THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C , SATURDAY. JULY 11. 1984 10 The Raleigh S CEN E WOMAN S CLUB IN SESSION The Woman's Club of the Mary Talbert Horn# mat June 28 at 5 pm. with the president, Mrs. Lil lian Logan, presiding. The: topic for discussion was "Hu man Relations " Mrs. Toole led the discussion, having as her subject Race-Relations—a Factor in World Missions." Mrst Logan. Mrs. Devane and Dr. E. S Alston made Interesting com ment* on Human Relations. The club held a musical tea Sun day. Inly 5. at the Mary Talbert Home at 5 o'clock. The Tea consisted of piano selec tions. solo and duets by Misses Viv ian Lagan, Carole Taylor and De borah Lane. There was also re rordeC music. The guests and mem bers were delightfully entertained RALEIGH WOMAN'S CLUB NO. 1 Th Raleigh Woman's Club No. 3 held Its monthly meeting at the residence of Mr* Edith Johnson. 1111 past Morgan St. on Sunday. June 38 PERSONALS visiting from new haven. CONN. Mr.-and Mrs Betterwhite. Theodore “Teddy" Salterwhtte. niece Jwnd brother of Mrs. Farmer Crowder of 627 S Boundary Street, ar* visiting in the city The Setter whites are from New Haven. Conn VACATIONINO IN CONN Mime* Janice and Beverley Ann Cyowder of 037 § Boundery Street are visiting their sUter. Mrs. Pearl SgtterwhlU. In New Haven, Conn They era alto visiting an aunt. Mir Win (laid, also of New Haven. - OMITTED The name of Mrs George H. Manly. Instructor at J. W Ligon Jr -Sr High School, wes omitted In the article published last week for the Ligon Band Uniform Drive. Mrs. Manly contributed 818 00 to this worthy cause. INTEGRATION! IT VISITS CITY Mr. Ray Raphael of Portland, Oregon, who was a staunch worker m tha registration campaign held bare during tha summer of l(a> stopped in the city for a brief mo neent on tha 4th of July to My “hello” to the J. D. Hintons of Rock Quarry Road. During hia stay hera In 1882. Ray was the leader In tak ing a young group of ladies and men is the Pullen Park swimming pool. Ha Just recently spent one month in Mlaalasippl working as an integrationist, was on hia way to New York City to enroll in school. He wishes to cay '‘hello" to hia many friends hera tn this city. IPCHVES greetings from GEORGIA On June 25. the following co workers: Masdamaa Alice Jones. Addis Logan, Calls Wortham. Hat tie Mitchell. Loey Baton. Misses I-ena Hunter and Rachel McCauley ware surprised and glad to receive greetings over the telephone from their former supervisor of the Ra laigh schools, Mrs. Madalene V. Hannah of Savannah. Oa. During a short visit in' tha city, aha waa the guest of Mia* Minnie Brooks. BIRTHDAY DINNER A surprise birthday dinner was given for Mrs. Marion Banka by her husband, Mr. Walter Banks on the 4th of July at Che home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. 820 Hadley PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ua for Reasonable Estimates Prompt ★ Service Phone TE 4-5550 —The— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Sit a Martin Stmt Raltifb. N. C. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh »rOt HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA -> TEL. TE S-10T1 CLUBS Tha home waa beautifully deco rated for the occasion Mrs. Georgia Mae Hinton preaid ad in the absence of Mrs Mamie Holt, the president. A new member, Mrs. Charlie Brown, waa welcomed to the club The majority of tha members were present It was an enjoyable meeting and a delectable repeat was served by the hostess and enjoyed by every one. CHARMETTE* SOCIAL CLUB The Charmelte* Social Club met at Mrs. Ora Hall s home. 820 Had ley Road, recently. Business was discussed. W« lost our president, our vice-president is in office Sie is Mrs. Lydia Morgan. We were glad to have Mr*. Kate Williams back after a short illness, also Mrs Upchurch We celebrated Mrs Mar ion Banks' birthday and a delirious repast was served and enjoyed by i all. Wa ara planning to have a '"Fine Brown Fiame" contest very ! soon. I Rd Th# guests were Mr and Mrs i Donnelle Watson Mr and Mrs Sherley Moore Mr and Mr* Thom | aa Battle, Miss Helen Murphy. Mrs. Annie Lee Fieeman. and Mr Thom as Johnson. She received beautiful and uaeful gifts. VISITOR# FROM MANHATTAN Mr. and Mrs. Avan William son. farmer fUlrtghitaa. visited ilieir parent* all of last weak. ! Mrs. Williamson, tht f n rm*r i Mias Rlma Gill, is tha daughter of Mr. sad Mrs GUI es Chavis Heights, and Mr. WUUamson la the son es Mr and Mrs. Garner Wlllismaen. 1003 E. Martin SL They new reside at 815 W. 12IM Street, New Yerk City. DELEGATE TO CONFERENCE Mrs. T. H. Harris, president of the Inter-Denominational Miniati rs Wives' Allianrr of Raleigh, was a delegate to tha National Association of Miniatera Wive*' Conference, which waa hald at Alien University imd Benedict College in Columbia. S. C. June 30 through July 3Td She la looking forward to th# first meeting of the Raleigh Alli ance coma October 12th. at whieh time aha will have in her report important information. Mra V. L Saunders was also tn attendance They reported an en joyable trip. GOSPEL JUBILEE SINGERS TO CELEBRATE I9TH ANNIVERSARY Brother I d Holloway and The Gospel Singer* will celebrate their 19th anniversary at Jeff rey* Grove School. Sunday night. July l*. at 7:3* o'clock, featuring Ed Hall and Tha Sen sational Evening 5 Quintet, plus II of the top groups In thta stale. Brother James Thomas of WLLE wfll eaaeee th# program. Prises wtU be given. FETED AT BIRTHDAY DINNFR Niece# of Mra Bcsm# Walker Moore of 748 Fayetteville Street, who are Masdamaa Bessie Moore Wesley, Bomesttn# Walker Saun ders and Ruth Moore Bethea, gave her a aurprlee blrthdav dinner last | Friday, July Srd. Mrs. Saunders took her aunt for a ride around the city for quite some -time, ending at the home of her niece. Mrs. Be thea. 844 East Lenoir Street where many of her friends were waiting to sing happy birthday and wa» the joyfully surprised Soon she was anting at the head of the table beautifully decorated in pmk and white centered with a birthday cake lighted with candles. Mrs Moore tn her jovial wey Insisted that thirteen candles was the num ber and that was it. A three-course dinner was serv ed the honoree and gue»t» by the niece* Amidst cards and gifts the hon oree was spell-bound. A menu of turkey, chicken, toeeed salad, greens, ham. hot rolls, pickles, iced tea. coffee, aherbert end carrot calor. Thoae enjoying the birthday fete with the honoree were: Mrs Amelia Johnson. Mrs. M W Williams. Miss Ethel Johnson. Mr* C J. Barker. Mrs. Emma O. Jones. Mrs. Bernes- Une Saunders. Mr. Anderson San ders. Mrs. Ruth M. Bethea and Mr J. Bruce Be thee. MR. WHITTAKER VISITS What is Doing Around Town! "Dear Father, we thank the# that in C hrist, barrier* es race and nation cannot separate those who love Thee. Help us as we strive to lead ether* te Christ that mankind every where may be one in Christ Jesus, in whom we have harm ony of Spirit and perfect Peace." ' UNION BAPTIST— Church School began at 10 o'clock a m with the supt., Mr. Walter Price, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 30 a rr with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Mr* Nettie Harrington; organist | Mr W.llie Henderson Mornme !e*#on hy the pastor, the Rev. E Ma*or she pestor delivered a won derful lermon from the book of Psalm* 55:4 He used as his subject. My Heart Is So Pained with Death FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN—Sunday School began at f-30 a m with the superinten dent Mr Sherman Lewii. in charge Morning worship service began at 11 am. with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the di rection of Mr. Harry Gil-Smythe Prayer was given by the pastor, the Rev H. Cunningham. Ha also delivered a wonderful aermon. U*-. ing as his subject. “Do you know what He has done for me’" Com munion was served at Uie close of ilit sermon, ST MATTHEW AME Church School began at 930 am with the superintendent. Mr Robert Lesane. in charge of the lesson Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with tha senior choir tn charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Marie Riddick; organiat. Mrs Mary B. Walton. A wonderful sermon was delivered by the pastor. Rev J F. Epps Communion followed. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST —Church School began at 9:30 a m with tha auperintendent. Miss Nani# Morgan, in charge. Morning worship began at the usual hour Roberson-Hines Nupitals Pledged In Rocky-Mount BY J. B. BARREN ROCKY MOUNT—The sancutary of Mt. Plsgah United Preabytertan Church, the Rav. Janie# Hutten Costcn, minister, wa* the setting for the brief, but lovely wedding cere mony which united Miss Alice Jua nita Htnes and Mr. Marvin Rober son, June 20th. This was th* first wedding in the two-year-old new Mt Plsgah edi fice. Rev. Costen conducted the rit ual before a throng of relatives and friends. Th* bride is the daughter of the late Mr. Joshua Hine* and Mrs Al vania Staton Htne*. 830 Leggett Rd, Rocky Mount. N. C. Mrs Roberson is a graduate of Fayetteville State College and Is employed at the O. W. Bulhick Elementary School in Edgecombe County. The bridegroom attended AAT College. Greensboro, N. C, before joining the Air Fore*, where he has attained the rank of Air-man First- Class. and is stationed at Waatover Air Force Base. Mas* He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberson of Nash County. A prelude to the wedding waa ap proptate soft organ muaic played by Mra. Melva W. Co*tan and two vo- DAUGHTERS Mr. Jama# I, Whitaker. ISH Pool# Rood. Raleigh, visited his two daughter* in th* north last week In TYonton. N. J. he eras the guaat of Mrs. Patricia W. Burk and her family Mra Elizabeth W Boeton and family played host to her father tn New Yerk City. Mr. Whitaker reported an enjoyable and restful visit. '■ * OBSERVE# I'TH BIRTHDAY Ed Hall 111. son of Mr. and Mrs Hall. Jr, of 22 Lincoln Terrace, celebrated hi* 15th birthday on Monday, June 27. Many of his friend* seer* present at a party for th# young man and he received several attractive and useful gifts BY MRS MAY L BROADIB with the senior choir m charge of, the music, under the direction of ; Mias Nanie Morgan: organist Mr*. j M M Kelly. A very encouraging sermon was delivered by the pas tor. the Rev. O W Burwick. fol lowed by communion. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Sunday School began at 9:30 with the superintendent Mr. Phillip Al ston. in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o clock with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Miss Jacqueline Mitchell A very spiritual sermon was delivered by th* Rev. Irvin Davis, followed by communion. OBERLIN BAPTIST Church School began at 9:30 a m with th* superintendent. Mr. Walter Curtis, in charge Morning wor»hip began at 11 am. with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the di rection of Mrs. Elsie Hayes; organ ist. Mrs Lucille Campbell Morn ing lesson and prayer were led by the Rev J P Dempsey, pastor A very wonderful sermon wss deliv ered by the pastor. Hta subject was “Live to please God “ Communion followed the eermon ST ANNAH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Sunday School began at 10 o'clock with the superintendent Mr. W. H. Lyon*. Sr., m charge. 'Morning worship began at 11:30 a. I m with the junior choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Partin; organist. Mra. Topsy McCullers. Morning les son and prayer were led by th* Rev. Odell Young. A very inspira tional sermon was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. L. T. Ford. YOUNG'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Church School began at 9.30 with the superintendent. Mrs. Della Ford, in charge. Morning worship began at It am. with the senior choir in charge of the muaic. under the direction of Miss Myrtle Rhodes. A beautiful aermon waa delivered by tha pastor. His text was taken from the Book of SL cal selections by Mrs Dorothy Hunter, accompanied bv Mrs. Cos ten. which changed to 'Here Comes The Bride." as the beautifully gowned bride marched triumphant ly In on the arm of her uncle. Mr. Jacob Bullock, who later gave her away.' The bride complimented her for mal flowing gown with a thrae ■ w • ■ . 'tty ' MB*. MABVTN ROBERSON . . . Becky Meant brida quarter length veil, carrying a white prayer book and a bouquet of carnations with an orchid in the center. Dainty white satin iljpptTC completed the outfit Bridesmaids were Mrs. Yvonne Vine* of Rocky Mount and Miae Argentine Dempsey of Nadi Coun ty. Mr. Otis Roberson, brother of the groom, eras beet man Usher* were: Mr. Moms Stephens, brother in-law of tha bride: and Mr. Willie PoeroU. Jr, both of RUa dty. Mr*. Hina*, matter of the bride, wore a blue lac* sheath draw with a corsage of carnation*. Tte reception era* held la the Fellowship Rail of tte ehurch. Tte happy couple journeyed to Wectover. Maas, where Mrs. Bob arson expects to be most of the summer—near her husband Bullock School principal. J R Bullock, was highly laudatory of the new Mrs Roberson's service M a member of his faculty. , Matthew. He used as his subject. “Who will be the greatest in the i Kingdom?” It waa followed by com munion. Elder Linsey is pastin'. LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST Sunday School began at 10 o’clock with the super intendent, Mr. Mack Arthur, in charge. Morning worship began at 11:30 with the congregation sing ing. A very inspiring message wa* brought by th* Rev. Lester Rivers The message waa enjoyed by aIL FIRST BAPTIST—Church School began at 9:30 with ..the superinten dent, Mr. W. H. Taylor, Sr, in charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 a m. with the »emor choir in charge of the music, under the di rection of Mrs. M. T. Jam##; organ ist, minister of music, Mrs E M M. Kelly The responsive reading was led by the Rev. J Lester. Morning lesson and prayer were by the Rev. Mmter from the book of St. John 1:30-2 A very good sermon waa delivered by the pastor, th* Rev. C W Ward. Rev Ward used as his subject, “An invitation to follow Jesus He told the congregation not to let anything disturb their stay with Jesua. Communion fol lowed the sermon BTU began at 6:15 with the leader. Mr. Frank Hinton, in charge. Baptismal service was at 7:30. A large number vs* haptt«*d SMITH TEMPLE—Sunday School began at 10 a m. with the superin tendent. Mr. Elbert Sanders, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with th# Rev. Ray con ducting the services, with the jun ior choir in charge of the music under the direction of Mesdame* Williams and Holder. Rev. Ray brought a wonderful message, which was tnjoyed by *IL Mra. Cornelia Moore is church reporter. LINCOLN PARK HOUNESS Church School began at the usual hour of 10 am. with the superin tendent. Mr. Arthur William*, in charge. The morning worship im mediately followed. The aaaistant pastor. Rev. Mr*. Mary Cotton, conducted th# aervice. Th# pastor, Rav. Eli Ratcliff delivered a won derful aermon. Hi# subject, “A Christian Life Is Like a Race.' Mu sic was furnished by the seniot choir, accompanied by Mr*. Marga ret Ratcliff. The members and friends were happy to greet the Rev Ratcliff and hi* family after returning from their yacation trip to New York. RUSH METROPOLITAN AMEZ Church School began at 9:45 a m. ; The superintendent, Mr. Leslie ! Campbell, was in charge. The jun ' ior church service was conducted as usual and the devotional mes sage was given by Mrs. Annie Thorpe, one of the primary teach ers. The regular morning worship service was conducted by tha pas tor, Rev. T. H. Harris. Music waa rendered by the senior choir. Rev. Harris delivered a powerful mes sage from the following text: Paalm. 81:12. Theme: “A request to restore th* Joy of the Lord.” At 7:30 pm, th* pastor. Rev. T. H. Harris, reed the scripture and ex pounded on th* same. Mr*. Annie H. Thorp* is church reporter. MARRIED AT LOCAL CHURCH Miss Doris E. Car troll, dough ter of the /afa Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Gar troll of Ra tal gh. was married on Saturday, June 20. at St. Matthew a Church to Mr. Jewel W. Jones, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Evans Jonas, of 545 E. Hargett St. Rer. J. F. Epps, pastor, officiated. Miss Jo Arm Hicks was maid of honor. Burton-Cofield Vows Said At Wake Church GARNER—The marring* of Miss Pauline Cofield of Garner, and Mr. Ralph Burton of Bahama. N. C. was solemnized on Sunday. June 28. at Wake Baptist Church here at 5 p m. The Rev. James Avery officiat ed at the double-ring ceremony. Mrs Mattie Cofield is mother of the bride. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mr*. Emerson Bur ton of Bahama. She was given in marriage by her unde, Mr Primose Rogers. The bride wore a white formal length gown of white silk linen with white swisa lace and pearl tear drops. It was of a tight fitted bodice. The bouffant skirt had a scalloped hemline with lace bow* The wattear back was attached to the gown w-ith lace and trailed in a chapel sweep. She carried a lovely bouquet of white gardenia* and pink roses. BL* .* -f Ifv ' ■ rtf W - ■■Hi; f *4V«.-texteuui <. *y f.Vn imnmtnm .nmi worn MR. AND MRS. RALPH BURTON . . . wed in Gamer Church GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE “LORD TEACH AMERICA TO PRAY" "May ear feed land be true and jnat. Her motto e'er 'ln God We Trust';" May she be guided by Thy Word. Thy wisdom in her halls be heard; May all who lev* her plead today, Legd leech America te pray.”—Se lected. SPENDS HOUDAY IN VIRGINIA Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Britt and child, of 133 Star SL. spent the 4th of July holiday weekend in Ports mouth. Va, visiting relatives and My Lady** Doing* * * * In And Oat Os Town Matron of honor wag Mrs. Clara Sanders Bailey. She wore blue satin over blue lace. Bridesmaid* were: Mrs. Virginia Fairley of Raleigh; Mr*. Nellie Avery, and Mrs. Emma Davis, both of Gamer. They were dressed in pink satin over pink lace. nower girl wa# little Mias Vanea sa Avery. Best man waa Mr. Ken neth Roberts of Durham. Ushers i were Messrs. Juluis Avery. Quennie Woods. Claywood Whitaker all of Gamer, and George Langley of Durham. Soloists were: Mra. Annie Williams and Mra. Annie H. 1 i Thorpe, both of Raleigh. Mr*. Aides McCullers wa# in the i receiving line of gifts. Following the wedding, a reception wa# held i at the home of Mr*. Virginia Fair i ley. 2000 Gilliam Lane, in BUtmore ■ Hill*. The color scheme of the wedding waa pink and blue, center ed around white. friends. They report an enjoyable trip. HOLIDAY GVESTS Mr. and Mr*. Dannie Jeffreys of Garner, had as their guest for the Fourth, Mr. and Mr*. John Allen of Henderson, Mrs. Sadie Harris of Franklin ton and several neices and nephews from Baltimore, Md. VISIT MOTHER Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hall of this dty spent the Fourth with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hall, of 1004 S. Person St, another son, Mr. Lindsey Hall of Elizabeth City, also paid his parents a visit A delight ful time was enjoyed by the family and friends. VISIT* BROTHER-IN-LAW Mrs. Josephine Jackson of Ox ford. was in the city last week visiting her brother-in-law and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jack son. of 824 E. Lenior St. while h4ra she also visited her daughters. Mrs. Delons Lee and Mrs. Jean Day. CELEBRATES HTK ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs. Thomas Jscksan of 824 E. Lenoir St, celebrated their JBth Anniversary on July Ist We say congratulations to them and “try to make it 38 more.” ENJOY COOK-OCT The Gospel Traveler* enjoyed a cook-out on the lawn of their lead er. Mr. Thomas Jackson on Satur day. July 4 They reported an en joyable time. VISIT MOTHER. GRANDMOTHER Everything For .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LIMBER • MILL WORK • 4 THREW PADITS • AULDIIWG MATERIALS • kCBSWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA GUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Da arson St RALEIGH. N. G. Boyd-Silver Nuptials Held In Wdrren WARREN TON 6N Saturday. June 27, in a ceremony of beeuty and dignity at the Saint Piul Bap tist Church. Warrenton. North Car olina, Mis* HBzel Yvonne Silver, daughter of Mr. and Mi*- Conrey Silver, wit married to Mr. Henry Boyd, Jr, of Atlanta. Georgia. Mr. Boyd is the Son Os Mrs. Kati* Boyd and the late Mr. Henry Boyd, Sr, of Savannah. Georgia. The ceremony was performed by Reverend J. T. Evans. Louis burg, beneath an arch of magnolias and pink and white gladioli. Th# bride, given In marriage by bar father, wore a white satin, bell-shaped gown which extended tat* a chape) train. Tha bedle* waa of aj ancon Ism and featured a scooped neck line. She wore a white drop peart *nd carried a white pray er book bglongtag te her grand mother, Mr*. Annie Sliver. Mrs. Clifford Pulley. Spring Hope, Itforth Carolina, served her niece as matron of honor. Brides maids were: Misses Linda and Bar* bars Silver, sisters of the bride; Miss Bessie Bass, Durham; Mtm Eunice Wilkin*. Bpring Hop 4; Mrs. Judy Ramaey, Brooklyn, fl. Y.; Miaa Eva Copeland. Warrenton. was junior bridesmaid, and little Miaa Enolia Silver, a (later, wS* flower girt- , , Mr. Clifford Pulley. Spring Hope, waa beat man. Usher* were: Ed ward Feaster. Greensboro; Leon Richardson and A-2C Andrew Wood*, both of Warrenton. and Harold Wilkins, Sprint Hop*, and James Silver. Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pulley entertained at a reception in their home at Spring Hope. The bride is a aeiiior at AAT Col it|e. and tha groom was gradu ated. in 1958. from Wilberferce Uni versity, Witygrterce. Ohio, and it presently employed by the Atlanta Housing Authority of Atlanta, Ga. H* is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Samuel D. Proctor, Washington. D. C.; Willi* M. Sellers. Elwood Ed wards and John Wray, all of OrSdnsboro; J. fates Byers, Ba lei sh; Major Silver, uncle of th* bride. New York City, and Mr*. Marian G. Wilks. Greenville. Specialist Charles E. Jenkins, Who recently returned from France is in the city visiting bis mother, Mrs. Castello Pierson, of 419 Wat son SL He is on his way to Officers Candidate School *t Fort Benning, Ga.. he also visited his grandmoth er, Mrs. Daisy Jenkins of Zebulon. ENTERTAIN FAMILY AT COOK-OUT Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Dunn of Church St, entertained member# of their femily at "A Cook-Out" on Saturday. July 4. They enjoydd hamburgers, hot dogs, lemonade, ice cream, cake and peanuts. Those j enjoying this treat were: their mother, Mrs. Rena Medlin, Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Durham and son, Carl; Miss Lassie Medlin and daughter. Georgette, and Mias Anita Banka. They reported an enjoyable treat RETURN TO CONNETICUTT Mr. Joaeph Kearney and Mrs. Josephine Yarborough Rand have returned te Bridgeport. Conn, af ter having an enjoyable stay with their sister and mother, Mrs. Gen eva Yarborough es 415 Watson SL MEN'S DAY PROGRAM Mao's Dgy will he held at Bush Metropolitan AME Zion Church ad Sunday, July 12. at 7:o# p. m. The speaker for th* occasion will be Mr. Alfred Newkirk of Martin Street Baptist Church. Th* pobtta la invited. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY JRemery Teat to It (M«e aaacaa- NM m It* MM in Mm mm Mm. Mm. m* Mm mmmm> mIM aat mt Mm mm «m» • tor Mmn •* MMNM. It «mm> W tot Mat* Wl WILL haw V dm Mm m*M Mm tot. Gem ItoriMf r h ?Rld 3 .‘u^ a »j S OPTICIANS, las. I