TFT: RALEIGH. N. C . SATURDAY. JULY 28. 1981 10 The Raleigh ■ . jS C E N E MU HAYWOOD HOSTS JCI'S j&r* ALUMNI ■JIB "-Raleigh. ehapt r of the John •tOK'Cotinty Training School Asso ciaifcn'jmct at the home of Mrs. EitaSßßeywood. of N. Tarboro Rd o n3qo»A*J, July 14, at 8:30 pm Thraaitinc was wall attended and thgr officer* tor tog year chosen a* Mfr WjflUm A. bander* presided owMUte election of officers. .'MB* Officer* of tba organ Its ttWr Mefade. Mr. Eddie M Ban da?*; -president; vk*- president. Mnt gatall Haywood 5 aecretary. Banders; financial secretary. Mrs. Lucille Mor gan: treasurer. Mr. Woodrow upJHn LllUan Btardlratu. wßnttr meetings are held each TuaopOy after the second Sunday to fiery month at 8:80 p m. CHARM*TTtS SPONSOR Z~ CONTEST *jjjg tharmeftes Social Cluh re eentfy sponsored a "Fin# Brown Frame' contest at the Club 54. cor ner of E Davie and S. Bloodworm Strata. The idea came from an old tag. recorded by Miss Nellie Lut tbitr. railed "You've Got A Fine Brow- Frame " Mr. William Janet waa mai ler of ceremony First prise wu wan by Mho Carolyn Caldwelli second went to Mlm Catherine fcawllno; and Mist Jane Jeffries waa awarded third prise. Many younf women look part in Personals ANNOUNCE! ENGAGEMENT Mr. Hath D. Manama. Ha Mfh. la engaaed to b* married to Mtaa Pelcle Mao Norman, of MM •Ottror Street Charlotte, who is a nurse at Uftts Hos pital The wadding will take pise* AaguM Uth In Charlotte. NtWSMANPLAfW WHS TO PRICNDB £i Eoonta Boon* Parker, Edna Baane. Mbs Peggy i. their aiooe. and Matter W aad■ Mi iibs iMaa Alam Imhilrw MatJ IhOOflM, WIIP Illw NanOBT evading guotta as Mr. Charts* A Jos**, managing editor as the OAROUNIAN. wha raoidee It Mi Camden Street, hero. j^rsrssin Clinton, bat now radio hers. Mho Bay** la s Junior at Whtataw ialam Stag* Col lag# MR. ARB Mid. BOY DUWBTON, jr. visit M and Mia. lay Dsnaton. J K at Newark, N. J . ar* Mart- Mg ha Raleigh thh waak. They arrfVad has* datsrdap, Jaly 18. imd *dl tears dssday. inly SR fhi Dsnotosa arr vMtlng hla Addle Pssmtan. and Mrs. tier Thamal. raapaathraly, at 114 S. laywaad Strati Mr. Donatos Si Betas as Raleigh. Mrs Mshatan I* Me former Mtoi Er atys dasrbarangh, of Daytona ftsaah. Ha. visitor pmom obebnsboso Mr*. Mary Janes Andaraon of « arrived In the city on ffeimiap. te visit her mother. Mr*. td& Janas (liter and broth ar-tn laW. Ife and Mr* Delon Freeman, afl aIMM M Bragg Street and her bratoer. Mr. John lamaat Jonas wha raaldaa at Ml 1. Bragg Btraat Me* Andaraon. who formerly liv ed in Raleigh, will be In this city through the weekend. She la Me wtit as Mr. Jam* Andaraon of Ortt«fV>oro While hare, ah* • top ped is at The CAROLINIAN tn any Hilo" to her coutin. Mr. Cherla* ft. Mas. ilri«N rmoM miTON Mr* Katie McDonald. MU* WO MB** Leek. and Mr ftebert Draka- MrS have Just returned from Bo* MB, Mm wh«r# they have been ■mnilli | the Greet M« Calvary him Church Convention. MUnMtATtt BIBTHDAYf MM S. B. Sharper of r\>wl* Bt aa4 Bar granddaughter. Little Be- Ut| IVanklln Merritt, celebrated wjt Birthday* together recently thdff aach received many nice and kHjal preeent*. "Happy birthday* Sharper end Little Mim IMS. MILLS GBANDOArGHTtJt van Hr. and Mr* ClarthM Mill* have as mm mm. ut muu nether fit*. Henrietta MU* and grand Maßßlr, Brenda lOIM M Btmlng- Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh ! S/OS HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE 4-1071 CLUBS the con test. THE LBS PINS HOLD PICNIC The Le* Pins Neighborhood Circle of the Battery Height* area, held it* anruai picnic on Saturday, July 11th. The entire length of Co* St. waa blocked off and made aafe for children'* play throughout the afternoon. And all of the resident* on the west tide of Cox Street yielded their facili ties for the event j The real fun began when at 4:o# p m., approximately 30 children J of the neighborhood enjoyed ■ de : lightful treat of hot dog*, hambur* j gera. soda pop. and ice cream Fol* 'lowing this they romped and play ed into the early evening At 8:30 p. m„ Mr* Anne Tollvef presided over a brief businesa meet ing. held for the ladle* on th* lovely terrace of the Charles Rob- I son's Mr* Hines of the Patio Gift Shop gave tips on Chri»tma« de corating. Following the meeting each member wa* presented a copy of the flrat Edition of the Neigh borhood Bulletin, of which Mr!. Toliver Is Editor In Chief. Associate Editors are Mend*me* Marguerite Exum and Harriet Web ster. A. W. Solomon Sr I* Bualneaa Manager of the Bulletin. ■ At 8:00 p. tn., the ladle* Jala ed the men around picnic table* and grllla an the spaolana hack lawn of Dr. and Mr*. E W. Mc- Dowell. Thera the graap enjoy ad grilled Steaks and Hambur gera. String Bean Salad. Baked Baane, Bellahaa and Beverage*. TN (ft.-, e* 43 p . Ao. . 4 a->u< ttag ►.• V. hitviowwi. • •• V** - evening recreational facilitier In cluding the beautiful new Tennis C ourt on th* beak lawn of Dr. and Mr*. C. L. Hunt wer* utilized. A* the evening wore on the men retired to the McDowaU's basement where they engaged in sporting game*. The ladle* moved into th* apeciou* recreational room of the Toliver* where they engaged la progreaeive pinochle and bridge. Mr*. Irene won high score pinochle, Mis* Addle Lane won high oeore bridge. Mr*. Anne Toliver won host*** prize and Mr*. Olivia Wo mae, *l*ter and guaat of Mr*. Toll* ver received guest prize Other guests attending th# affair were; Mr. D. Rutherford of State*- villa, gu«*t as the Tolivara; Mr*. Hargrove, of Atlanta, Georgia, moth er of Mr*. McDowell. Mr*. Jaenne Hottzrlaw and children, of Wilm ington. alatar of Mr*. Harriot Web ater, Mr*. C. J. Barbar and Mias Dorothy Lana, as Raleigh, and Miaa Addie Lana, horn* for th# summer, from New York. , TASTBB DlFFEß—that’* why practically every girl who wants to get married finds a man who Juat suit* bar. WHAT YOU DON’T worry about keep* aomaane els# awake. -Campm Classict ■ ■ ■ Country Clothesj fUSHRSP' ■KHKfc^yflr' In schools and college* amiss the ration-Country Cloths* by Pm* dleton art a back to-school tMra requiaits. Paired to excel la campoa good looks are theaa ter rifle teammates. The belted-baak Herringbone sleeveless Jumper takas a dean v-plung# over a striped turtleneck Sweater of fine-gang* wool. YeeV lore the easy elegance of Pendleton's fall ’ki collection of cunapt end classic campus casuals. And. re member, Pendleton considers your fashion needs ns well at your budget. For study hours or extra curricular activtlM,<iiinea lOOti virgin wool Country Clothes by Pendleton gad Walk away with top honors. At favored department and tpecialtp abated throughout the L'.S.A, What is Doing Around Town! W wcL W *. -;§k * " : mf*" WWkitkmm mmyrn SHAW'S TRUSTEE BOARD IN SESSION Members of the Shew University Trustee Board met recently and approved preliminary plans lor the construction ot high-tise binding com plexes for academic and residence use at Shaw University. Some ot the members, left tt> tight ; Mrs. t. Sea mans, Durham; Councilman John W. Winters, Raleigh; William N. Jones, Elisabeth City; the Reverend Warren Carr, Durham; the Reverend E. Thodore Jorm. Valley Forge, Be.; Dr, Ellen 3. Alston, secretary to the board; Dr. John W. White, chairman ot the board; Dt. Cheek, (standing); J V. Parham, business manager; Dr. Paul H. Johnson, chairman, executive commit * tee, the Reverend Howard L. Mitchell, Getesville; Dr. Jasper Freeman, Norfolk, Virginia, and Dr. John R. Larkins, Raleigh. > I * ■I V| ”1V *, - wm u mm w mmhl m V kfWk w j&e SHAW'S SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS EXHIBIT ART This h a part ol the Art exhibit held on Shaw University's campus in the art studio, Wednesday, June IS. Viewing the ex hibit are, lelt to right : Mrs. Annie Mae Stencil, Fayetteville; Mrs Frances Fields, Clinton; Miss Christina Everette, Clinton, and Miss Evelyn Edwards, Raleigh. Miss Victoria A. Morris is the instructor. *6 Lard, ferg iv# ear MM new Sa the frusta Thee beet glean at Milts ea I evar we aay. I have ee talent. Opea ear eyas ta ear paastbUiuea. that we mag [tSi ourselves to their fal ftllasenL Great ns peMaaos this day when tatsrrnpttoaa eeear.” WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Sunday Bahool began at 9:30 s.m The supartatendant Mr Phillip Al ston. waa In charge Morning wor ship started at 11 o'clock with the senlar chair In charge of muale, un der the direction of Miss Jsegueline Mitchell. A very inspiring sermon was delivered hv the Rev. Mrs Bridgeanan. The congregation en joyed It CHIOS BAPTIST—Church School began at 10 o'clock with the super intendent. Mb. Walter Price. In charge. Mom mg worship began at 11 SO with the senior choir in charge Momtng worship started at 11:33 a m. srith the astuor ehoir in charge of musts. under the dirccttea of Mrs. Nettie Harrington: and organ isi Itr. WHlta Henderson The pea tor. the Rev. E Mason, brought a very helpful sermon LILY OS THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST _ Sunday School began at 10 oVlock with the super intendent. Mr. Mack Arthur. In charge. Morning worship started at 11J# am. srith congregational Stag in| and the paster. Rev Lester Riv ers. in charge. Re also raid the Come to Church BY MRS MAY L. BROADJK I morning lesson and led members in prayer, and delivered an encourag ing sermon. ST. ANNAH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Church School began at 10 o'clock. Supt W H. Lyons, Sr. was In charge Morning worship started at 11:30 with the eenlor choir in charge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs Docia Smith, and or ganist. Mr Charlie Prince Morn ing leeson was read by the pas tor. Rev L T Ford from the Book of St. Luke. 34th chapter, versee 18-14 Morning prayer «•*» given bv the Rev. Odell Young The sermon was delivered by the pastor the Rev L. T. Ford His subject sm, ' Stay In the Road " The afternoon sermon wa* deliv ered hv Bishop Sanders, pastor of the Jesus House of Prayer. Durham He preached a wonderful sermon, which w as follow ed by eemmunion YOirNC'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Sunday School opened at 9:90 a m with the superinten dent, Mrs. Delle R Ford, in rhsrge Morning worship began at II o'- clock, with the. senior choir In charge of. music, under the direc tion of Miss Myrtle A Rhodes Morning leeson and prayer were led by the guest minister, the Rev Miss Bell. High Point, who also deliver ed the morning message from the Book of Pfelfos. Ilf Her subiert was. “Walking with the Lord" El der Ughtsey is pester ST MATTHEW AMT - Church School began at 9:19 a m with (he superintendent Mr. Robert La sane, in charge. Morning worship began at II a'clock with the Gospel Cho rus to charge of music, under the direction of Mrs. Marie Riddick, and organist. Mm Reas Mary B Walton Morning Item and prayer were given bp the pester, the Rev J. T. Epps, who also brought the teaming menage WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST —Bunday School opened at 9:30 a m. with the superintendent. Miss Nanis Morgan, In charge Momtng worship began at ll o’clock with the aenior choir In eberft of mu sic. under toe direction of Mis* Ranis Morgan; and organist. Mrs. M. M Kelty. with the new pastor, (he Rev Neeee Smith, in charge of the services He brought a wonder ful sermon which was enjoyed by all present OBBRUN BAPTIST - Church School began at 9:80 with the su perintendent, Mr. Walter Curtiss, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 a’ctock with the Junior ehoir in charge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs. Mary G. Pulley; and organist. Mr Gaston Pulley; and paster, the Rev. J. P. Dempsey, brought a wonderful sermon. FAST C ONGREG ATIGNAL CHRISTIAN—Sunday School open ed at 1:10 a m with the superinten dent. Mr. Sherman Lewis, to charge Monting worship began to 11 O'- clock With the senior choir in fnngig is nil tor Efim Jl —*■- Qnir|f w Diunc, uuUf i ui* air*r - Won M Miss Brenda Kee. with Hie children's sermon being given by the amistant pastor, which was fol lowed hjr the regular sermon, also bp the assistant paetor. the Rev MM Ruth Brand om The Rev H Cunningham Is paetor. TOPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIET —Church School opened at t-.W a. m. wMh the Superintendent Mrs. Dorothy Allen, in charge Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir to charge of mu sk. under the direction of Miss Vat ican Myers The morning lemon was read bp toe paetor. the Rev D It Reward, who also brought Hie morning miss age to to* con gregation. Morning proper was of fered bp Deacon Melvin Davis , FIRST BAPTIST—Sender School began at AM am. with the super intendent. Mr. V. H. Taylor. Sr, m charge- Morning worship began at rharga of music, under toe direc tion *f Mrs. M T. James; and min ister *f muter. Mrs E M M Kelly Seltete wad tot Martha Tabren. The f tog intovi reading eras tod by the toMssant paster, toe Rev W. Minter, who also led morning les son hum thf Book Os 1 Car. *l-7. j Morning proper was adored by toe Rev. J. A. Lester A vary encourag ing Mutton wa* delivered by toe paster, the Rev. C. to. Ward Rib subject was. “Cbiiatean DisrtpHn* - BTC began at • o'clock Srith the icoder. Mr. Prank Rlbton. inch -jc The evening leaaea was road by i the R*v Mtes Ruth Braltekvn. at distant pastor of First Congrega- ] tlocal Christian Church A very 1 good message was delivered by the I Rev. William Minter, asfstant pas- avear mat P#t* Oiittfoif living -H *” ill J |J I |i wjßmff/ Vau a«A Ilpiltfc ginr Atah / » W COf» l»r*TCFi jwwi —-»■. I Y1 l ggai Ovist Ft 3 ™v*B ™na it \ s|.- tt( ahhAFA AlgAa* plWpisiy Ofawli atwllua |A.. s k s. aadksaw ! L W». iwwof* aO pßel ft^g^ a uaal Usaei Allwoka Lu ■■ H eYHT IntVCT OTfQCRI By jm u -!_a t—l Mb' L- J iJta|kta \ J aiing syiYonto y*n*w y ft.*' tAijf *——- mwmw Far year walkways, law Itghh serve ’’ yew hast. A mushreem ar bell-shaped GABBING About Town BY MRft. A. H. THORPE LOOK. LOOK. LbOK' "If you want to be distressed lbOk within. If you want t 6 be defeated, lodk back. If you want to be distrusted, lodk around. If you want to M dismayed, look before. If you want to be delivered, look to Christ. If you want to be delivered, look up." If you want to be delighted, look within. VISITING SISTER Mrs Maggie Rhodes, formerly of Hits city, now living in New York their house guests over the week tor Hi* subject was. “What is our Destiny?’' RUSH METROPOLITAN AMEE —Church School began at 9:4S am. The superintendents. Messrs. Leslie Campbell and Jessie Degraßcn reidt were to Charge. The Junior Church services wire conducted bp Rev. Shelby Taylor. The regular 11 o'clock worship services were con ducted by the pastor. Rev. T. R. Harris Music was furnished by toe senior choir, with Mrs. Pauline Co field Burton at toe organ. Rev. Har ris delivered a powerful gospel message, having Chosen his dis course from toe following passage of scripture. Rev, 3rd chapter and i toe 80th verse. Theme was ‘‘Christ i la Standing at toe doer asking to be admitted to." This message waa indeed timely and on the strength of it. 8 people joined (he church. At 7SO pin.. the evening services wer* held and Ae peatbr. Rev. Har ris once again gave a fine lhTiwege Mrs Annie H. Thofpe is church re poiiif. LINCOLN PARK ROLlNtt* - Sunday School was held at 10 o'- clock with the superintendent. Mr. Arthur Williams, in charge. Mbftt ing worship teamed it 11 eClock. The part Or. Rev. Eli Ratcliff deliv ered a wonderful sermon. His text was from the Bth chapter as St John. “God delivers us beyond ean demnstion." Music was by the sen ior choir, accompanied hy Mrs. Margaret Nichols Ratcliff. Rev. Hardy, pastor of Hatchet Grove Grove Church. Momsville. wa* guest speaker in the evening. SMITH TEMPLE rRKtWILL BAPTIST—Sunday School began at 10 o’clock with the superintendent Mr Elbert Sanders, in charge. Morning worship started at 11 o'- clock with the senior choir in charge 0( to* mime under Hie di rection es Mra Mint*, and Mrs Hai der. The mernage waa brought by the Rev Mr Cagle el Southern Pine*. Hi* text wa* taken team Eplteatana The pastor. Rev. J. D. Ray. Is on vacation. MORNING STAR BAPTIST Sunday School began at 1* o'clock. Subject iltsruaaed waa; tied deliv ers Rr people." Morning warship services started at 11 a dock, with (ha etogreSeUta singing. “Down at the Creek" Scripture waa read hr Hte patter, ftnnmnrrmaat* war* made and toteteonary offering wa* token up The paster BoTV fe. Spencer, delivered a naiarfal mesas(e His subject was "Losing to gam- A* I p*. Rev Mr Hor ton from Dak Grove Baptist Church rendered service BTU was held at A SB. My Lady's Doings ♦ + ♦ In And Out Os Town end. their daughter. Mr*. Mary Francis Davis and granddaughter, Pamela of New York City. AlsP Mrs. Degtaffenreldt’t Sister, Mr*. Berdi M. Lambert, and tens, Jerry City, is visiting her sister, Mr*. Jennie Johnson, of MO E. Cabarrus St She it accompanied by her grandchildren, Alvis Jr. and Ann ette. ROUSE GUEST* Mr. and Mra. Jessie Degrmffen reidt of 734 Bundle Drive had as and Kenneth, all of Hew York City. HOMS FROM HOSPITAL Mr. W. Harry Ligoft Os 9813 Bed ford Ave, husband of Mrs. Ger trude McGuire Ligon is b4gk at home after having spent sometime in the Veterans Hospital in Dur ham. Wa With for him a speedy recovery. VISITS AUNT AND BISTER Rev. and Mrs. W. B. WestbrOok, and children, es Norfolk, Va. ware in Hte etty recently visiting Hteif aunt Mr*. Lillian Rattle of 330 1-3 E Cabarfus St., then left sos lUMp Hill to vIPM their sister. Mr*. Mamie Perry. VISIT* PARENT* Mrs. Lydia Thomas Wall of ffrfcgh ington. D. C, and Children, were m the etty recently visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Thom as of 1313 POOle Rd. The gram*, children are spending Hte MttmHr here. HOLD* FAMILY BBUIHON The McClain Family of Harnett County (Lillingtonl held a family reunion li*t Sunday After attend ing church service, they all amam bled at Hte school where tom tat down to e delicious dinner there were a number of relatives and rrteftde On band to Join in thie af ter. They were ee tettew*: Raw. and Mrt 3. ft ftfeCny of Lifltof ton. Mr. and Mra. S. D. McCleen of Durham. Rev. and Mra D. N. Mc- Clain of Lillington and Mrs Lethe McMillan of Fayetteville. Grandchildren; Mr. and Mra Mai vin McClean of New York CMP. Mra Dorothy Wilson and Mra Vonle McClean of Washington. D. c. Mra useae Mtnan*si. ms Blanche McAllister. Mis* Mary & Patterson and Mra Ransom Patter son. all of Hampton. Va; Mra Alda McCuller Os Rslei#L Other guests included ID. aod Mrs J D Cobh of Raleigh. Each of them expressed themselves as having enjoyed a delightful even tog and s sumptuous repart VISIT RELATIVES AND IRttKUS Mr. and Mra Willie Harris, form erly of this etty, new rrnirling in Washington, ft. C. were In Hte City Everything For.. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LIMBER • MILL WORK • A THE YD MM3 • kULDOXG MATERIALS • BCMWQI BtIBRUI Dial TB 3-7561 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 117-319 N. Do ante St RALEIGH. N. C. Shaw Releases Honor Roll For 2nd Semester Shaw University's honor toll te th* second tern ester ha* Men fe taied & the Registrar. StudMU Uitaa ire as fellows. rtaSBHMEN: Motelle Dolby. Wil ton Smith, Mary Uppertoab. fta lelgh; Vera J. Alton. Wake forest; tew aw* A Stag.- &«»«**•- r.-a Sk-. ' - teas ■MV Alstons Fiuiooro, srnia nk* if, Greenville: Kermit Britt. Gora pealtej Betty Bfyaatt, BylYa: Will iam Freeman. Cbleralh; Alible M, HIU. lit. ©live; Joan Uuflhidg- Muse. Greenville; Dana TlSba. ShgleWobd, N. J.; LllUifi tueker, GreenVilto; Harry D. White, Cdlum ton. Linda WUaah. Ratol|»; Ahhia Abbott Rattiii, Collie Cdtomin. Bailey; Miry 1. Dotson, Mitftoek. Maryland; Svi Griridjr. Chita pfike, Virginia: Chitlta Gray, fthtandnt Pa.; Jain It. Hoiaaf, tehuton; Martha ft. JiiMtah. Lantbifton; Pamela Laeewell. Claytoh; Rathe rin« Limb, Corapeake. Minhia Mitchell, Newifk. N J; Shktoy A. Mom, Bridgeport, Conti; Andfi Owtat Morgafiton; Raymond Rod riquez. Nta York; Joyce Roll*, Miami. Fli.; fttiby Seabrooß, Charleston. S. C: Lawrence Shack leford. Wake Forest; Candis WilL lams. Warrenton; Rachel L. Will iams. Leeksvllle, Sandrta WUUitnf. Merry Mill. JUNIORS: Jacqueline Carr. Si reh K Sfeltti. Rilelirh; John ft. Carey Buckingham, Va.; Jacqueline Chesney, Gdleton; Eater J. Crayton, Newport News, V*.; LUiwood Driv er, Pwtaftiduth. Vi.; Jacquelyn Ed mond, Camden. N. J.; Annie Ferrell. Eebulon; Iris J. GoUlday. St. LCuis. Missouri; Victoria HaynCs. White vUle; M*xine Hendricks. Warren ton; Hattie Laughinhouse. Green ville; J*me« A. Maya. Firmville: Frederick Ouka. Kenya. E. Africa; William Parker, Wilson; Willie Rhines. Summit. N. J.; Judy H Robinson. Garland; Richard W. Styles. Waterbury, Conn.; David Sure. Kisil. Kenya; Robert L Tir.n in, RoaerhOnt Pa.; Lorraine Vaugha Lorretta Vaughn, Newark. N J ; Annette Walker, Durham. Nancy M. Wilton, Garysbufg; Tony L. Whitehead, Franklin, Virginia; Luetta B. Williams, Fayetteville; Peggye William*, Morrisville: Nell ie Womble. Bear Creek, Willie Gene Wood*, Preston, Maryland. SENIORS: Dallas Foster. Beatrice C. Mial, Raleigh; Donald Bowman. Hampton; Suaie W. Brown, Greens boro; Ruethenia Duncan, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Blanche Edward*, Woodland: Mary E. Jenkins, Cameron; Charles Michael, Leiflngton; Quincy Scott, Norfolk, Vi.; Geraldine Simpson, Springfield Gardens. New York; Matjorie Watts, Columbia; Peggy A. Williams. Wllabn; James E. Woods, Lynchburg. recently rUlttog relatives and friend*. REVIVAL BERVICBB IN PBfMIBTf fl Revival aarvicea are tn paa»eta at Rttoh Metropolitan AMR Sion Church. Th* Bair. J. P. Mu»nghr«y, as Wadasboro, la the gueet gpaaker. We tovita you to aacM ant and hear tola rant speaker. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ub lor l*ROM>h Prompt it Sorvioa Phone TE 4-5558 —The— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. 518 B. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. Memory Test Par 13 Seconds tea ear - (MM aa Iba aaSte to Hte teases taler. New, *Ol (ha te» was* esida and My lha mm v**v a (aw Han a* raarsaM. I* waa't ha laa« befara Wt WIU kaaw * rea hava paacd lha las*. I Gan Hearing AHi jj I OPTICIANS, laa. I a charistte

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