THE CABOLINIAN KALEtOH. N. C.. SATURDAY, JULY IS. 1964 2 "What Is A World's Fair? 6a Wadnaaday, April **,l*64 tha New York 1964.1905 World’* Pair presented t* th# world th* largest and moot eomprahanalv# sheweaa* of human aecompllahmanta *var brought together In • alngle area. „ Jtalra are many thing* to many people. To moot, they are fun. The HdSbtrlallat, the farmer, the engineer and th* electrician, th* aelen. tm and th* artiet have product* on display, Th* reouuranta, th* aldo*r-th* dancing and th* gaiety are all part of a giant Inter, national ehaw deolgned to plea** everyone. Robert Moo*a. preaidant of the Now York IM4-196S World’* Pelr. dooarlboo th* Pair fondly and decisively a* Olympic Gam**, When* the pooploo of tha world aond aver their beat product#, jgeloqttflo development#, art and eultOro for open examination and aoaßpttltloa In much th* earn* way aa athlete* are cent to compete In tha many and varied event* of an Olympic aehedul*. A World’* Pair muat be a folnlng of all people* of all nation*, without protocol, atflpad trouaara and portfolio. An Induatry, a atat* or a nation almply aand* tha boat R haa ta offer and aubmlta It for publi* Information, Intereat and approval. Pair* eon b* traced back In hlatory to th* Phoenician* and JMyoad. And. there are many kind* of fair*, auch aa county, trade, Industrial. cattle, art and church fair*. Nam* It and there’* a JRJr to aaeammadate It Canaldlne, famed eorreapondent who narrated Film for Now York World’# Fair, aummed up th* expoaltlon thl* way: «Tho Pair will ahow ua th* Image of ouraelvee." "This la what you are . . . the** are your art# and aklrla, your Induatry, your gain*, your wealth and greatneaa, your hope* and dream#.’’ "That w* depend on on* another, people unto people, nation unto nation, and reeolv* that on thie plot of land will be born anew a great idea: that thl* underatandlng will com* through people aa earth.” YOU AR® ihowini »i|n* of age if you prefer to ait instead ol stand. THE CAHOUNIAN fublUMaa Company “Covering the Cerollrii” Publish*# by the Carolinian n* B Martin atrerl RalatlV N C n» I i Enter#* at second Cla»» Matter April * IMb at tha Poat Oftlc* In Ralaigh. North Carolina under tha Act of M4TCh SU BSCRIFTION RATES JU MOetha *2 79 ale* Tax 88 Sale* Tax __ M plythtt’ to Advance Addraaa**** rnnruriunicatlona end make- all checka Order* payable to THE Amalgematea Pubiuner*. Inc «o Madison Avenue New York IT. N Y.. Nation*! Advertising R*f>r#»*ntatlv# and eiambor of the Aeaoclated N**ro Pro**-Mi th* United Preti Interna tional Photo Service The Pupllthei l* not re»pon*lble for the return ts uneollctted newt pic ture* or advertising eopy unices nec aaiary poitAgt eccompaniea Ih* copy Opinion* oxpfoaaod hv oolumniat* In tnia neutpaper do not nacaaaartly re- Factory Pack Sugar 5 lb. b*c 53c Thick White Fat Back lb. 17c Sausage or Bacon 3 lb*. 99c Sirloin or Club Steak lb. 69c JJl4e Washing Powder 1*«. pk*. 29c J&iiced Pork Steak lb. 49c l&bod Weiners lb. 35c or 3 lbs. 99c 3pns»'- 'Froth Ground Beef lb. 35c or 3 lbs. 99c Rjb Stew Beef lb. 29c Eatwell Mackerel - - tall can 2 for 35c Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lbs. 99c OOLD MEDAL End Cut Pork Chops lb. 49c OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY UNTIL * P M. HORTON’S CASH STORE Mji-n so. sAimOcas st. raleigh Seagram's Extra Drg Gan ■imr in iRi must, m m nm. mia »•» m arum «w «tra» ma COPS ARRESTED AS 300 STAGE A RACE RIOT (CONTINUED FROM PAOC nNE) .vt. aguscd t: ouT’C or.d put ijljl 9JRPIV m v ' s '\ . ' ” ' pp*-> jppv s SWIM IN ATTEMPT—St. Au jus tine: About 35 Negro in tegrationiats attempted a swim-in at St. Augustine beach hare again June 24. Theye were turned back at the water’s edge by a everyone out. Once the more than 800 people were outaide a tree-tor all ensued Knives, sticks, brick# and many weapons of woe were brought into play Attending offic ers finally had to use tear gaa to quell the mob: after *n alleged one hour end a half of fighting Only one is believed te have been aer ously injured end this is believed to have been inflicted by police, who allege that Durham resisted arrest nabTwo men TRYING TO BURN CHURCH (CONTINUED FROM PAQ» ONE) iel* and Highway Patrolman N E. Merritt stepped from around a corner oft he church. One of the officers fired a ahot tntc the ground and the youth ran to the waiting ca.i and roared off. How-- ever. both officers had gotten a food look at both and the car’s Ucen*e number. They were arrested about half an hour later m Rocky Mount po ltc' sighted the car at a truck -If-). South of Rocky Mount on U. S 301. A teenage group of Negroes and whltea were *ent here from Pitts burgh, Pa., but were geared away when Jonea warned them. "I can not be responsible for your safety If you don't leave town" They left the next day. LBJ PICKS DUNCAN FOR SECOND TERM (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) of success In quitting the furor one Washington newapaper recog nised Duncan * dilemma thusly: "As the city * flint Negro Com mUMtoner he ha*, certainly, occu pied a mail difficult poaltlon In dealing with a Congress that leave* both It* House Dtatrtet Committee and Senate Appropria tion* subcommittee for the Dls trict in the custody of blatant seg regationist* "But In hi* second term, with hi* reputation for quiet and re sponsible conservatism establish ed. Mr. Duncan will perhaps be able to respond more actively to this city's aching need for lead erahlp particularly In the social services. ” HOMETOWN HERO GIVEN FINAL RITES (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) At the interment In HlUcreat Cemetery, where some DO cars as sembled. the very cloud* seemed to be saying, "Farewell Willie." a* a soft, even misty, shower fell when the minister began Intoning those eternal words, containing the phrase. "Ashes to ashes." etc. Survivors, other than White's mother, are: five sisters: Mrs. Ad- Sna Keith. Mrs Elisabeth Jonas. d Mis* V. M White of the home Miss Sarnestlne Whits. Mrs Ella M. Cobb of New York; three brothers: Mr. Herman White. Mr Billy A. White and Mr. Frank White, of New York; 6 neice*. 8 nephews and a host of relatives and friends. RALEIGH NATIVE SCORES A FIRST IN WASHINGTON (CONTINUED FROM FADE ONS) ness League; member of the Po lice Boys' Club; D. C. Chamber of Commerce; and the Clttaens Trif flc Board. He graduated frem Howetl University with a beeheler'a In 1847. and obtained an IX- B. degree at North Carolina College. Durham- A member of the Omega Psi phi Fraternity, he served 46 moa overseas during World War n and emerged with three Battle Stars and a Bronsc Star. A member of It Oeorges Episcopal Church of Washington, he and his wife. Mrs. Onye Mae Plummer, reside at IMS Michigan Avenue. Northesat In the nation's Capital City NIX GOLDWATER AND DAN MOORE (CONTINUED FROM FAQ a 1) supporters of the state have serv ed notice that they will not sup port Ooldwatcr and many of then are said to be ready to join a na tional organisation, now !n the making as indicated by Jack}# Robinson, to be known as "Re publicans for Johnsop." Fisa* JUve been und*r cons’.dfraUori for sum* time and this is bdlidvMl I® carfy the death knell for Oold water among the few remaining Negro Republican*. If and when the organisation is formed it U certain to find many supporter# in North Carolina. The state supporters of such an organisation and many of the na tionals do not Intend to take a walk from the OOP, but view thia as a warning to Lily-white Ism and Ooldwatertsm. This political unrest has cross ed party lines due to the fact that tt Is alleged the State Democratic Party has not levened the politi cal loaf and the fact that they cannot support the Dan Moore phlloeeophy. A Durham political leader told The CAROLINIAN that both parties had been un faithful to the Negro and Novem ber offered a fine opportunity for the Negro to repudiate bigotry and prejudice on both aides of tha fence The arrest and jailing of Dr. R. A. Hawkins, Charlotte dentlat. militant loader and political mogul, added lnault to injury thia week. This ha rangue i* dubbed by Hawkins aa a political boomerang* due to hi* support of L. Richard son Pyercr. The picture in the state add* up pretty nearly to that of the ni tlonal to punish the culprit* and reward the genuine. However, the gubernatorial race In North Caro lina presents an awkard picture. There are those who say that pe can Oavin is s replica of Demo | crat Moore. There are others wbf grrrn— Rt 1 I YsT" "iTBST" I I ACROSS 1 Musical lastru mnt It • Onforai U - «v»ryt»B lndt- Ttduslly taN>.) M - To eckMkila -23T3M 17 - blind * IS • T«ea MM IT - A knee kttj 20 • Tan 21 - A vtrinasy 22 - MMm4 ».££.*-. 26 -Tn» 27 - aufcetlaetqr U-OraklßNr 24 - FwycnS tabtr.) so -ti i»»eit saw takt>.) 21 • PrapMttfca 32 - Atakrto 33 - Mu's miss 34 - ... tad* 35 - PMpMtttaa 34 - v fern tat 34 • Short, kka* AN See Our Wide Selection Os Choice Used Cars Before You Buy 1955 —1963 MODELS Some Sold With No Down Payment Wholesale Motor Sales DUlea Kalkhtms Cary Goater Pawl Motley 209 Hillsboro St. Ph. 825*0375 group of about 50 white segregationists. Police form between the two sides which they lined up. The Negroes said a short prayer and left the beach. (UPI PHOTO). say that Oavin la the leaser of the two evil#- There is no doubt that the Negro voter la going to look at all candidate! and as of now is not in any camp. It k>6k* like men and measures. COURT ALLOWS RIGHTS ACTION AT N. Y. FAIR (CONTINUED FROM FAOk 1) to the restraints of the U- A- Con stitution, against Interfering with freedom of speech, evgn though the Pair is a private corporation at this time. WHEN YOU SUV A US. SAVINGS BONOS you welp Both yOUR»ELF> ANP -re.— •< ’ s:sasar -41 • Bvtet 43 • Mewte aak 44 • trail Uaa etau 46 - 46 • Tb (as geavtsasly el • a safem d aap*e BOTTW t-Viqpd i-CSgy NEXT TO NEVER being allowed to finish a sentence, the other cauje of social dismay is to be expected to carry the entire conversational load. l-Malnl • • Ltd* lustre •tab.) r • Chpinl Stock (da.) *-Taeeha» ,r iinaali so • QreaktMMe 22 - Uanty Hour am.) 2S-Smillv—>l **^Sem 3S-QoU *h*a.) 34-Mtmuyflaw Sg • tMrfutk frar.) ei-swnitr eg-FuSST"* 44 • HnuUas 1M 44 - Orsak Saar 47-TO (stem.) T be Inquiring Totograpber question Do you Sad you can eat v kb it your budget at tki World’* 'sir? THE ANSWE Jui/ Suther. Columbia, Mias. Taschar. “Oh certainly! All yiu hAv# to do I* shop around. You know thert is a delightful Chinas* restau rant in th* A muaament area, whir* you can gdt a wko 1 a meal tor ninaty nine cent*—lt’s tarridc’.’’ Mrs. Malcolm Wernander, Baldwin, N. Y. "yes. The Pan American Grill really offered something spe cial. Steak with raw salad, coffee, apple pie, all for f 1.95, and honestly, It was more than my two children and nt >« jj| myself could eat. It was simply wonderful!” Jjieph Guinan, Sunnyside. N. Y. Taxi Driver. Yes. now. but not on the first day of the World's Fair. I have made sev eral visits here and now I find the prices are quite compare, ble. Say, the Missouri snack bar la the finest —a n d coffee'* IB wonderful. I also went to the N. Y. State Pavilion, what a meal for 45 cent* to 85 cent*, it'* un beatable. HOME OWNERS LOANS TO REDUCE YOUR PAYMENTS 6r OtHEft PURPOSES Just For Making Applicatidh! f pi A A Free 27 Quirt, Ice Chest \ kKDA 1 Or A Jointed, Imported /__ II VV ( Fishing Pole iIT ) lst-2nd»3rd Mortgages $750.00 to $10,000.00 .no I • . application I t O-POl I . LOCALLY dWNib • sff i • IN OUR OFFICE • FASTEST SERVICE ri - A ' Mj| ., . , vwaAc IN THE SOUTH F« aSkVm. * U>ANS T ° mmmmmmmmaakmammmmm coupon Guaranty Acceptance Agency Suite 307 Lawyers Bldg 320 S. Salisbury Strtet. Riteigft NAME l - i - - ADDRESS PHONE AMT LOAN WANTED Xan 3£bpics/ r i'v -f —' --' Receesed MmM " M ~~ ~~~ / • Broil-Under Glass (optional extra) # Raleigh Commission House, Inc. 214 E. MARTIN *T. TE