HF CAffOMNIMI RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY, JULY 18. i9*4 14 VWLL/£ “PAT” WHITE... A RALEIGH IMMORTAL a ■ H V 11 ;- 1 ■ 111 B■ B ■ I , ' * l,v I rr— -£££& - 11 f ’ j " i Br v w jk .m^B **” »V 4f >:r,f "j 'f,£ij R ' Rrlt a r - . #» 1 ; .j Imm If:**..-- Aik jgR - ARk flpiß jMa jflk -’ v JH ,- N |LM 1 ■■ lag &m k 1 U rnlffli; U ■M jJR HR |3 X * . -jj* '- *vMr asp jjMß.e B V V Iw^rßS. ;. ■ ■ V & m l V* -^i^B ■ W I T ■ * ™ V ,v, Wk mW J ■ w *■ ' r " ■ I TO AN ATHLETE BY Rl SCK ( h.trlollr «to the l*T Wilin' Pat ' Wb:!»> I writ* tbf.w line* of pew !t\ |"oi one worthy of inot* Pne whose painless soul Ha* parsed through th< eternal rtrv Who on this raith was skillful Blessed from heaven above With feet ns swilt a* an < as> And hands as graceful as a do-.e Bo many skills pose*.sed he But not enoush tune to * \ bit rh He stood out in one \> e t 'iiKrutv: the game we call football Bo many times we hive seen him {facing toward the coal, lie stood out 110 m ail hts trsmrr.v is a star dressed in blue and g i friend to sll who knew h;m l hear; worth more than sold pn earth he played the cam* so w» . ind ha* cioesed life's biggest goal f) Heaven 1 hope he still remcmbe o play the cam* by th rule t great as h* pi eyed 01 earth ir his teammatrs and his school Itneday we hope to see hint i tha* team in H*aven so high. H feeding th* fsm as he d'd on earth •or* that g;?.’ rest in toe s .y. f » 'lie. »e h’l ' 1 r> - j I ‘ Mr* v.i u-' 1 (CCNTIMJSD VS tAUZ ISt AN INDOMITABLE WILL (An Editorial) It looks as if all Raleigh turned out Sunday to pay its last respect to AN INDOMITABLE WILL. "Pat" White Hts passing is rightfully mourned, but those who were left behind should take a real look at hie relatively young life. Even though he ia dead, he made a great contribution. When “Pat" White passed into the Eternal "Hall of Fame" he ioincd such immortals as Ernie Davit, Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth. Jack Johnson. Bill Tilden. Chief Bender. Babe Zacharies. Walter Johnson and many others, who tore their hearts out in putting chars, tei l'nto sports. He was a true example of AN INDOMITABLE WILL whether in the classroom, on the gridiron, ten n s court hasketball court, track, play ground or on s k bed "Pat" White had a will to win and did not relinquish when the dreaded malady hit him and exemplified that will even on his death bed. This Raleigh youngster, while without national acclaim. excelled beyond the expected, at his alma mater. Ligon High School, in four sports; football, basketball, track and tennis. With an infectious smile, loveable personality and enduring tenacity, "Pat" White was without equal in his pursuit of athletic greatness, punctuated with, fair play, at all times, and devod of personal ambition It goes without saying that he gave his all for the love of hts career in sports and was the symbol of the tenets that sports should pprtrsy in a real sense. \ ■ V'lJB 'lijf''■ § I bfthbbp *. ■ ■ % I llllfis*",! SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS IN THE LIFE OF THE LATE “PAT” WHITE With the picture* on this page, The CAROLINIAN Is at temptlnc to portray some of the oporto highlights of on* of Ra leigh'* most beloved athlete*. The number* attached to nine of the photo* will give the Information regarding them. The other two will be explained at the end of the caption: (1) Ligon High School prin cipal. H. E. Brown and head coach, Peter H. (Pete) Wmtsms. left to right, respectively, are shown presenting trophies to Willie Dean iPat) White and Freddie Curtis, eo-captains of the Ligon Little Blue* during the 1963-64 school year. The occasion was the Little Blue* winning the runner-up trophy at Charlotte, being defeated by Second Ward High School, 24-14. White, second from left, scored both touchdowns and made both extra points. (2) The many trophies won by WllUe In football, basketball, track and tennis competition. (3) His mother. Mrs. Ada White. Is shown in a photo taken Tuesday of this week, admiring one of the trophies. (4) “Pat” Is shown drib- . iYb Bdr H ' fl ; b 9 I '-•, - f i ■ i i n «iSHMB / I II "? ,! S£s B- : I #; [ *. ,;Jjb Mpf --m. ■ •» >•* |^| v >j ■ . x i R. ' ■ i I jR •:•!<•. - nc' splration lo thos*' who came lr mly wtnr.in:. but in the way h contact with him at Ligon pnn- tided in winning with clear cipal. teacher, fellow student -portamanship hv+mility snd re coach. competitor and Just plain CON’TIMXD ON PAGE 15i ■■ ’ m. - "* LR^, I'hb 1/. ■lt «b bling a basketball in the gymnasium of Ligon Junior-Senior High School this year. (5) The crowning of “Miss Ligon,” Miss Barbara Allen, is done by Freddie Curtis, while H. E. Brown, left, and “Pat” White, who received her at the car, look on. (6) Co-Captains White and Curtis pose for the photographer. (7) White is stopped after picking up considerable yardage in a hard-fought game between the Little Blues and Fayetteville’s E. E. Smith High. The score was a 12- 12 deadlock. (8) “Pat” is shown seventh from left, while basketball coach George Handy, is seen at extreme rear. (9) A replica of White at his funeral here Sunday, complete with bis own football helmet and shoes. The photo on the right was made at the funeral and shows Mrs. White, mother of the star (dressed in black) being comforted by a nurse. Bottom right picture depicts first string backfield, posing before a tough game, at Ligon. Left to right are: Walter Ellis, James Hines. Robert Allen and Willie Dean (Pat) Whit*. i I m. \IB w -■ -W "3 : ; -r }M \ <£ *. “Tl - '»wt wm *» J I A tiYlr Y^*^L VRTJ wfrukM ¥■ t m// gj: j 4; ;S /&. PPY 4* "wtr M^w|h^p HBrar, ■ —B la I, ni .id* 1 "■*»* aL - A| h B I iif. mJfl ■‘J, t- I Wt|Mß[; - Rjffft v • I - St-'V i j/Ktjbt‘■*$&§£ ' - mB „ J . - . gnriß. , .' awßr rHkw I # I f %Bv i y '''^fli^ W a 1 -s B&l ;>■)-., P , B —^—B—B^— . •+£,/ MM Bk/ ' 4 * .•. j?R Wmt ~ iJh - g HHRi / --v'- a y 4 •—* ,M >t. -A - _ sf. 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