SOMETHING TO BOY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION 'ikm&jfa mV WJ*w M 'TE D CA a havuso . . Low Cost Advertising /jjp§s] FO r too A< m£ teSuSmT - FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEknple 4-5558 / FOR WHAT ™ y ANNOUNCmENTS cards or THANKS m mtmORiAU I*o4l NOTICES »SAi SSTA "... Classified Rates ISSUES « • • n Cos* per word 6a 4o to to gaasmed Display 5£» Un *. P “ Ito loe IHC Tttc Bach word abbreviation. Initial oi mrrnbol count as one word. Pnncutation marks are NOT oounteil at words. Tha minimum number of word* m any want ad Is 13 words. Ton will save money by ordering your ad to run I or 13 Issues. Weekly Want Ada may be telephon ed through Wednesday up to 10 Ak | FEMALE HELP WANTED! Housemaids: Livo-ln-Jobs. Mass., Conn S3D to $55 Bus tickets. RETERSUCKS. Barton Emp. Bureau. GT. Barrington, MALE HELP WANTED! Used Appliance Saleman, good ad vancements. Apply 80* w. South St., or call 834-7731. “EDUCATIONAL” MEN & WOMEN 18 to 501 You can qua lity for many job opportunities m CIVIL SERVICE Prepare at home for toming examinations. Send name, address, phone, directional! rural to NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE P. O Box 408. Raleigh. N C. ‘ LAUNDRY TEAGUE'S DRY CLEANING, 16*4 Glenwood Ave has merged and la now known as HAYEB BARTON AND CLEANERS NO *. Paul EasterUng Mgr. No L Dial T* 1-5518: No *. Dial TE *-3938 FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Rar-B-Q BAR-3-Q And Chicken (Out Specialty Pig; and Chicken 109 B. DAVEB BT. SERVICE STATIONS brow’s ESSO STATION—BO* 8 Blood worth St. Phone TE 8-4488 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICH NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED ** Adminis trator of the Estate of Mrs. Gertrude Perry Benton, last of Wake County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims attest tti* Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 601 E. Lenoir Street, Baleigh. North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of Decem ber, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to the estate will please make Immediate payment. This 30th day of June, 1964. DR A. E BOYKIN, Admr. r. J. CARNAGE, Att’y. July 4, 11. 18. 25, 1964 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCfSS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA BSVaSK t-a HOW. Plaintiff Julius Cheeks J 5 Wife Martorl. Cheeks, T-A Sensational Knights. T^ fC Ju’tos Cheeks and ™*T lorl ® Cheeks T-A Sensational Knipnw. Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action The nature of the relief betng soueht seas follows: to recover the sum “ i 42 09 due to plaintiff by the de.en- i OantTin said action for hotel service, and accommodations provided In Au gust and September. 1961. Notice is also given that on the— day of Jure. 1964. an order was Issued by the court, in an ancillary Proceed ing of attachment, attaching property belonging to the defendants to, the sum of 9400. In the hands of one Thurman Ruth. Garnishee You are advised to , m . a ke defense to such pleading not later than the 17th day of August, 19W: upon vour failure to do so, theP. l l l " service against yon will apply to the Court for the relief sought This 16th dav ofJune |r| 64. J. RUSSELL NIPPER. Clerk of the Superior Court July 11 18 26 Aug. 1. 19**. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PIBUCATION __ STATE OF NOPTH CAROLINA COUNTY' OF WAKE- • IN' THE SUPERIOR COURT LULA J- TAYLOR Plaintiff vs WILTON TAYLOR. Defendant To Wilton Taylor: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief •*»*"* has been filed In the above entitled nature of the relief la as follows To secure an •‘■•’hr* divorce on the part of * h * P' 2 '""’ based upon the frnnnAs 9f two >ear_ continuous separation between tne plaintltf and the defendant. You are required to such pleadmirs " ot '* t pT *2, gust 31th. 1964 and upon your fan re to do so. the party seeking relief • you will apply 10 ttl * Court tor the relief sought This 6th dav of July. 1964 *STA S CALLAHAN. Asst CTerk rs Superirir Court F J. CARNAGE Attorney July 11. 18. 25 August 1. 196« none* or SERVICE or PROCESS BY PUBIJCATION •TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA corvn' or wake tv the superior cone BESSIE JOHNS DJVO*. CORNWALL® DI VN Defendant TO f CORNWALLIS DUN-> t^.-2S2M- a -= "—: rs Cn Lied .n the »bov entitled “rhJ nature nt tfw urttof ** W * ._ njn n«rt nf thf has- onthepwrt •d v r £** >AM ;»<*»• T"r r«nt,nr,.» nUir.tiif •«* I”* defendant, ~.., ~, Yfl,. a- r **> ******* d€WT-^0 tentbet * !»«■ £,*J, *; . *• «*"* tor m * r .v Ml *Bw"«* loir -W» „ ’ r*TA ' CALLAHAN Asst Cl AT* of S*a#-ir.- C'- 'f r j c arHa&l a** July 1* »* *wr«i t « '** AT THt ACE Os W ««• , »r* K•Uyat*on ■■ v. <•£? Ta# J* «•*:<>* *«* *••»* i «d •' t3A BURL ALLEN’S - Ink TONGUE Two Sunday nights ago- dozens i tots—whose parent* expected them to return from FIAST BAPTIST CHURCH at Wilmington and Mor gan streets here, on the church bus were unloaded by a Mr. Langston, driver of the bus, near the church parsonage—where the bus is kept— several blocks from most of the children’s homes, and many blocks from others! Boisterous teenagers were blam ed for the incident We phoned the Reverend Charles W. Ward con cerning the matter, and yes, he sanctioned Mr. Langston’s action, and he planned to insAruet him to morrow to do likewise to future similar eases. Last week, we reported this un fortunate happening more in de tea hut without much personal comment pending a further search into the situation. Some eonbemad parents have eritteiaed us, saytog that we wrote the artlele "lb Rev erend Ward’s favor!” However, hav ing made our further search, wo find It impossible to eomment lb favor of either Rev. Word or the parents as a whole. We agree with Rev. Ward that unruly youths must be somehow disciplined, and WO think that putting such youngsters nff the It no wit# than fair to the misbehaving person!, but to unload little children and behaving youths because of the misconduct of hoodlums W to rdgard our chil dren the way that white rtglegi tionist* do Negroeo—judging ALL according to the wortt! FutrhCr more, we might pardon ihe compe tent, educated minister for ft*rget ting that, damsel*, walking alone through certain sections especially at night—ere very vulnerable td Hu man “dogs!" And too, let ui re* mind his intelligence that putting little children into the atriet—es pecially AT NIGHT—is potential BY A.C. GORDON YOU ABE THE DETECTIVE You enter the little c&bln on the edge dtjmm*. note the two unmade bunks on one side of the room, the table thJHe center of the with a number of unwnehed dtshm on It jam scattered on the floor ih one corner, and a nu® 2L lying In the seat of the room's only easy chair . the small kitchen at the rear Os the cabin and tookJtown lithe body of Jim Hastings sprawled on the floor trading from hie ehest. He is and white T-shirt, the bosom of this stained with the blood from tne knlf noting that a large, unscreened, open p ™‘ Vide* the only outlet from the kitchen, you walk back through the cabin, out the door, and faee the distraught Will u p *®' ing the ground in front of the cabin and puffing nervously on a clg arCt “I can’t understand who would have wanted to do M.I. Vrirmt niA Jim ” AUlsen —steam* “He was popular with every ato’Umvean enemy In the world ... and he and I got along wonderfully together In the business we operate. And » ooukta t have been money that the murderer was after . ■ ■ that was the f ret thing ftSSK «id Jim's wallet is etUl in hu hip pedft imtouetai. ■ Suppose you give me the entire »***. Ashing “Well, Jim and I hod come up S«E te do i BWe Mmrng have been eomlng to this spot for the last three or tmt ymn.TWB morning Jim complained ttoat he wj|*n t frehng very set stomach or something. Hk I left Wfa hdn* ”L.” out onto the lake and did a little MD***JM befWl noon I decided to come to the J 5St thSSI Ssr?’stea ?!S?SKSS f .-2 l r2 53& wsa ~£Ssfi££}£&* — enough to ran to my tat td torn iato *** you since you and your partner arrived sere m v 7 “*■ -nr, only a few other flshdWMß. MOWs we knew from a* previous trips here And peer in UN**!* You saunter around to the rear Os tnejawin aM peerin lison's story What Is it? a rn . g-WMi •OLITIOH ftepnoi uteq um a na aVV,o joop aqt P«Me ME aq ' AuM t.UOfmYM tmuox* Yes t We All Talk BY NAtCll H BOCLWAB* THAT “TETC LW«j H Often whan you h «* r “teen- ( agere talking you wonder what the gobbled" talk is—Bn#U»h or , not' „, „ Something or tomdaßß wm » i -nothing but cool - qualified endorsement at W*T* J«g set Similarly, “a craag <Wy ■ a phonograph record •* »■» joy. "The greatest'' B a annoai which indicate* awrovaL M ‘fair- does not neeaaeartly «Bi*a •tiutie It ean nrtfcr to aißMft a»y* thing of small kngjrtoaaa »« eaarapie. high *d*totor* ini* d**m «trr ete** night **r J™ 0 i about right trtongtos sod aB ** It Pays To Advertise murder, ana if not immediately remedied, is an act to be taken to law! Bus transportation—to and from —is i generous gift of the church, But why load little children to church, and then UNLOAD than to possible death?! On the other hana what can the parents say for themselkes?! Some of them were overheated at the up loading event, hut they soon cool ed—or did they finally get around to accenting their share of tM blame?! The preacher made a point “Too many parents expect tha church to do it all. More parents should bring their children to church sometimoe instead of send ing them ah the base.” The veracity at his statement was graved ha* Sunday evening hy * Mrs. Moore, who rod* with the children and effected Order. But Mi* Moore is one among thous and!! Most of them crtthbto ehil i dren openly, criticize at each oil firt , vately, and criticize tUiiniMbtt not , it all They refuse to attend church conferences, and hesitati to partici pate in idy church abttbtty that dost not glorify their prdience With tha sounding of provSrbtoi triub pets! Sons and daughters at these men and women hd#C only gdor *>- euses tor parents, and unfit parents are always their chUdren’s hsndi —„i i e»p! Yes, many children often act Num dully—and they are not to be Upheld in It; yet, considering their moral heritage, HiCy ere doing very Well—though net wSH enough. They'll do much better when par ents, ministers, etc., can discipline themselves enough to respect each other enough td Wort together to create a much better atmosphere tftt their misguided descendants. Ink Tongue might be brushed 6« as • meddling non-member, but I'd love to hear all tit* members say “Amen!" __ TbaaS yhungrter*' language i* la S period of traftsitton. because they are living in a world marked by feveriah activity, violent crush es. fashion fads, and daily crises • tal tt* l-mt **** mhhn » all aw* win totor try to mill i Wahl the way* of MB awn dMttrm ftagardiatt es wWt thea may tog. it to The war M tnag Bagh" >*»• tbsaar at ***** eaa JM ta*#B* Me MMt stomp* sad * «*« tUrmni l ld*» btiafnasa envelope h *• * * Boulwart. Hand* A * ftl fcwver- Hty. ftaa lUi tkll.hoiaa. find* Ida. «ML_ -* —a.iruM ista—afc^——* Icwossroap - . b 74. c. fioMwi 1 SO-RuMdtatnfctem.) 52 • Mean Sea Lent ] (abb.) 94 - Flavor extnct | 56 - Endure 59 - Animal 1 60 - Zeue’ beloved 62 - Stoota covertly ! 65 - Datelee 66 • Gratae DOWN t - Ptowere g . Educational Order* (Ota.) 4- 5- Abrew J S-Wirtae^ f • Lerta Technical Orgentaatlon (abb.) | - k refkrenea ® m«i I- .... «f Know« II- Anrtn VtMaet 13 • Aerial train it • totUtag part it -lack w-Ttoemnaw animal « - Circle part M * Sauth LaHtuSe M-Wpeabl 2g • Iterjiato tadi :f| M-JtogfWh I 39 • Public eamcy- i UccdSb.) ♦0 - WSltc tiwmaw -41-WengMtdS 44 • BSfca3ei(c»a«4 48 - iSi 4» • aunt aewiod I 48 - SSlttSllils ' y pa sallld DRIVE SAFELY 11 You Need No Money To Ride (OH AErttOVED CREDIT) CADILLAC 4-dr. sedan. Nice $245 ♦££ OLDCMOBILE 4-dr. hardtop. $395 FORD 4-dr. Y-g dtatlon Wagon $245 IJU fORO Y-§ 4-dr., automatic transmission $495 ♦g£ BUICH 4-dr. hardtop Nice. $395 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. 0 cly . straight drive $125 cHEYHOUrr Sodan Delivery $245 | *55 1 " ORP * eyl $75 | CMIOIIIU MOTOR HUS 135 E. Hargett St Raleigh TE 2-7410 1964 RAMBLER American Bt*6on Wagon Down 3^^ American J*dr. Hardtop Weaver Bro*. Rambler Ibc. aai w. komato U. M—dM— 9 - Roman 550 V) • Thlcl-aktanad animal El - A mlaeed reertag ■trokfi IS • neayl tdtaSi4 S:iSS&-4 M-Mn. Foel a -Typaa <k notate! a • Anatralkn b4M M • JbaUcal "ahneys" 27 - gtM D4a 4>Mi.) M- loadenterlM St - Game bird M - klneteal an* M - Fer vamp I* LattaAte.) N- . ..ornay 4*-Lord (tab.) a- Hllla of r Roma I 45 • Parchad J 49 - Wlaa 31 - bliaaful » - Weight natr ffl - "Vive .. rot!" ST • Tha anakylattar a-, aMMMC gtextct 61 > Bxclanattaa M -— I 64 - Thu* Denver, Cole. Will Host: Omegas’ 49th Conclave Mav Be Most Successful WMAMAI-OUfi, tod. - Ortoifittoh I BMUnaiCery IX iaooha. dost* PM PM mkarnlty. announced dirflft* U to betn? sSTEaSi ****** ** “3 fist eetoao 3 W* UMM Ugfi S SSf J'm’ulff mZ- Er orranisotiob are Intensely eaavnft'B Rights end has maW movements for the righto of u*J- Qerprlvlleged people Its Social AO- 'IMPORTED RARE SCOTCH i jiovsi I SJ2S rrtisQT Dtnfi urti sunt ncri me •mn r wu uni wmuu. hi., nsi in imnuiniii itmtjL ” uSSSSTma * m ftagiktrtUon u scheduled to let out oil perWhS ptofifilßg W IN THOUGHTS on the Buataeae of Life these two MStatlona ap peared tt ferhoa migoaine: "WS think acedrlng to natofo; we •peak according to rules; but wo act according to eultom- lYaltoli Ween. TO BXPCCT tha boat of Ufa to eotnr whoa you hro goat sevanty ts a hogoiMS Wish, to tty ogntton. TRADE NOW FOR A NEW IMS MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE—NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. tee gmmvnu w. « *** Oealte K 6. «« 3«sisssr‘ % 1745 1 WUSSt" w* 5 ’57 a? einUk ™ ""TSwd »«*ctWN of waEytßPom NO DOWN rATMUMt ON AfMKNtt UMIMf “jygvzms&sissr Wade's Auto Sales m t. CAiAimut NT. m**\? SIZZLING SUMMER VALUES ua OUMMOBU itarftre, • OZ ftiiiy (quipped with air, glue aMHMaau ajate, er. *59 SmotMA mgmarten! power *n^'eer^eo*J rt Sa ♦XI THUWDBUWM) * - to. Pi hardtop pORNg steorlag. Son* one owaer. mi nlc* ♦XI WUNVAMM MMa, Extra ♦xi dxvftotwr mnum t dr. radio ead beaeer. S • MM ftnHfe. WWW MMB *SB VLf * aSSSSae, Mew sieertag, lew ar oM* ada *6O L: ♦Xi foamao umiwiiii * - a=s-* •St OK* w nuts COUSTIOU* iALSSMEK V E. T Burchette. J«. V y #nhort|r BUICK - OPSL • JAOUA* tALMM • »IKVICE AL SMITH BUICIg a. f •*» : ' obtaining to the gssgja sSktaKw. A. A. Meeting* The cofimt Cm ***** Alcoholics AhottyttUM. ttuttifid YMCA. 000 A Bloodworth fit AU goraOitl having gFOOMNn with MaohoUe bovorogee m > «- They wtu fee mb 'S6 ZTL'*- white f*". Wff •gjf: *59 TJfr * iS ♦X9 IHWU Dpoft toAtm, Me I vZ gM and heater. « la MM floor. Baal One. ~ I ’6l JS"Sm». STe«?J». *52 ss. power tnSa radio mk I heater. 3 tom ttottox, wtdte ttrad ♦aj, ctflCJJkO 4 • dr. eedßM 1 sees ♦XA JdOCAii 4-dr. u. 4, whtto W ttree. radio tad Mate*, red leather interkw. Bea.* I dy to roll. ’to rt'TLi; tJ3S tnaamiteion. one ownem Bstra nku *ea »oomAO oauhnt 4 - dr- J W andhejir ar.p *6O LfJISSS w full power, air oonomoa, one owwwr tow aMaaaa. *W CHNYHOUTT 4sdE Mrt; top Bel-Air. MHMM| transmlsamt, redM_ 9m t heater. I-"* white ttroa. --.v' 7

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