6 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY, JULY 11. 1964 WEEKLY MEDITATION BY COLIN DOUGLAS "And In every work that he began In the service of the house of God ... he did it with all his heart, and prosper ed.”—ll Chron 31.21. If we are not content In our work docs not give us a sense of accomplishment and true achieve ment. we must stop and realize that there aie rally no permanent barriers to our success. No matter how uninteresting, prosaic, dull, commonplace, Im possible. or difficult our present work may seem to be, let us work as unto God. We can do this by working in a spirit of love and faith ... by doing cheerfully, willingly, efficiently whatever there is before us . .by doing each task better than it has ever been done before. This attitude does have its good effect—it will pave tho way for advancement and for more interesting work that enables us to make full use of our initiative, skills, and tal ents. A vitally Important, part of suc WO mms% vrm THE BIBLE m COBMUHM I. (TAM HU. , / 1 —i in mu soamr T A OtfO Ml tUNOtf J jv# TWO BABIES 1 Sometime ago. in Chicago, one i mother had her baby kidnapped right out of her arms in a hospital room, while anot her left her bn by in a cardboard box on top of a garbage can. We have tne feeling that in all probability the woman who aban doned her baby—and it probably waa a woman—waa Just aa much betide herself as the one who had her baby stolen from her srms. A Registered Nurse told us some time ago that the proportion of mothers who do not want their babies is becoming truly alarming Ws do not believe that these wom en wouldn't want their babies un der normal circumstances why. everybody loves a baby; but in such eases sin has come In to 1 Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAM nLE A co WEIW Llrrnaa No. 1111 Ceramic, Asphalt, Rubber and Vinyl Tile •U ELLINGTON STREET RALEIGH. N. C. FOR RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses" ALL WITH HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH* live la either i ftrat-elaae apartment or bona*. We mb of fer fob at roMonablo rental either 1 or 4 room apartment* or i and I room house* All these dwrllln** are located to aloe ■eUrbbor hoods and la flrat-class repair. See Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CO. IM B. HARGETT ST. DIAL TE I MM fIJrA CHURCH |pf FURNITURE ray m l MANUFACTURERS Buy Hirt‘t'l Frum Tlic Faclort— Pews, Chancel Chairs, Pulpits Communion Tables, Etc. Bluefield Church Furniture Co. Shaw Avenue Galax, Va. ISM FAITH .7 11 to • jMjfon the word of God what '.lB we do not see. and its reward is to see and enjoy odist we believe. Augustine Ambulance Service Raleigh Funeral Home 322 E. CABARRUS ST. DIAL TE 2-2SJS cess is our own belief In our ca pacity for success Because of va rious features ot factors in the molding of our thoughts and re sponses, many of us find that we have a hesitant, doubtful approach to the things we want to do. We have such a half-hearted belief In our ability to succeed that we nev er positively or efficiently accept or utilize the capacity for suc cess that God has endowed each of us with. Just aa consistent, in telligent care of a plant brings forth blossoms and fruit, so does the practice of affirmative prayer and Implicit faith in God culti vate the belief In us that la pro ductive and rewarding In dally prayci let us ask God to Inspire us, to quicken our minds, to work with us so that we may al ways give our best efforts. Let us rejoice that work well done ia the surest stepping-stone to more worthwhile achievement “But to each one Is given the manifestation of the spirit to profit withal."—l Cor. 12:7. bring trouble and shame and mis ery. Bome ol these mothers are unwed and have been disgraced: others arc separated or divorced from their liuabondr. 01 would have to bring their babies home to nothing but bickering and trou ble. Still others have pa.sv-d on diseases to then bal ics and w ish they had never been born. This Is how sm wricks lives and homes, but It Is wonderful to know that "Christ Jesus came Into the world to SAVE sinners," as we read in I Tim 1:15 How does He save sinners? Well, first He bore the divine penalty if sin for us: "Christ r.lcel for our sins" <1 Cor. 15:3 >. But He will save us from sin's control too If we let Him. Rom 6:14 says to believer* In I Christ: "Pot sin shall not have RALEIGH BUSINESS COLLEGE BY CONNIE BEST On Friday. July 3, we had as our assembly speaker. Mr. Bob Green ; Manager, Snelling le Snelling Per- . sonnet Consultants, Inc. This is an employment agency. Green spoke on “Job Opportuni ties.” Clerical work is unlimited, and there is a great demand for clerical help. We must put excel lence first. Take full advantage of your training and the openings a vailablc. You shouldn't be satisfied only with passing in school, but be able to do well at all times, said Mr. Green. The first Job may come aa a com plete shock to you, salary-wise. The beginning person does not always begin with the salary advertised In adk. You must prove your work satisfactorily and advance to the salary you saw advertised. Soma beginning Jobs are: File Clerks, re ceptionists. transcribers, and Steno grapher!. There Is a dire need for good male stenographers. Mr. Green mentioned that ap pearance plays a very Important part in business. Dyad hatr and short dresses are the causes of fail ure on many jobs. Your attitude ia important also, further atated Mr. Green. When you go far an interview, you should ask youraelf what you I have to offci and what the businras i has to offer Turn your negatives into porl lives. You must always be better ! than the next person. If you are weak in certain areas, you should improve those areas. Most sccre [ tarics are weak in spelling and English and we who are training for secretaries should improve In these two areas. After Mr. Green's speech, we had a question and answering period. Fv< ryone enjoyed Mr. Green's topic. Several ltudents from Shaw Uni versity were visitors for our assem bly. The following laches went home to spend the Fourth of July ! with their parents: Misses Helen Battle, Warsaw; Aldene Bess. Farm vllle; Connie Best, Goldsboro; Ma rlon Bryant, Hallaboro: Eunice Gillespie, Warsaw; Lucille Lewis. Middlesex: Helen Smith. Warsaw; Mary Smith. Dunn: and Shirley Whitfield, New Bern. On The Home Front (Hem* thla week from Edge combe. Franklin, and Ala mance Counties.) KENYA VISITORS Edgecombe County ha* two home economic* Extension work er* from Kenya. Africa vialtlng the county to observe homemak ing practices there. Mias Haael Pcrker. home eco nomics agent, *ay* that during the two week period, the visitors will go on a housing tour, project tour and attend Home Demonstra tion Club meeting* 3he says spe cial effort* have been made to plan thrtr activities and partici pation around the objectives of their program. They will visit va rious agencies and Extension fam ilies while In the country COMMUNITY GARDEN TOUB Five community garden toura were conducted recently In Frank lin County with 169 person* view ing 353 garden* of club and non club member*. Mr*. Margaret Lewi* Bald win, Home economies a*rn<. says the purpoae of the toura ia to create Interest In produc ing food to feed the family and to Increase the family In come. First place winners In each community were judged against each other to deter mine the county winner, lead er* were trained to be Judge* fort he contest. HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES Families tn Alamance County are urged to take advantage of every opportunity to Improve their housing Accottllng to Miss Oreita P Ouye. home economies agent, local resource person# are being used to grt Information to the people on housing Mr and Mrs Otis Parrish of the A1 tarn aha w community have lust completed a six room brick house with hill basement. Miss Ouye aays they hope to have many other new home* built In the county. LISTEN AND LEARN In the Philippine*. 3.000 isolated village* without electricity have received tranwtor radio* from CARF., *o the people can listen to special rural Information and edu- j cation program*. Each radio Is a »40 package aubscribed by Ameri can* through CARE. New,- York 10016 dominion over you. for ye are not under law but under jgrace," and millions have proved this to be true. Salvation la more than a relig ious term, or a feeling or senti ment. it ia actual deliverance from the penalty and oower of Mn. through the redemptive work of Christ on Calvary, where He “put away sin by the sacrifice of Him self for every one who simply, but sincerely trust* Him as BaDor. GO TO CHUr.CH SUNDAY With Faith... You Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly < m 'zJzrmm' ■ y - j- IMilllll 1 1 1 -,v hK*.•••••••••«••••• ••••••• I , & 4 P m ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wv j:::::: j:j::tj j: t: j ::: 11: tt::::: jjj::i JJ J J 1 >• ;: :: :; ; ■■ .fri! MM B a-:::::::::::::: ■ b wm . m .-rnm . K -RL:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: W sm::::::::::::: % Ww" * il •i % 'H 1 'lf* 111 l f 1::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | iu Wmmfflmm IS::::::::::::: m, xj ' < ** •••****••*••■*••••*•**••*•■•*••*• 'COauaP>> •. y. /-SI c, SI ••*•••••••••••*••••*■•••••••«•••• Mwi', ■UB/:y'CT : ’'X'; /THIHh |Hr >\7 & ywmsssssmmsi •■••••••••■•••••■*■•••••••••*•••• *ffi7xnHk>.. '■;• vawlv • .?/ .*.» % »»*****••***•** a******************************** IBk : lw xßF.********..*** •■••••••••*•••••*•••••••••••••••• flr - /../fflwl'Xgmffi.v. 7/ <•*< ;.• -.vsvv.^yvv.v.iKKxv:• • B mSIJ w.•«•••*•••*•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '*W x *nVMM ttt ■ / • • . ■■TX/wS&vBBrXV, -?• . «tiMiMs*sstiit*> ■ .. J®wsßßy« , :'>; ••##* ****** * ' XffIRfI9BR^HRBBR^W < >'" '"’•' w a****************** *s#*e#»s»e*#»es*s*»*i*»ss»i -• •’ I* -.-. X-.-L-.- ■ss- '-xZS'Z'- ■ ■ ; 4 " r. • jnßflMj ffi: Mlir 11 -t —it *— - . x^fflMwßßi^B^^^BßWaHiMS-X-: .v//SSS.- * •M*Mi*slSiO'*eW««lM***t*»**««*MM*Mi«sis*t!*s***ss**is*ii * y-A-ys.&sy//-yy/S'/.y. ' /., . x . lov6 for hor dol > confide in the doll, reprimand t “4 “JCJ K’L-'SI of His demand for man to respond to that love by , . Lying his neighbor. Without this grounding in the The church 15 3 real 3nd true love of God, no government or society or way of life friend. The church may be counted will long persevere and the freedoms which we hold . . . , . .. - s. dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even from on m tlmes of n ® ed > ln tlmes of a selfish point of view, one should support the Church trouble, and in times of sorrow, for the soke of the welfare of himself ond his family The AwA >h() wants to share in Beyond that, however, every person should uphold and participate in the Church because it tells the truth your times of joy. about man’s life, death and destiny; the truth which alone will set him free to live os a child of God. "A friend loveth at all times* 9 xjv _ I . J # n A ■ saaw *» || Ta««* ••••••••••••J?a*a**aaSsS#sXSXsa*osa#aSaasaa»saaoSaaX#*aaSsaaaa******aa******S*****a***e*a**a**a*a**a*f ieeeeettesie****titteeiet*s*ies*l***l**(*s#*lltee*eeeeetee*fs*eeeee*ieeeeeeeeeeeee*eieeeeee*eeieeeee*l —-—^—■■ •**ti**e*M!Meeee**et!ef«i*iau*M4!*sNt**MMt*»*!!eee!*Mee*e*esiet!!Me***ee*M***«e«s**t***»o!*f »*s»eeMS*>tM»*S*e*t*ii*»i»i!MMMMe»tsss***M***Ms**e***s*t*i*s«****eiieeeifieMi*eM*eeeeeieeoo2 THIN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EAIH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A I HI RI'H-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOFR TO.NSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC- SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. PCPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. North CmUM IBSSE IONCS SAUSAGE hr A Special Breakfast With Paa Cakra and N. C Ben > BILTVtORE mu JOH.N W. WINTERS A CO McLAUBOV PARKING COMPANY Baleich and Other North Carolina Cities NEDUN-DAVIS DIXIE DBY CLEANIBS - LAUNDRY S2SB. Martin Street Car. Moodaarth A Doric Strreta SIS Wert Mortaa SC AMBUBN PONTIAC. INC M2S Hillsboro St - TE 832-39*1 BIANCH BANKING ft TRUST CO. 4 Coucenlent Locations in KiM|h ■Tea Bare Friends at Branch Baahhw and Trail Campanx” HUDSON-BELK—EFTID'S OF RALEIGH RALEIGH SAVINGS I LOAM ASSOCIATION -Balrtsh's OMert Ftnaaeia' Inrtttrttoa