Thousands Pay Tribute To Pat White » .JJSfcjjWH i, .. -V" • . . -t. .... I®, & ‘ , ;>’V >-;•, v - JH In , Bfe > j s> <w _ ' ?- ' 4*% » fHU*« mft am war * . gS II M i'■ IJBP!MnMr ; #SiitE JT fK VS ■ mf&L. ' ' ‘' ~ %’ /‘Vr£r?» m,W ‘ v Efflr ■ 19 HP FUNERAL SCENES TAKEN AT CHURCH—Top photo them* some of the more than 2,000 persona who attended the last rites for Willie Dean ‘Pat’ White (inset) Sunday at the Providence Holy Church. Bottom photo shows the pallbearers bringing his body down the steps to waiting hearse. (SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 14). Raleigh Native Scores A First At Washington 'm Metropolitan Life Bisur- Qaa^ny.^Waahington. «L*DUtM re cently hired John O. Plummer, Jr., Ml He 1* a of John O. Plummer, fir., who prac ticed medicine here far almost 49 years. Mr. Hammer fa the first Ne gro in the whole Washington area, which has seven district offices, and the first In the entire Southern Territory, in cluding seven states and is the second in the Southeastern territory, embracing fifteen eta tea. Plummer is also active In the Democratic Party In Washington where he is a precinct chairman. He supported the winning slate of E. Franklin Jackson and Pooly Jackson, which had another North Carolinian out as a delegate to LB J Picks Duncan For A 2nd Term WASHINGTON (ANP) John 8. Duncan, the first Negro ever to serve as a District Commission for the District of Columbia, was nominated by President Johnson, last week, for a second three-year term as commlsioner. The nomination is subject to Senate confirmation, but is ex pected to be approved with little or no opposition. Duncan. 54. one as three District Commissioners, spent the major portion of his first three years trying U organise two departments under bis sa pervfeton Health and Wel fare. He fa a native es Salis bury, N. C., and brother of Dr. Samuel E. Duncan, presfdepi of Livingstone College. Prior to Duncans administra tion. both the Health and Welfare departments the subject of bitter controversy by citiser if the Dis trict who charged that indigent Negroes in the District were im properly cared for. Although h- met some measure (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) From Raleighs Police Files: the: chime beat wY CHARLES R. JONES fills wifi OITT OF caw. BEATS HE* Mr* GUoy» Jone*. 1108 Hadley Road. <la ted at Bill am. Monday, that the 1 and other girl* were riding about lowti with a man. TIM complainant r»ntinned, -My bnshand Mapped the ear and a* I t°i #ai es It, ke tejaa to beat me sheet my face aad Ini ** Mr*. Jeae* told the ceps'** might *1(8 * warrant •*»*“* h*r mat*. Miatle B Jeae*. bet didn't knew fast what *be non Id d# at the time. Sbe was treated »MSa*»^*rn»nrUl^tw^ the Convention, the Honorable John B. Duncan. D. C. Commis founder of the Washington Burt. I SB t ? f A ', */£/;'■* Ji JOHN O. PLUMMER * 9 SETS ALABAMA TEST—The Bov. Dr. Martin Lather King, Jr., held a press oonfeswnss In Birmingham. Ala., fast wash af ter a ateeting of the Ssathsra Christian Leadership Confer ence. of which he fa gradient. He dheaaeed the Implement— tton of the recently enacted Civ il Rights BO In that Stats. Dr. King said a Statewide teat would be made team. "WRACKS" WOMAN Df FACS WITH SHOE Miss Nancy Sue Scott, of Route C. Raleigh, informed the law at 2:22 am. Sunday, she and Howard Rogers, ot 22 McGhee Street were emerging from Staton's Cate. Sit S. Bast SUeet when a girl sud denly took off her own shoe end whacked Mias Scott in the face with it Rogers stated he sew the girl hit the victim, but didn't know who she was Miss Scott declared ska had never seen the girl before. tCONTINUED ON FAGS I) Hometown Hero Is fiiven Last Rites Br Charles R. Jones The loudest ovations ever given Willie Dean “Pat” White in football stadiums across the State, were overshadowed here Sunday by more than 3,000 persons paying final tribute to a hometown hero who “made good” at home. When news of the 19-year-old star’s death at 3:38 a. m. last Thursday ana made known, hundreds of his fans in this area and across North Carolina, were thrown into a state, closely akin to shock, although it was widely known that “Pat” was a victim of cancer. _ The funeral was held at the Providence Holy Church at 1:M pm The Rev. Oeorga L. Jones, youthful pastor of 1 moving eulogsnnlti*rtnpKL ha rof aadWthnsgjjm ufaHai-flfafp «A 4ha hsa» Qb>m nail A I mm m "Bury a»^TpM* aan aatch*me! Just aay mat to Soemtes’ body ly ing there. Nobody caught Whits. ‘Pat’ has dons it agaUn. He’s out run us aH.” The young set afatoe children bom to Mrs. Ada Whits, 15 Nash Terrace, and rto lets Mr, Osp Court Allows CR Action At NY Fair NEW YORK CRT—Ctrl rights groups, laprsaandsd hr tho XAA CP Legal Bafaoae tad and eth er attorneys, this waek won the right to paas out handbills pro *—tftfa auillisi a iltoialndnsllnn at oertato Waste’s Fufa gavihona 3-County Cattle Show Set faTtfaST faMWh Asm! t-H and m Bator OaMfa Shew on Thmadar. Mr ML Bags and girls from the three eawttos are pgadMaeda? de£ ry animals afoot. baan'spanaand br’tow’BaMgh Zliafa I wSSSwim^M * B bo gaoad la •at as tome wanna: Mae Mas red gg; and, white M. In ad ad far f— d aha—ftan. sasirvi mteig mienfa bgjmd who wM afaa ha srwwnad Mng Agricultural wartwn gnpmvfatng the event are: U K. Beaten es Harnett CounW: *. F. Nmr, W. H Clayton. M. B. ABright and J. H Harris as tshnaton County; E. T. Beveß, W. L. Oraham. La ray Burton. Ourrett Laws. M. W. Askew and W. C. na»Mgl as Wikf Count*. White. ’P»t’ won the State singles tennis championship while a aop- all of^hls Kims lrtt g Second TfMiii vblL mm ft* * ail. ± ~ mb* w®> i were The Bpe- Qulntet, who sang, "Nearer My God To Thee.” As the latter group left the podium, several as its memoen were crying. When White’s body was opened for a passing view, several women fainted and were supoprted by the persons walking behind them. (comtptobp on rasa *> Federal District Court Judge araM R. Tyler also found the Fair’s regulation prohibiting pic keting to be vague, arbitrary and an unconstitutional burden on the enjoyment of free speech. He suggested that the anti-pic keting regulation be rewritten so ai to allow reasonable picketing Jaek Greenberg, the Fuad’s director-eeuaasl, stated that “we are pleased that the Court upheld ear content ion that state actiau m panamim the Fairs’ sperattea that it mast gakameute as the fowtoeoth “This means that the civil rights crganlaattons with whom we brought this suit may peacefully protest the racial discriminatory practices of southern states whlob have pavilions at the Fair.” Judge Tyler stated that the World's Fair is "so impregnated wttoj and supported by state and atop action as to place it within the —bit as the fourteenth a- The NAACP Legal Defease Fund-led attsrasys painted out that the Fair has leased Ms property from the city, the stty raeotvao in earns from the FOIr, the Fair fa exempt from «Hy and state team and aH FakMtetodtaiCTjMsd Improve - arty whan the Fair diewT Them conditions, the attorneys contended, make the Fair subject (csNipun am pack q SPECIAL la tkfa edition of The CAR OLINIAN. a special pictorial page fa dedicated to Ike mem ory as Esleigh's beloved Willie Deass “Fat" White, who led the Upaa High Esheal to aa away Hmml “lies' athlete over Utiteti Ugoa.' Tbe^lL Gov. Sanford Stops Church Burning THE CAROLINIAN VOL. », NO. 37 Shaw Is Not Moving: Prexy + + + + Officers Charged IN VANCE RIOT 300 Persons Involved In Race Riot ! —HENDERSON Police who took r ® rt in th * •”*>•* s 1 ‘he Motor ‘ —eight Restaurant early Sunday find themselves not only ■La bad spot due to the postpone- SSl**Of the cases of* 10 persons. Sbharged with refusing to obey pe glice orders and with aiding and a -1 betting to incite a riot, but two of r them are faced with assault charges, growing out of what is said to be malicious use of a gun and simple assault. Sgt. H. E. Tyndall as the local police department was charged with using the barrel es s gun span the person es > George Davis, while Deputy Sheriff F. T. McGhee fa facing ' a simple assault charge against 1 one Otis Lewis. The two efleers I are white while the complaining | witnesses are Negroes. The complaining witnesses ob tained warrants for the two officer* Tuesday morning and they were turned over to Sheriff L. B. Faulk ner. The two men charge that they were at the trouble spot hut took no part in a general mixup. said to have involved more than 300 per sons of both races. Eight Negroes and two whites are charged with failing to heed police warnings and inciting to riot. They were scheduled to be tried on the charges Tuesday, but their (CONTINUED ON PACK t) Woman, With 9s, Starved OCALA. Fla. <ANF>—Aa elder ly Ocala woman was near starva tion Monday. June 29, with more than 55.123 In sosets only a few inches from her bed, where she was found by two grandnieces from Lake City. The iriian. Mr*. Suns Hen rietta Howell Caanoa. 77. was taken against her will to Man rue Memorial hospital for treatment. Doctors said she win be In the hospital for sev eral weeks regaining her strength. Her grandnieces. Vondle Daw kins. 27, and Mary Lee McNeil. SO. Lake City, found their aunt in the bed with only a few crack ers for food In the house at 612 W. Havana street. They called a doctor and an ambulance, but Mrs Cannon refused to be taken to the hospital The Ocala sher iff* office stepped in and order ed her taken for treatment. A check at the house tarned up a smalt strong hex with a number at deeds to paresis of property and a stack of mon ey. A close check found the starving woman had nine *l*4 bills, six IM Mil*, two 51 bills, and 1* sliver dollars —a total of 11.032. A closer cheek found four lIJN savings bonds, and a cashiers' cheek from a Lake City bank for M75.M along with a pass book to an account ai Ocala's Fidelity Federal Barings and Loan Aooctattoa. shewing a balance es 992145 a grand total es souse 94,123. Mr*. Cannes own* a rental bouse and collects 922 a month from It to g* wtth her 949 a month serial saenrHy check. There was no explanation for her apparent voluntary starvation I North Carolina * Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, JULY 18. 1964 • - 'M | ill m mpdbumik ~* .■! ,jj>' Wf , Sr,. * v * PEEVES GOLDWATER Fortran Republican, Attorney George A. Parker, it shown standing me he needles Senator Gold water ebout hit potition on the newly-enacted Civil Rights Bill. Lawyer Parker, the only Negro member of tho Platform Com mittee, wm insistent to the extent that the Senator it taid to have become peeved over the gruelling. Attorney Parker it a prominent lawyer in Washington, D. C. and was founder and dean a4 Terrell Law School. Ha shares offices with hit son, Barrington Parker, in the 1100 blocg & (>th St., N. W. State’s Negroes Nix Goldwater And Dan Moore BT ALEXANDER BARNES When James Farmer told Inter viewers outside San Francisco's Cow Palace that Negroes would choose men and measures, while CORE was picketing the Republi can National Convention, and when delegate Jackie Robinson told ABC commentators that no self-respecting Negro could sup port Ooldwater, they were both echoing the sentiment of the Ne gro political leaders In North Carolina, according to a cross section Interview. The story of Oeorge Lee. vet tran Tennessee Republican wae written all over In Greens boro when the State Republi can Convention was held there In February. 4 veteran Re publican and the only Negro on the ticket for state office, of any party, was dropped by CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS PAGE I Horton, Cash Itoti Bslelch Commiiaton Unas* Guaranty Arreptsnrr tfonr' Wholesale Motor Sal« PAGE J Thr Shoe Mart Heaven Textile r». PAGE > HuCaon-Bolb-gflrdi John W. Winter* and Co. The (a pita! Coca-Cola aotUilif C . Huai Geaoral Tiro Co. Goodmas'u Jam-* Saadori TUo Co. PAGE « aelelfh Peaorol Horn, Popal-tola Batatas Co Jots* Jones Soaaago Blltmore Nllla SScLeorln Parkis* Ce. MeOlln-Uavta Dixie Dry-Ctoaaori L*oX«rr Bettor Brake Shop as Beloifh, Ik. Ambers Pontiac Branch Banktas sad Treat Co. Hedsoa-ltolk-EftrCa of Koloifh Beletfh Savings aad Lam Asa’s PAGE 1 Weaver Brea. SUmMer Tfcoaspaas CadUlac-OlSimobile. Int. Wade's Ante Solos Al Sana Entch Bawls Motor Co. PAOE « tho Goldwater-rigged conven tion when it was learned that he would not support the can didacy of Senator Ooldwater. Thle seems to have been the pattern. There were few. If any. from any delegation Map porting Goldwater. Negro Republican leaders and (CONTINUED ON PAOE *) W HATH K H Temperatures IMXI five da VS Thorsday throush Monday will sversf* asar normal or sllthtly *- hove, with only small day to day rhansos Indicated Nigh aad law temperatures for the Kalelgh area **-«*. Dally wldaly scattered after soon aad evealag thunder showers will average less thas a half Inch for the eatlre period. Bl» FROM THEM Coloalal Store* R f. Qulan furniture Taylor Radio and Electrical C*. lon don CHI Co Dui.a't Esso Service King Colo Motel pAor • A. sad P. fatales Builders Co. Wethlnstoa Terrace Apts, lac, Rhode* furaiture Co. PAGE 10 Carolina Builders Carp. Bldfoway's Optician, tec. Pepsi-Cela Bottling Co. of Staloljb PAGE li Royal Tiro aad Alignment Co. Arm* Realty Co. Mechanic, aad farmers Bank Community florist Terraco Insurance and Realty Co. Central Drug Store Security Most Market Pago li L'mstead Grocery aad Transfer Mgktaor's funeral Nome PAOE IS Carolina Power aad (Jskt Co Uacota Theatre fisher Wholesale Co., lac Pas* IS Mr Lend. Wattea aad Laneir PAGE Id Royal Crown Bottllaf Co. Sanders Motor Co Trustees In Session At Shaw Univ. Shaw University's Trustee Baar4 fact Tuesday, July 14. in a tetefa) aassion. Presldant James E. Cheat announced «t the meeting tiuti the eurront indebtedness of the university has ban liquidated. To date, alius the Emergency Cam paign was launched six months ago, Shaw ha# received a total of M 15,405.77. The trustees voted to romata Mil. a .it. w, , i| tM e Ml® bfMwM' Bue®» afMlMl* nary plans caO far construct ing high rise type of buildings for academic and residence, with the envision of the m auieitton as land contiguous to the University. The Board of ficially approved the tale as the Weet Campus for IttSAM. The five-mlllion-doUar develop ment program will officially be gin the year of the Centonnla, in IMS. Dr. Cheek stated that the Centennial Committee will bo comprised of representatives from the trustees, faculty. Baptist church, alumni, friends and sup porters of Shaw. The program will cover a five year period to underwrite the cast of new facilities, and a complete ly new academic program. The present curriculum Is being re vised. A new curriculum, designed to give the students the pepper tools for living in this space age will go in effect, and more, and bettor-trained teachers will bo provided. Would-Be Arsonists Nabbed BLM cmr— Deeptte a warnlns by Xu Klux Klan Orand Dragon, Jamea Robert Jones, to the Rev. Jamas Hutton Cotton, last week, that. “A brush will not ba laid on your church." the controvert alal palntlns began at Toes day morning. Jonas becked Basra slier Oerarner Tarry Italetl teak a firm stand aad. la ae aa eertoin terms, told him aad ethers sI the Klaa. that this State needs ae help la w»* farcing the lew. Sanford alee warned the Dragen that leeal aad State law enfereeaiiat effleers would be an hand to tael) any dlstarbaace. Six teen adult Negroes aad whMo psrssm are doing the verb. Two white youths were arrested early Tuesday, allegedly attempt ing to set fire to the wooden First Preebybterlan Church with only eight Negro members. They were Identified as Kenneth Wayne Owens. 21. and Ronnie W. Howell. Id. both of Rocky Mount. They were placed in the Wilson County Jail and charged with conspiracy to commit a felony, burn a ahmFch. Police officers said the twdhad driven by the church several fames as the cops were hidden at the site. A beat 1 :«B ia Tweeday. they backed their ear up to the eenerete steps of the • ehnrch.onc es HMmupuL^tt The* wind Mew oof the match land as snotner wee about to he j struck. Deputy Sheriff David Can (coMToronTmi r/.ua iT* ** PRICE lSe

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