16 TKZ CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, JULY 11, IM4 State’s Negro Law Enforcement Officers Hold Confab W. T. Amaker; High Point Detective, New President WILSON The North Carolina 1 Negro Law Enforcement Officer* t Association met recently in WiUon. 1 W. T. Amaker, detective of the i High Point Police Department, wa* i •elected president. Amaker, who has served the department as a Patrolman and Driver Education Instructor, has been assigned to the Detective Division since 1960. Prior to joining the Police Department, he was the first Negro appointed by the North Carolina Alcholic Bever age Control Board as a Special In vestigator. HU civic activites include: For mer Scoutmaster, former P. T. A, President, immediate past Chair man of Board of Director* at Carl Chavis Memorial Y. M. C A., mem ber of Steward Board of St. Mark M. E. Church, former Red Cros* Rloodmobile Colonel. Amaker also served with a speci al group assigned to Special Securi ty during President Kennedy’s Founder* Day Address at the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1961. The new president emphasizes the special efforts that are being Initiated ta encourage Negro Os q m«m mam »it> mini cief Iyhtweightmnerv! firehose mjtes outdoor cooking etsier, foster granules Os im Mint KM vi* AvV - C LVCNri PtBPPtNOS-Kf DIKING MAKMFUI vL\ UAKt-UKS WHILE KEEPING twr 1 J%JL I ( ( / \j)J \ A ty PAN CLEAN AND CONTAINS AIK // T AMMHUL MEBAM.MCH AS W»M*» BUCTS TNI HEAT UTWAKD AND PKO MPK UNIFORM COOKING. KING (OLE MOTEL 2418 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, N. G 19 Rooms - Private and Adjoining Baths Individual Heat - Air Conditioned Conveniently Located Between Fayetteville State Teachers College and Fort Bragg REASONABLE RATES! Gordon’s Gin yGWNstI IM Distilled ill y London Dry 1^ I mg * — v gp> Ml mmmnhi sonus me mm.«tm • mmm m m m. u». uaa w ficers to seek Kbetter training la their respective 1 divisions of Law Enforcement. "Wle must be trained to meet the challenge that an ever changing society presents us. And. we must be prepared to accept our responsibility towards raising the standards of Law Enforcement pro fessionally." Amaker said. During the two day meeting a Pistol Tournament was heid. First place: Officer Carrington of Dur ham, North Carolina, Second place: Detective Rhodes of Greensboro, North Carolina, third place: Officer Graves of High Point, North Caro lina The key note address was de livered by Don Pollock, Attorney of Wilson Other Officers elected were: Vice-president, Carson McLeod, Durham, secretary, S. D. Midgett, Goldsboro; assistant secretary. S T. Rhodes, Greensboro; treasurer, F. M Boone, Fayetteville; chaplain. G. T Nash. Charlotte; Sgt at Arms, J. M. Graves, Fayetteville; and Par liamentarian. H. B Ferguson, Wins ton-Salem. There were 121 policemen, sher iffs and probation officers attend- 4INCK THE FKEBASE WtULATf 3 TNg GKIIL BOTTOM.CHILDKtM(ANO CAKEUM CUTS) CAN'T BURN THEIR HANOI mm PROPOSED NEW MEN’S DORMITORY—The above is an architect s drawing of a new three-story men’s dormitory at Allen University, to be completed sometime next year. Estimated cost of the 150-man facilityis $300,000. The structure will feature 74 rooms, guest facilities, sto rage and a lounge on each floor. DEAR SALLY BY SALLY SHAW DEAR SALLY. I’ve been going with a young man for over two years, and we re engaged to be married In two months. Every thing was wonderful until hi# company transferred him to an other city about 100 miles from here, and now the only time we see each other is during the week ends that he drive* home. How ever, there are many weekend* that he doesn't come home. I have a cousin living in the town where my fiance Is working, and she has written to me tnat she ha* seen him a number of times dating other girls. Then, when I asked him about this, he admitted It was true, that it wo* because of the “terrible loneliness al living in a j strange town.’’ He promised, though, not to do this again—but now today I have received anoth er letter from my cousin with the news of having seen my fiance at a dance with a “cute little red head.” I think maybe I should check off this so-called engage ment of ours, don’t you? J.C.A. DEAR J.C.A.: Indeed I do. A fellow who, two months be fore his wededlng date. Is still rhasing around with other gtrls Is a poor, poor risk. DEAR BALLY My girl and I were discussing marriage a few evenings ago. and she warned me that when it comes time for us to become “officially Engaged” her father will be wanting to confer with me about my financial status quo. and about my ability to pro vide for her I have no problems In this respect, but I'm wondering aobut such a dlnclusion with a future father-in-law. Isn’t this an old-fashioned and out-of-date sort of custom? GROOM SOON DEAR GROOM SOON: Al though a financial discussion between a father and hi* pro spective son-in-law Is not so fore his wedding date, t* still It Isn't “old-fashioned or out of-date” far a father to he ing the meeting from throughout the state Next year’s convention ta tentatively scheduled to be held In Fayetteville. Wok « Doofe Lift fear or rauscßAcniis AMD THUNDER rrtakiw £?l£os?ll«»arcPcenta» Both thundarstorms and Fourth at July flracrackara can turn avan the bravest, moat stalwart dog into a cringing coward. Hunting dogs, used to tha raport of shotguns, as wall as city dogs who don't turn a hair at tha sound of s tor's backfire, art sat aquivar from tha tips of thair toils to their noaas at tha sound of firecrack ers exploding around them or thunder exploding above them. And tear of these sounds doesn't necessarily start at puppyhood. Many dogs will ignore atoms for years until a particularly nasty one breaks, and from that day on they’re tremblers. In fact, if tha tear is great enough, it actually aan cause fits. If your dog shows stress at such times, it is advisable to consult your veterinarian. He can give you sedatives that will tuiet your dog. And since most ogs apprehend storms an hour or two Wore they strike, you can get him calmed down be fore the really big bangs tweak. Then Ist your pet pick his own sate retreat and. after soma pats and comforting words, leave him alone. Hell likely sleep through the noise. Above au. don't take your dog out during a thunderstorm or when firecrackers era pop ping. And do let tha outdoor living dog in tha house for tha duration of toe disturbance. Ifs toe only humane thing to do. Hh Dees need less food generally in summer. Give your pet a quality prepared food such as Fnskies. and wen though you've cut down on his rations, you're certain that he's getting all tha proteins, vita- SnsisM utinank ha eaads. concerned about hta daugh ter's future happiness and well-being. DEAR SALLY: I’m very much worried ovei my inability to be popular with tlie ooys. I'm 16. considered very pretty have a good figure, and drees well. And yet I can’t seem to hold the Inter est of any fellow. What makes this all the more puzzling is that oth er girls who are actually very plain looking seem to have no trouble at all attracting the boys. In fact, the boys seem to flock around these girls who never have to sit at home on weekend# as 1 do eo often. I try my best to at tract the boys, and fall—while i iir.“picuu Jane*, get the boyff without seeming to try at all. What’s the answer? C.I.H. DEAR C.1.H.: Maybe you’ve been trying TOO hard, and the boys are uneomfortable because of your seeming over eagerness. Boys enjoy the company of girls with whom they are comfortable and at case. They like girls who are Interesting to listen to and who are Interested In what THEY have to *ay. Why don't rou try observing these other girl* very carefully, watching them when they’re wHh the boys, and listening to what Receives Scholarship GREENSBORO—Mrs Nads H. Call, a 1963 graduate of Bennett College, is one of 10 persons a warded SI,OOO scholarships by the Special Libraries Association for study at acWedited school# of li brary service during the 1964-68 academic year Mrs. Call, presently employed as reference-circulation librarian at Go fresher, go Royal Crown ■-■Hr # % .W IwHr -**"%» K * : g‘*^eS^PPP^ i *• MMi •• V wrtWMmSfwJk- JHHI ih < LaDninv'- ' ' The best cola is fresh c01a... ulm and Royal Crown to the only one of the three leading colas that* made fresher M HC to taste fresher... uniquely blended to capture the flavor at its peak and protea it. 1M So feel freeher...wkJe-«wrake fresher... go RC* MH “ t; Best buy in town fifltiV IEEH3V fSe§ of Roys! Cvowvt Cois OSm DnI4IIi they have to say. Chances are you’ll learn something. One of the most Important thing* is to be a good listener. Boys like girl* who show a big interest In their activities, their hob bies, their philosophy, their ambitions, and so on. DEAR SALLY: My husband and I eloped and were married by a Justloe of the peace three years ago. We now have a darling little daughter of two, and are wonder fully happy. Despite this, however we are bothered from time to time by the fact that there was no re ligious significance to our wed ding. We have been discussing the idea of having, on chit next anni versary, a real church wedding complete with formal wedding clothes and attendants. Do you think this would oe all right? MRS. O. B. DEAR MRS. G. B.: It would be entirely proper for you to have a religious ceremony, but since you have been living together a* husband and wife for three years, you eannot In good taste make this ceremony resemble s first marriage, with bridal dm*, bridesmaids, and many guests. Much better would be a quiet ceremony in church with Just your families and nearest relatives present. the Franklin Institute Library In Philadelphia plans to attond Drexel Institute of Technology Graduate School of Library Sci ence. A TEN-YEAR-OLD w»* watching his father repair the garage door. "Son. please go in the house and get me a screwdriver." BTM.E. GARDNER >C N. C. SUte h Last summer a lady called and < wanted to know what was causing 1 the berries on her pyracantha : plant to “turn black and shrivel.” i This condition is caused by scab, which is » fungus disease. The spores send out tiny threads which absorb food from the ber ries and cause the black spots to form and the berries to shriveL This disease is not too common on pyracantha but when it strikes, it can be severe. It is most preva lent during prolonged rainy pe riods. The disease may be controll ed by using a spray containing two tablespoons of Formate in one gallon water. This spray should be applied as the ber ries are forming and repeated at It day intervals until four ■prays have been applied. Thorough spraying Is neces sary. “The other day I was reading a story about the kitchen gardens at Tiyon Palace and ‘vegetable oyster 1 was mentioned What is vegetable oyster?” Hie proper name for this vege table is Salsify. It is commonly called vegetable oyster because of its flavor. Salify requires a long growing season for full develop ment. It is classed as a root crop and the culture is practically the same as for the parsnip. “If I remember correctly leek was also mentioned.” The leek is similar to the onion. It is believ- I ed to be native to the Mediterran l ean area where it has been in FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO ANY~SMALL APPLIANCE CALL TE 2-3950 OR VA 8-2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. “Ths House That Service Built” 224 E. MARTIN ST. GARDEN TIME cultivation since prehistoric times. It is not grown extensively in this country hut is produced by mar ket gardeners in some areas and is sold largely to the foreign pop ulation. The general culture of the leek is similar to the onion except that leek plants are blanched by banking with sod. The soil is gradually worked up to the plants as they grew, earn being token not to begin Woman Left Bound To Bed, While Hubby Enjoys Vacation FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla (ANP) —A Fort Lauderdale house wife, Mrs. Marjorie Mqftatt, 36, was discovered by police pound to her bed with rope, chain and eight padlocks. The woman's screams aroused neighbors, who called officers. Police said Mrs. Moffatt’s husband, Robert, 41, toeked her to the bed and announced be was taking their two sons, ages eight and ten, on a two-week vacation to New Jersey. She said her , husband told her “I don’t want you to come along.” Officers broke into the locked Now Open To Serve You! TAYLOR SHOE SERVICE 706 s. McDowell st. The Man Behind The Shoe, la The Man With Experience! You Can Always DUNN’S #1 V VooTI find ths* when yon drive V into Dunn t Esso Service you **• Mr <; oelve the eaire consideration flm AJ whether you iust *tli up your n»- B. \yi diator or have your -at greaseo BpV Vi- We tike to feel that we’re helplnt you get more enjoyment -our ear. Why not give os a trial? Our Service Always Has A Smile! DUNN’S ESSO SERVICE SO2 S. RLOODWORTH ST. RHONE t TE MBS banking ton early ns the young nlanta decay easily. Leeks are marketed in buncher like green anions. They are eater raw, in salads and used for flav oring soups and stews. You may remember that I urg ed my readers to visit the Tryon Palace this summer. Then on to Mxnteo to see Paul Green’s “Th* Lost Colony.” For you folks In the mountains, the “darn skeet ers” aren't as bad as they ones were. home and freed her. She was tlad to the bed for more than four hours before her screams wera heard, they said. HAPPY ENDING Former war refugees in the Oga Assimilation Project, South Korea, recently wrote CARE they no long er need help. It took 8 years to make their farms self-supporting, during which time CARE provided 820,528 in food, farm tools, grain, bullocks and fruit tree seedlings for the 160 families—a total invest ment of approximately $24.80 per person.

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