SOMETHIKG TO BUY t RENT. SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION ill SITUATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILDCARE HELP WANTED PERSONAL CLEANING fc HAULING X * Low Cost Advertising — —Low Cost Adoer tising— fflkiftNVfc, FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 / FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 «U ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE BOOMS APARTMENTS NOOSES FOR RENT Classified Rates issues « * * U Coat per word 4e 4e 3c 3c Classified Display Per Line Per i”„ 10c 10c Hie 7 tic Bach word abbreviation, Initial or mrmbol count as on* word. Puncutation marks ara NOT counted as words. The minimum number of words in any want ad is 13 words. You will save money by ordering your ad to run 3 or 12 issues. Weekly Want Ada may be telephon ed through Wednesday up to 10 AM. CARD or THANKB The family of the late Mrs. Bessie Curtis wishes to thank its many friends and relatives for the kind deeds and thoughtfulness expressed during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Zelma Dunn, E-30 Washington Terrace, ac knowledges with sincere appreciation the comforting expressions of sympa thy in the subsequent death of their love one. THE FAMILY . FEMALE'HELP WANTED 1 Housemaids: Llve-ln-Jobs Mass.. Conn 330 to $55. Bus tickets. REFERENCES. Barton Emp. Bureau. GT. Barrington, Maas, MAIDS FOR NEW YORK Many Needed $35-$55 Week Free room, board, uniforms, TV. Gua ranteed Jobs in the heart of New York and New Jersey. Fare advanc ed. DIX AGENCY, 249 West 34 St. New Yiork “EDUCATIONAL” 14EN * WOMEN 13 to 501 You can qua lify for many job opportunities in CIVIL SERVICE Prepare at home for coming examinations. Sena name, address, phone, directions if rural to NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE P. O Box 405. Raleigh. N. C. LAUNDRY TEAGUE'S DRY* CLEANING. 1324 Glenwood Ave. has merged and la now known as HAYES BARTON AND DRY CLEANERS NO 2, Paul EaaterUng. Mgr No L Dial TE 2-5516: No 2. Dial TE 2-3933 FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAR-3-Q and Chicken (Our Specialty) Pig and Chicken 109 E. DAVIE ST. SERVICE STATIONS DUNN’S ESSO STATION—SO 2 S Blood worth St Phone TE 2-8496 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA m A THE C ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF MATTHEW PERRY. DECEASED The undersigned, having qualified as executrix of the estate of Matthew Perry, deceased, late of Wake County, this la to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of December, 1964, or thia Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned MARY LEE PERRY Executrix 717 South Dawson Street Raleigh, North Carolina SAMUEL S. MITCHELL, Attorney June 20, 27; July 4. U U THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY _ v NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION JESSIE PEARL MOORE. Plaintiff OTHA MOORE, JR. Defendant Take notice that a pleading or com plaint seeking relief against you hat been filed in the above entitled action and was filed in the Superior Court of Wake County on the 10th day ot Jl Thi nature of the relief being sought j ** Plaintiff seeks a divorce abaolute from Otha Moore. Jr., defendant, upon the grounds that plaintiff and defend ant have lived separate and apart tor more than two continuous years next preceding the institution of this action and that plaintiff and defendant are still living in the said state of aep lotion . You are required to answer or oe mur to the said Complaint of not later than the 10th day *ugu*t, iqa 4 *nd upon your faU/ir# to do ro the pUmtiffseekin* serve, against vou will apply to the Court for the relief sought IWU This, the 10th day of June. 1»W. ESTA S CALLAHAN. Asst Clerk. Wake County Superior Court June 20 . 27: July 4. 11. 19a4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUA LIFTED as Adminis trator of the Estate ot Mrs Gertrude Perrv Benton, last of Wake C-^untj.. North Carolina, thia I* to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at "01 t Lenoir Street. Raleigh. North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of Decern or thj< rtot.ic* will b* pleaded in bar of thetr recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please r'*ke immediate payment This 3oth dav of June. l-®4. DR A r BOYKIN Admr r J CARNAGE Att'y. Julv 4 11. I>. 25 !»« voticf or srrvirF r.r prc, rss B 5 HRI K tTIOV IN THE SVPFRICR COURT NORTH CAROLINA T-A Biltmar* Hotel. plaintiff Jcltu* Cheek, and Wife Marjorie Cheek* T-A Sensational Knign s. nefe-dsn’s vartene r-j£ i/'t-I Sensational Knigtita Tak* non re • „ . p>*d' nq 'eeeldn* rrlel aia.-.f • ha N-en mod in th** at*oV€ f t t. A d Th* ro rs r* *# 4 , ie-M,. to rffjvrr tha txtm of Sas » d " <0 plaintiff by the defen ~ frr a^rvlcea yj? ":*,Ui ? pr- .Jed in Au r?t and a. er mi ' .V**:re t.s .tv* g.-.en j.» ! . &-S- n' .1 re r"4 .** -r-rtv* ’*V5 I- the rOfft- man rr e I t ot attaehm-nt **bsch n« tm .wr le.oflgmr to the defer,dan,* »* * L BURL ALLEN’S Ink TONGUE Now that the CIVIL RIGHTS bill has become federal law, we are constantly warned to be CARE FUL in embracing our new liber ties. It is assumed by some that this gentle graduation might cool the torrid resentment of certain parasi tic whites who fear us as various competitors, and, therefore, cite our crudest fellows—slovens, thieves etc.—to discredit our entire race! Yes, we have our weaker link*, but we have no need to Introduce BY A.C.GORDON In front of the door Os the UtUe ranch-type home or the edge of town lies the body of Joe Jarman, whom Mike Madison claims he waa forced to kill in self-defense. The body lies as It fell, a bullet hole completely through the head, an open switchblade knife lying In tha grass near the outstretched right hand, its wicked-looking blade gleaming in the dim light of the early evening. The sharp-featured, pale face of the victim with its ugly wound it a ghastly sight. Blood from the bullet wound at the base of the skull has dyed the white collar of his shirt and the light blue, long-vieored golf cap. which is pulled tightly down over the head. . Later at the morgue you we accosted by Mike Madison. “Ha waa out to get me!” exclaims the red-faded young man. “We had been good friends for a number of years <. . used to play a lot of golf to gether ... but when he and his girl friend had a big fight and broke up she started going out with me. Tttat really burned him up. He was a very hot-tempered guy ... everyone knows that This afternoon he saw me out on the golf course with his former girl Mend, he Inter cepted us on the 14th green, and we exchanged some pretty bitter words. “I arrived home at about 6:30, had just finished showering and changing clothes when I glanced out the front window and saw him stalking acroes my lawn with that open switchblade knife to hie hand. There was real murder In his eyes! So I reached Into my cloeet for my gun ... I have to keep a loaded gun around the house, because of the secluded location and because of the rash of burglaries we’ve had around there recently .When I opened my front door. Joe was stand ing on the walk glaring at me. I tried my. beat to reason with him ... but it was like trying to reason with a maniac Suddenly he lung at me with that open knife, and I had to fire at him ... self-defense all the way.” _ You walk into another room where the police doctor la probing the wound in the back of Joe Jarman’s skull, and you watch as he carefully removes some fragments of tbe man's cap from the wound. i Then a uniformed policeman enters and Informs you that examine ! tlon of the switchblade knife has shown only Jarman’s fingerprints ° n You then walk back Into the other room and oonfront Mike Madi son again. “This wasn’t a ease of self-defense," you aav to him. “It was cold-blooded lurder!” Whydo you think this way? SOLUTION innyv erq jo XDVO T* pane* oqs mail dee f.mftQtA «« jo aoojd 1 s 3Aoui3J joTCiop aqq ass no 4 'sjl u X tot* uim pjwnoj p»mm| janm oqj vs irßuusf eof toqv oq )Rif) naf Plot uoaipapi oxut Seeks $lB Million% Hampton Still Advancing Toward Centennial Goal HAMPTON INSTITUTE, Vs. Hampton Inatituts has advanced $2,153,000 toward its $13,000,000 Centennial Campaign goal as a re sult of grants from Carnegie Corpo ration of New York and the James Foundation announced today by President Jerome H. Holland two i day* after the Ford Foundation an ! nouncement of a $1,500,000 grant to Hampton. The Carnegie gMt amount* to | $150.44)0 and will be paid at tha rate of $56,400 a year. The tin* payment waa made July 1. US. The James Foundation grant is for a total of PMH Accord ing to Dr. Hugh M. Glooter. acting Dean of Faculty. The Ford rift will be mod to fins lah eeholarshipo for academical ly talented and culturally de prived student*; to provide tot lowtbipi tor itudy, trtfrt im research by our faculty MR hers; to engage v totting prefea sors. lecturers and eomultonto; and to Improve our program* j In reading, tear her training, and the performing arte." i ! the sum of 0400. In th* hand* of am Thurman Ruth. Garnishee You are advised to mak* wwjJ* to *uch pleading not later thia tw ! 37th day of August, IM4; .«go» T*or 1 failure to do so, the plaintiff seeking service against you will apply to Ih* 1 Court for the relief aought Thia !oth day of June. IQS*. ! j RUSSELL NIPPER. Clerk at too Superior Court j July iL 18. 2S. Aug. 1. 1204. NOTICE or SERVICE or PBOCRna BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE IN THE SUPERIOR COtnrr LULA J. TAYLOR. Plaintiff re WILTON TAYLOR. Dofmdani To Wilton Taylor Take node* that a pleading seeking relief against been filed In the above entitled **The nature of the relief being eought I, »? follow- ro secure »n **«>•“*• tfivtrce on the part of the plaintiff based upon the ground* rakaljiaMiHrii^RSjkri» fund ratting eeneerl ' ” v In March. Min Mills transfers I «. from Vietnam to a new AID aarifn* - ment In Port Lamy, Chad. She ms cently returned to Washington tor. consultation and will tain a three months vacation with bar mother. Mrs. Margaret Mills. - ’SSg’ES?'* *595 ; BUICK. 3-dr. hardtop. 1 blue and white $695 i ’6O SSJS *995 *£A BUICK Skylark conyertt ble, automatic tranamia-. •ion, radio and heater, white tire*, red leather bucket seats, one owner. Sharp car. . CORVAIK Monaa oonpa, * w 4 speed transmission, ra- -jf dlo and heater, one olht er. ten PONTIAC Catalina , hardtop, tadlo and heater, automatic tniieiu—fc 3-tone f'nlsh. ' icri Lincoln 4 - dr. hartwlc: uu full power, air eondUlOlt,' one owner, low mllrttli ’ */:0 IMP ALA Sport coupe ra dlo and heater, 4 floor Real fine. , ~ »-n PONTIAC Bonneville. 4* I dr. hardtop, power MSn Inc. power brake*. 4j#» and heater, 2-tone UK Real nice. „ 7