THE CABOUMUUI mam, N. C„ SATtIEPAT. JULY ». IM4 2 ■ 111 11 111 H , V v;v l I,\„ : J ■H • TIN ALLY bAiht't Eu £/«> Cn>, *> C fc . oup »/ *,T\llc end Negro adult » g»v* • coot o/ paim to (/«* T l/ •>/ Presbyterian Church hara July 14##i. 7"he mired group here min and apply point re tha aide a! tha frame building Two men ware arretted in and effort to bum tha church early July Hfh The Ku Klue Klan had- "admaed" tha group not to paint tha artvill Negro church. (UPI PHOTO). Royal Crown Cola Co. Reports Gain For 6 Mos. COLUMBUS (U—Pr*«4»r' W H Glenn rtport* tortting* of Royel Crown Cola Co and ita Conaolidat* •d Domdah*. and Foreign Sohanli arm for fe* ate month* reded June M. amounted to *1 Mi l'S ester pro vidlng -41.*: VOflO for federal and ataita teoomt taxer, as compared with afßTtng* of IMSJK3 for th# comparable IKB period, after pro viding gl.2tl.nrm tor Moral MKi atate income taxes. UM first-half tan Hap were ap M for rent over these far the safer period as 1M« Per share Saratoga after uoat ad vaaced 4* eenta par dtare of eOMMaaa stack da Ho* the lit aaaitP period. torrreslng from M eenta la fee flm half of IM M gljg par adore fir the tlx aiaofe period of I*4 Id a regular quarterly meeting of the mmpanj i Board of Director* June 24. ih* directora proposed a 3 for I apllt of the company * »u --thnrired tharet of outstanding atoek Thia amendment will be vot ed on by the stockholder* at a ape etil meeting in Wllmlngion. Dela ware Auguat 4 Approval of the proposal will tn creaaa the ecmpenv* authorired stodk to g million ahare* from the preoent 3 million If approved, the new stork will be mailed Aucust 21 to atechholdeta of record August S There will be approximately 1.- •M 427 share* outatanding at that time —- Glenn attnbutM the gain* to in i're* *ed diaiributlon of the com pdttya product which meltid* Royal Crown Cola. Dtet-Rite Cola. Jtohi Bes-eragoa. Pxr-T-Pek Upper 10 arid Bev-ltich. a preoweetened pfrwfeNd beverage mi* He Mid the company* bottler organisation continue* to expand It* marketing operation* *nd plant foetlitie* He oteOfved that 4 Diet-Rite Col* tale* have made a major contribution to the company'* increased sale* and earning* and continue to gain In the national market thife* have bees advanrtnt ateadiiy and feat la oddlttoo to to Martuiiqae. Cxrarao. fee De mla icon RepabUc. Northern Rhodeels. and tahm. aaw frdarioix are expected to he araated too* la Oenaony and fnaai gull an ether operation ha* re cod tip hem granted to the Supreme THE CAROLINIAN NMNH CXapaay -Cowrm* tns Caioim#*' PxblUO** ky Um Csraimlss «22 VT **”S« • fetmoVlsNid cU toiw AprU • -I*M at (be Post Office tn Seletrh fferth Carolina under the Act of afarch i*rst BVESCRiPnO* EATtS Six Month* *2 Sales Tea « 8* Sales IK* - R ■ newapoM* dp oot ******* ly i Ruprly Corparttton id Okma« » ti manufacture syrup for distribution through vending equipment. The 1 aompanr ha* some 75 plant* oper , at mg in Canada, Belgium. Guam Holland. Japan, the Canary Island*, Panama, Hondurai. Republic of South Africa. Southern Rhodcua Nwanland. the Phtltlptnea, amt Puerto Rico Glenn said he is looking forward - optimistically to the remainder of the year "Indications are at thi* lime." he aaid. "that 1904 will pro duce another record veir for Royal Crown Cola Co, tn sale* and eain inga " “Price We Pay ” Dealt With New Civil Rights Law Federal civil right* legt*lation give* Southern Mates a chance to avoid the ruinous com that defiance haa brought in th# past, according to a report. The Price We Par/ ! published Sunder. July 18 The report, prepared by the Anti l Defamation League of B'nat B'nth and the Southern Rational Council, ; document* the vast coat incurred by th* South * resistance to equal i opportunity H Heilaea fee price for dtt crtaitostion hi fee eeeMfey of Bfetkera root tn unit!**, employ - men I, tegal peoeedxre*. ttaa. reltxre. *nd Mariam Re peat** rouge free* UM git Mt- Hon tom to genes notional pew doe* ufenlii a* fee •** •* dtorrioatnatiaei ogataot Wogroe*. to fee IUMH spent for potto* *iii than and oquipaMrt to Jackson. Mho. from Me May feroagk Aeg net I to*. to coat hot denmartratoom Telling tta story through new* stem* *nd editorial* selected from a large range of publications, th* report include* th* following a* reason* w hy the South con no long er afford discrimination: —A failure, tn recent year*, tc some *ec*ion* of the South, to »t --trart any large amount of new In dus trr —Your.g educated Southerners leaving :he arc* rather than "put up with all thi* racial atrtfe “ —Th* Maggertng coot to ettie*. countte* and states for potking emergenev situation* and for liti gat iOr, A iusa of and intbih'y to at tract faculty and student* to South ern univerittie* —A growing movement txt thJ part of erterta:-er*. cultural ex ; hibitor*. and *pcu-t* promoter* td ; boycott racially segreg.-ted audi ! *nce* —A loa* of convention and tour - wt business According to the report not all of the waste documented ho* • puce tag It ask* if th* people of Mississippi, fer example, can afford fe* cost to th* humen epirtt feet comes from being cut off from t culture* highest artistic achieve ment' Is tere enough money -n the world to cover th# coat ti* fe* A- | merican nfeigot* * interne: :on»! good trill lost by üßAccdptahie race teiaUor-*' ■ - _ -W.-M, aS. JO_> J. d BATRONIZX OH AUHtftUll I Vo-Ag Tutors Attend Talks At A&T GREENSBORO—A poop of »*- nculture tochcrs was told last week at A A T College that the cofttißuOd decline to farm popula tion will am reduce the Med for uwtrur ttoft tn vocational agricul ture The apeak er wit Dr. A. a Edwards, ftepaty aaatataat sec retory a# agriculture. P. a De yaitmiui at Africa More, Waab tngtou. D. C. He waa dellvertag tha heywoto addrafo am Tam- ! r»I n* V < P More history as it may bes written. t* a a Aad aa tt came to paM to tola ESLirs *?-'*--** eaaae latfrssg wtth toa pßgte j of may at tod ettfaena whaec * years new past three scare. • • a For in a j previous Dy-j r.estyof Pooh bshs. there had been setj up what was, called Social Security. Into the great god of th* times. I called U. S I Treasury. F " 'm - ■' I I I wStzNßrw l RnPl^y •■|Jr jar "■RiftlfNKi C. W. Harder there poured to monies from both master and servant to j build a fund to keep elderly people trop\ want on their re-' ttrement a a a And there were Ifsaaasmhi tfcreagbout the Great Lead an tM wtth the passing at the years It waa found by those wba bad waxed old. that the value of the dollar had waned. And so, to keep body and teal together, many soaght to aae their ex perience at tight tasks befitting their years to supplement toe pittances from (be treat gad C. S. Treasury • • • But the Great Poohbshs held up their hands and said, "Nay. H you want to continue to get j from the U S Treasury the benefits of the money that wart j taketh away from thy pay- j checks for lo these many years, 'hen like the lilies of the geld thou must toil not. neither must thee spin, for if thou earn more than 25 dollars per week, you lose Social Security." • • « | Aad Ihaa a mighty protest I was set op. The Foobbahs were ft »«wii TrUmiaa a fai-imW THE TRIUMPH OF MAN ORANDfUB oMM— if* **l*7 " IfM\ // ■ f/i j waodoot at this / oocleot city. Th* t-iereed fr*m this s*oqt «t -"on't d*v#i»pm*nt Is d*p : *’*d ot The Travgter*’ New Yark W*f!d s Fr> erhibi*. e*e es thttfeen, RRjI lif*-«ire d's-'-n-if •-j can see - Fu, "si*' JusMuitji J wbi in ancient tame. «—(- P,CNIC »N TH i_ IN M IIP I ■I jp Vi * rrii T m " '• ,v ' • MWy&Hfewr SB . -- -ii nifc'- tMfeKlßr no an Ron 3an;o of the Cbtcage Cub* who koldo fbe Nation*! League "Word of S'« «•* «-« *t third b*«* in *»# eeaatni. gets an asefat from a »i*tttrg ylaret'f- Whenever Mark Wetrk *orb>*t f > ated *IX-ye*r-oM at.g liMoag •atebail fan bring* a jar "f i>ter Pax Peanut Batter to a Cab# gaa* Santo invite* bimself tn to- a pre-gaaM eaadwtek. Mark kae learned to carry er.ouah bread fm ih# infield pirittr* The high protein ta r*enut butter amy k# ax* as fee reoaene Santo latMM > earn mat ffllll to help rap MM?” an* And the Poohbshs rapHcd "Twice blessed is he who dlip# coupon*, for he neither toils, nor spins, and thus does not irritate our great god, U. S. Tlftftliu ). • a * And a* It came to pass that Mm leader* foam toe PM r Men Known as New Tagfc. g gsp Katoertoft to. George. M b laws to permit tfMtoe who had passed three scar* and Sve to ears aa macb as they ran Id and still get the benefits as tha rrmHAem? toe* panto. a a a And this caused great eeM- I r.ernation among the mighty ; Poohbahs of toe Potomac. a a a And as a great eannefl waa held by tbe Poohbahs. • • • And the decision was to not permit people to help them selves. And forthwith with a mighty clamor of trumpets there was announced, instead, a big War oh Poverty, which was a holy war to keep the people dependent on the manna scattered down by the great god. U S Treasury. The rally- I tog ery was "Seek ye first toe U.S. Treasury, and all things will follow after." • • » For this was an era when there was confusion about many things. In a place called Vietnam and a place called Laos, legions of the Great Lang fonght and died, and while same people called It war. the Poohbahs said no, it waa nag war. It was adrtatng. A IN NEW FdWTION a- tto ttoster U PetefMn. a lMi gra4- Itote at Mknl Aurusttae’g C al lege ha* tort employed as sate* represents tire in eastern North Cara tins by the htter-Ortfogtoto Fran*, fam. at Manana. City, tfirtifi* tM Canapany figMUl tota fat nertlndhg, ewpa and gown*, gfofontaa, and etaaa Jew elry. PetersM. g native of ttartfivOfo, Etortß Cass was grt rliMli tMfMyrg _at _ the COTCnB n*R® 1H Windsor. *i i teacher of diver sified occupations. CHURCH UNDER HEAVY GUARD IN ELM CITY (Ct*rratio MUM FAOf D men did the project resume tn today morning, and wa* fi—a - M —a M—a a— CDiiijFifira ina rfotaic»ifa wj a rinsing acrrlee at ddrOUOgi ah at man Frtdny with toe Rer. Charles Jones of ChaFei Hill dclircring tbe meditation. The Rev. J. Hntten Coaten Is minister of the etght-mfitober congregation whose edifice is sixty years old. >Costea’s min* Wry here Is In addition to hi* station wort at Mt. fhgik United Presbyterian Chore h. Reeky Meant. Strangely enough tbe project had to be enrried ant under heavy High* way Fatrsl guard. After the integrated youth team front the Mt Lebonnon U. P Church to the Pittsburgh. Penna area was toM to leave for their own safety because the sight of mixed youth was too much for the localities tad the KKK—dragon Jones alleging misconduct be cause the gioap uas housed in four colored homes: the adult group consisting of two married couples, ministers and eollead stu dents and social workers arrang ed for integrated housing in mo tels In Roeky Mount ten miles a way. Each day the four to six ear motorcade was met near the church by ample patrol ears with a patrol airplane flying about a long the route on the lookout for any attempt to do violence to waiters or destroy th* ehureh The United Presbyterian Church took out extra insurance on the designated campers. Tht ehureh was guarded around the clock by patrolmen and a deputy sheriff for the week. Even with that, at least three Incidents—on* nearly making gbod the threat of klansman Jones that "not a brush will be laid on that ehureh .” af ter his offer to paint it was re fused secured on as many nights. With officers near the church, two white youths alleged ly were seen driving by the church twice, and on the third trip, poured gasoline on the step* and struck a match which went out. While attempting to strike the second match, a deputy sher iff fired into the air and the two youths fled In their car which po lice officers in Rocky Mount soon apprehended and jailed the men identified by the highway patrol men They were scheduled for a later hearing That was the near est the dry frame building eame to being destroyed It is outside the town limits where fire protec tion is inadequate. Had the church burned, homes tn the area would have burned also because of the close proximity. The nest night an out house 3M feet away was set a flre. but quickly put out by alert o‘fleers on the seen* at the church. A gasoline ean «n found nearby. Thia waa thought to hare been an attempt to divert the of ficer* from the ehurrh tn another effort to bum It. They aU did net leave, however. The next night the officers brought tn a portable light unit after being tipped that the electric line* would probably be cut that night Sure enough the lights did fail twice during wee hours of the night Electric official* claimed, however, that tt was fe** to lightening Others said it was tn the colored community and had the marking* of profes ■tonai work. There were eleven patrol cam tn the area when the work was com pleted. and at the beginning on Tuesday there waa said to have been from thirty to forty men within ten minute* sell, if needed. After material end morel vic tory had been won. rumor* were circulated that the KKK was swearing vengeance upon the Her ; J H Co*ten minister of the church. A* fee project wx# abort to clow fee writer *w tfeponiod a whrie nfrteter to fer Baoae of fe* Bor. Frank year-old laeal preacher, who forxacrly served a Bap Hat church at Bailey and inmate* of the Coaatp Haase ap onto about a year ago. Rev. Moor* Bad bee* wifely publicised ta fer daily are* a* haring aMdOielM •Sttwlßa 38 KKK dragon Bob Jones *r . dered Wen* awap: *ll they ■ the Kluli had art toM fed* to leave the cogsred he*eal awing * tong con versa tior. wife Moore, be vehemently denied that hd meant he saw any niiaoondact on fe* part of fee youths during U*tr two-day stay near Ms hod* Whrt told thet tferenta were hfe rered By the fetAfeidos fWfetfe tha* Be and Ms wife ntrlted arid AfrhM ttr 0* aaffty eftJMMfe tooflst.’ befdmd the FfboFftoP if tee large crowd «| wbh* who I oathartd to order the Pennsyl- » -^MSSs T ™ 1 H z’.., ’ \ JL KLAN'S MUTUAL WltA*D BTMAKS Mmhm of the Ku Khn Klan of AthdriCO Mtt mm itmo, ». C., Me Sunday night to heat Kobe" Shelton, Imperial Witatd d t the body, epoak More them 1.000 klmhUhen fisfemd am Shotted d touted Pmtden Johnson “following the pohey ad the Conmuniet petty th adapting the Cirit Right* Lam.’' (UN PHOTO). vgnians away Moor* la ft hativft of Maeeleafield. R 6., ftnd owns three little single-barrelled houftftg here which he keepa well-painted and his uatrimname clean and has an estra good garden. Only tone will foil if the US will allow the little white ehureh to stand—or bum. JOHN HOOD, 108, STILL IN GASTONIA ictwtlktto mom FAoa (tot) QU|- 4 a QSlglK! S iTOn* fVrrn w flrß as ttey pasted early ateHMhgft encomia to wet*. Hr. ItoaodMd toe writer est a tftwwi yWt, 1 « - w. mA dflkM FftrUl PCm fw •* HN HU tort year”, a* he *ei to e foVftt- Tou see. John Hood was bom September 3 1889. and is entering his lflftth year on this planet' During these years Mr. Hood has been ft Have-boy and then a frecd man. Who moved with hie former master hum New Bern tft th* Lah -»«♦*» o*w~kr ft r arm whert hft ! lived during th* Recbhstruetiaii Pe- | nod. th* father *f a fodefly ftf IS eMteNu. Mr. Hoad had um served ft* a ehtf eftftß to MftM tag houaea and hotel* Mr* *ftd titfUnW) WM MHUHI 11*91 CwMncQ fWIt rBdR ÜBITy ■ » - rt to :--i to— e A a J rill lf«t IH Ite WU I MJ preacher to toe AMR ttoft rhuteh wher* Mr*. Rytd h aft arfteftt MhaUftary worker. Although ailtoi for many months. Hoed has been in rftflaftrkfthl* poa ?ession Os hi* foeulti** Md contin ued to discuss current Md past event* in the light of BiW* prophe cy being fulfilled GERALD BUY* CLOTHES WITH PAPER PROFITS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) and finish Mgh school, and if I get a scholarship I would like to attend Shaw intv realty Gerald has three sister*. Mi—re Clementine, Debra and Janice Ev afta. ATTORNEYS TO CONVERGE ON CITY SAT. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) hour Registration will b* held on Saturday froih Site to lftte a m. Tbe Education Meeting talks by Marques SeJarrhes. profefssor of law. North Carolina College. Dur ham; A C. Muse. Danville, Va.; and Attorney Miehael O Finklaatein, assistant general eOunsel for th* Civil Rights Commission, who will speak on the topic. "Discussion and Explanation of the Civil Right* Laws ” Other members of tod panel tor lade: A My*. La THa* CRdto ry. Columbia, R G.; Frad t. Carmen, Rttelgh; Sato Tucker, ■lebwsnft. Va.; Cheater Austin, prifwm ftf tow. OftUrgotewu UniversltT. WMfttogton. to C. Attorney George R Grteft*. Ra leigh. will Hitrftftuto tpdfther ten Johnson, menitfti at Aft Bar and toft N. C GftOftfftl Ateftto M C*ftuhitte« ttftMttto tad too ttoft of officers wni tah* puoa m Saturday. Toastmaster will be AtftfWp T. Local A Grade Small Eggsdoz. 25c Tide Washing Powder fee. pk*. 29c Pork Neck Bones lb. 12c or 4 lb*. 45c Fresh Picnics Pork Roast lb. 39c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 49c Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lb*. 99c Sliced Pork Liver lb. 25c Rib Beef Steak lb. 59c Froaen Cream Pies 3 for 99c Domino Sugar 5 lb. b« 53c fmk Ground Beef lb. 3fe or 3 lbt. 99c Sausage or Bacon 3 tb*. 99c aooftt tbocgh ru* At wm • #*. HORTON’S CASH STORE HIM) iO IaSOM if. ■ n f. Clapton. Wartenfon. fipfteia ftwftrdft Wffi hft made bp Halftigt Attorney Samuel t. MrttheU. Sunday will he devptod mfttely ti recreational aetlvitifta. “FOWiLLDAr* SET FOB ADAM (COWttofegp FROM PAOi DNS) The eomnittee's hftateaftrtert are located ft* 10 West 13*th St. Suite iar. m new rm. etty. “Wa foftl that the HUM has ftutoft when Negro etttefttut meet rally with pHda behind ear Negro leadership aftd our Negfu sahttoUnHl** -- all an- W —a a a M ■- vi mb ■w winMi rwmr rrm tae ftfoirfJd tin R-dk -• JLRI NH pIH IwW gftMtotoiltttoi OftMftdftaatoaM a*^_-|« uiuuioto umii mnun roWfii haa borne the brunt ftf ftao of the moat rietoua attach* ever hurled against a Negro eitiaen of atatute, despite the fact t«M sitejSSteTV** gfodft. id fort made ft rttai eon tfthutten to the welfare of eveiy eilueu, legaidUit. ol me m wugioa. its tat eatitf haUbh,” Mr. Young said. HAROLD WEBS WEAK*HERE red*fffrt?B* ntost ease ond dUm that it Ift aeeiftiraed fts r (Wily ft geei htfoinete lrunocat-n but la ft*rWng te getterste new in ycrßov AME2ION COUNCIL TO ROCKY MOUNT (fowtu*L'in Men pA«« foteftfttton received here Ms-- ftf tie ftdftUfttotfftttve hoard 1 wm be ftfttoad ftnd put to ape rstm, The Central Hfadget Bosro which was also created a s t’’. e quadrennial meet will outline thf functions. A survey of th® ac ceptance df the financial srst-tr lie Instruction. Raleigh, was a re eent guest lecturer in the Educa tion Workshop class. Workshop activities in scienee in struction and material were held to broaden the teachers knowledge and understanding of science in the daily lives of the pupils Inservice teachers participating * in the workshop were introduced to the new basal text in scietiee which will be used for the first time in September 19tW Mr Webb discussed problems of concern td the teachers who will be working with boy* and girls in the state thin sehool year, interpreting the pro gram. m Announcing: ■ “For Your Gonvemence" W I—RALEIGH MAID » SERVICE ■ *—lc *B. TAILORS. ■ CUtA - v *»# A ■ LAfVDERERS I 1 LAB And I Associates ■ Ilf E. HARGETT fT. ■ AM. * « R M ■ Call TE 4-4132 I mu. noiffiUifa.