Although Man Conte sacs Mnrdcr, til Nude Body In Barn Baffles Police fke Forest NDERTAKER TAKES EMBALMING FLUID THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 22, NO. 39 Woman Claims Rape Try CHANGES AT SHAW DISCUSSED B R R ■ liml * 1® ’ oHESMHH B B BMMMRHk "■> '‘iflßßMßHfl (J PEACE MEETING AND RIOT SCENES Show-n in fop picture are fire civil rights leaden and three officials of the city of New York as they met last Monday in an attempt to quell the riots which have invaded Harlem, Brooklyn and Rochester, N. Y. Secoryi photo shows a police officer on the sidewalk, charging af ter Brooklyn rioten. In photo, left, 3rd from top, one cop holds a youth's neck while another looks on in Harlem. Right picture ihosvs a man ducking as police shoot in the air at fleeing rioters. In bottom picture, a steal-helmeted Negro policeman keeps an eye on two rioters who were shot in Harlem in the wake of demonstra tions which stemmed from the shooting of IS-year-old James Powell by a white off-duty cop on Thursday, July 16. {UPI PHOTO) North Carolina s Leading Weekly RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 1. 1964 President Sves Views On Changes tv w t .... '*V,” In the count of event* in any college, there comae a time when change* have to be made for the best interest of the institution. This seems to be the case at Shaw Uni verslty, where many change* have been made on the faculty and in some of the administrative post*. Dr. James E. Oieek, youthful picsident of the Baptist college, was reluctant to state what prompted the changes, but was quick to in* timate that change was the only thing that did not change in the scheme of things. It was believed to be his thinking that Shaw wss on its way and needed some chang* es to make this possible. It is remembered that the insti tution has paid an outstanding debt of $250,000 since he took over and is now in a drive to raise 5 million dollars for capital improvements. The young president made it plain that building* were not the most urgent need of the university. He pointed out that qualified persons, in every position, were the answer to many of Shaw's ills. He criticiz ed no one and (aid that inevitable changes are necessary. President Cheek let it be lanown that other changes were in the making and would be announced as soon as they were completed. It is apparent that Dr. Cheek intends to give Shaw an adndnttfFahpn at action, whose only interest will be the full development of the live* of the students who choose Shaw as a means of getting an education, in order that they may serve more effectively. Woman ‘Fingers’ Ulan Here Mias Delay Min ter. 710 S. West Street, came to police headquar ters at 10:40 pm. Sunday and told the officer on duty that e bout 13:30 am. Saturday, abe bad made a date with Louis Cheek, 30. 000 block of I. Martin Street. The comnlainant atatrd they went te twe er three dab* in the etty and then en t* Cary. However, she declar ed, en the way hack, he tamed off the highway inside the etty ttantts en Western Beale vari and into a weeded ana. when he attempted to rape her. Min Min ter said she fought him off and got out of the car i several times, but he caught her and told her. "he would kfll me” "He then tried te assault wee agate.” stated Mias Mtetar. She added, “He taM me he knew | weald oat earns to the was "a Be godly one of two Negro wans caught at the former lily-white Deb's Motel. S. Wfl mtngten Street, to the com pany white men PRICE 15c ■*w^ii jgy .-"■uStp* .I; fc. ~m SV: Br fl : jj B n fl C. A. HAYWOOD. SR. Haywood Renamed ToRHA Charles A. (Doll) Haywood, president of the Raleigh Funeral Home, was notified last Friday that he had been reappointed as a member of the Raleigh Housing Authority for a term of five years, which began July 1. The only Negro ever to serve with the RHA. Mr. Haywood received the eapremed appre ciation of the City Council for the services rendered and his (coirn»»tJin> o!« paoi *> Find Body, But Facts Different SMITHTOLD-The body of • nude woman in a tobacco barn Sunday, and the confession of ar aleged murderer, have officials of this Johnston County seat, scratch ing their heads for a solution. Mrs. LoeUlf Alford's body was discovered *aly after Na tes* Morgan, tt. of Reate 1. Hainan, “gave himself ap“ and led aaiharhlf* te the barn where, he said. be had killed tee woman after striking her en tee head trite so axe. Her aaked body only reveal ed a heavy wire knotted ar#aad her meek, amt she is reported to have died hem staagaletlea. Morgan admitted tee staying With adjWarmt weapon and aa were feand daring tee tovesti- He allegedly tokl Sheriffs deputy Charlie Lew* he killed the woman accidently during an argument with another Negro whom he could not identify Ha also admitted that be (truck her with the axe while attempting to strike another Negro man. who (cwmwa cm ream n Stomach Burns Fatal BY CHARLES R. JONES WAKE FOREST When the death of Erneat Royster was made known in thi* northern Wake County Community Sunday, no one waa aapacially aurpriaed aa the af fable funeral home owner and ope rator waa aixty-aix years of age. How tv u, what many persons did r. c t kr.ov. MSB then end even hi B , the time of his PBJEBKiBsiaa funeral here Tuesday, Jul v■ £ \V- July 21, was that I Mr. Roysters ■ death was caused ■.Wi;-' by his drinkmr B||| flmd known to he falsi "A'.V4 if taken in sufii- l-V-s"''. cient quantity It is alleged that ha committed H suicide in this ■ ’S&j s A^Srv wsy. This writei I - interviewed Ben- B ry wuiis. wh.arH/feA owner of Willis Funeral Hottif here and was tr.lfl that, I am sure he had troubles." Mr. ROYSTER Royaler had reportedly talked of Ua money plight with Mr. Willis. The body of the undertaker wa» found in a ravine in back of hia home-funeral parlor, by Chief of Police Harvey R. Newaome and Of ficer W. O. Nuckela after Mr* Royster ia alleged to have called the police atation Saturday after noon in concern over her mussing husband. He was taken to the Wake Forest Brench of Wake Memorial Hospital. Saturday night, where he died at 12:22 i. m. Sunday We also interviewed Mra. Royster this week end she aaid her huaband had given no indication that he was having any problems. Wake Ceanty Cernorer Mar ahall W. Bennett atated Monday (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) Local Druggist's Mother Is Given Last Rights Here Mrs. Elirabeth King Wimberley. 94, of 219 Camden Street, died here last Tuesday morning at her home Funeral service* ware held Friday at the Martin Street BeptiatChurch with the Rev. Dr. Paul H Johnson, pastor, delivering the moving eulo gy. Interment w»s in Mount Hope Cemetery. Born in Edgecombe County, Mra Wimberley wee the daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. Dempeey Kina (cownwoED on r/ oe n a—CAROLINIAN , j [ADVERTISERS I —— BM FROM THEM 1 FAOE t Hortoaa Cut Start Sir Walter Cktvraltt r» PAOC 1 I. C. Ptiuty t ti'pkai AppUaaea Co. Lm4m on Ct Irrtact Rsalty u 4 lasuraora Co. PAGE I HaSaea-Belk-kflrga toka W. WtaUri tad Ct. Soufeera BtU iiniM itnfttn Til< Ci Plrtt FeSeral tavlagt i«< Lot" *»•* M ltaoa-rtrrti: Paraltart Co PAGE • Raleigh Paatrtl Room Prptl-CtU Betti la* Co Pott* Jttn tiaui> Btttatara HlUt MrLoarta PirtMl Ct. MeSlta-Darla Sector Sr the IWf ts Balelgh, I" Ambara PtatUc Brine" Baaklaa aaS Tratt Co. Maiita litt-tftrk at Btletfb Bilott" Savtega aaS Lota Am * PAGE t Ai Matt" Sale" "» »It Rotor Ct. Oito i Aata itlot EoJotf" Cfaltiioa Boom PAGE • rrlnalit fcatoe *'*;*/ I ‘s J " / ;\V-> ' /A--- ■Hj H t ■ I H. ji -Mr k.AF A MOTHER'S GRIEF New York: Mr*. Anna Powell breaks down in autontootit ap-iha leaves funeral home July 20 lor cametery for burial of her ton, Jamas, 15. The boy waa BWy and killed by a policeman July 16. His death sat off a series ol weekend riots in Harlem as dsMSEktra tors protested what they called police brutality. (UP! PHOTO). y- .• K.u Klux Klan Gathering Draws 3,000 Persons; Blasts Governor ROCKY MOUNT—Mounting a venomous attack on President Lyndon Baines Johnson and other leaders at a cross-burning and sermonising aeaelon here Satur day, some 3.000 persona, many of them Ku Klux Klanamen. pledged support of Arisons Senator Barry Ootdwater for president Satur day nigmt. At one point In the heated L session, a man Introduced as | a "Btcaebar" lambasted Presi dent Johnson and “some es ear pea-brained governors as niggers.” He defined ‘nlggsra’ ae anybody that's common. Others assailed by the many speakers were N C. Qovernor San ford. Attorney Oeneral Robert P. Barnes Raps Goldwater 9 s Stand; Rebels DURHAM—The political pot la really boiling here since Alexander Barnes, candidate for the State Sen ate, let looee a broadside at the Republican nominee. Barry Gold watci. and also took the local Re publican leader* to task for lily white-ism The *torv appeared in a Monday issue of the local dally newspaper and net out the fact that Barnes minted no words in saying that he rotild. In no way, support the can didary of the Republican nominee for President He made II dear that be was not quitting the party, but (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1) W EATHE K Temperature* fur th* five Say period. Thursday through Monday, will average one to three degrees below normal. Coaler or nat so warm Friday and Saturday, he ranting warmer again about Sun der and Monday. geaUored (haw rr* and rhunder ihawer* Thursday will total from one-quarter »f tn Imh and lorslly three-quarter* to one Inrh Otherwise lltUe, If an*, tain thronah Monday. E. t Quinn Furniture Dunn • Etta ttrvirt Hunt General Tin Co PAGP » F. Builder! Co. Ttvlor Bidto and ElactrtcaJ Co ( immunity Plarltt Imtuad t Grocery and Trtntltr i tdward! "hoot aad MUllntry PAGE 1* Betty Gty Carolina BaUdara Cara. Bldfeoay a Optician, fair.. Peptl-C ola Bottllnr Co. of Eal«U" PAGE 11 Unrola Theatre mhtaer I Puneral Rome ■ Arme Realty Co Mechanic t aad Parmera Baa" Kbit Cole Motel Gem Watch Shup iPAGE H Vatina BuUdera (apply Capital Bargain gtara PAGE U I "hart WhWeaale Co . fair Wrean-Pharr McLeod Wateon aad Laaelr PAGE 1* Ee/al Crow a Bottling Co. DaaMfa Tluenti Record ghop Tire galea aad Bernre * Washington Tarraee Apts. tea. Kennedy, Richardson Preyer, former federsl judge, and unsuc cessful candidate for governor of the State, and Oovernor Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York. One speaker pointed out. “We From Raleighs Police Files; '■ THE CRIME BEAT * BY CHARLES R. JONES f * ’ie'li’,. CROWDER CAUGHT WITH THE "GOODS'* Officers J. W. Boles and E. Randalph ware walking a beat In tba tea blaek as Fayetteville Street at l:Sg p. m. Monday, when Albert B. Crowder IS. of IBM E. Jane* Street paaaad them with a earners under hla arm. Boles stepped Crowder and both rope teak him Into Eekerd'a Drug Blare, where Mias Virgin ia Thempaen. an employee, I dentitled the camera as belong ing to Echoed'*. Crowder was then taken to W*kr County Jail and charged with lar ceny in the theft of the $49 05 earner* Hi* bond waa set at DOO. Hr. Cozarl Retiring As A C ollege Prexy CONCORD Or. L«land Stan-1 ford Cozart. president of Barber* I Scotia College since 1032. an* I nouncra his retirement to become ! effective September 1, 1064 Dr. Cozart brought to hit work a background rich In training and experience. He teas born hi Oxford. North Carolina, where ho waa grad uated from The Mary Potter High School, then operated by the Board of National Mls •lnna of the United Preaby terian Church. USA. Later he earned the A.B. degree at Johnson C. Smith Unlveralty; the B. S. and M.A. degree#, j with majora In education and paychology. at Teachers Col lege, Columbia Unlveralty, and puraued father graduate worh at Union and Harvard. John son C Smith conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Pedagogy. Hu experience aa teacher and director of Mary Potter High School, aa principal of the Wash- Ington High School In Raleigh, a* executive secretary of the North Carolina Teachers Association and editor of the North Carolina Tea chers Record prepared him richly for dutlea as president of Barber - Scotla College Attorneys Pledge Full—- Support Os New CR Layr - The Southeastern IMM **• ■ociation met lest » eckend at the Meadowbrook Country Club In Raleigh, with Attorney Mlchae O Flnkeletein. Ass taunt Oeneral Counsel for the Civil RighU Com mission, participating in a panel discussion of the Civil Rights Law The theme. ‘'Explanation. Im plementation and Impact of the CMI Rights Lows.” was develop are not the same Ku EUR Xian of Reconstruction days. Tht pre , sent day Klan is namad United Klan* of America, Inc. "I don't know how DpgtMoera (CONTINUED ON PAGE f) COULDN'T IUCMRMHA MV FRIEND'S NAME ” • Mias Janie Martin. 30. of 734 Ouarry Street-Apt. B, reported to the cops Sunday, the htf boy friend came Into he. apartment, followed her Into the bathroom, (hen proceeded to beat her up. The woman claimed aha fall, Injuring her left shoulder, fest added, “I den i want to sign a warrant." She further stated aha thought her boyfriend's name ia "Sena thing like Ernie Wilder and he lives on Adams Lane—l think," she concluded. Mias Martin was treated at Wake Memorial Hasp Hal far a swollen shoulder. ._ -I-'- (con i'inued'on PASH J) i\j - **• DR LELAND S. COZAftT He has served ts seovtary* treasurer of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools i since the beginning of this his-, tory-msklng organization. Deoam (coßTProEP wi rfM S ed. Also participating on At sate el discussion wan Jqfry-, u Chambers, former staff of the Legal EducaUonaTSttSb fense Pund. NAACPi gMaaaor Chester Antleau. OeorgMHßTU nlverilty Law School; mggK/t W. Tucker. Civil Rights Ahnpf of Richmond. Virginia, and HOKUM Fred J Carnage of Ralefttt* The ■Resolution CocxunlteM «Oh-