorous prosecution of officials who either allow mob na tion or encourage brutality by tostr police office." Mr. fbuttleewortb He recalled the many request* that have been made to the federal government lor protection of civil right* workers in the south, espec ially in Mhetartppi. Alabama and Negro Support Still Undecided In State ITI. ft HARKEN CHARLOTTE—Ths North Caro lina NAACP Conference will aerie eeparete conference# with Demo cratic gubernatorial candidate Dan Fired Tutor Said Target OfTMlan mKmsSKS field home eg a Hagro artlijßaM er and civil rlgMs leader. Ae crose-burning, whtah occurred on the night of July 4. is tea latest incident in whet civil rights leaders in the area view a* mounting KKK activity in Halifax County—ln re cent months the scene of an Inten sive Negro campaign Ipr equal right*. On the night of July t, carloads of robed KKK members several of them aeon to be masked and car rying guns—staged a motorcade and rally in Enfield and traveled bite Negro neighborhoods In that eem munlty in a obvious attempt to spread fear and terror. John R. Salter, Jr.—field secre tary for the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCSffi - mid that the croae that burned an July 4 was aimed principally against Mis. A. Road Johnson who, with her husband. Is on* of the active leaders In the eounty-wid* Halifax Voter* Movement Mrs. Jehnam, who rsaanMy (set her too eh tug Job swing to her etvll rights aoUrtttes, has AM autt lu Federal aourt a galnet a number as Halifax County officials, ta an affart ta regain bar teaching pastil an. One as fito officials toe la sab* Is Jaa Branch as EaftoM, attor ney far Ow eeanty school board, who Is also the state campaign manager for the Bamasratla Masts. Other eromm have bean burned recently in Halifax County, baiter mid. but ho indicated that tho on# of July 4 was the largest Be said It was about IT fast tall and g teat acrom, had boan heavily wrapped in tobacco Moth, and burned about ISO yards from Mr*. Johnson’s home. Salter also said that Mrs. Johnson has boon resolving many anonymous telephone calls. *Th# Mtnattea. paiUialarlg to (COWWWJXP ox mm e» NEW YORK—Workft Heavyweight Boring Champion Cat sura Clay, (hit) Uttar* to Black Muriim leader Elijah Muham mad at ha addressee a rally hare June 28th. In the foreground are two guard* etanding in front ot the dait. Violence llared up at the meeting attended by an aatimatad 10.000 Nagroae whan a man triad to enter and was ehovad and kicked back into the afreet by guarda. The man was anti-Muhammad. (C/J»f PHOTO ) K. Move and Republican standard bearer Hobart Gavin in an effort to ascertain the views of each regard ing the implementation at the re cently enacted Civil Rights Bill (HR TIN) if elected aa governor In November. N. C. NAACP preaident Kelly M. Alena agar, ftr.. eg Charlotte aald: "The question before the aelared people as Tarheel la new . la. will Jndge Dae K. Moore, if elected la November, aarare the Negro people that the maay onoosr aging, . . .seen reeels- Denary deeelapmanti In the Md as mac relatione can- Nnnar The NAACP proxy add ed that "Negro ritieens are deeply concerned aa ta race re lation! not getting bach Into a * "Nagroee want continued program in the Arid at education, medical care and hospitalisation, houalng and employment on all level**, the NAACP national board member emphasised,' adding, "We want the elected Governor to continue construettve Usee of communication between Us office and the Negro leadarritlp as our State." dlanander said the "new gover nor realises his modal obligations peculiar ta thcee who conatitute gavnumnd . , . and be fair and Justice'which are bade la all." JfeMpdag fsertoat the program mala Ip TsrftgdfcTdnrialhmHnt years in the aaha as laao relations might be stymied or earthed, Alex ander stated that N is "unfortunate that die Negro voter seldom has the ehoiee between a completely liberal candidate and one committed to status quo in race relations In our State. In the beat of the campaign— with bis opponents fomenting the race issue, even the meet advanced southern politician la apt to run to cover. We have seen this happen la North Carolina, many times ' "Oeaght hi this dilemma.” Alexander arid, "North Care- Nan Negroes generally aappart le and serial beam such aa pubNe housing. ariahaeai wagon aerial aeeartty and ado *blee-voting*, M la what every ether craft ar prefers! ea dees la Me own bast tatareai "Although many white eititans feel the Negroea are “moving to fast* (as evidenced by the Urge vote given Judge Moore), Negroes of TarheeUa will net relinqulto their efforts to win complete and absolute equality with their ballots aad ether protests " (CONTINUED ON IPASS S) Cleric Injured The Ban. Bn. •. W. Larkin. U 66 E. Danis Btroot, waa Injur ed to a ana ear udlial near label an Sunday and la new am flnad to Waka Mamartel Boapi tot Tratodtag Men as tea Beaky Maun* PUSrta* as tea AME teearsMaas and kmlasa as wall as shock tajartoa. However, kto eondttlm B repevted as sad as- e M r. .MH mm 1811 wßlMmm ■■ • I » ■ » ' t* I ■ AWARD-WINNiNG LAWYERS Recipients of the'liref annua/ “Lawyer of the Year Award " of the NAACP Legal Dofanaa and Educational Fund are from loft : R. Jaee Broom, Carafe A. Haft, and Jack N. Young, all of Jackson, Miss. The Mississippi cooperating attorneys of the Legal Defense Fund are the only lawyers in the entire state who handle civil rights casts. The p* ward consists of a plaque and SIOOO in law books tor each man. .Jt was presented in Washington last weak on the eve of NAACP Na tional Convention. From Raleigh s Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLEB R. JONES NAB MAN. WOMAN FOR FIGHTING Officers Baker and Origaby ar raatod Fred Wilson,, 51. and Mrs. Mary Spenoer, 80, both of 207 Camden Street, for engaging In an affray with a deadly weapon—a knife at 4:15 p. m. Sunday. Wiloon received a ißceratlon ov er his left eye and one across the bridge of his nose. He was treated at thelm||Aal Par his hurts sal rriaaag&’l* 4 He ww Bm complainant in tfet Bi xpifhria at and beam thmatoned the alftorih telling i|ph "Don't yes ever . Savings Band Monday as Mile week with preftte earned by selling ihte newspaper. Larry, who raid 10# CABO UN IANS teat weekend, Joh» aaverel ether lade ta toe exclusive "IN PAPSBB A WftEK SELLERS”. 11-year-eld Larry haa arid The CAROLINIAN for the peat two years. ■e is a Bay Seout aad briaags to Pack IPS, St. Matthews AMB Chare h. E. Davie Street A regaUr member of Martin Street Bepttri Cbarcb, Larry la la the sixth grade at LarilU Hander Slamantary leh eel. Evers* Widow,-Kids Move To California CLAREMONT. Calif. (ANP)—The widow of martyred civil right* fightar. Medgar Ever* and har three children last week were reported ready to move into a new home in this collage community. According to Ray Wilkin*. NAACF executive secretory, Mm Myrll* Ever* bought tee bouse In this Lea Angeles sub urb for 696.166 recently. Since Ever* - death, Mr*. Ever* has received 960.000 In contribu tions from a trust fund for tha education and support of her chil dren. ■vara, whs was field aaera tary far tha NAACF In Missis sippi. was slala ta am bash on Jan* U. 196!, when sememe Says King Seeks To Be “Super” Man TAMPA, no. (ANP>-A 46-year old attorney for the southeast dis trict of the NAACP. last week in directly accused Integration iot Mar tin Luther King, Jr, at making the antisegregation demonstrations In St. Augustine, Fla, as part of hit grand design to become a "super emancipator." A tty. FraacMeo Rodrigo**, a Negro, did net refer to Dr. King directly to toh statement to toe Tampa Dally Tribaas. However, to write remarks, ha IdaaM ftad too team rofarrod to as Ktog, hoed of toe Sowtoem ChrMton Leadership Confer ence. according to the Tribnae. King is directing the integration fight in St Augustine. King was not immediately avail able tor comment on Atty. Rodri guez's statement. ■'■” l 11 Him 1 —X—to l fora." ( i # . TWO TYFE WRITERS. SHIRT STOLEN An employee of The CAROLINI AN reported to Officer James R. (Bobby) Days at 1:41 aon. Satur day. that two typewriter*, valued at $126, and one shirt, were stolen from the offices of the establish ment. i Day# found a broken break-ins at The CAROLINIAN. win b» in time v V\iv.. LARBT SINGLET ART cut him down wMh a rtfla as ha was sntertag hM home la Jack sou, Mbs., after ha had attend ed a civil rights rally. Authorities have arrested a white segregationist for the crime, but have been unable to obtain a Jury conviction against him. Ha is Byres DeLaßeckwith, whose twe trial! hava ended in hung Juries. 21 Students At Ligon High To EnloelnSept The predominantly white W. to Enloe High School In LoogvteW Gardens wilt receive twenty-one Negro students from toe John W. Ligon Junior-Senior High Bchbol in September. Transfer requests, made by the students parents, were unanimous ly approved Tuesday during the regular meeting of the Raleigh • Board of Education. Superintendent Jeaae Ormond Sanderson. Sr, said nearly all ad the students live in Washington Terrace, only a tow blocks from the Enloe School One student Miss Powell AML. Peebles of 1403 Oberlin Road, re- : quested to be sent beck to Ltoaa. - She attended Daniels Junior High » School last year. This request MBA < also granted. -H Only one transfer requmt man . made fay the parents at Jwakar George Thomas, of TOT & Btom* Street who requested to bo trgMg ferred from Ligon to Dentals. Mem ber. agreed that the bey should stay at Ligon, since he will be la toe ninth grade this year and «mM only stay at Dentals out year « ■