FROM FtALEIGFTS POLICE FILES THE CHIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) DAMAGE CHURCH WINDOWS The Rev. Mrs. Nancy A. Port, pastor of the Church of God, 1296 E. Edenton Street, informed Of ficers R. N. Carroll and B. C. Nip per at 7:42 a. m. Wednesday, that some children were throwing rocks at the street signs near the church and hit two of the church’s windows on the east side of the building. The minister said she did not know who the kids were. Hie two window panes were cracked and were valued at $5.00 each. WHITE BOYS THROW ROCK AT LONE WOMAN Mrs. Eleanor Flagg. 607 Cham berlain Street (Oberlin), told of ficers at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, that on Tuesday night as she was walking alone on Bverette Avenue, near Tower Street, she saw a car. going weet on Everette with two occupants, both white. Mr* Flaggfurtber stated one of the boys threw a cop at her her. Inside the cup was a rock. However, she was not hit by the cup or the rock, she reported. The ear then sped away at an extremely Ugh rate of speed, continuing west on Everette. The complainant said the car was either a late model Mercury or Oldemobile and medium red in color. ANGRY MEN COME TO HEADQUARTERS, BOTH JAILED Officers C. W. Jones and D. C. Williams received a call to 552 E. Davie Street at 9:28 p.m. Wednes day .but when they arrived, no one was at the address. Later, the parties involved eame to the station house to sign warrants. Johnny Stew art Bynun. of 914 S. East St., told the desk aft., that Gran dy Harris, <lO S. Person St., beat him up with his hands and fist* Harris readily admitted the beating, but declared the reason he attacked Byrum was because "he pulled a knife on me.” By rum signed a warrant a gainst Harris, charging as sault and battery and Harris retaliated by charging Bynun with assault with a deadly weapon. Both men were car ried to the Wake County Jail and locked op on the above charge* TRANSISTOR RADIO STOLEN Mrs. Mary Jane Love, of 215 Spence Street, told two cops at 8:01 am. Wednesday, that on Tuesday afternoon, she discover ed her transistor radio missing. Mrs. Love stated die had left her home far a few minutes and the front door was unlocked. She de scribed the radio as pocket size, powder blue and a Fhileo model In a Mack case. She valued It at $24. MAN BEATEN IN ROBBERY TRY Clyde Williams. 38, of Ra leigh, informed officers at 9:- 15 p.m. Wednesday, that two men grabbed him at the cor ner of E. Cabarrus and S. Bloodworth Street* stuck a knife to his left side, then searched his pockets. Finding nothing, the two would-be robbers fled the scene. The cops' report concluded: "Williams was not able to give ns any more Information as he was about drunk at the time.” ASSAULTED WITH AXE HANDLE Miss Queen Esther Henry, 1114 Pender Street, told Offi cers B. R. Lee and B. G. Las sister 3:15 a.m. Saturday, that Paul Malloy struck her on the arm with axe handle. She signed a warrant and Mai Rip Van Winkle Couldn't Sleep «Hh Nagging Backache Now! Too e*n *«t th« fast Ptltaf jroo DMd from nagging baekncbo, h*»d»eb« »mj fnunmJar nohes arvi paint that often fauaa reatleaa ntghta and miaarable tirvd-trot feelings. Whan then# dieeomforta come on with over exertion or atreaa and strain —yon want relief—want It faatt Another dietnrtanre mar be mild bladder Irritation following wrong food and drink-often aet tmg up a reatleaa uncomfortable feeling. Doan’a PUle work feat In S separate wavs: l.bjrepeedy pain .relieving action to ante torment of nagging backache, head er bee. muscular aches and paina. X. by toothing effect on bladder irritatioo. *. by mild diuretic action tending to in create output of the !» mile, of kidney tubes. Enjoy a good night’e sleep and the tame happy relief milUona have for over go years. For convenience, ask for toe hrge tiie. Get Doan’s Pills todayl ft Promotes hair totter • Prevents breaking ends • Builds hair body • Fights dandruff inf action • Relieves itching • leaves hair fragrant controls &pd scalp problems, too loy was placed in Wake County Jail, charged with assault with a deadly weapon. CHARGES MATE WITH ASSAULT Mrs. Leonia Johnson. 8 Dare Terrace, came to the police sta tion at 11:00 a.m. Saturday and signed a domestic warrant against her husband, Roosevelt Johnson, charging assault The warrant is now on file and Johnson will face Judge Mason Thomas in Domestic Relations Court soon. "BEAT ME UP AT STATON’S CAFE” Miss Glendale Blue, 793 E. Hargett Street, eame to the station house at 1:99 * m. Saturday and signed a war rant against Frederick Ben ton. claiming, "He beat me up at Btaton's Case.” located at 319 8. East Street. Benton resides at 582 E. Cabar rus Street. WOULD NT TELL COPS ANYTHING Uewyn Bridges, 1200 block of Hightower Street was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital at 3:01 p.m. Friday for treatment of a lacerated scalp. He was released from the hospital, but refused to tell officers how he came by his wound. GRAND? HARRIS MAKES NEWS AGAIN Grmndy Harris, SIS S. Person Street, informed Officer C. G. Smith st 9:54 p. m. Thursday, that sometime between W: p. m. Wednesday sad 9: * m. Thurs day, someone took s brick sod damaged the windshield wiper on the right side of his 1958 whHe Plymouth Fury. The lid on his trunk was also scratched. Harris said he suspected, but eeuld not prove, teat Daniel Ross. 906 Mark Street did the damage, which Harris estimated to be about 95- SAYS HUBBY TRIED TO KILL HER Mrs. Esther Thompson, 35, of 1204 Walnut Street, informed two cops at 8:15 a. m. Thursday, that her husband, James Edward Thompson, 29, was trying to kill her. The officers went through the building and entrance on the oast side. Suddenly s man came into tee building with a butcher knife In his hand and ran a rottnd Officer G. W. Williams, then headed for Mrs. Thomp son. He was ordered to drop the knife, but refused to do so until Officer E. D. Whitley drew s pistol on him. Thompson was then hauled off to Wake County Jail, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and placed under a SSOO bond. CLAIMS TWO MEN BEAT HIM UP Edward Johnson. 27, of 46$ W. Lenoir Street, told Officer Al fred L. Grtsby st 16:36 p. m. Friday he was in The Pstemar Club, 264 W. South Street when two unidentified men eame In and “Jumped on me and beat me up, teen they cut mo mi the left side of my neek.“ Johnson refused to go to the hospital for treatment. Wiley Hardy operates The Pslamar. GOOD SAMARITAN HIT IN FACE Mrs. Dorothy King, 32, 514 E. Hargett Street, stated at 12:53 a. m. Saturday, she was trying to break up a fight and was struck in the face. She did not know who hit her. The incident took place at the corner of E. Davie and S. East Sts. SEES MAN WITH HIS STOLEN RADIO George Lee William*, of #O4 Mark Street, came to the Detective Bureau at 10: p. m. Thursday and stated on this day between 9: a. m. and 12:30 p. m., someone entered hit house by prying a padlock off hia front door, entering and stealing a white clock radio, valued at $32. The hungry thief also went into Williams’ refrigetator and ate some turkey. Mr. Williams said he was on Lee Street between Bloodworth snd East about 12:40 p. m. Thursday and he saw John Fletcher in this block trying to aell a radio. How ever. this was before Williams knew his was missing. However. Williams approach ed Fletcher and aaked ts that waa his I Williams’) radio aad Fletcher replied ia the negative. The complainant then went to work and returned later to find kb home had been entered again and tee radio was re turned. minus tee glass front and tee turning knob* Williams signed a warrant against Fletcher, of 522 1-3 K. Martin St, charging breaking, entering and larceny and receiving. GIRLS’ BIKE REPORTED STOLEN Mrs. Betty Chrisp, 903 S. Hay wood Street told the desk sgt at headquarters at 3:10 p m. Thursday, sometime during the previous night someone stole a 26” girl’s bicycle from in front of her home. The green bicycle had the serial num ber of 2490, and was valued at $25 BUYS 2 ITEMS, STEALS ONE Larry Zievernick, owner of Lar ry's Grocery, 318 W. Lenoir Street, told Officer T. T. Street Jr., at 6: p. m. Thursday. James Ray, 410 1-2 Cannon Street came into his store and purchased two article* The complainant said he stopped Ray on the outside of the store, opened his bag and found a can of beef tripe, valued at 55 cent* inside. After Zievernick signed a war rant for larceny, the denfendant was booked at Wake County Jail. TAKES PARTS FROM AUTO Willie Cannady. of Route 1. Box 366, Raleigh, informed Officer P. A. Dean at 2:49 p m. Thursday, that he parked his car on the Norte side of D A S Motor Company's park ing lot after having motor trouble last week. When he returned to his car a week later, he found parts had been stolen from the power steer ing system and his carburetor was taken. Damage to the blue and white 1958 DeSoto was set at S4O. WOMAN SEEN WEARING STOLEN WATCH Miss Betty Ann Robertson, 19, of 925 E. Lane Street, told two cops at 6:11 p. m. Wednesday, that some one stole her wrist watch from a table in her living room. She added, she saw Miss Hattie Cotten. 20, wearing the watch in Peebles' Case, corner of Blount and Martin Streets. The complainant said Miss Cotten told her teat her sister. Miss Chrit tine Cotten, had given the watch to her. Misa Robertson then proceed ed to the police station to sign a larceny warrant, but was told she did not have enough evidence. The Barnett watch with a gold band was valued at 936. Misa Alma Wilder, of 412 Alston Street, reported that Bridges. Sam Holloway. Bart Street, and Rooeevelt Harts field. 201 D«dd Street, were on the Iporch of her home, trying to aell a pistol prior to the time Bridges was hurt. Miss Wilder declared she did not see Bridges get hurt. BEAUTY SHOP BREAK-IN PROBED Mr*. Ethel Kearney told Offi cers Norman Artis and James E. (Bobby) Daye at 7:44 a.m. Friday, someone had broken Into her beauty shop Thursday night. The business was entered when the culprit removed the window on the east side of the building, lo cated at 303 W. South St. The following items were re ported missing: cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing gum, hair nets, rollers and five or six dollars in currency, which was taken from the cash register. A red baseball cap wee found at the scene lof the crime, but the but the window removed to gain entry had not been found at CAROLINIAN press time. AMERICAN LEGION HOME ENTERED Mias Nellie McClain toM offi cers at 10:38 am. Friday, that when she went to open up the A merlcan Legion Home, 416 E. Ca barrus Street, she found that someone had broken the glass in the front window on the east side. The oops also found a window pane broken out on the north side and entry U believed to have been gained in this manner. Mlse McClain Mated she eeuld not tell bow much mon ey was taken from two soft drink machines. The person who entered the Home ent himself on glass In the window as blood was on th* draperies and wall at the establishment. The curtate from the front door waa taken, possibly to absorb the Mood. VANDALISM AT CROSBY SCHOOL Edward Hunter, 606 Wynn St., Informed Officers John Baker, Sr., and Alfred Orlgeby at 8:50 p. m. Friday, he saw three teenagers, 14-16 yean of age, go over the fence and break out several win dow panes on the southwest side of Craoby-Oarfield Elementary School. E. Lenoir Street. He stat ed he could recognise one of the boys if he saw him again. Officers Baker and Orlgsby found nine windows with broken pane* and estimated damage at SSO. MAM BEATEN. ROBBED John A. Marks. 56. of 1014 Mark Street, told Officers W. O. Arnold and R.” O. Woodruff at 13:30 a. m. Saturday, that while he was walking home, he waa “jumped from behind.” beaten about the bead and hia wallet and keys were stolen. He said two men did this. The assault-robbery took place in front of 1000 Mark Street Mr. Marks described one of hi* assailant as being six feet tall, weighing 190 pounds and being about 40 yeans old. The other man was S’. 10". weighed about 180 pounds, about 40 yean old and wore a light, tan suit. Dennis Rand, who ttvea at 1000 Mark Street, reported hearing the men outside of his home, but said be could not identify either man DRIVE SAFELY! SAYS MAN. PURSE LEFT AT SAME TIME Mias Lillie Mousson, S 3, of 1451 Sawyer's Lane, reported at 1:35 p. m. Saturday, her pocketbook was stolen while she was visiting her sister at 301 Fowle Street. The complainant stated she placed it on a dresser in the front room, went out of the room to the kit chen, came straight beck and dis covered her purse was missing. She added that Jack Nesmith, of 1451 Sawyer s Lane, was also present. However, both Nesmith and her pocketbook were gone when she returned, stated Miss Mouzzon. The only other persons in the house were her sister, Mrs. Doris Bunche, and Mr* Bunche s chil dren. The black purse contained sl3 in currency and change. BEATEN WITH STICK FOR NO REASON? Sun Price. 62, of 214 E. Cabar rus Street, informed two officers at 2:28 p.m. Saturday, that he was assaulted with a stick by John Morgan. 712 Shaw Court for no aparent reason at the latter ad dress. The cops were unable to get further Idetails of the incident “due to the fact that Sun Price had been drinking heavily and was very uncooperative.’’ He was treated at Wake Memorial Hos pital for laoerations of the scalp and lower Up. STRUCK IN MOUTH WITH FISTS Harry Booker, 721 8. Saunders Street, came to police headquar ters at 11:45 p.m. Saturday and signed a warrant against Richard Taylor, address unknown, for as sault and battery, stating. “He hit me In my mouth with his fists.” ACCUSES WOMAN OF “TATTLING”. BEATS HEB Mrs. Josephine EUzabeth Aus tin. 30. of 12 Lincoln Terrace told Officers R. L. Forrest and J. R. Murry at 8:10 p. m. Saturday Phillip Bell. 13 Mecklenburg Ter race, had accused her of saying something about his wife that he didn’t Uke. The woman said die toM Bell she had not said anything about Mr* Bell, but Bell im mediately hit her w Ith his fist* The force of the blow made her fall down, striking her head on an end table. Mrs. Austin signed a warrant against Bell for assault and battery and he was Jailed. She waa treated at Wake Memorial Hospital for a laceration over her left eye. CLAIMS WOMAN STOLE SKIRT George Vallls, who operates the Ladles and Tots Outlet Store at 546 E. Davie Street, told Officers Baker and GrigSby at 4:40 p. m. Saturday, that a dark skinned woman came into the store and stole a blue seersucker skirt, val ued at 33. Then she ran east on Davie and into the 600 Block. Val ue declared. He added he would know her if he saw her again. MAN STABBED AND ROBBED A nurse on duty at Wake Me morial Hospital told police at 1:10 a.m. Sunday that Fred Miller, 32, of the Bloodworth Street YMCA was out there. When the officers arrived, Mil ler stated he was walking oo Bloodworth Street near Person, when someone attacked him from , behind with a knife, took his wal ’ let. containing S3O and ran. The only description Miller i could give of his assailant was , that he was tall and wore dark clothing. He was treated far a stab wound in the back. WASHING MACHINES DAMAGED James Bartholemew, of Raleigh, told officers at 9:22 a.m. Sunday he came to take the money out of . the washing machines at the i Speedy Wash, 319 Tarboro Road, i and found that the coin boxes , had been taken. He said he had checked the place Saturday and found everything all right The officers looked around the build ing, but were unable to looate the ooin boxes. Damage to the ma chines was set at SSO. The amount of money taken was unknown. WOMAN SAYS MAN ASSAULTED HER Mrs. Magnolia White. 44. of 403 Montague Lane, told Officers Nor man Artis and W. E. Manning at 10:17 a.m. Sunday. John Morgan. 64, hit her about the face and head with his hands and fists Mrs. White signed a warrant, charging Morgan with assault and battery and he waa jailed. The fight occurred at Ml Cannletor Street. PREGNANT WOMAN REPORTS THREAT Mr*. Louise Blackman, 36. of 11 Lincoln Terrace, came to headquarters at 3:84 p. m. Sunday and said that about 12:48 p. m. this data Charles (Pltakl Adcock came to her apartment and aaked for mon ey to buy some whiskey. She mated she refused him and be threatened to hit her and left. Adcock Uvea at 2 Asha Ter race. A few minutes later, the com plainant stated, she again saw Ad cock as she was returning from a neighbor’s apartment. He stopped her and again threatened to beat her. Two men were coming by and made "Plink" leave the woman a lone. Mrs. Blackman, who it eight months nrecuant. stoned a warrant against Adeaek far assault snd battery, adding ~I am afraid of him.” He waa placed in Wake County Jail. BOY. 11. ASSAULTED WITH RIFLE Mrs. Oladys Walton. 319 Love’s Lane, mother of an 11-roar-old boy. told police at 9:15 pm.’Sun day. her son waa assaulted with a rifle by a 10-year-old boy. who Uvea at 225 8. Bloodworth Street. She signed a petition against the child and his mother. Mrs. Minnie Williams, was notified of the petition. The boy will be tried In Domestic Relations Court. STEALS WATCH WHILE MAN. WIFE AT WORK Henry Hunter, 303) N Hay- TWO YEARS OLD NOW Utth Mm Janie* Henry, daughter ot Sgt and Mn. David Hanry oi 412 Watson Street, cel ebrated her second birthday on Sunday, July 5, as eha waa the gueet oi honor at a email birthday party, held at her home. Janice received many nice end us eful gilta. , * -XU get you SECRtftv mak&ibp/^ dsnMN * fl WmOk if •g, ■; •. j ' a TO OBSERVE ANNIVER SARY Shown above are Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haß. Jr. of 22 Lincoln Ter., wha will cel ebrate their first wedding anni versary on Sunday. July !*■ They will take a trip to Newark. N. J. and the Bronx, New York aeon. They both agree that “this has been ene es ear most happy rears.” Mr. Hall to popu larly known so laodar of the ”Senestlenot" Evening FI ve Quintet. wood Street, interned Officers Joseph Winters and T. T. Street. Jr., at 10:57 am. Monday, that he left home about 6:30 am. and re turned at 10:30 to find someone had entered his borne, pried open a metal box which was locked and "made off” with a gold-plated watch, valued at 850. Hunter said his wife. Mrs. Msr • geret Hunter, was at home untU 8:30 am., then she left for work. He contacted her and she ted him the box waa in tact when she left the house. TABLE MODEL RADIO OONE Miss Lilly Mae Johnson. Sill 8 East Street, ted polioe officers a t 3:39 pm Monday, that someene entered her boom about 10:00 a. m. and stole her table model ra dio. valued at BMJB. Stating the person entered her house byway of the bask door, tha complainant said she had no Idea who the thief could have bossv HUBBY JAILED AS WIFE-BEATER Mrs. Lortae Puhrood. 1506 Cross Street, reported at 8:06 p. m Monday, that her husband. Leroy Fulwood. slapped her in the face for no reason. She signed a w se ra nt and her mate was arreoted for assault and battery. SEMI-ANNUAL Clearance on Women's Spring and Summer SHOES r All Well Known Nationally Advertised Brands • Florsheim # Naturalizer • Caressa # Life Stride • Town & Country • Lissak • Coach & Four Values to $20.00* priced from *6" t. 1 14'" ; Shop early for Choice Selection Roscoe-Griffin Shoe Co. H Two Stores 120 Fayetteville St Cameron Village RALEIGH. N. ft. SATURDAY. JULY B, Mt ■ .... - n ** J * rj yi(iijfe^||-iri^^^^fll^^^^^^S^^Bl^^wHwwßHte^^^' II s ** sftfeM g CLINTON NEWS | a BY H. ML JOHNSON CALLED TO CLINTON CLINTON —Mn. Mads C. Bop* kins of New Haven. Conn., was oaUed lo Clinton last week to at tend the funeral ot bar father. Mr. John Albert Cooper. Mn. Meade Cousin and chil dren were in town last week to at tend the funeral of her brothsr in law, Mr. Taft Sampson. Rev. Jamas A. Moors returned to his horns ban after going to Newark, M. J.. to attend the grad uation lof his grandson, Robert Monk. Mr. Howard loaman Is back at his hems on Warsaw Rd.. after going to Bay Shore, L. X„ New York to attend the funeral at his grandmother. Mrs. Wilbert Faison and sons aooornpanted her husband back to New York, where they plan to mend tbs summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Under wood merit the 4th of July holi days here with their family. Mr* Beasts Sampson of NOw York City is visiting her sister. Mr* Oeorgie Mattel* OBITUARIES Mr. Richard Taft Sampson died Saturday morning, June 37, at Duke Hospital, Durham. Funeral services were held Tuesday, June 80, at, 4 n m.. at First Baptist Church with the Reverend J. L. White, officiating. Surviving are one daughter. Mr* Ins Ross Melvin of Newark. N. J.; two grand-daughters, one brother, Mr. Hardy Sampson, of FlsaaantviUe, New Jersey, on* uncle and three aunt* Mr. John Albert Cooper died at his home Thursday morning, Ju ly 3. Funeral sendees were conduct ed Sunday, July 8. at First Bap tist Church, with tee Rev. 4. L. White officiating. Surviving are his wife, Mr* Roes Oooper of the home; one son, Or mis, of tee horns; ong daughter. Mr* Mates C. Boykin, Itew Haven. PSA CD CORPS COST Bm avenge east of sending and keeping s Peace Corps volunteer overseas ter a year has been «9m toe Catholic Digest re- At least 8 million tons of mete oric dust tells so the earth every year, tea Catholic Digest states. WATCH REPAIRMAN: Tick Do* Catholic Digest—June. Parker and Mr* RaJE* Bototoß Monk?CUntonTtwo toothers, Ift ; Man Oooper. Rosebore; and tft Fred Oooper. Trenton. N. J. i . i" ■ ""M SJ3S $ All fifth Mrm E33 jM JjKBl «£3 llralw H ml ' *•** M ' £3 f ib* muirHead's - * b S-jtJljluK •osamii* ''HU m "* ... KWH". !g*T o» ocong _ MUIRHEAD’S SCOTCH KMtD SCOTCH WMHY, A NOM, OUTttWTfO IY MeKfttON * tOMI*. M If*. 3

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