After Six*Week Search. CHAVES YIELD 3 BODIES IN MISS. Br * bßvw v; - '*''" '** «*» H - BPrr^> 1 ' w H JB ii&w ■nlfipi p « ss - y ’ 4 ' |mu| i «!».- ' &£»"**■•. _ fflft MbW -«> " fl Bk> RiV* ** P, ;,. ■ BBM|f- .; MM-' - ••; % •• .*s♦**■“s*. EATING OUT OF HIS HAND New York .Tyrone Copeland, 4, fias Patrolman Kenneth Km/mm eating mat of hie hand on a peaceful Sunday morning in Harlem July 26th. Tyrone (of 388 Lenox Avenue) shares his potato sticks with the policeman, who relaxee during a quiet tour wi duty m riat-tor&Harle*. (UPI P.HOTO). f ■ ', ' , ChawbtteMAACP Hears DC’s C. Mitchell Sunday CHARLOTTE The Charlotte Br- 'ch of the National Asociation for the Advancement of Colored People will present CJlarehce Mit From Raleigh's Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES ■ / . 'tc 4- "FINGERS" WOMAN IN „ . POCKETBOOK THEFT Mrs. Nancy Scott McLeod, of, Route A Raleigh, told Officers S W Adcock and Jimmy Pierce at 11:25 p. m. Saturday, she left her pocketbook in a car in front of 216 W. South Street, containing 116. and when she returned, she found. it missing. * Mrs. McLeod ■ “fingered" Miss Margie Davis, sf Ml l-i E. Har gett Street, .as the person , who stele the 1 pocketbook and the money. Bbe signed s warrant against dto woman, charging larceny. ■'Hr r W Mpafl a F7 BBy- r y ■ • ' - 'tt?- ■ '. - "t, f ' s-11 in AKTHVR ASHE . Jr., 21-yu er-old Richmond, V* tenrWa afar says he would Kko to win the at Wimbledon, England. (See story). chell, NAACP Washington Bureau Director. Sunday evening, August 9. 1964, at 8 p.m. at the SC Paul Baptist Church. KNOCKS HOLE IN WIPE'S HEAD Mrs. Delores Watson M, of , 1M Seswell Avenue, told police /officers st l£g a. m. Sunday, that her htisbsnd. Eddie Wat son. 21. some address, hit her on the head with a bottle, some where between Chip’s Drlve-ln. on Downtown Boulevard, and treated for "a hole in the head" st Wake Memorial Hospital. Officers L. Godwin and R. L. Johnson cited both to court after charging them with engaging in an affray. (CONTINUED ON PAGE II Mr Mitchell was commended at the Annual Convention of the NA. A'CP for his “non-ending devotion and untiring service" which lgd to the passage of the historic oivil rights bill. The masterful and su perb legislative strategist gained the distinction of leading lobbyist' of this age. '* Mitchell was the mam who buttonholed Congressmen after other lobbyists could get no where with them. ■* Is th* (CONTINUED ON P/.OE t) WEATHER Temperatures W the period, Thursday through Monday, will avsrsg* one to three degrees Mop normal In the western sec tion to around two to three de grees below’ normal to the eastern section. The normal high and low temperatures for the period are: hiclt, S7 degrees sad low, d7 de trees. Cooler weather trtll follow Friday and Saturday with mow ers occurring Saturday and Sun day nlth about one inch of rain fall except for three-nnarters of an Inch or less to the western sec tion. Asks Aid In KKK Terror 11 1 z: v __..._:. VOL. 22. NO. 40 RALEKW, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. 1964 Death Inquest Fri. Seeks Local, Federal Aid In Halifax ENFIELD—A North Carolina civ il tights official, charging that a July SO attempt to burn down an Enfield Negro grocery store la “but the latest incident in mounting Ku Klux Klan terrorism in Halifax County.” has asked for Federal and State protection for Negroes in tola black-belt county. He reported Monday afternoon, how ever, in an exclusive CAROLINIAN interview that there were no an swers to his pleas, John R. Salter. Jr., Raleigh, field secretary for the Seathem Conference Educational Fend (BCEF), said Rut shortly before midnight em July N, a largo amount of haraaena eras thrown an the aide of the grocery Store and ignited. The fire was ex tin gala bed before extensive damage had been done to the store which belooga to Curtis Pittman of Enfield, ikliar aald that Nagre residents to the are*. ssr-“Ufi%ra« 'ixr^rSs.’Sfx: broke eat. * He also stated that “several large Texaco fuel storage tanks sit about It ‘yards from the store and, hod the fire gone on muijh longer, it (CONTINUED - ON PAOE S) • 1 J ' '*■ Farrington’s Upset Wife Loses Baby HOUSTON kpl> Fans and friends of the late John “Bo M Farrington. Chicago Bears foot ball star, were further saddened here laat week—toon it was leom ed that months. school teacher. wmCM^totfsiight| at the tragic nnrafflelU|c cldent which ttflkJfr luUmlmL life, that she loft. hen >t»TO 9 Mrs. FsrrifjtoSl upjflfttg- J reiving the ShflM tanee telepheke /nulMniVl Coach Halaa.TMMdt V,f frensy and hsa\»|anmMA to a local an her hebT. by hU mother hjgftjMftlle Jones, fath |foßßr rsnr.n AftOP zymm torfedon wcß : '-'OE|pD s student at the •i&Hssm -Wtrm Lbantou »..ns—Mr by gltypiTm r wmm * f ° h>oT ßß*- 4 ' *2x?M win ewSßOmw ] -HB^fn. FroStez: wsi f/J •». VI Mrs. Clara deTSon. the last ThJßiy a&ing tVtaJWr 1450 sluT claims Ml owed \\to Shaw University Dr. James>ft ! Cheek. Shows president was miA North Carolina *s Leading Weekly IH Il Ml H k. b|B BB^B< B B Bp b b*b p jß* L-?' v *HF v ‘ , ' w -*. *s PAGEANT Pretty Miss Dor ohty entry in the "Miss Universe” Pageant, held last week, was named one otf he IS semi- VjtfcA L/sA'' content last Tuesday. The 1 k-year mm first Ms4 rr > ever to place in the semi-finals. The BrAiSf'|||9>’fi| ,:g ffTli Greece,” A/im Kiriakt Tsopei, of Athens. gj|gyfe|ct, 48, Held In Dunn Bbageon Deaths DUNN Ad ox-ldfmA only out oUtifun lor *>e iKiMßffisßgte Mm rflM—roflg^njpmiiiMMM 1 l/n an iron B*n iwiiraHlSlil HrTlfifM 71 “fTruawvim sEM^rrs roiTISERS emm » ft— f P ■BB *■■ Store I . ..... 1 > sHm c of I%W<I PACK t ft ! A'"No' I Landau OH to I AiV M ETfiffr Ttrs Mechanics and Vsrm-rf topWh a* Acme U Sdltp Co. M E PACE I HjS*, f * - M T^jflTßKZgn^iifcdmmuumMF umtr/gl Shop of ftalalfb. toe. pjts Uanbtna and Trust Co. Of BsJelgh Xntotib daetogs and Loan Ass n Had my punter' He snid Me- | Douguid told him. “You ain't got no ponto horn nod you know It." An argument ensued. Smith con tinued, and MeDougald ordered him out. However, instead of leav ing, Smith picked up an iron pipe, one and one-half feet long and bent the cleaning plant owner to death. About thto Ume, The Rot. (COWTDfUUO ON PAOC t) -BUY FROM THEM s I PAGE T Al Smith Butch ' Pawls Motor Co. Wade's Auto Isles . PAGE ( colonial dtoroa U. E. Quinn Para Mara PAGE • Shades Furniture James Bandars TIU Co. Estates Builders Co. PAGg Id Carolina Bunders Cory aid gsway's Optician. Inc Pep,l-Cols Porttlng Co. of BaJalfh PAGg It Vatina Builders dapple PAGE ! . Lincoln Theatre ' P'.GE M Johnson, l-nm be PAOC Id McLood. Watoau sad Lanelr PAGE U Royal Crown BoWltog Co. Goodman's , Bonn's taan drretea Kins cat* Hotel PRICE ISc Pedestrian Warned, But Hit By Car Wake County Comorer Marshall W. Bennett Informed The CARO LINIAN Wednesday of this week that an Inquest Into the death of an M>-year-old man. killed when struck by an automobile early Sun day. will be held Friday st S p.m. In the Commls'lnners' Room of the Wake County Courthouse. Oscar Evans, of OM W. Booth Street, whe hud been to Wahe Memorial Hospital far treat ment aft bead wound, and was walking back when ■‘ruck, was dead on arrival when his body arrived beck there. Mr. Evans was struck by s car driven by George Rufus Hinton. t1 ( of 111 §. Boopdmry Hinton told police sffleers that he pulled nut to pern another eer end did art am Evens un til It was too late to avuM hit ting Mm. . , Patrolmen D. C. Brinson »nd J A. Ferry stated they ssw Mr. Evoke at New Been Avenue, near Ktog Charles .Bead about ton r "*" u ‘'* before the fetal accident, which oc curred at M:80 am. He was toportedly warned 1? the M pa Sien that It wee dangerous to walk to the street Two witnesses told pollee Mr. Evans was walking near the eentor of the street when hit. CORE Head Inks Pad, Then Balks NEW YORK. N. Y.-Following a top civil rights leadership confer ence here on July JBth, CORE Na tional Director James Parmer join ed with four other leaders In sign ing a statement “strongly opposing looting, vandalism or any type of criminal activities" but declinsd to join them In signing s statement urging " s broad curtailment. If not total moratorium of mass demon utrstions until after Election Day." The four ether signers were the Rev. Martin Luther King. Jr., es M IX'. Rey Wllklna of NAACP. Whitney Yeung es Ur ban League and A. Philip Ran dolph es NALC. John Lewie es BNCC declined to sign either (CONTINUED ON PAOC •> fl CULPRITS DESECRATE CEMETERY E. N. Nipper, supt. of Raleigh’s cemeteries, reported to Oftkere T. T, Street, Jr„ and Jeetph Winters at 10:36*# m. Monday, that eomatUna be tween late Saturday and early Monday, someone pushed asm 31 gravestones in- Mount Hope Cemetery, a Negro facility. Savmal of the storm were broken in the deeacration by vandals. The a mount oi damage to the broken storm was not determined at CAROLINIAN press time. The back side of the cemetery, which border* on the lily-white Caraleigh section ol the city, ia wheat the damate was dona Lab Tests Awaited In. . Identities I JACKSON. Miss Three bod ies, believed to be those a t the civil rights workers, missing slnot June 31. were discovered Tueedmj night at a dam site near Phila delphia. Mias, where the trto wai last seen alive. The chief es the FBI iu tMs Mississippi capitol. Bap Moan, declared his agency "la fairly certain" these bodtoe are UtoM es the missing aides, but add* ed. positive Idmrtfflcatton Mi- Mi be made until laboratory linlg Aiqi made. The men, who disappeared sis weeks ago. are: James Bari Chan ey. 31. a Negro, of nearby Meri den, Miss.: Andrew Goodman. 30 and Henry Bchwemer, 34. both white New Yorkers. Their burned out station wagon was found on a * lonley road the day followlni their disappearance. When informed at the dis coveries, Mississippi Governor Paul B. Johnson stated, "If these are the bodtoe es the 3 for several weeks, the tuvee tlgatlve forces es the state es Misalsatppi win exert every' ef fort to apprehend these iHw may have been responsible Mr their death* " The FBI told Oovernor JohitSM the bodies were found on a farm southwest of Philadelphia, near the Neschoba Fairgrounds. All throe workers were In PhiI (CONTINUED* ON PAOE I) Blackmon, Top Singer, Visits Home BY CHARLES R. JONES An lntemattonally-knowß sing er. whose native home Is Ralston. Is paying the etty a visit this wash. He performed "The Lord la My kfe and My Salvation" at Fjrst Baptist Chutoh. here Bundw and was warmly received. " Henry BUckmon, Jr- a us#- duet of Crosby-Garfield Ele mentary and Washington High Reboots, who pu rested further studies at both Shaw and Howard I’nivsrsittos . has Br ed abroad In Europe far the past seven yours as a profes sions! singer. He ruetoss with a Dutch family In The Bagno. Holland. An accomplished and » fl "i jt n*< baM-baritone, Mr. Blaktaon bar (CONTINUED ON PAOg t> fl b M

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